1963 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-106 ◽  
Paul K. Brown ◽  
I. R. Gibbons ◽  
George Wald

Electron microscopy of the visual cells of the mudpuppy Necturus have revealed several new or hitherto neglected features of organization: (a) A system of deeply staining micelles in virtually crystalline array, probably located in the lamellae of the rod outer segments. These particles may contain the visual pigment, porphyropsin. Counts of the micelles, and microspectrophotometric measurements of porphyropsin in the retina and single rods yield the estimate that each lamellar micelle may contain about 50 molecules of porphyropsin. (b) Systems of about 30 cytoplasmic filaments (here called dendrites), continuous with the cytoplasm of the inner segment, and standing like a palisade about the outer segments of the rods and cones. In the rods, one such filament stands in the mouth of each of the approximately 30 deep fissures that carve the outer segment into a radial array of lobules. (c) A system of deeply staining particles in the membranes of the dendrites, and another in the membranes of the pigment epithelial processes. It is suggested that these may have a part in interchanges of material with the outer segments. The ciliary process is found to penetrate more deeply than is commonly supposed into the outer segments of the rods and cones. The edge of each double-membrane disc in rods forms a differentiated rim structure, both around the disc circumference and bordering the fissures. These anatomical arrangements are summarized in Figs. 13 and 14, and the relevant measurements in Table I. The dilution of visual pigment in Necturus rods and cones and a general consideration of their microstructures make it seem unlikely that such typically solid state processes as exciton migration or photoconduction can transport the effects of light far from the site of absorption. Excitation must, therefore, be conveyed to the receptor as a whole by some axial structure. Among axial structures, the plasma membrane is most likely to be the site of nervous excitation. The ciliary process probably plays its main role in the embryogenesis and regeneration of outer segments; and the dendrites and pigment epithelial processes in exchanges of material with the outer segments and perhaps with one another.

1971 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 303-318 ◽  
Richard W. Young

The renewal of retinal rod and cone outer segments has been studied by radioautography in rhesus monkeys examined 2 and 4 days after injection of leucine-3H. The cell outer segment consists of a stack of photosensitive, membranous discs. In both rods and cones some of the newly formed (radioactive) protein became distributed throughout the outer segment. Furthermore, in rods (but not in cones), there was a transverse band of concentrated radioactive protein slightly above the outer segment base 2 days after injection. This was due to the formation of new discs, into which labeled protein had been incorporated. At 4 days, these radioactive discs were located farther from the outer segment base. Repeated assembly of new discs had displaced them away from the basal assembly site and along the outer segment. Measurements of the displacement rate indicated that each retinal rod produces 80–90 discs per day, and that the entire complement of outer segment discs is replaced every 9–13 days. To compensate for the continual formation of new discs, groups of old discs are intermittently shed from the apical end of the cell and phagocytized by the pigment epithelium. Each pigment epithelial cell engulfs and destroys about 2000–4000 rod outer segment discs daily. The similarity between visual cells in the rhesus monkey and those in man suggests that the same renewal processes occur in the human retina.

1972 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 349-393 ◽  
Stanley D. Carlson

Visual pigments are embedded in the disc membranes of the outer segments of vertebrate rods and cones and in the microvilli of invertebrate visual cells. The pigment molecule in both is a most fascinating aggregate of known (the ubiquitous II-cis isomer of vitamin A1 or A2-aldehyde = retinal1 or 2; Hubbard & Wald, 1952) covalently bonded to the unknown (a protein termed opsin) (Anderson, Hoffman & Hall, 1971). This conjugated molecule is called rhodopsin or dehydrorhodopsin (porphryopsin) when the prosthetic portion is retinall or 2 respectively. So sensitive is this sterically hindered, bent and twisted molecule to light that absorption of one photon can initiate its isomerization to the all trans form. This conformational change is but one (but the best known) of the factors leading to receptor membrane changes ushering in the visual impulse.

1994 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 389-399 ◽  
Jing Jin ◽  
Gregor J. Jones ◽  
M. Carter Cornwall

AbstractSingle isolated photoreceptors can be taken through a visual cycle of light adaptation by bleaching visual pigment, followed by dark adaptation when supplied with 11–cis retinal. Light adaptation after bleaching is manifested by faster response kinetics and a permanent reduction in sensitivity to light flashes, presumed to be due to the presence of bleached visual pigment. The recovery of flash sensitivity during dark adaptation is assumed to be due to regeneration of visual pigment to pre-bleach levels. In previous work, the outer segments of bleached, light-adapted cells were exposed to 11–cis retinal. In the present work, the cell bodies of bleached photoreceptors were exposed. We report a marked difference between rods and cones. Bleached cones recover sensitivity when their cell bodies are exposed to 11–cis retinal. Bleached rods do not. These results imply that retinal can move freely along the cone photoreceptor, but retinal either is not taken up by the rod cell body or retinal cannot move from the rod cell body to the rod outer segment. The free transfer of retinal along cone but not along rod photoreceptors could explain why, during dark adaptation in the retina, cones have access to a store of 11–cis retinal which is not available to rods. Additional experiments investigated the movement of retinal along bleached rod outer segments. The results indicate that retinal can move along the rod outer segment, but that this movement is slow, occurring at about the same rate as the regeneration of visual pigment.

1978 ◽  
Vol 76 (3) ◽  
pp. 593-604 ◽  
W T O'Day ◽  
R W Young

Goldfish were placed on a daily light cycle of 12 h light and 12 h darkness for 18 days or longer. The visual cells and pigment epithelium of the retina were then examined by microscopy at many intervals throughout the cycle. Goldfish rods and cones follow a rhythmic pattern in eliminating packets of photosensitive membranes from their outer segments. Rods shed membranes early in the light period. The detached membranes are ingested by pigment epithelial cells or by ameboid phagocytes, which degrade them during the remainder of the light period. Cones discard membranes from the ends of their outer segments early in the dark period. During the next several hours, this debris is digested by the pigment epithelium or by ameboid phagocytes. Thus, the disposal phase of the outer-segment renewal process is similar in rods and cones, but is displaced in time by about 12 h. There is evidence that this daily rhythm of membrane disposal in rods and cones is a general property of vertebrate visual cells.

1974 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 378-389 ◽  
Carol Bibb ◽  
Richard W. Young

The renewal of glycerol in the visual cells and pigment epithelium of the frog retina was studied by autoradiographic analysis of animals injected with [2-3H]glycerol. Assay of chloroform:methanol extracts showed that the labeled precursor was used mainly in lipid synthesis, although there was also some utilization in the formation of protein. Radioactive glycerol was initially concentrated in the myoid portion of rods and cones, indicating that this is the site of phospholipid synthesis in visual cells. The glycogen bodies (paraboloids) of accessory cones were also heavily labeled, suggesting the diversion of some glycerol into glycogenic pathways. In the pigment epithelium, only the oil droplets became significantly radioactive. The outer plexiform layer (which contains the visual cell synaptic bodies) and the cone oil droplets gradually accumulated considerable amounts of labeled material. Within 1–4 h, labeled molecules began to appear in the visual cell outer segments, evidently having been transported there from the myoid portion of the inner segment. Most of these were phospholipid molecules which became distributed throughout the outer segments, presumably replacing comparable constituents in existing membranes. In rods only, there was also an aggregation of labeled material at the base of the outer segment due to membrane biogenesis. These highly radioactive membranes, containing labeled molecules of lipid and protein, were subsequently displaced along the rod outer segments due to repeated membrane assembly at the base. The distribution of radioactivity supported the conclusion that membrane renewal by molecular replacement is more rapid for lipid than it is for protein.

1999 ◽  
Vol 202 (14) ◽  
pp. 1931-1938 ◽  
A.J. Sillman ◽  
J.K. Carver ◽  
E.R. Loew

The photoreceptors and visual pigments of Python regius were studied using microspectrophotometry and scanning electron microscopy. The retina contains rods and cones, with rods constituting at least 90 % of the photoreceptor population. The rods are of a single type with long, narrow outer segments and are tightly packed. The wavelength of maximum absorbance (λ max) of the visual pigment in the rods is in the region of 494 nm. Two distinct types of cone are present. The most common cone, with a stout but stubby outer segment, contains a visual pigment with λ max at approximately 551 nm. A relatively rare cone, with a long, slender outer segment, contains an ultraviolet-sensitive visual pigment with λ max at approximately 360 nm. All the visual pigments have chromophores based on vitamin A1. The results are discussed in relation to the behavior of P. regius.

Kazushige Hirosawa ◽  
Eichi Yamada

The pigment epithelium is located between the choriocapillary and the visual cells. The pigment epithelial cell is characterized by a large amount of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) in its cytoplasm. In addition, the pigment epithelial cell of some lower vertebrate has myeloid body as a specialized form of the SER. Generally, SER is supposed to work in the lipid metabolism. However, the functions of abundant SER and myeloid body in the pigment epithelial cell are still in question. This paper reports an attempt, to depict the functions of these organelles in the frog retina by administering one of phospholipid precursors.

2000 ◽  
Vol 17 (6) ◽  
pp. 847-854 ◽  
LIN XU ◽  

The mammalian retina is known to contain two distinct transducins that interact with their respective rod and cone pigments. However, there are no reports of a nonmammalian species having two distinct transducins. In the present study, we report the cloning and cellular localization of two transducin α subunits (Gαt) from the tiger salamander. Through degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and subsequent screening of a salamander retina cDNA library, we have identified two forms of Gαt. When compared to existing sequences in GenBank, the cloned subunits showed high similarity to rod and cone transducins. The salamander Gαt-1 has 91.2–93.7% amino acid sequence identity to mammalian rod Gαt subunits and 79.7–80.9% to mammalian cone Gαts. The salamander Gαt-2 has 86.2–87.9% sequence identity to mammalian cone Gαts and 78.9–80.9% to mammalian rod Gαts at the amino acid level. The Gαt-1 cDNA encodes 350 amino acids while the Gαt-2 cDNA encodes 354 residues, which is typical for rod and cone Gαts, respectively, and we thus identified the Gαt-1 as rod and Gαt-2 as cone Gαt. Sequences identified as effector binding sites and GTPase activity regions are highly conserved between the two subunits. Genomic Southern blot analysis showed that rod and cone Gαt subunits are both encoded by single-copy genes. Northern blot analysis identified retina-specific transcripts of 3.0 kb for rod Gαt and 2.6 kb for cone Gαt. Immunohistochemistry in the flat-mounted salamander retina demonstrated that rod Gαt is localized to rods, predominantly in the outer segments; similarly, cone Gαt is localized to cone outer segments. The results confirm that the two sequences encode rod and cone transducins and demonstrate that this lower vertebrate contains two distinct transducins that are localized specifically to rod and cone photoreceptors.

2007 ◽  
Vol 85 (4) ◽  
pp. 584-587 ◽  
A.J. Sillman ◽  
E.K. Ong ◽  
E.R. Loew

Lake sturgeon ( Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque, 1817) photoreceptors were studied with scanning electron microscopy and microspectrophotometry. The retina contains both rods and cones, with cones estimated composing about 30% of the photoreceptor population. Only large single cones were identified and they are similar to those found in other species of the order Acipenseriformes. The rods are large, with long, broad outer segments, and are similar to the dominant rod found in other sturgeons and the North American paddlefish ( Polyodon spathula (Walbaum, 1792)). Mean (SD) rod packing density at 22 624 ± 3 509 rods/mm2 is low compared with those of other animals that function primarily in dim light. The visual pigment of the rods has a mean (SD) peak absorbance (λmax) at 541 ± 2 nm. Three different cone populations were identified: a long wavelength sensitive cone containing a visual pigment with λmax at 619 ± 3 nm; middle wavelength sensitive cone with λmax at 538 ± 1 nm; and short wavelength sensitive cone with λmax at 448 ± 1 nm. All the visual pigments are based on the vitamin A2 chromophore.

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