XIII. On the motion of two spheres in a fluid

1880 ◽  
Vol 171 ◽  
pp. 455-492 ◽  

The general theory of the motion of a single rigid body through an infinite incompressible fluid is well known, chiefly through the work of Thomson and Tait and Kirchhoff, and we are able to calculate numerically the results in the case of the sphere, the ellipsoid, and a large number of cylindrical surfaces. The theory of the motion of two or more bodies in a fluid has naturally not made the same progress, and we are unable to determine the form of the expressions involved for the general motion of any particular solids. So far as I am aware, the first attempt was made by Stokes, in a paper read before the Cambridge Philosophical Society in 1843, entitled “On some cases of Fluid Motion.” In this paper, amongst other problems, he considers the case of two spheres. He determines the instantaneous velocity potential for two concentric spheres and for two concentric cylinders with fluid between them, and finds that the effect of the fluid is to increase the inertia of the inner sphere by a mass = ½. a 3 + 2 b 3 / b 3 - a 3 of the mass of the fluid displaced, and that of the inner cylinder by a mass b 2 + a 2 / b 2 - a 2 of the displaced, a, b , being the radii of the spheres or cylinders. He also approximates to the cases where one sphere is moving in the presence of another in an infinite fluid; and also in the presence of a plane, the method used being first to calculate the velocity potential for any motion of the points of the plane, and then suppose them actually animated with velocities equal and opposite to the normal velocities of the fluid motion at those points if the plane had been removed. He applies the same method also to the consideration of the motion of two spheres. In a note in the Report of the British Association at Oxford, 1847, he states the theorem given by me in § 4 relating to the image of a doublet whose axis passes through the centre, and mentions that this will easily serve to determine the motion. In 1863 Herr Bjerknes communicated a paper to the Society of Sciences at Christiana, on the motion of a sphere which changes its volume, and in which he approximates for the motion of two spheres. I have not been able to see this paper, nor some others which he presented to the same Society at some later periods; but he has given an account of his researches in the 'Comptes Rendus,' together with some historical notices on the development of the theory. He does not seem, however, to have been acquainted with the important paper of Stokes above referred to.† In 1867 Thomson and Tait’s ‘Natural Philosophy’ appeared, containing general theorems on the motion of a sphere in a fluid bounded by an infinite plane, viz.: that a sphere moving perpendicularly to the plane moves as if repelled by it, whilst if it moves parallel to it it is attracted. In a paper on vortex motion in the same year (Edin. Trans., vol. xxv.), Thomson proved that a body or system of bodies passing on one side of a fixed obstacle move as if attracted or repelled by it, according as the translation is in the direction of the resultant impulse or opposite to it. In the ‘Philosophical Magazine’ for June, 1871, Professor Guthrie publishes some letters from Sir W. Thomson on the apparent attraction or repulsion between two spheres, one of which is vibrating in the line of centres. Results only are given, and he states that if the density of the free globe is less than that of the fluid, there is a “critical” distance beyond which it is attracted, and within which it is repelled. The problem of two small spheres is also considered by Kirchhoff in his ‘Vorles. ü. Math. Phys.,’ pp. 229, 248. In his later papers Bjerknes takes up the question of “pulsations” as well as vibrations. Of solutions for other cases than spheres, Kirchhoff has considered‡ the case of two thin rigid rings, the axes of the rings being any closed curves and the sections by planes perpendicular to the axis being small circles of constant radii, and he arrives at the result that their action on one another may be represented by supposing electric currents to flow round them; and I have recently solved the problem of the motion of two cylinders in any manner with their axes always parallel. The velocity potentials for the motion of the two cylinders are found in general as definite integrals, which, when the cylinders move as a rigid body, are expressed in a simple finite form as elliptic functions of bipolar coordinates. The functions involved in the coefficients of the velocities in the expression for the energy have a close analogy with those for spheres arrived at in the following investigation.

1865 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-71
Edward Sang

In the year 1861 I laid before the Royal Society of Edinburgh a theorem concerning the time of descent in a circular arc, by help of which that time can be computed with great ease and rapidity. A concise statement of it is printed in the fourth volume of the Society's Proceedings at page 419.The theorem in question was arrived at by the comparison of two formulæ, the one being the common series and the other an expression given in the “Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine” for November 1828, by a writer under the signature J. W. L. Each of these series is reached by a long train of transformations, developments, and integrations, which require great familiarity with the most advanced branches of the infinitesimal calculus; yet the theorem which results from their comparison has an aspect of extreme simplicity, and seems as if surely it might be attained to by a much shorter and less rugged road. For that reason I did not, at the time, give an account of the manner in which it was arrived at, intending to seek out a better proof. On comparing it with what is known in the theory of elliptic functions, its resemblance to the beautiful theorem of Halle became obvious; but then the coefficients in Halle's formulæ are necessarily less than unit, whereas for this theorem they are required to be greater than unit.

1866 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 408-409
Edward Sang

This paper contains a demonstration of the theorem given in the fourth volume of the proceedings at p. 419.The theorem in question was arrived at by the comparison of the well-known formula for the time of descent in a circular arc, with another formula given in the “Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine” for November 1828, by a writer under the signature T. W. L. Each of these series is reached by a long train of transformations, developments, and integrations, which require great familiarity with the most advanced branches of the higher calculus. Yet the theorem which results from their comparison has an aspect of extreme simplicity, and seems as if it could be reached by an easier road.

2011 ◽  
Vol 667 ◽  
pp. 474-519 ◽  

New shallow-water equations (SWEs), for sloshing in three dimensions (two horizontal and one vertical) in a vessel which is undergoing rigid-body motion in 3-space, are derived. The rigid-body motion of the vessel (roll–pitch–yaw and/or surge–sway–heave) is modelled exactly and the only approximations are in the fluid motion. The flow is assumed to be inviscid but vortical, with approximations on the vertical velocity and acceleration at the surface. These equations improve previous shallow-water models. The model also extends to three dimensions the essence of the Penney–Price–Taylor theory for the highest standing wave. The surface SWEs are simulated using a split-step alternating direction implicit finite-difference scheme. Numerical experiments are reported, including comparisons with existing results in the literature, and simulations with vessels undergoing full 3-D rotations.

D. Porter

AbstractThe two-dimensional configuration is considered of a fixed, semi-infinite, vertical barrier extending downwards from a fluid surface and having, at some depth, a gap of arbitrary width. A train of surface waves, incident on the barrier, is partly transmitted and partly reflected. The velocity potential of the resulting fluid motion is determined by a reduction procedure and also by an integral equation formulation. It is shown that the two methods lead to the same Riemann–Hilbert problem. Transmission and reflexion coefficients are calculated for several values of the ratio gap width/mean gap depth.

1991 ◽  
Vol 226 ◽  
pp. 401-423 ◽  
J. H. Duncan ◽  
S. Zhang

The collapse of a spherical vapour cavity in the vicinity of a compliant boundary is examined numerically. The fluid is treated as a potential flow and a boundary-element method is used to solve Laplace's equation for the velocity potential. Full nonlinear boundary conditions are applied on the surface of the cavity. The compliant wall is modelled as a membrane with a spring foundation. At the interface between the fluid and the membrane, the pressure and vertical velocity in the flow are matched to the pressure and vertical velocity of the membrane using linearized conditions. The results of calculations are presented which show the effect of the parameters describing the flow (the initial cavity size and position, the fluid density and the pressure driving the collapse) and the parameters describing the compliant wall (the mass per unit area, membrane tension, spring constant and coating radius) on the interaction between the two. When the wall is rigid, the collapse of the cavity is characterized by the formation of a re-entrant jet that is directed toward the wall. However, if the properties of the compliant wall are chosen properly, the collapse can be made to occur spherically, as if the cavity were in an infinite fluid, or with the reentrant jet directed away from the wall, as if the cavity were adjacent to a free surface. This behaviour is in qualitative agreement with the experiments of Gibson & Blake (1982) and Shima, et al. (1989). Calculations of the transfer of energy between the flow and the coating are also presented.

1967 ◽  
Vol 71 (683) ◽  
pp. 799-800
G. Bussi

Fluid motion in an annulus is described, in the absence of radial velocity, by the simple radial equilibrium equation. This equation is used to describe the flow in an axial turbomachine some distance ahead and behind the rows of blades, where radial displacements have already decayed.In the neighbourhood of and between the blades the fluid motion is far more complex than the flow in the radial equilibrium condition. Most of the difficulties of the real problem can be overcome by introducing the actuator disc mathematical model. The actuator disc divides the complex flow field into two simpler fields, each free from blades, i.e. a simple annulus. The equations of motion in each field are easily linearised by posing some particular restrictions concerning the velocity profiles and by conceiving the velocity as the sum of the radial equilibrium solution and of small perturbed quantities. These are radial and axial perturbation velocities vanishing far from the actuator disc, and are given by a perturbation velocity potential.

2007 ◽  
Vol 579 ◽  
pp. 413-443 ◽  
N. R. T. BIGGS ◽  

The problem of linear wave scattering by an ice sheet of variable thickness floating on water of variable quiescent depth is considered by applying the Rayleigh–Ritz method in conjunction with a variational principle. By using a multi-mode expansion to approximate the velocity potential that represents the fluid motion, Porter & Porter (J. Fluid Mech. vol. 509, 2004, p. 145) is extended and the solution of the problem may be obtained to any desired accuracy. Explicit solution methods are formulated for waves that are obliquely incident on two-dimensional geometry, comparisons are made with existing work and a range of new examples that includes both total and partial ice-cover is considered.

1. The problem of any barrier in a fluid stream is best attacked by the method due to Levi-Civita, of which useful accounts, with extensions, are given by Cisotti and Brillouin. The resultant pressure for any barrier has been given in terms of the constants defining the barrier; but the calculations required to find the line of action of this pressure have not been carried out. It is our object to supply this deficiency here. The motion is two-dimensional. Let the complex variable z (≡ x + iy ) define position in any plane perpendicular to the generators of the barrier, the x axis being parallel to the direction of the stream at infinity. We define u = ∂ϕ/∂ x = ∂ψ/∂ y , v = ∂ϕ/∂ y = -∂ψ/∂ x , where u , v are the velocity components, and ϕ, ψ are the velocity potential and stream function respectively. Let w ≡ ϕ + iψ and define ζ, Ω, r, θ so that ζ ≡ re θ = dz / dw ; Ω = log ζ ≡ log r + iθ . (1)

Baolei Geng ◽  
Rongquan Wang

With the fluid assumed incompressible and inviscid, and the flow irrotational, the fluid motion can be described by a potential ϕ which satisfies the Laplace equation within the whole domain Ω. The seabed and wall are impermeable and grid plate is transversely permeable only. Then the relationship between horizontal velocity and pressure difference could be deduced without considering the vertical component of the fluid in the grid plate. Reflection coefficient, transmission coefficient and energy-loss coefficient could be calculated when regular waves travel across one grid plate or multi-grid plates, by matching velocity potential and boundary conditions at each grid plate. For the given case, if 0.8 < Gr < 4.6 and Gi < 1.6, the wave absorptivity is more than 90% for four grid plates wave absorbing device.

2004 ◽  
Vol 2004 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-106 ◽  
E. O. Ifidon

The problem of determining the induced steady axially symmetric motion of an incompressible viscous fluid confined between two concentric spheres, with the outer sphere rotating with constant angular velocity and the inner sphere fixed, is numerically investigated for large Reynolds number. The governing Navier-Stokes equations expressed in terms of a stream function-vorticity formulation are reduced to a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations in the radial variable, one of second order and the other of fourth order, by expanding the flow variables as an infinite series of orthogonal Gegenbauer functions. The numerical investigation is based on a finite-difference technique which does not involve iterations and which is valid for arbitrary large Reynolds number. Present calculations are performed for Reynolds numbers as large as 5000. The resulting flow patterns are displayed in the form of level curves. The results show a stable configuration consistent with experimental results with no evidence of any disjoint closed curves.

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