On the position of the north magnetic pole

The author remarks that the discordances in former observations made with a view to determine the position of the magnetic pole, have arisen partly from the irregularity of distribution in the earth of the substances which exert magnetic power, and partly from the great distances from the magnetic poles at which these observations have been made. The latter cause of uncertainty has been now, in a great measure, removed, by the numerous and accurate observations made during the late arctic expeditions. The object of the present paper is to put on record those which were made in the last voyage of Captain Ross, in which a spot was reached corresponding to the true north magnetic pole on the surface of the earth. The nature of the instruments, and the difficulties encountered in their practical employment, under the circumstances of the expedition, are fully stated. Having arrived, on the 1st of June, at north latitude 70° 5' 17", and west longitude 96° 45' 48", the horizontal magnetic needle exhibited no determinate directive tendency, and the dipping needle was within a minute of the vertical position, a quantity which may be supposed to come within the limits of the errors of observation; hence the author concludes that this spot may be considered as the true magnetic pole, or as a very near approximation to it, as far, at least, as could be ascertained with the limited means of determination of which he was then in possession. A table of the observations, including those on the intensity of the magnetic force at various stations, is subjoined.

1834 ◽  
Vol 124 ◽  
pp. 47-52 ◽  

The determination of the position of the Magnetic Poles of the earth has ever been considered a desideratum in the science of magnetism, of the highest importance; and the observations and experiments of the most ingenious and learned philosophers have universally been applied to the solution of this difficult and perplexing problem. Vague and unsatisfactory, however, were the results of the researches and calculations of the most indefatigable and zealous promoters of that science, arising, doubtless, in a great measure, from the discordant observations upon which they were founded,— a discordance which was considered to arise chiefly from the unequal distribution of the magnetic substances contained in the earth, and also from the great distances at which the observations were made from the centres of the powers of those magnetic substances, or, in other words, from the magnetic foci, or poles, of the earth. The primary cause of magnetic phenomena has always been, and still is, one of the secrets of nature, although several of the laws of magnetism have of late years been gradually developed: and during our absence from England, a greater step perhaps than any former one has been made, through the indefatigable research of Dr. Faraday, by his splendid and convincing proofs of its complete identity with electricity. Still much remains to be accomplished relative to terrestrial magnetism; and accurate observations with good instruments, as near the magnetic poles as possible, and in various directions from them, were long considered amongst the desiderata for completing the magnetic theory of the globe.

1954 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-15
E. G. R. Taylor

It was a trial and a torment to sailors when it was brought home to them that the magnetic needle did not point truly to the north, but ‘northeasted and northwested’ as they described it. ‘El nordeaster de las agujas pone alos mareantes en muches dudas’, wrote one of them, and many flatly refused to believe it, putting discrepancies down to the use of a faulty lodestone or to bad workmanship on the part of the compass-maker. In the far-off days when the use of ‘needle and stone’ to recover lost bearings was first discovered, they believed that by some magic or divine sympathy the needle turned and pointed to their star, which they called the Shipman's Star, or Stella Maris, the only one that never moved. But Peter Peregrinus, writing the first scientific treatise on magnetism in 1269, remarked that they were wrong. The needle pointed to the celestial pole, round which the Pole Star circled like any other. And three centuries later Peter in his turn was faulted by the Elizabethan mathematician John Dee, who scribbled a note in the margin of the medieval writer's book to the effect that it was neither the star nor the pole which was the centre of attraction, but a spot on the Earth—the magnetic pole.

The author observes that opinions differ as to the elevation of the Aurora Borealis above the surface of the earth, and that this is a point which can be determined only by a series of concurring observations. The appearance of a phenomenon of this kind on the 29th of March, 1826, assuming the form of a regular arch at right angles to the magnetic meridian, and marked by peculiar features, continuing for above an hour in the same position, afforded a most favourable opportunity for obtaining the data requisite for the solution of this problem; and the author accordingly took great pains to collect as many authentic accounts as possible of the apparent position of this luminous arch with reference to the stars, when seen from various places where it had been observed in England and in Scotland. It appears to have been actually seen in places 170 miles distant from one another, in a north and south direction, and 45 miles distant from east to west, thus comprising an area of 7000 or 8000 square miles; but it must have been visible over a much greater extent. Accounts were received of its having been seen as far north as Edinburgh, and as far south as Manchester and Doncaster, and at most of the intermediate towns; and from the exact; correspondence of the descriptions from all these places, it was impossible to doubt that they referred to the same luminous appearance. In proceeding from north to south, the apparent altitude of the arch continually increased, still keeping to the south of the zenith till we come to Kendal, at which place it very nearly crossed the zenith; at Warrington, which is further south, the culminating point of the arch was north of the zenith. Wherever seen, the arch always seemed to terminate nearly in the magnetic, east and west, at two opposite points of the horizon. The observations, in which the author places the greatest confidence for determining the height of this aurora, were those made at Whitehaven and at Warrington, places which are distant 83 miles from one another, and situated nearly on the same magnetic meridian. Calculating from the data they afford, he finds the height of the arch very nearly 100 miles above the surface of the earth, and immediately over the towns of Kendal and of Kirkby-Stephen. This conclusion is corroborated by observations at Jedburgh; but if the former be compared with those at Edinburgh, the height will come out to be 150 or 160 miles, and the position vertical about Carlisle: but he thinks the former result more entitled to confidence. Assuming the height to be 100 miles, it will follow that the breadth of the arch would be 8 or 9 miles, and its visible length in an east and west direction from any one place would be about 550 miles. The author then proceeds to take a comparative view of the results of inquiries on the height and position of other auroræ which have at different times appeared, and are recorded in the Philosophical Transactions and other scientific journals. He also gives an account of a luminous arch seen both at Kendal and at Manchester on the 27th of December last, which appeared in the zenith at the former place, and was elevated 53° from the north at the latter place; whence its height is deduced to be 100 miles. From the general agreement of this series of observations, the author infers that these luminous arches of the aurora, which are occasionally seen stretching from east to west, are all nearly of the same height; namely, about 100 miles. Observations are still wanting for the determination of the length of beams parallel to the dipping-needle, which constitute the more ordinary forms of the aurora borealis; neither can it be determined whether these beams arise above the arches, as from a base, or whether they descend below, as if appended to the arches. It is remarkable that the arches and beams are rarely, if ever, seen connected together, or in juxta-position; but always in parts of the heavens at a considerable distance from each other.

1902 ◽  
Vol 20 (6) ◽  
pp. 627
Roald Amundsen

1859 ◽  
Vol 6 (31) ◽  
pp. 39-49
J. Stevenson Bushnan

Physiology is co-extensive with organic nature. Organic nature is wholly composed of individuals, comprising the two great kingdoms of plants and animals. A unity of structure pervades the whole of this wide field of nature; and this unity is a great principle, applicable to the determination of truth in the investigation of this part of knowledge. Every individual in organic nature is a system made up of reciprocally dependent and connected parts. The objects of investigation in physiology are phenomena, organs, and principles. The study of phenomena stands first in order; but while it must essentially be first cultivated and advanced, in the ulterior stages of its progress it gains continually fresh additions from the progress made in the knowledge of organs and principles. That phenomena attract attention before organs, is manifest on the slightest consideration. Thus the phenomena of locomotion were familiar to mankind long before the part taken by the muscular flesh in locomotion was discovered. To this moment it is far more certain that absorption takes place throughout the animal body, than what the organs are by which that office is performed. And it would be easy to multiply examples of the same kind, not-withstanding that there are some phenomena of the human body—such as those connected with the sense of sight, the sense of hearing, and other senses—the organs concerned in which must have been known, in a general manner, almost as soon as the earliest phenomena in which they are concerned. Principles, in their larger sense, take their place subsequently to the study of organs; yet, as referring to the more common genera of phenomena, these must also have had their rise almost coeval with the observation of phenomena. Thus the grouping of colours, sounds, smells, and tastes together, under the name of qualities derived from sense, must have been a very early and universal generalization. Nevertheless, it will, I think, be conceded, after these examples, that the study of phenomena is of a more elementary character in physiology, than the study of organs and principles; and, therefore, in the difficult parts of any physiological subject, that more progress is likely to be made by the study of phenomena, than by the study of organs and principles. But before proceeding further, it may be desirable to give some examples of physiological phenomena:—the alternation of sleep and waking; of hunger and satiety; thirst; the effect of drink; breathing; the exercise of the senses, and trains of thought; the various kinds of locomotion, walking, running, leaping, dancing. Here a question naturally arises—if trains of thought be physiological phenomena, does not all human knowledge fall within the definition of physiological phenomena? If the human race were not yet called into being, neither would human knowledge, it is true, have any existence in the world. And, it is doubtless true, under one point of view, that all that man has discovered; all that he has recorded; all the changes which he has made upon the earth since his first creation—are the effects of his physiological nature. But to place all knowledge under the head of physiology would be to defeat the very end of methodical arrangement, to which the progress of knowledge is so largely indebted. Nor is it difficult to mark out at least the general character of the boundaries within which physiology, in the largest sense in which it is convenient to accept it, should be circumscribed. Let us take as an example man's susceptibility of locomotion. It is a sufficient illustration of the physiology of locomotion to point out, that every man without any extraordinary effort learns to walk, run, hop, leap, climb; but there is at least a manifest convenience in separating such more difficult acquisitions as dancing, skating, writing, from the order of physiological phenomena, and placing each in a department by itself, as subject to its own rules. So also it is at least a convenience to consider painting and music as separate departments of study, and not merely as physiological phenomena, falling under the senses of sight and of hearing. It may be supposed to be a matter of the like convenience, to separate from physiology all the phenomena which enter into what are commonly called trains of thought; that is nearly all that comes under the head of psychology, in its most appropriate extent of signification. But several objections will readily occur to such a mutilation of physiology. In particular, it is objectionable, because, as was already hinted, the phenomenal departments of physiology, though the first to take a start, are often much augmented by the subsequent study of the organs concerned; and, more so that, since psychology, disjoined from physiology, and limited to one mode of culture, namely, by reflexion on the subjects of consciousness, were psychology thrown out from physiology, the probable advantages from the study of the organs concerned in the mental processes, and the other modes of culture, admissible in physiological enquiry, would be lost. If it be said that psychology proper rejects all evidence, except the evidence of consciousness, on no other ground, but because of the uncertainty of every other source of evidence—the answer is, that in those sciences which have made most progress, possibility, probability, and moral certainty have always been admitted as sufficient interim grounds for the prosecution of such inquiries as have finally, though at first leading to inexact conclusions, opened the way to the attainment of the most important truths; and that psychology, by the over-rigidness of its rules of investigation, has plainly fallen behind sciences, in advance of which it at one time stood in its progress.

The author gives the results of a series of observations on the vibrations of the magnetic needle, which he undertook last summer, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the intensity of its directive force is affected by the changes in the earth’s distance from the sun, or by its declination with respect to the plane of its equator. He observed that the magnetic intensity is subject to frequent variations, which are sometimes sudden, and of short duration. These anomalies he has been unable to refer to any obvious cause, except when they were accompanied by the appearance of the aurora borealis, which evidently affected the needle on many occasions. He also thinks that the vibrations of the needle became less rapid with a moist atmosphere, and more so when it was very dry. Changes of the wind and snow storms appeared also to be attended with fluc­tuations in the intensity of the magnetism. He endeavoured to ascertain whether there existed any decided and constant difference in the directive force of each pole; conceiving that, on the hypothesis of a central magnetic force, the north pole of the magnet would, in these northern latitudes, be acted upon with much greater energy than the south pole. From his observing that the relative intensity of the two poles is not always the same, he infers the probability of the earth’s magnetism being derived from the agency of electric currents existing under its surface as well as above it, and that the rapid fluctuations in its intensity are owing to meteorological changes. The author is led to conclude that the aurora borealis is an elec­trical phenomenon, and that it usually moves during the night nearly from north to south, and in an opposite direction during the day ; that it is of the nature of positive electricity; and that its elevation above the earth is much greater than a thousand, and perhaps thou­sands of miles.

1958 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 409-410
R. d'E. Atkinson ◽  
E. G. R. Taylor

I Have read Professor Taylor's article with great enjoyment. There are, however, two matters of fact on which, though they do not affect her main thesis, the record should, I think, be set right, (a) The earliest experimental proof of the Earth's revolution round the Sun was neither Bessel's detection of the relative parallax of 61 Cygni, nor Henderson's determination of the absolute parallax of α Centauri (both of which occurred in 1838) but Bradley's very beautiful discovery of aberration in 1725, together with his slightly later explanation. The discovery was made in a deliberate search for parallaxes; and although that particular proof of the Earth's movement was not then achieved, it was at once recognized that aberration provided a different and equally cogent one. Bradley's work was indeed resisted, in some quarters and for a short while, for reasons which Professor Taylor will by no means find unexpected. His later discovery of one term in the nutation was also a discovery of something which would have embarrassed Ptolemy, and delighted Newton; it certainly tended to confirm the picture, if that were needed. By the time parallaxes actually were discovered, though there still were individuals, sometimes of high rank, whose prejudices were stronger than their intellects, the only point of genuine doubt was the question how far away the nearest stars really were.

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