Imaging Free Calcium in Cultured Aplysia Bag Cell Neurons

1991 ◽  
Vol 181 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-325 ◽  
A. L. Miller ◽  
P. J. S. Smith ◽  
C. A. Rainville ◽  
O. Shimomura ◽  
F. Strumwasser ◽  
W.A. Jacob ◽  
R. Hertsens ◽  
A. Van Bogaert ◽  
M. De Smet

In the past most studies of the control of energy metabolism focus on the role of the phosphorylation potential ATP/ADP.Pi on the regulation of respiration. Studies using NMR techniques have demonstrated that the concentrations of these compounds for oxidation phosphorylation do not change appreciably throughout the cardiac cycle and during increases in cardiac work. Hence regulation of energy production by calcium ions, present in the mitochondrial matrix, has been the object of a number of recent studies.Three exclusively intramitochondnal dehydrogenases are key enzymes for the regulation of oxidative metabolism. They are activated by calcium ions in the low micromolar range. Since, however, earlier estimates of the intramitochondnal calcium, based on equilibrium thermodynamic considerations, were in the millimolar range, a physiological correlation was not evident. The introduction of calcium-sensitive probes fura-2 and indo-1 made monitoring of free calcium during changing energy metabolism possible. These studies were performed on isolated mitochondria and extrapolation to the in vivo situation is more or less speculative.

Peter K. Hepler ◽  
Dale A. Callaham

Calcium ions (Ca) participate in many signal transduction processes, and for that reason it is important to determine where these ions are located within the living cell, and when and to what extent they change their local concentration. Of the different Ca-specific indicators, the fluorescent dyes, developed by Grynkiewicz et al. (1), have proved most efficacious, however, their use on plants has met with several problems (2). First, the dyes as acetoxy-methyl esters are often cleaved by extracellular esterases in the plant cell wall, and thus they do not enter the cell. Second, if the dye crosses the plasma membrane it may continue into non-cytoplasmic membrane compartments. Third, even if cleaved by esterases in the cytoplasm, or introduced as the free acid into the cytoplasmic compartment, the dyes often become quickly sequestered into vacuoles and organelles, or extruded from the cell. Finally, the free acid form of the dye readily complexes with proteins reducing its ability to detect free calcium. All these problems lead to an erroneous measurement of calcium (2).

W.G. Wier

A fundamentally new understanding of cardiac excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling is being developed from recent experimental work using confocal microscopy of single isolated heart cells. In particular, the transient change in intracellular free calcium ion concentration ([Ca2+]i transient) that activates muscle contraction is now viewed as resulting from the spatial and temporal summation of small (∼ 8 μm3), subcellular, stereotyped ‘local [Ca2+]i-transients' or, as they have been called, ‘calcium sparks'. This new understanding may be called ‘local control of E-C coupling'. The relevance to normal heart cell function of ‘local control, theory and the recent confocal data on spontaneous Ca2+ ‘sparks', and on electrically evoked local [Ca2+]i-transients has been unknown however, because the previous studies were all conducted on slack, internally perfused, single, enzymatically dissociated cardiac cells, at room temperature, usually with Cs+ replacing K+, and often in the presence of Ca2-channel blockers. The present work was undertaken to establish whether or not the concepts derived from these studies are in fact relevant to normal cardiac tissue under physiological conditions, by attempting to record local [Ca2+]i-transients, sparks (and Ca2+ waves) in intact, multi-cellular cardiac tissue.

1987 ◽  
Vol 58 (02) ◽  
pp. 737-743 ◽  
Frarnçois Lanza ◽  
Alain Beretz ◽  
Martial Kubina ◽  
Jean-Pierre Cazenave

SummaryIncorporation into human platelets of the calcium fluorescent indicators quin2 or fura-2 at low concentrations used to measure intracellular free calcium leads to the potentiation of the effects of agonists on platelets. This was shown by increased aggregatory and secretory responses of quin2 or fura-2 loaded platelets after stimulation with ADP, PAP and with low concentrations of thrombin, collagen, the endoperoxide analog U-46619 and the calcium ionophore A 23187. Quin2 and fura-2 mediated platelet sensitisation could be due to altered arachidonic acid metabolism since it was inhibited by prior treatment with the cydooxygenase inhibitor acetylsalicylate. In contrast, platelets loaded with higher concentrations of calcium chelators exhibited diminished aggregation responses to all aggregating agents. This latter effect was accompanied by increased fluidity of the platelet plasma membrane bilayer and by the exposure of a new pool of membranes to the outer surface of platelets, as monitored with trimethylammonium- diphenylhexatriene (TMA-DPH) in platelets loaded with the non-fluorescent calcium probe analog MAPT. In contrast, low concentrations of quin2 did not potentiate shape change of platelets activated with ADP. Thus, shape change and aggregation can be influenced separately by intracellular Ca2+ chelators. We conclude that platelet responses are altered by the incorporation of intracellular calcium chelators at concentrations used to monitor intracellular calcium changes.

1990 ◽  
Vol 64 (03) ◽  
pp. 473-477 ◽  
Shih-Luen Chen ◽  
Wu-Chang Yang ◽  
Tung-Po Huang ◽  
Shiang Wann ◽  
Che-ming Teng

SummaryTherapeutic preparations of desmopressin for parenteral use contain the preservative chlorobutanol (5 mg/ml). We show here that chlorobutanol is a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation and release. It exhibited a significant inhibitory activity toward several aggregation inducers in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Thromboxane B2 formation, ATP release, and elevation of cytosolic free calcium caused by collagen, ADP, epinephrine, arachidonic acid and thrombin respectively were markedly inhibited by chlorobutanol. Chlorobutanol had no effect on elastase- treated platelets and its antiplatelet effect could be reversed. It is concluded that the antiplatelet effect of chlorobutanol is mainly due to its inhibition on the arachidonic acid pathway but it is unlikely to have a nonspecitic toxic effect. This antiplatelet effect of chlorobutanol suggests that desmopressin, when administered for improving hemostasis, should not contain chlorobutanol as a preservative.

1997 ◽  
Vol 77 (06) ◽  
pp. 1182-1188 ◽  
Ulrich M Vischer ◽  
Claes B Wollheinn

Summaryvon Willebrand factor (vWf) is released from endothelial cell storage granules after stimulation with thrombin, histamine and several other agents that induce an increase in cytosolic free calcium ([Ca2+]i). In vivo, epinephrine and the vasopressin analog DDAVP increase vWf plasma levels, although they are thought not to induce vWf release from endothelial cells in vitro. Since these agents act via a cAMP-dependent pathway in responsive cells, we examined the role of cAMP in vWf secretion from cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells. vWf release increased by 50% in response to forskolin, which activates adenylate cyclase. The response to forskolin was much stronger when cAMP degradation was blocked with IBMX, an inhibitor of phosphodiesterases (+200%), whereas IBMX alone had no effect. vWf release could also be induced by the cAMP analogs dibutyryl-cAMP (+40%) and 8-bromo-cAMP (+25%); although their effect was weak, they clearly potentiated the response to thrombin. Epinephrine (together with IBMX) caused a small, dose-dependent increase in vWf release, maximal at 10-6 M (+50%), and also potentiated the response to thrombin. This effect is mediated by adenylate cyclase-coupled β-adrenergic receptors, since it is inhibited by propranolol and mimicked by isoproterenol. In contrast to thrombin, neither forskolin nor epinephrine caused an increase in [Ca2+]j as measured by fura-2 fluorescence. In addition, the effects of forskolin and thrombin were additive, suggesting that they act through distinct signaling pathways. We found a close correlation between cellular cAMP content and vWf release after stimulation with epinephrine and forskolin. These results demonstrate that cAMP-dependent signaling events are involved in the control of exocytosis from endothelial cells (an effect not mediated by an increase in [Ca2+]i) and provide an explanation for epinephrine-induced vWf release.

Leonardo Hernández

The influence of Ca2+ and other divalent cations on contractile responses of slow skeletal muscle fibers of the frog (Rana pipiens) under conditions of chronic denervation was investigated.Isometric tension was recorded from slow bundles of normal and denervated cruralis muscle in normal solution and in solutions with free calcium concentration solution or in solutions where other divalent cations (Sr2+, Ni2+, Co2+ or Mn2+) substituted for calcium. In the second week after nerve section, in Ca2+-free solutions, we observed that contractures (evoked from 40 to 80 mM-K+) of non-denervated muscles showed significantly higher tensions (p<0.05), than those from denervated bundles. Likewise, in solutions where calcium was substituted by all divalent cations tested, with exception of Mn2+, the denervated bundles displayed lower tension than non-denervated, also in the second week of denervation. In this case, the Ca2+ substitution by Sr2+ caused the higher decrease in tension, followed by Co2+ and Ni2+, which were different to non-denervated bundles, as the lowest tension was developed by Mn2+, followed by Co2+, and then Ni2+ and Sr2+. After the third week, we observed a recovery in tension. These results suggest that denervation altering the binding capacity to divalent cations of the voltage sensor.

Hypertension ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 1337-1343 ◽  
Mercedes Ricote ◽  
Elena Garcia-Martin ◽  
Jose Sancho ◽  
Carlos Gutierrez-Merino

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