scholarly journals Association between timing of hot water bathing before bedtime and night-/sleep-time blood pressure and dipping in the elderly: a longitudinal analysis for repeated measurements in home settings

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (12) ◽  
pp. 1714-1722 ◽  
Yoshiaki Tai ◽  
Keigo Saeki ◽  
Yuki Yamagami ◽  
Kiyomi Yoshimoto ◽  
Norio Kurumatani ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 461-467 ◽  
Kenji Obayashi ◽  
Keigo Saeki ◽  
Junko Iwamoto ◽  
Nozomi Okamoto ◽  
Kimiko Tomioka ◽  

Niken Setyaningrum ◽  
Andri Setyorini ◽  
Fachruddin Tri Fitrianta

ABSTRACTBackground: Hypertension is one of the most common diseases, because this disease is suffered byboth men and women, as well as adults and young people. Treatment of hypertension does not onlyrely on medications from the doctor or regulate diet alone, but it is also important to make our bodyalways relaxed. Laughter can help to control blood pressure by reducing endocrine stress andcreating a relaxed condition to deal with relaxation.Objective: The general objective of the study was to determine the effect of laughter therapy ondecreasing elderly blood pressure in UPT Panti Wredha Budhi Dharma Yogyakarta.Methods: The design used in this study is a pre-experimental design study with one group pre-posttestresearch design where there is no control group (comparison). The population in this study wereelderly aged over> 60 years at 55 UPT Panti Wredha Budhi Dharma Yogyakarta. The method oftaking in this study uses total sampling. The sample in this study were 55 elderly. Data analysis wasused to determine the difference in blood pressure before and after laughing therapy with a ratio datascale that was using Pairs T-TestResult: There is an effect of laughing therapy on blood pressure in the elderly at UPT Panti WredhaBudhi Dharma Yogyakarta marked with a significant value of 0.000 (P <0.05)

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Hartin Suidah ◽  
Ninik Murtiyani ◽  
Arif Susanto ◽  
Yufi Aris Lestari ◽  
Shindy Sofyaning Fitra

ABSTRAKMasih tingginya penderita hipertensi merupakan salah satu masalah yang berpengaruh terhadap gaya hidup dan sikap yang mendorong timbulnya hipertensi. Untuk menangani tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi umumnya minum obat-obatan dari puskesmas, rutinitas ini sering tidak disukai oleh penderita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas air rebusan daun seledri terhadap perubahan tekanan darah pada lansia di Posyandu Ngudi Konco Desa Donomulyo Kecamatan Donomulyo Kabupaten Malang.Desain penelitian ini Pre-Experimental dengan rancangan One- Group Pre-Post test design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua lansia penderita hipertensi di Posyandu Ngudi Konco Desa Donomulyo Kecamatan Donomulyo Kabupaten Malang sebanyak 30 responden. Sampel diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Variabel penelitian yaitu pemberian air rebusan daun seledri sebagai variabel independent dan tekanan darah sebagai variabel dependen. Data yang di dapat melalui lembar observasi tekanan darah kemudian di uji dengan menggunakan uji paired t Test.Hasil uji paired t Test menunjukkan bahwa p = 0,000 α= 0,05 Ho di tolak dan H1 diterima sehingga air rebusan daun seledri efektif terhadap perubahan tekanan darah pada lansia di Posyandu Ngudi Konco Desa Donomulyo Kecamatan Donomulyo Kabupaten Malang.Terdapat penurunan jumlah penderita hipertensi sebelum dan sesudah diberikan air rebusan daun seledri. Responden agar dapat meningkatkan informasi tentang pelaksanaan tekanan darah sehingga dapat mengurangi tekanan darah yang dialami dengan cara non formakologi sehingga responden tidak hanya menggantungkan pada obat-obatan farmakologi dalam menurunkan tekanan darah.Kata kunci : Air Rebusan Daun Seledri, Tekanan Darah, Lansia ABSTRACTStill high hypertension was  one of the problems that affect the lifestyle and attitudes that encourage the emergence of hypertension. To handle blood pressure in people with hypertension generally take  medication from puskesmas, this routine was often disliked by the patient. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of boiling water celery leaves on changes in blood pressure in the elderly at Posyandu Ngudi Konco Donomulyo Village Donomulyo District Malang Regency.The design of this research was  Pre-Experimental with the design of One- Group Pre-Post test design. Population in this research was all elderly patient of hypertension in Posyandu Ngudi Konco Village Donomulyo District Donomulyo Malang Regency as many as 30 respondents. Samples were taken with total sampling technique. The research variable was giving boiled water of celery leaves as independent variable and blood pressure as dependent variable. The data can be through blood pressure observation sheet then tested by using paired t test.The result of paired t - test showed that p = 0.000 α = 0.05 Ho in rejection and H1 accepted so that boiling water celery leaf effective against blood pressure changes in elderly at Posyandu Ngudi Konco Donomulyo Village Donomulyo District Malang Regency. There was a decrease in the number of hypertensive patients before and after being given boiled water of celery leaves. Respondents in order to improve information about the implementation of blood pressure so as to reduce blood pressure experienced by non-formakologi way so that respondents not only rely on pharmacological drugs in lowering blood pressure. Key Words: Water Stew of Celery leaves, Blood Pressure, Elderly

2008 ◽  
Vol 26 (9) ◽  
pp. 1765-1772 ◽  
Hermine Lenoir ◽  
Jean-Marc Lacombe ◽  
Carole Dufouil ◽  
Pierre Ducimetière ◽  
Olivier Hanon ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 312 (3) ◽  
pp. R281-R291 ◽  
Kate N. Thomas ◽  
André M. van Rij ◽  
Samuel J. E. Lucas ◽  
James D. Cotter

Passive heat induces beneficial perfusion profiles, provides substantive cardiovascular strain, and reduces blood pressure, thereby holding potential for healthy and cardiovascular disease populations. The aim of this study was to assess acute responses to passive heat via lower-limb, hot-water immersion in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and healthy, elderly controls. Eleven patients with PAD (age 71 ± 6 yr, 7 male, 4 female) and 10 controls (age 72 ± 7 yr, 8 male, 2 female) underwent hot-water immersion (30-min waist-level immersion in 42.1 ± 0.6°C water). Before, during, and following immersion, brachial and popliteal artery diameter, blood flow, and shear stress were assessed using duplex ultrasound. Lower-limb perfusion was measured also using venous occlusion plethysmography and near-infrared spectroscopy. During immersion, shear rate increased ( P < 0.0001) comparably between groups in the popliteal artery (controls: +183 ± 26%; PAD: +258 ± 54%) and brachial artery (controls: +117 ± 24%; PAD: +107 ± 32%). Lower-limb blood flow increased significantly in both groups, as measured from duplex ultrasound (>200%), plethysmography (>100%), and spectroscopy, while central and peripheral pulse-wave velocity decreased in both groups. Mean arterial blood pressure was reduced by 22 ± 9 mmHg (main effect P < 0.0001, interaction P = 0.60) during immersion, and remained 7 ± 7 mmHg lower 3 h afterward. In PAD, popliteal shear profiles and claudication both compared favorably with those measured immediately following symptom-limited walking. A 30-min hot-water immersion is a practical means of delivering heat therapy to PAD patients and healthy, elderly individuals to induce appreciable systemic (chronotropic and blood pressure lowering) and hemodynamic (upper and lower-limb perfusion and shear rate increases) responses.

1988 ◽  
Vol 75 (s19) ◽  
pp. 47P-47P
J.F. Potter ◽  
D. Heseltine ◽  
G. Hartley ◽  
O.F.W. James

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