Local and Landscape-Scale Features Influence Bumble Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Bycatch in Bertha Armyworm Mamestra configurata (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Pheromone-Baited Monitoring Traps

2020 ◽  
Vol 49 (5) ◽  
pp. 1127-1136
Nicholas L Grocock ◽  
Maya L Evenden

Abstract The bertha armyworm (BAW) Mamestra configurata Walker is a significant pest of canola Brassica napus L. (Brassicales: Brassicaceae) in western Canada. Its activity is monitored through a large network of pheromone-baited monitoring traps as a part of the Prairie Pest Monitoring Network across the Canadian Prairies. The unintentional bycatch of bee pollinators in pheromone-baited traps targeting moth pests occurs in many agroecosystems and may have repercussions for biodiversity and pollination services of wild plants and managed crops. We conducted field experiments to determine the abundance and diversity of bees attracted to green-colored BAW pheromone-baited traps across the canola growing regions of Alberta, Canada. A higher species diversity and more bumble bees were captured in BAW pheromone-baited than in unbaited control traps. Bombus rufocinctus Cresson (Hymenoptera: Apidae) was the most commonly captured species. Few other wild bees or honey bees Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) were captured during this study. Additionally, we evaluated the influence of local and landscape-level habitat features on bee bycatch. Local flowering plant abundance improved overall model fit but did not directly impact bee bycatch. The proportion of natural and seminatural habitat, and especially forested area, in the area surrounding monitoring traps affected bee bycatch. Both local and landscape-scale factors were important in this study and often have combined effects on bee communities. This study provides recommendations to reduce the bycatch of beneficial bee pollinators in a large-scale pheromone-baited monitoring network.

1988 ◽  
Vol 120 (5) ◽  
pp. 401-413 ◽  
W. J. Turnock

AbstractPopulations of larvae of the bertha armyworm, Mamestra configurata Wlk., in four physiographic regions of Manitoba showed similar trends over time: a decline from the outbreak of 1971–1972 to very low densities in 1975–1977, an increase to a peak during the years 1979–1981, and a subsequent decline. During the period of peak larval populations, brief (1 or 2 years) outbreaks [at least some fields with > 20 larvae per square metre) occurred at five locations in two regions, the Swan River Plain and the Valley River Plain, but not in the Western Uplands or the Manitoba Lowlands. In the first two regions, larval densities rose rapidly (from < 1.6 to > 13.8/m2) in 1 year. Although the general trend of population density was similar, there were differences in density among and within regions, and in the timing, severity, and duration of peak populations. Two parasitoids (Banchus flavescens Cress., Athrycia cinerea (Coq.)) and two pathogens (a nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) and fungi of the Entomophthorales) occurred regularly in larval populations. Of these, B. flavescens had the highest constancy among collections and may help to keep bertha armyworm populations at low densities. NPV was rarely found among larvae from low-density populations but appeared in all populations that reached outbreak levels. No single biotic agent could be associated with the population declines because of multiple parasitism and the difficulty in partitioning mortality when only a single sample could be taken. The rapid increase of bertha armyworm larvae from very low to outbreak levels in 1 year will prevent predictions of outbreaks from being based on larval densities in the preceding year.

1983 ◽  
Vol 115 (8) ◽  
pp. 1039-1042 ◽  
B. M. Hegdekar

AbstractThe critical photoperiod for diapause induction in pupae of Mamestra configurata Walker in Manitoba was 16 h 06 min at Glenlea (49°38′ N), 16 h 20 min at Grandview (51°10′ N), and 16 h 42 min at Birch River (52°24′ N). The differences in cirtical photoperiods observed at Glenlea and Grandview were not significant. At least two different photoperiods exist, one in the Glenlea and Grandview areas and the other in the Birch River area. In the laboratory, the critical photoperiod was 13.5 h when larvae were exposed to a daily fluctuating temperature regime of 12 h at 25 °C and 12 h at 10 °C. Longer critical photoperiods found for the field populations may be related to the relatively low ambient temperatures to which the larvae were exposed in field cages.

1982 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-173 ◽  
S. Finch ◽  
G. Skinner

AbstractField experiments in England with traps baited with allylisothiocyanate (ANCS) showed that females of Delia radicum (L.) were distributed more or less evenly through established brassica crops. Reducing the quantity of ANCS released from the traps either by diluting the concentrate with liquid paraffin or by presenting the concentrate in Wädenswil dispensers reduced the numbers of females caught. There was no indication that ANCS became repellent, even when released at a rate of 24 ml/trap per day. For maximum effectiveness, the ANCS dispenser had to be placed at the centre rather than at the edge of the trap. Attempts to make traps more effective by releasing the ANCS from several point sources around a trap, in the hope that this broader odour plume would ‘ attract ’ more flies, were unsuccessful. The ANCS-baited trap had an effective zone only 5 m in radius.

Insects ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 733
Carl W. Doud ◽  
Thomas W. Phillips

A series of laboratory and field experiments were performed to assess the responses of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and other stored-product beetles to pheromone-baited traps and trap components. A commercial Tribolium pitfall trap called the Flit-Trak M2, the predecessor to the Dome trap, was superior in both laboratory and field experiments over the other floor trap designs assessed at capturing walking T. castaneum. In field experiments, Typhaea stercorea (L.) and Ahasverus advena (Stephens) both preferred a sticky trap to the pitfall trap. Although the covered trap is effective at capturing several other species of stored product beetles, the synthetic Tribolium aggregation pheromone lure is critical for the pitfall trap’s efficacy for T. castaneum. Although the food-based trapping oil used in the pitfall trap was not found to be attractive to T. castaneum when assayed alone, it had value as an enhancer of the pheromone bait when the two were used together in the trap. A dust cover modification made to go over the pitfall trap was effective in protecting the trap from dust, although the trap was still vulnerable to dust contamination from sanitation techniques that used compressed air to blow down the mill floors. Capture of T. castaneum in the modified trap performed as well as the standard trap design in a non-dusty area of a flour mill, and was significantly superior over the standard trap in a dusty area. T. castaneum responded in flight outside a flourmill preferentially to multiple funnel traps with pheromone lures compared to traps without pheromone.

1998 ◽  
Vol 130 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-106 ◽  
P.G. Mason ◽  
J.D. Pinto ◽  
Z.L. Long ◽  
J.L. Harris

The bertha armyworm, Mamestra configurata Walker, is a major pest of canola in western Canada. In 1994, 1995, and 1996 more than 670 000, 650 000, and 250 000 ha of canola were sprayed for bertha armyworm, respectively (Anonymous 1994, 1995, 1996). Despite the current trend towards increased acreage of canola production in western Canada, canola acreages declined markedly in 1996 from that planted in 1995 (Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food Statistical Facts 1996) in part because of the perception by farmers of the impact of bertha armyworm outbreaks in 1994 and 1995. Much research has been carried out in western Canada on the bertha armyworm with the aim of developing an integrated pest management program which includes the understanding of its biological control agents. Turnock (1984) reported that the native parasitoid complex of larval M. configurata consists of five species of Hymenoptera and 10 species of Diptera. Only two of these, namely Banchus flavescens Cresson (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Athrycia cinerea (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tachinidae), have large negative impacts on its populations (Wylie and Bucher 1977).

2001 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 259-267 ◽  
Mary L. Cornelius ◽  
Jian J. Duan ◽  
Russell H. Messing

Methyl eugenol is an extremely effective attractant for male oriental fruit flies, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel). Field experiments were conducted in a commercial guava orchard to determine whether the presence of methyl eugenol-baited traps affected the distribution and abundance of female oriental fruit flies near the traps. Captures of females on spheres did not increase within the vicinity of methyl eugenol-baited traps. Captures of males were significantly greater on spheres hung in trees containing methyl eugenol-baited traps than on spheres hung in other trees. An experiment was conducted to determine if methyl eugenol would influence the dispersal of unmated, sexually mature female oriental fruit flies. There were no significant differences in the numbers of marked or wild females captured on traps at different distances from the methyl eugenol lure. This study did not find any evidence that the presence of methyl eugenol-baited traps in orchards would affect female abundance in the vicinity of traps.

1986 ◽  
Vol 118 (12) ◽  
pp. 1221-1230 ◽  
M.A. Howlader ◽  
G.H. Gerber

AbstractThe effects of age, egg development, and mating on calling behavior of the bertha armyworm, Mamestra configurata Walker, were studied at 20°C, 60% RH, and a 16-h L: 8-h D photoperiod. Most virgin females called and copulated for the first time during the second or third scotophase after emergence. The first copulation was 17.0 ± 0.2 h (mean±SE) long and was terminated within 1 h after lights off in the scotophase following the initiation of copulation. The ovaries contained the first chorionated eggs before the beginning of the second scotophase after emergence. The first egg laying occurred during the same scotophase in which the first copulation was terminated, i.e. scotophase three or four. Almost 75% of the eggs were laid by the end of the seventh scotophase after emergence. Mated females resumed calling after a refractory period of about 2 days. Once calling was resumed after copulation, most females laid eggs and called nightly, with egg laying occurring during the first 5–6 h and calling during the last 2–3 h of the scotophase. Mated females called for a shorter period during each scotophase than virgin females of the same age (1–3 h vs. 4–6 h). In virgin females, the diel periodicity of calling was advanced and the length of the daily calling period was increased with age until the seventh scotophase after emergence; thereafter, both remained relatively unchanged.

1977 ◽  
Vol 109 (10) ◽  
pp. 1335-1340 ◽  
E.W. Underhill ◽  
W.F. Steck ◽  
M.D. Chisholm

AbstractAn abdominal tip extract of female bertha armyworm moths, Mamestra configurata (Walker), was found to contain two sex pheromone components. One corresponded to (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-ol acetate, previously identified from this source, and the other to a tetradecen-1-ol acetate, identified by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry. Data obtained from the EAG profile of isomeric tetradecen-1-ol acetates indicated the active component to be (Z)-9-tetradecen-1-ol acetate. Neither of these two acetates was by itself attractive to males in field tests; however, mixtures were attractive, with the best attraction occurring with a C16:C14 acetate ratio of about 19:1.

Brian Morton

Aspects of the feeding behaviour of Ergalatax contractus (Muricidae) were studied. Field experiments demonstrated that large numbers of individuals of this species, comprising ∼90% of a suite of gastropod scavengers, were attracted to baited traps in the subtidal sands of Lobster Bay, Cape d'Aguilar Marine Reserve, Hong Kong. Laboratory experiments identified the effective chemo-detection distances of E. contractus as 60 cm in still and >80 cm in flowing water, respectively. The average times to arrival at bait in still and flowing water were 92.3 and 69.0 min, respectively, but were significantly less for individuals experiencing a longer period of starvation. The mean time taken for E. contractus to consume a meal was 70.6 min.Comparisons were made between Ergalatax contractus and Nassarius nodifer, representative of a suite of sympatric scavenging nassariids in Lobster Bay. The nassariid arrived significantly faster at bait in both still (30.2 min) and flowing water (20.8 min) than E. contractus and fed faster (25.7 min), as is typical of representatives of the Nassariidae. Although the two species partition carrion resources temporally, manipulation experiments provided evidence for inter-specific competition between them. That is, although E. contractus possesses the morphological and behavioural characteristics of a predator, its opportunistic scavenging abilities have led to its success and numerical superiority on the shallow subtidal sands of Lobster Bay. The dominance of E. contractus in Lobster Bay, and elsewhere in Hong Kong, is unusual. Here, the normally predatory E. contractus, far outnumbers all other scavengers, possibly because of an enhanced, largely allochthonous, supply of food which it is able to exploit by virtue of its previously identified opportunistic habit of scavenging the leftovers of other predators. The presence of inter-specific competition between E. contractus and a sympatric suite of nassariids enhances, not impedes, carrion exploitation.

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