Late Mesozoic high-K calc-alkaline magmatism in Southeast China: the Tongling example

2017 ◽  
Vol 60 (11-14) ◽  
pp. 1326-1360 ◽  
Cailai Wu ◽  
Shuwen Dong ◽  
Di Wu ◽  
Xin Zhang ◽  
W. G. Ernst
Lithos ◽  
1998 ◽  
Vol 45 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 329-348 ◽  
A. Rottura ◽  
G.M. Bargossi ◽  
A. Caggianelli ◽  
A. Del Moro ◽  
D. Visonà ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 518-531
Yang Liu ◽  
Nianqiao Fang ◽  
Menglin Qiang ◽  
Lei Jia ◽  
Chaojie Song

AbstractSoutheastern Guangxi is located in the southwestern South China Block and to the northwest of the South China Sea (SCS), with abundant records of the Cretaceous magmatism. A detailed study of igneous rocks will contribute to a better understanding of the late Mesozoic tectonic environment. Zircon U–Pb dating yields ages of 93.37 ± 0.43 Ma for Yulin andesites and 107.6 ± 1.2 Ma for Luchuan granites. Yulin andesites are hornblende andesites, of which w(MgO) is between 7.72% and 8.42%, and Mg# is between 66.7 and 68.0, belonging to high magnesian andesites (HMAs) from peridotite sources. Luchuan granites are medium- to fine-grained monzogranites. Monzogranites and clastoporphyritic lava are high-K calc-alkaline series and metaluminum to weakly peraluminous series, which belong to the I-type granites. Those are enriched in Rb, Th, K and LREEs and depleted in Nb, Ta, P and Eu, showing the geochemical characteristics related to subduction. Unlike the contemporary “bimodal igneous rock assemblages” in Zhejiang and Fujian, the intermediate-acid magmatites in the southeastern Guangxi imply the compressive tectonic environment. The assemblage of HMAs and adakitic rocks indicates that the southwestern South China Block was under the Neo-Tethyan subduction during Cretaceous, and slab melting contributed to the magma in this area.

2001 ◽  
Vol 172 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-200 ◽  
Olivier Blein ◽  
Henriette Lapierre ◽  
Richard A. Schweickert ◽  
Arnaud Pecher ◽  
Cedric Reynaud

Abstract Two types of island-arc occur in the North American Cordillera during the Permian-Triassic times. The first type is exposed in the eastern Klamath and Blue Mountains (fig. 1). Its stratigraphy is continuous from Permian to Triassic, and is composed of arc-tholeiites with minor calc-alkaline lavas. This suite shows high epsilon Nd (sub (T)) values similar to the range of intra-oceanic island-arc [Lapierre et al., 1987; Brouxel et al., 1987, 1988; Charvet et al., 1990; Lapierre et al., 1990, 1994]. In contrast, the second type, exposed in northern Sierra Nevada and central-western Nevada (Black Dyke) (fig. 1), is characterized by an early Permian calc-alkaline suite, with positive to negative epsilon Nd (sub (T)) values. Its basement is inferred to present continental affinities [Rouer et Lapierre, 1989; Rouer et al., 1989; Blein et al., 1996, 2000]. In western Nevada, volcanic rocks of early Triassic age are present in few localities: (1) the Triassic Koipato Group in central Nevada (fig. 1); (2) the Pablo Formation in the Shoshone mountains and the Paradise Range (figs. 1 and 2); and (3) the Garfield Flat formation in the Excelsior mountains (figs. 1 and 2). Silberling [1959] has subdivided the Pablo formation into three members: clastic, limestone, and greenstone (fig. 3). The clastic member consists of andesites, interbedded with volcaniclastic turbidites. The contact between the clastic and the limestone members is gradational and interlensing. The limestones are locally bioclastic with shell fragments, indicating a shallow-water deposition. They yielded a reworked late Permian fauna which suggests a late Permian or younger age. The clastic and limestone members could represent the recurrent rapid deposition in a shallow marine basin of volcanic flows, reworked material from a nearby terrane of volcanic, granitic, and sedimentary rocks. The greenstone member is composed of andesites, volcanic breccias and tuffs. The middle Triassic Granstville formation rests conformably on the Pablo formation. Both formations are affected by Mesozoic polyphase deformations [Oldow, 1985]. The Permian and/or Triassic Garfield Flat formation is composed of ignimbrites and pyroclastic breccia interlayered with conglomerates, sandstones, calcareous and red pelites (fig. 4). The Jurassic-Triassic Gabbs-Sunrise formation rests unconformably on the Garfield Flat formation. Both formations are affected by Mesozoic polyphase deformations [Oldow, 1985]. In the Pablo formation, lavas are shoshonitic basalts and calc-alkaline andesites, while calc-alkaline andesites and rhyolites predominate in the Garfield Flat formation. Basalts and andesites exhibit enriched LREE patterns (fig. 6) with slight negative anomalies in TiO 2 , Nb and Ta typical of subducted-related magmas in the primitive mantle-normalized spidergrams (fig. 7). The lavas show epsilon Sr (sub (T)) and epsilon Nd (sub (T)) values which range between -0.4 to +19.6, and -1.4 to +0.8 respectively (fig. 8). Most of the samples are displaced from the mantle array toward higher epsilon Sr (sub (T)) values, due to the alteration. The epsilon Nd (sub (T)) values, close to the Bulk Earth composition, record an interaction between material from a juvenile pole (mantle or young crust) and from an old crust. The Pablo and Garfield Flat formations differ from the Permian Black Dyke formation. This latter is characterized by calc-alkaline basalts and mafic andesites enriched in LREE, and a mantle source contaminated by subducted sediments or arc-basement [Blein et al., 2000]. The Pablo and Garfield Flat formations show many similarities with the Koipato Group. In central Nevada, the Koipato Group is a sequence of andesites, dacites and rhyolites interbedded with tuffs and volcaniclastic sediments. It rests with a marked angular unconformity on folded Upper Paleozoic oceanic rocks [Silberling and Roberts, 1962]. Fission-track dating on zircon [McKee and Burke, 1972] indicate an age of 225+ or -30 Ma for the Koipato Group. Ammonites, near the top, are considered to be upper early Triassic [Silberling, 1973]. The Pablo and Garfield Flat lavas share in common with the Koipato Group: (1) late Permian to middle Triassic ages; (2) abundant andesites and rhyolites with minor basalts, associated with felsic pyroclastic breccias; (3) LILE and LREE enrichement; (4) low epsilon Nd (sub (T)) values suggesting a juvenile source with slight contamination by a crustal component; (5) La/Nb ratios close to the lower limit of orogenic andesites [Gill, 1981]; and (6) high Nb/Zr ratios suggesting a generation far from a subduction zone [Thieblemont and Tegyey, 1994]. This Triassic high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmatism is enriched in K, Rb, Th, Nb and Ta relative to the calc-alkaline Black Dyke lavas, and is mainly juvenile judging from Nd isotopic ratios. The source may correspond either to a juvenile crust composed of high-K andesites [Roberts and Clemens, 1993], which could be the Black Dyke lavas, or to phlogopite-K-richterite enriched lithospheric mantle. In both cases, the generation of the high-K calc-alkaline magmatism needs the former existence of an important subduction phase to generate its source. The lavas of the Pablo and Garfield Flat formations are similar to calc-alkaline and shoshonitic lavas emitted in post-collisional setting. Post-collisional arc/continent magmatism is varied from intermediate to felsic, calc-alkaline to shoshonitic, low to high-K and meta-aluminous to hyper-aluminous. The studied lavas may be compared to the arc/passive margin collision of Papua-New Guinea, where a post-collisional magmatism characterized by high-K basalts, andesites and shoshonites [McKenzie, 1976]. In Nevada, this post-collisional event develops after the accretion of the Permian Black Dyke island-arc (Type 2), and before the accretion of the intra-oceanic Permo-Triassic arc (Type 1).

2017 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 45 ◽  
Elizard González-Becuar ◽  
Efrén Pérez-Segura ◽  
Ricardo Vega-Granillo ◽  
Luigi Solari ◽  
Carlos Manuel González-León ◽  

Plutonic rocks of the Puerta del Sol area, in central Sonora, represent the extension to the south of the El Jaralito batholith, and are part of the footwall of the Sierra Mazatán metamorphic core complex, whose low-angle detachment fault bounds the outcrops of plutonic rocks to the west. Plutons in the area record the magmatic evolution of the Laramide arc and the Oligo-Miocene syn-extensional plutonism in Sonora. The basement of the area is composed by the ca. 1.68 Ga El Palofierral orthogneiss that is part of the Caborca block. The Laramide plutons include the El Gato diorite (71.29 ± 0.45 Ma, U-Pb), the El Pajarito granite (67.9 ± 0.43 Ma, U-Pb), and the Puerta del Sol granodiorite (49.1 ± 0.46 Ma, U-Pb). The younger El Oquimonis granite (41.78 ± 0.32 Ma, U-Pb) is considered part of the scarce magmatism that in Sonora records a transition to the Sierra Madre Occidental magmatic event. The syn-extensional plutons are the El Garambullo gabbro (19.83 ± 0.18 Ma, U-Pb) and the Las Mayitas granodiorite (19.2 ± 1.2 Ma, K-Ar). A migmatitic event that affected the El Palofierral orthogneiss, El Gato diorite, and El Pajarito granite between ca. 68 and 59 Ma might be related to the emplacement of the El Pajarito granite. The plutons are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous, with the exception of El Oquimonis granite, which is a peraluminous two-mica, garnet-bearing granite. They are mostly high-K calc-alkaline with nearly uniform chondrite-normalized REE and primitive-mantle normalized multielemental patterns that are characteristic of continental margin arcs and resemble patterns reported for other Laramide granites of Sonora. The Laramide and syn-extensional plutons also have Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic ratios that plot within the fields reported for Laramide granites emplaced in the Caborca terrane in northwestern and central Sonora. Nevertheless, and despite their geochemical affinity to continental magmatic arcs, the El Garambullo gabbro and Las Mayitas granodiorite are syn-extensional plutons that were emplaced at ca. 20 Ma during development of the Sierra Mazatán metamorphic core complex. The 40Ar/39Ar and K-Ar ages obtained for the El Palofierral orthogneiss, the Puerta del Sol granodiorite, the El Oquimonis granite, and the El Garambullo gabbro range from 26.3 ± 0.6 to 17.4 ± 1.0 Ma and are considered cooling ages associated with the exhumation of the metamorphic core complex.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Jia-Hao Jing ◽  
Hao Yang ◽  
Wen-Chun Ge ◽  
Yu Dong ◽  
Zheng Ji ◽  

Abstract Late Mesozoic igneous rocks are important for deciphering the Mesozoic tectonic setting of NE China. In this paper, we present whole-rock geochemical data, zircon U–Pb ages and Lu–Hf isotope data for Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks from the Tulihe area of the northern Great Xing’an Range (GXR), with the aim of evaluating the petrogenesis and genetic relationships of these rocks, inferring crust–mantle interactions and better constraining extension-related geodynamic processes in the GXR. Zircon U–Pb ages indicate that the rhyolites and trachytic volcanic rocks formed during late Early Cretaceous time (c. 130–126 Ma). Geochemically, the highly fractionated I-type rhyolites exhibit high-K calc-alkaline, metaluminous to weakly peraluminous characteristics. They are enriched in light rare earth elements (LREEs) and large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs) but depleted in high-field-strength elements (HFSEs), with their magmatic zircons ϵHf(t) values ranging from +4.1 to +9.0. These features suggest that the rhyolites were derived from the partial melting of a dominantly juvenile, K-rich basaltic lower crust. The trachytic volcanic rocks are high-K calc-alkaline series and exhibit metaluminous characteristics. They have a wide range of zircon ϵHf(t) values (−17.8 to +12.9), indicating that these trachytic volcanic rocks originated from a dominantly lithospheric-mantle source with the involvement of asthenospheric mantle materials, and subsequently underwent extensive assimilation and fractional crystallization processes. Combining our results and the spatiotemporal migration of the late Early Cretaceous magmatic events, we propose that intense Early Cretaceous crust–mantle interaction took place within the northern GXR, and possibly the whole of NE China, and that it was related to the upwelling of asthenospheric mantle induced by rollback of the Palaeo-Pacific flat-subducting slab.

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