scholarly journals Penetration of magnetic field into superconductors. II. Measurements by the Casimir method

The changes with temperature of penetration of a magnetic field into superconducting tin and mercury were studied by a method due to Casimir in which a mutual inductance with a superconducting core is measured using low-frequency currents. The results were found to be very sensitive to surface conditions, but single crystals with smooth surfaces gave reproducible measurements of λ(T) — λ (2.17° K) as a function of temperature T . These were consistent with the formula λ(T) = λ 0 (1—( T/T c ) 4 ) -½ , where T c is the transition temperature, and λ 0 was found to be 5.2 x 10 -6 cm. for tin and 4.3 x 10 -6 cm. for mercury. For tin there was no significant difference between the values of λ 0 for current flow in different crystal directions, though a difference of up to 20% is not excluded. For mercury there is a suggestion that λ 0 is about 20% higher for current flow perpendicular to the principal axis than it is for current flow parallel to the principal axis, but this difference is little more than might be due to experimental errors. There was no evidence for any dependence of λ on a steady magnetic field H , though an increase of 10% up to 80% of the critical field is not excluded.

Kunio Shimada ◽  
Shigemitsu Shuchi ◽  
Shinichi Kamiyama

We made on numerical analysis of phase difference between pressure along the pipe axis and given oscillatory flow velocity in an straight pipe under a nonuniform steady magnetic field. In the analysis, a few cases under the assumption of numerical condition were conducted on: the first is taking into account the least compressibility of the fluid with using the obtained experimental data of the bulk modulus, the second taking into account the nonuniform distribution of mass concentration of particles, and the thrid taking into account the aggregation with the number of aggregated particles proposing as a prorate spheroid. By considering the three effects of the least compressibility and the nonuniform distribution of mass concentration, the aggregation as a prorate spheroid, the phase difference varies quantitatively at the lowest Womersley number range. And then, the numerical results were compared with the experimental data.

Geophysics ◽  
1984 ◽  
Vol 49 (5) ◽  
pp. 566-576 ◽  
R. N. Edwards ◽  
D. C. Nobes ◽  
E. Gómez‐Treviño

Our electrical method for exploring beneath the sea consists of a long, vertical, bipolar ac source, extending downward from the sea surface to the bottom of the sea and a remote, encapsulated, microprocessor‐controlled magnetometer located on the sea floor. The amplitude and phase of the magnetic field are measured over a range of suitable frequencies and transmitter‐magnetometer separations. At the low‐frequency static limit, apparent resistivity curves, similar to standard Schlumberger resistivity sounding curves, are constructed as an aid in the direct interpretation of isotropic crustal resistivity. An intermediate relatively resistive or relatively conductive zone is detectable when the transmitter‐receiver separation exceeds the order of twice the depth to the zone. The physical property resolved by the method in an anisotropic crust, which has different horizontal and vertical resistivities, is the geometric mean of the two independent resistivities. The thickness of a layer is indeterminate. A layer with a coefficient of anisotropy f responds like an isotropic layer f times thicker. At higher frequencies, when induction in the sea water is significant, the apparent resistivity curves remain valid provided locally induced current flow does not dominate the galvanic flow in the crustal material beneath the sea. The presence of some locally induced current, at the electromagnetic resistive limit, is advantageous. It enables the coefficient of anisotropy f of an anisotropic zone to be determined jointly with the mean resistivity. An approximate direct scheme involves the calculation of the apparent anisotropy, a formula which, like the apparent resistivity formula, is a function only of field observations, in particular the phase difference between the measured magnetic field and the transmitted current. The depth of penetration and the resolution of mean resistivity and anisotropy are presented in terms of Fréchet kernels and resolving kernels. The kernels are analytic for the special case of a uniform crust. The shape of the Fréchet kernels for resistivity and anisotropy are different. At low frequency, this reflects the different behaviours of the galvanic in‐phase current flow and quadrature locally induced current flow. The sensitivity function for anisotropy vanishes identically at zero frequency. The inclusion of the complication of anisotropy for the interpretation of data collected over sedimentary basins is mainly for numerical convenience. The sediments themselves are unlikely to be anisotropic on a small scale. The anisotropic behavior is due to macro‐anisotropy, the grouping together of thin isotropic layers of different isotropic resistivities. Such a grouping is introduced into both forward and inverse computer algorithms when the resolving kernels about a given depth are wider than the thickness of a typical layer.

Geophysics ◽  
1976 ◽  
Vol 41 (6) ◽  
pp. 1170-1183 ◽  
R. N. Edwards ◽  
E. C. Howell

The electrical prospecting method, known as the Magnetometric Resistivity (MMR) method, is based on the measurement of the low level (about 100 milligamma), low‐frequency (1–5 Hz) magnetic fields associated with noninductive current flow in the ground. The horizontal component of the magnetic field is measured along profiles which are at right angles to a baseline joining two widely separated current electrodes. The field test was conducted on a plateau in the western cordillera, where the topography is characterized by steep hills, bold ridges, gullies and narrow canyons. A steep faulted contact between basement rocks of differing resistivity is exposed on one flank of the plateau, beneath over 500 m of Tertiary volcanics and sediments. The object of the test was to determine if the basement contact could be mapped by the MMR method, working entirely on top of the plateau. The plan position of the contact could be inferred approximately from measurements at the outcrop. The object was achieved with a minimum of data processing. Using a theoretical model which resembles a thick, outcropping vertical dike of infinite vertical extent, the contrast in resistivity across the contact is estimated. A further model, that of an exponential “alpha” center, is also fitted to the data in an effort to pin‐point an anomalous region which may have unusually high conductivity.

2013 ◽  
Vol 364 ◽  
pp. 742-748 ◽  
Zhi Qiang Chen ◽  
Jian Wen ◽  
Wen Yong Tu ◽  
Li Xiao ◽  
Zheng Fang

An investigation was made on the early apoptosis of hepatoma Bel-7402 cells, which were cultured on the magnetic nanoFe3O4 powders in different diameters (MNPs) in vitro, by an altering electro-magnetic field (ELFF) exposure of extremely low frequency. MNPs would strengthen the ELFF effects on the cell metabolism, and the effects were dependent on the diameter of powders. The experiments showed that MNPs could not influence the cell physiology obviously. However, ELFF exposure would inhibit the cell proliferation because some cells were arrested at G0/G1 period and the early apoptosis was induced with significant difference (P<0.05) as compared with the control group. The combination of MNPs with ELFF could strengthen the ratio of cells arrested at G0/G1 period and induced early apoptosis. As compared with the control group and the radiation group by ELFF with effects to cells ion metabolism, the significant difference was also present (P<0.05). The western-blot and patch-clamp experiments showed that the mechanism on the combined method was the same as that of the single ELFF exposure and treated by 40nm MNPs could be induced more cells into early apoptosis than those by the 80nm powders combined with ELFF.

1984 ◽  
Vol 24 (03) ◽  
pp. 269-274 ◽  
Arthur F. Kuckes ◽  
T. Lautzenhiser ◽  
A.G. Nekut ◽  
R. Sigal

Abstract This paper describes an electromagnetic method to facilitate drilling a well to intersect a target well casing. It has an important application in control of blown out oil and gas wells. By this method, a relief well was directionally drilled to intersect the casing of a blowout at 8,000 ft [2700 m]. The relative distance and azimuthal direction to the target casing can be determined when the relief well is up to more than 100 ft [30 m] from the blowout. Introduction There is a need, particularly in the control of runaway oil or gas wells, for the ability to drill a relief well to intersect a target well casing at a specified subsurface depth. Our method consists of detecting and analyzing the magnetic field generated by alternating electric current flow on a target well casing, drillstem, or fish. By comparison to the earth, steel is a very good electrical conductor; a steel well casing has a strong "short-circuiting" effect on the parallel component of electric current now in its vicinity, The magnetic field generated by current flow on the target casing and measured in the relief well can be used to determine the relative distance and direction from the relief well to the target. In this paper, we present the principles of operation along with the results of some field tests. An alternative scheme using a wireline current source is described in the Appendix. Principle of the Method Principle of the Method Consider the apparatus shown in Fig. 1. The dimensions shown can vary greatly: those given are for reference. A low-frequency AC is injected into the ground by use of surface electrodes near the blowout. The return current is collected by remote surface electrodes. If the blowout casing were not present, this arrangement would produce a very small magnetic field response on or near the blowout axis. With the blowout casing in place, there is a large enhancement of the current flowing down the blowout axis, which results in a large enhancement of the magnetic field as indicated by Ampere's law. Considering the geometry of the magnetic field resulting from a current-carrying conductor, the apparent direction to the conductor can be deduced. It is useful to introduce a parameter re that is the radius of a circular column of earth having the same resistance per unit length as the blown out well casing. If the conductivity of the earth is given by sigma e, that of the casing by sigma c, and the well casing has a radius rc and wall thickness hc, then re is given by (1) The electrical conductivity of steel is about 107 (omega.m)-1, whereas that of country rock in a petroleum environment is within an order of magnitude of 0.1 (omega.m)-1. Thus, a well casing with a 1/2-in. [1.3-cm] wall, 10 in. [25 cm] in diameter, has the same electrical resistance per unit length as a column of earth [sigma c = 1(omegam)-1] about 1,000 ft [300 m] in diameter. Such well casing has a short-circuiting effect to vertical current flow on a column of earth approximately this diameter. The sensitivity of standard magnetometers is such that after 100 seconds of signal averaging, an AC magnetic induction of less than 10–2 gammas or alternatively a magnetic field of 10–5 A/m can be detected. This corresponds to the magnetic field generated by a current of 2 mA on well casing 100 ft [30 m] away. The parameter re also indicates the scale length over which current builds up on a casing. Thus, for a semi-infinite casing surrounded by a uniform conductor of much lower conductivity, the current on the casing will build up to its asymptotic value within re of the end of the casing. Consequently, it is a valid approximation to calculate the current on the casing, Ic, by (2) when the electric field, E, parallel to the casing varies slowly on the scale re. This is the situation far from the surface injection electrodes. When a distance on the order of re from the blowout casing, the low-frequency magnetic field signal is caused predominantly by current flow on the blowout: predominantly by current flow on the blowout: (3) SPEJ P. 269

1992 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 52-55 ◽  
Gail L. MacLean ◽  
Andrew Stuart ◽  
Robert Stenstrom

Differences in real ear sound pressure levels (SPLs) with three portable stereo system (PSS) earphones (supraaural [Sony Model MDR-44], semiaural [Sony Model MDR-A15L], and insert [Sony Model MDR-E225]) were investigated. Twelve adult men served as subjects. Frequency response, high frequency average (HFA) output, peak output, peak output frequency, and overall RMS output for each PSS earphone were obtained with a probe tube microphone system (Fonix 6500 Hearing Aid Test System). Results indicated a significant difference in mean RMS outputs with nonsignificant differences in mean HFA outputs, peak outputs, and peak output frequencies among PSS earphones. Differences in mean overall RMS outputs were attributed to differences in low-frequency effects that were observed among the frequency responses of the three PSS earphones. It is suggested that one cannot assume equivalent real ear SPLs, with equivalent inputs, among different styles of PSS earphones.

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