Effect of sowing methods and sowing rate in organic seed production of timothy (Phleum pratense L.), meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)

Lars T. Havstad ◽  
John Ingar Øverland
А.Д. Капсамун ◽  
Е.Н. Павлючик ◽  
Н.Н. Иванова

Изучение урожайности трёхкомпонентных бобово-злаковых травосмесей с различными сортами клевера лугового проводилось в Тверской области на опытном поле ВНИИ мелиорированных земель в 2018–2020 годах. Опыт заложен в 2018 году на осушаемой дерново-подзолистой почве. Изучались следующие сорта многолетних трав: клевер луговой (Trifolium pratense L.) Кретуновский, Грин, Шанс, Фаленский 86; люцерна изменчивая (× Medicago varia Mart.) Вега 87; тимофеевка луговая (Phleum pratense L.) ВИК 9 и овсяница луговая (Festuca pratensis L.) Сахаровская. В 2020 году наиболее высокими темпами роста обладали травостои второго года пользования с ранними сортами клевера лугового Кретуновский и Грин в смеси с тимофеевкой луговой сорта ВИК 9 — 67–70 см при густоте стеблестоя 495–852 шт./м2. Наиболее продуктивными на осушаемых землях показали себя смешанные травостои люцерны изменчивой, клевера лугового и тимофеевки луговой. Трёхкомпонентные агрофитоценозы укосного типа на основе сортов клевера лугового Кретуновский, Грин, Шанс, Фаленский 86, люцерны изменчивой и тимофеевки луговой сформировали урожай кормовой массы 35–39,7 т/га. Травосмесь тимофеевки луговой с раннеспелым сортом клевера Шанс сформировала два укоса с выходом сухой массы 9,5 т/га, овсяницы луговой — 9,0 т/га. Отмечено хорошее качество полученной растительной массы: содержание переваримого протеина составило 18,9–19,5 г/кг при энергетической питательности 1,09–1,26. В растительной массе травосмесей с овсяницей луговой содержание переваримого протеина было выше, чем в смесях с тимофеевкой луговой, на 1,1 г/кг корма в первом и на 2,41 г/кг корма во втором укосе. По содержанию кормовых единиц в 1 кг корма питательность кормовой массы в зависимости от состава исследуемых смесей была равноценна — 0,23–0,24. The investigation took place in the Tver region on the trial field of the All-Russian Research Institute of Reclaimed Lands in 2018–2020. The research tested the yield of trinary legume-gramineous ecosystems with various varieties of red clover. The field trial was carried out on the drained sod-podzolic soil in 2018. The following perennial grasses were studied: red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) “Kretunovskiy”, “Grin”, “Shans”, “Falenskiy 86”; bastard alfalfa (× Medicago varia Mart.) “Vega 87”; common timothy (Phleum pratense L.) “VIK 9”; and meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis L.) “Sakharovskaya”. Growth rates were the highest in the mixtures with short-season red clover varieties “Kretunovskiy”, “Grin”, and common timothy. In 2020, these variants reached height of 67–70 cm and density of 495–852 plants per m2 in the second year. Trinary ecosystems to be cut with bastard alfalfa, red clover “Kretunovskiy”, “Grin”, “Shans”, “Falenskiy 86”, and common timothy provided the maximum yield on the drained lands — 35–39.7 t ha-1. The mixture of common timothy with short-season red clover “Shans” formed 9.5 t ha-1 of dry mass per two cuts, meadow fescue — 9.0 t ha-1. The feed mass showed high quality: digestible protein content was 18.9–19.5 g/kg, energy nutrition was 1.09–1.26. Mixtures with meadow fescue exceeded the ones with common timothy in digestible protein content by 1.1 g/kg in the first cut and by 2.41 g/kg — in the second one. Different variants showed almost no variation in feed units per 1 kg of forage — 0.23–0.24.

1987 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 1101-1103 ◽  

The influence of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) on winter survival of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) was studied in an experiment conducted in 1984–1985 and repeated in 1985–1986. The results indicate that the presence of timothy can help to improve red clover persistence. When the winter was favorable to the survival of legumes, the red clover population was higher in pure than in mixtured clover populations. However, when the winter was unfavorable to legumes, the red clover population was higher in populations mixed with timothy than in a pure clover population.Key words: Red clover-timothy mixture, winter survival, stand, yield

Vaiva Kačkytė ◽  
Saulius Grigiškis ◽  
Dainius Paliulis ◽  
Jolanta Aikaitė-Stanaitienė

Following the complex technology for greasy waste utilization, which is under development, two stages of fat degradation – biodegradation and phytoremediation – were applied for treatment of fat-polluted soil. Biodegradation was used in the first stage, and phytoremediation was applied for degradation of residual fat and final restoration of soil structure. The latter technology was used to evaluate the ability of three following species of herbaceous plants to degrade fat in soil: red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.), and hybrid ryegrass (Lolium hybridum Hausskn.). The evaluation after the stages of phytoremediation showed that hybrid ryegrass was the most effective in fat degradation in soils with high initial fat concentrations (100 g/kg and 55.1 g/kg), i.e. 53% and 67% respectively. With lower initial fat contents in soil (up to 12.7 g/kg), the best ability in fat degradation was determined in hybrid ryegrass and red clover, i.e. 76%. Application of stages of biodegradation and phytoremediation for treatment of soil polluted with greasy contaminants helped to reduce fat contents by 99% with the initial fat concentration of 138.9 g/kg, and 90% with 222.2 g/kg. Santrauka Gruntui, užterštam riebalinėmis atliekomis, valyti pagal kuriamą kompleksinę riebalinių atliekų utilizavimo technologiją numatyti du riebalų skaidymo etapai – biologinis skaidymas ir fitoremediacija. Pirmuoju etapu taikyta biodegradacija, o likusiems riebalams skaidyti ir grunto struktūrai galutinai atkurti – fitoremediacija, kurios metu įvertinta trijų pasirinktų žolinės augalijos rūšių – raudonųjų dobilų (Trifolium pratense L.), tikrųjų eraičinų (Festuca pratensis Huds.) ir hibridinių svidrių (Lolium hybridum Hausskn.) geba skaidyti riebalus grunte. Po fitoremediacijos etapo nustatyta, kad, esant didelėms pradinėms riebalų koncentracijoms grunte (100 g/kg ir 55,1 g/kg), efektyviausiai riebalus skaidė hibridinės svidrės – atitinkamai 53% ir 67%. Esant mažesnėms riebalų koncentracijoms grunte (iki 12,7 g/kg), geriausiai riebalus skaidė hibridinės svidrės ir raudonieji dobilai – 76%. Riebalais užterštam gruntui valyti etapais taikant biodegradaciją ir fitoremediaciją, riebalų kiekis grunte sumažėjo 99%, kai pradinė riebalų koncentracija buvo 138,9 g/kg, o kai riebalų koncentracijai 222,2 g/kg – 90%. Резюме Согласно создаваемой комплексной технологии утилизации жировых отходов с целью очистки грунта, загрязненного жирами, были применены два этапа для расщепления жиров – биодеградация и фиторемедиация. На первомэтапе была применена биодеградация, а для расщепления оставшихся жиров и окончательного восстановленияструктуры грунта – фиторемедиация, во время которой оценивалась способность трех травянистых видов – клевера лугового (Trifolium pratense L.), овсяницы луговой (Festuca pratensis Huds.) и плевела гибридного (Lolium hybridum Hausskn.) – расщеплять жиры в грунте. После этапа фиторемедиации было установлено, что при высокихзаданных начальных концентрациях жиров в грунте (100 и 55,1 г/кг) наиболее эффективно расщеплял жиры плевел гибридный – 53% и 67% соответственно. При более низких начальных концентрациях жиров (до 12,7 г/кг грунта) наиболее высокий процент расщепленных жиров достигался при применении плевела гибридного и клевера лугового – 76%. После применения этапов биодеградации и фиторемедиации для очистки грунта, загрязненного жирами, количество жиров в грунте снизилось на 99% при их начальной концентрации 138,9 г/кг и на 90%при их концентрации 222,2 г/кг грунта.

1964 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-42 ◽  
D. A. Lambert

Seed production stands of S 48 timothy and S 215 meadow fescue were obtained with varying plant densities by utilizing two driE widths, removing sections of drill, or oversowing drilled material.Annual tiller counts were made in preselected quadrats, and performances of tiller populations were assessed from these quadrats.

1982 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-154 ◽  
K. A. WINTER ◽  

Two separate field experiments were conducted on several crops to determine the effect of selenium (Se) applied to soils with pH levels between 5.7 and 6.6. Tissue Se levels after a single application of Se and lime, were monitored for up to six cropping years or until the tissue Se fell below 0.1 ppm, the level considered to be necessary for animal nutrition. For applications of 1.12 and 2.24 kg Se/ha, the minimal tissue Se concentration (> 0.1 ppm) was maintained in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) for two cropping years, but with a very sharp decrease for the first 3 yr. In the case of timothy (Phleum pratense L.), tissue levels greater than 0.1 ppm were maintained for 3 yr at the higher rate of Se without lime and up to 5 yr at high soil pH levels. At the applied rates of 0.28 and 0.56 kg Se/ha, the tissue Se levels above 0.1 ppm in timothy, red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) were maintained for one and two cropping years, respectively. In spite of the sharp decrease in plant tissue Se levels, little decrease in total soil Se was noted at rates of 1.12 and 2.24 kg Se/ha after successive croppings of barley and timothy. Although not always significant, liming, in general, increased the plant Se concentration. The Se concentration (log ppm) for tissues (or depletion of Se availability) in the Se-applied plots decreased linearly for at least the first three cropping seasons.

1973 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 431-438 ◽  

Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), first- and second-cut alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), timothy (Phleum pratense L.) hays, and oat (Avena sativa L.) straw were assayed for digestible dry matter (DDM) and dry matter intake (DMI) using sheep with various opportunities for feed selection provided by varying weighbacks between 0 and 30%. Digestible energy intakes (DEI) were also calculated. There was a slight increase in DMI values as the opportunity for selection increased, due to slightly lower DMI at low levels of weighback and higher DMI as weighback approached 30%. There were no changes in DMI due to the opportunity for selection when weighbacks varied only from 5 to 25%. Except for an apparent curvilinear relationship for the first-cut alfalfa, the change in DDM as the opportunity for selection increased was similar to that of DMI. However, the maximum changes in DDM that could be attributed to the opportunity for selection would be barely detectable in normal digestion trials. Changes in DEI attributable to the opportunity for selection were caused primarily by DMI rather than digestibility. DEI showed a slight increase as weighback increased, due to lower values at low levels of weighback and, in some cases, higher values at higher levels of weighback. There were no changes in DEI values that could be attributed to the opportunity for selection when weighbacks varied only from 5 to 25%. The data indicate that, for forage evaluation purposes, DMI and DDM can be assayed with confidence at levels of weighback between 5 and 20%.

2015 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-63 ◽  
Dalibor Tomić ◽  
Vladeta Stevović ◽  
Dragan Đurović ◽  
Milomirka Madić ◽  
Nikola Bokan ◽  

AbstractA field trial with four red clover cultivars was established on acid soil in order to evaluate the effect of foliar boron application on seed yield. The crop received foliar boron treatment during the second growth of the second year at two applications. Although seed yield showed a significant increase in boron-treated plants in 2011 compared with control (26.0%), its relative increase was far higher in 2010 (43.2%), which had increased total rainfall amounts during flowering. Sufficient level of boron supply to red clover plants for seed production has a remarkably positive effect under conditions hampering pollination and fertilisation.

1983 ◽  
Vol 63 (4) ◽  
pp. 903-912 ◽  

Protein hydrolysis was examined during wilting and ensiling of first and second cut herbage of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.), orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss.) and timothy (Phleum pratense L.). During a 24-h wilting period, protein was hydrolyzed to soluble non-protein nitrogen (SNPN) more extensively in first cut than in second cut herbage. In both cuts the amount of protein hydrolysis occurring during wilting was greatest in alfalfa and least in red clover. After 30 days ensiling at 30 °C, SNPN content, expressed as percent of total nitrogen, was influenced by forage species, dry matter (DM) content, and cut. The extent of protein hydrolysis during ensiling was highest in alfalfa and lowest in red clover. In first cut silages, protein hydrolysis increased with DM content, but in the second cut silages, protein hydrolysis decreased as DM content increased. The amount of protein hydrolyzed during wilting or ensiling was not correlated with plant proteinase activity measured using azocasein as substrate. Consequently, the properties of the plant proteolytic enzymes associated with each species as well as the management of the forage prior to ensiling appear to influence the extent of proteolysis.Key words: Proteolysis, silage, haylage, proteinase

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