The Aorta

2018 ◽  
pp. 199-218
Kyle J. Cooper ◽  
Constantino S. Peña ◽  
James F. Benenati

The aorta is the primary conduit delivering arterial blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Understanding its formation and development is essential to explaining its variant anatomy. The aorta can be involved in a large number of conditions. Atherosclerosis is the most common process that affects the aorta. In addition, acute aortic injury can lead to ulceration, dissection, rupture, and transection. Genetic and hereditable conditions involving the aorta are conditions that can cause a number of changes to the structural makeup of the aortic wall. Understanding these condition allows their proper recognition, diagnosis, and treatment. This chapter, therefore, will review the anatomy, pathophysiology, and disease management related to the aorta.

2015 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 421-427
Romeu Rodrigues de Souza ◽  
Sarah Martins dos Santos ◽  
Laura Beatriz Mesiano Maifrino ◽  
Eliane Florencio Gama ◽  
Erico Chagas Caperuto ◽  

Abstract The objective of the present study was to follow the structural modifications of the aortic wall in middle-aged rats submitted to a resistance training protocol for a period of four months. Three groups of 8 animals per group were considered: middle-aged group (MA), old control group (OC) and old trained group (OT). Training consisted in to climb a 1.1-m vertical (80° incline) ladder with weights tied to their tail. Aortic wall structural modifications were studied through light and electron microscopy and morphometry. The mean arterial blood pressure at rest was similar in the three experimental groups (p = .07). At the beginning of the experiment, the OC and OT groups had similar repetition maximums, ranging from 1.6-fold to 1.9-fold the body weight. At the end of the experiment, the repetition maximum of the OT group was 5-fold greater than the body weight (p = .03). The LV weight was 15% larger in the OT group than in the MA group and 12% larger than in the OC group (p = .02). The LV wall thickness of the OT group was significantly larger than that of both, the MA group and the OC group (p = .03). The LV internal diameter in the OT group was significantly smaller than that observed in the MA and OC groups (p = .02). Resistance training diminished the alterations associated with aging improving aortic wall structure by reducing the thickness, normalising the elastic material, the collagen and the smooth muscle cells. Resistance training seems to be a potential treatment for reducing the deleterious effects of aging on the aortic wall.

In August, 1903, I published a paper in the ‘Journal of Pathology’(1) in which I demonstrated a method experimentally producing uncompensated hear disease in an animal, which was compatible with life. This method consisted in diminishing the size of the pericardial sac by stitches, so that the diastolic filling of the heart was impeded. The main symptoms of this condition were dropsy and diminution in the amount of urine excreted. As the immediate result of this interference with the action of the heart, there occurred a rise of pressure throughout the whole systemic venous system extending as far back as the capillaries, and a fall of the mean arterial blood-pressure. Further, I found that the pressure in all the veins fell to the normal limit again within the space of about one hour, and that subsequently when dropsy was being produced, the vanous pressure in all parts of the body was normal, and the arterial pressure had almost recovered itself.

2004 ◽  
Vol 96 (2) ◽  
pp. 428-437 ◽  
Gabriel Laszlo

The measurement of cardiac output was first proposed by Fick, who published his equation in 1870. Fick's calculation called for the measurement of the contents of oxygen or CO2 in pulmonary arterial and systemic arterial blood. These values could not be determined directly in human subjects until the acceptance of cardiac catheterization as a clinical procedure in 1940. In the meanwhile, several attempts were made to perfect respiratory methods for the indirect determination of blood-gas contents by respiratory techniques that yielded estimates of the mixed venous and pulmonary capillary gas pressures. The immediate uptake of nonresident gases can be used in a similar way to calculate cardiac output, with the added advantage that they are absent from the mixed venous blood. The fact that these procedures are safe and relatively nonintrusive makes them attractive to physiologists, pharmacologists, and sports scientists as well as to clinicians concerned with the physiopathology of the heart and lung. This paper outlines the development of these techniques, with a discussion of some of the ways in which they stimulated research into the transport of gases in the body through the alveolar membrane.

From the fact that no carbonic acid gas is given out by venous blood when that fluid is subjected to the action of the air-pump, former experimentalists had inferred that this blood contains no carbonic acid. The author of the present paper contends that this is an erroneous inference; first, by showing that serum, which had been made to absorb a considerable quantity of this gas, does not yield it upon the removal of the atmospheric pressure; and next, by adducing several experiments in proof of the strong attraction exerted on carbonic acid both by hydrogen and by oxygen gases, which were found to absorb it readily through the medium of moistened membrane. By means of a peculiar apparatus, consisting of a double-necked bottle, to which a set of bent tubes were adapted, he ascertained that venous blood, agitated with pure hydrogen gas, and allowed to remain for an hour in contact with it, imparts to that gas a considerable quantity of carbonic acid. The same result had, indeed, been obtained, in a former experiment, by the simple application of heat to venous blood confined under hydrogen gas; but on account of the possible chemical agency of heat, the inference drawn from that experiment is less conclusive than from experiments in which the air-pump alone is employed. The author found that, in like manner, atmospheric air, by remaining, for a sufficient time, in contact with venous blood, on the application of the air-pump, acquires carbonic acid. The hypothesis that the carbon of the blood attracts the oxygen of the air into the fluid, and there combines with it, and that the carbonic acid thus formed is afterwards exhaled, appears to be inconsistent with the fact that all acids, and carbonic acid more especially, impart to the blood a black colour; whereas the immediate effect of exposing venous blood to atmospheric air, or to oxygen gas, is a change of colour from a dark to a bright scarlet, implying its conversion from the venous to the arterial character: hence the author infers that the acid is not formed during the experiment in question, but already exists in the venous blood, and is extracted from it by the atmospheric air. Similar experiments made with oxygen gas, in place of atmospheric air, were attended with the like results, but in a more striking degree and tend therefore to corroborate the views entertained by the author of the theory of respiration. According to these views, it is neither in the lungs, nor generally in the course of the circulation, but only during its passage through the capillary system of vessels, that the blood undergoes the change from arterial to venous; a change consisting in the formation of carbonic acid, by the addition of particles of carbon derived from the solid textures of the body, and which had combined with the oxygen supplied by the arterial blood: and it is by this combination that heat is evolved, as well as a dark colour imparted to the blood. The author ascribes, however, the bright red colour of arterial blood, not to the action of oxygen, which is of itself completely inert as a colouring agent, but to that of the saline ingredients naturally contained in healthy blood. On arriving at the lungs, the first change induced on the blood is effected by the oxygen of the atmospheric air, and consists in the removal of the carbonic acid, which had been the source of the dark colour of the venous blood; and the second consists in the attraction by the blood of a portion of oxygen, which it absorbs from the air, and which takes the place of the carbonic acid. The peculiar texture of the lungs, and the elevation of temperature in warm-blooded animals, concur in promoting the rapid production of these changes.

Tejaswini Katare ◽  
Disha Sharma ◽  
Ganesh Puradkar ◽  
Arun Dudhamal

Aam is an important concept described by Ayurvedic Acharyas which is responsible for many diseases. According to Ayurvedic point of view, all diseases are originated from aamdosh, vitiation of Agni i.e malfunction of Agni produces Aam. Aam is unripe, undigested food which is caused due to Agnimandya. Agnimandya produces aam and viceversa. We all know that all diseases are caused due to Agnimandya. Therefore as agnimandya and aam are the causative factors of each other, aam is the root cause of all diseases. Hence aam and agnimandya plays an important role in diagnosis and treatment of disease. Nowadays due to lack of exercise, unhygienic and unhealthy diet, incapability to obey the rules of sound body maintenance and increasing pollution results in agnimandya and aam production in the body and decrease in immunity resulting into various diseases. The concept of aam is the most important fundamental principal of Ayurveda in understanding the physio- pathology of the disease.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1084 ◽  
pp. 515-518
Nina I. Martemyanova ◽  
Natalia D. Turgunova ◽  
Aleksandr N. Aleinik

Reflectance pulse oximeter is designed to determine arterial blood oxygen saturation during a radiation therapy. Proposed solutions promote to reduce the impact of sensor motion on the readings. Experimentally obtained optimal contact pressure of the sensor on the body is 0.7 N. The preliminary results show that the device has good resolution and high reliability.

1959 ◽  
Vol 197 (5) ◽  
pp. 1111-1114 ◽  
Matthew N. Levy

Temperature was diminished in a stepwise fashion in the isolated kidney of the dog perfused from a peripheral artery of the original, normothermic animal. Decreased temperature resulted in an appreciable reduction of renal blood flow at constant arterial blood pressure. Increased blood viscosity and vasoconstriction were both responsible for this reduction of flow. Hypothermia also resulted in a reduction in arteriovenous oxygen difference which was roughly proportional to the centigrade temperature. Furthermore, hypothermia exerted a marked but reversible depression of the rate of oxidative metabolism. This effect was relatively more severe than the changes for the body as a whole at equivalent temperatures reported by other investigators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 1501-1506
Bhagat Seema ◽  
Ramamurthy Aku ◽  
Rathore Poonam

An impressive number of thousands of plants have been utilising for the treatment of diseases for thousands of years. Many of them are clearly explained in Ayurveda. In Ayurveda certain drugs manifest their action by their Rasa (taste); some by their Virya (potency) or other qualities, some by Vipaka (biological transformation) and others by their specific action. As per their Raspanchak, some of these drugs possesses an affinity for bala. The drugs that provide Bala (strength) and vitality to the body have been grouped under Balya mahakashaya by Acharya Charak. Bala (strength) plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. This study aimed to discuss the details of ten Balya Mahakashya drugs based on their Raspanchak i.e Rasa, Guna, Vi- rya, Vipaka and Karma and in relation to Bhavaprakash Nighantu, Dhanwantari Nighantu, Raj Nighantu and Kaiyadev Nighantu. Keywords: Bala, Balya Mahakashaya, Raspanchak, Nighantu.

2020 ◽  
Myo Min Zaw ◽  
Manpreet Singh ◽  
Ronghui Ma ◽  
Liang Zhu

In this study, we first develop a whole body model based on measurements of a human body, with realistic boundary conditions incorporated before and after a person jumps into a hot tub. For the transient heat transfer simulation, the initial condition is the established steady state temperature field of the human body with appropriate clothing layer to ensure the thermal equilibrium of the body with its surroundings. Once the person is inside a hot tub, the Pennes bioheat equation is used to simulate the transient temperature elevations of the body, and the rising of the arterial blood temperature is solved by an energy balance equation modeling thermal exchange between body tissue and the blood in the body. The safe duration of soaking in hot tubs is then determined as affected by the hot tub water temperatures.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 20150592 ◽  
John Davenport ◽  
T. Todd Jones ◽  
Thierry M. Work ◽  
George H. Balazs

Counter-current heat exchangers associated with appendages of endotherms feature bundles of closely applied arteriovenous vessels. The accepted paradigm is that heat from warm arterial blood travelling into the appendage crosses into cool venous blood returning to the body. High core temperature is maintained, but the appendage functions at low temperature. Leatherback turtles have elevated core temperatures in cold seawater and arteriovenous plexuses at the roots of all four limbs. We demonstrate that plexuses of the hindlimbs are situated wholly within the hip musculature, and that, at the distal ends of the plexuses, most blood vessels supply or drain the hip muscles, with little distal vascular supply to, or drainage from the limb blades. Venous blood entering a plexus will therefore be drained from active locomotory muscles that are overlaid by thick blubber when the adults are foraging in cold temperate waters. Plexuses maintain high limb muscle temperature and avoid excessive loss of heat to the core, the reverse of the accepted paradigm. Plexuses protect the core from overheating generated by muscular thermogenesis during nesting.

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