scholarly journals Phage resistance accompanies reduced fitness of uropathogenic E. coli in the urinary environment

2021 ◽  
Jacob J. Zulk ◽  
Justin R. Clark ◽  
Samantha Ottinger ◽  
Mallory B. Ballard ◽  
Marlyd E. Mejia ◽  

ABSTRACTUrinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common infections treated worldwide each year and are primarily caused by uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). Rising rates of antibiotic resistance among uropathogens have spurred consideration of alternative strategies such as bacteriophage (phage) therapy; however, phage-bacterial interactions within the urinary environment are poorly defined. Here, we assess the activity of two phages, HP3 and ES17, against clinical UPEC isolates using in vitro and in vivo models of UTI. In both bacteriologic medium and pooled human urine, we identified phage resistance arising within the first 6-8 hours of coincubation. Whole genome sequencing revealed that UPEC resistant to HP3 and ES17 harbored mutations in genes involved in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis. These mutations coincided with several in vitro phenotypes, including alterations to adherence to and invasion of human bladder epithelial HTB-9 cells, and increased biofilm formation. Interestingly, these phage-resistant UPEC demonstrated reduced growth in pooled human urine, which could be partially rescued by nutrient supplementation, and were more sensitive to several outer membrane targeting antibiotics than parental strains. Additionally, these phage-resistant UPEC were attenuated in a murine UTI model. In total, our findings suggest that while resistance to phages, such as LPS-targeted HP3 and ES17, may readily arise in the urinary environment, phage resistance is accompanied by fitness costs rendering UPEC more susceptible to host immunity or antibiotics.IMPORTANCEUTIs are one of the most common causes of outpatient antibiotic use, and rising antibiotic resistance threatens the ability to control these infections unless alternative treatments are developed. Bacteriophage (phage) therapy is gaining renewed interest, however, much like antibiotics, bacteria can readily become resistant to phage. For successful UTI treatment, we must predict how bacteria will evade killing by phage and identify the downstream consequences of phage-resistant bacterial infections. In our current study, we found that while phage-resistant mutant bacteria quickly emerged, these mutations left bacteria less capable of growing in human urine and colonizing the murine bladder. These results suggest that phage therapy poses a viable UTI treatment if phage resistance confers fitness costs for the uropathogen. These results have implications for developing cocktails of phage with multiple different bacterial targets, each of which is only evaded at the cost of bacterial fitness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 86 (13) ◽  
Allyson E. Shea ◽  
Juan Marzoa ◽  
Stephanie D. Himpsl ◽  
Sara N. Smith ◽  
Lili Zhao ◽  

ABSTRACT Urinary tract infections (UTI), the second most diagnosed infectious disease worldwide, are caused primarily by uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), placing a significant financial burden on the health care system. High-throughput transposon mutagenesis combined with genome-targeted sequencing is a powerful technique to interrogate genomes for fitness genes. Genome-wide analysis of E. coli requires random libraries of at least 50,000 mutants to achieve 99.99% saturation; however, the traditional murine model of ascending UTI does not permit testing of large mutant pools due to a bottleneck during infection. To address this, an E. coli CFT073 transposon mutant ordered library of 9,216 mutants was created and insertion sites were identified. A single transposon mutant was selected for each gene to assemble a condensed library consisting of 2,913 unique nonessential mutants. Using a modified UTI model in BALB/c mice, we identified 36 genes important for colonizing the bladder, including purB, yihE, and carB. Screening of the condensed library in vitro identified yigP and ubiG to be essential for growth in human urine. Additionally, we developed a novel quantitative PCR (qPCR) technique to identify genes with fitness defects within defined subgroups of related genes (e.g., genes encoding fimbriae, toxins, etc.) following UTI. The number of mutants within these subgroups circumvents bottleneck restriction and facilitates validation of multiple mutants to generate individual competitive indices. Collectively, this study investigates the bottleneck effects during UTI, provides two techniques for evading those effects that can be applied to other disease models, and contributes a genetic tool in prototype strain CFT073 to the field. IMPORTANCE Uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains cause most uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTI), one of the most common infectious diseases worldwide. Random transposon mutagenesis techniques have been utilized to identify essential bacterial genes during infection; however, this has been met with limitations when applied to the murine UTI model. Conventional high-throughput transposon mutagenesis screens are not feasible because of inoculum size restrictions due to a bottleneck during infection. Our study utilizes a condensed ordered transposon library, limiting the number of mutants while maintaining the largest possible genome coverage. Screening of this library in vivo, and in human urine in vitro, identified numerous candidate fitness factors. Additionally, we have developed a novel technique using qPCR to quantify bacterial outputs following infection with small subgroups of transposon mutants. Molecular approaches developed in this study will serve as useful tools to probe in vivo models that are restricted by anatomical, physiological, or genetic bottleneck limitations.

2005 ◽  
Vol 49 (6) ◽  
pp. 2343-2351 ◽  
Patricia Komp Lindgren ◽  
Linda L. Marcusson ◽  
Dorthe Sandvang ◽  
Niels Frimodt-Møller ◽  
Diarmaid Hughes

ABSTRACT Resistance to fluoroquinolones in urinary tract infection (UTIs) caused by Escherichia coli is associated with multiple mutations, typically those that alter DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV and those that regulate AcrAB-TolC-mediated efflux. We asked whether a fitness cost is associated with the accumulation of these multiple mutations. Mutants of the susceptible E. coli UTI isolate Nu14 were selected through three to five successive steps with norfloxacin. Each selection was performed with the MIC of the selected strain. After each selection the MIC was measured; and the regions of gyrA, gyrB, parC, and parE, previously associated with resistance mutations, and all of marOR and acrR were sequenced. The first selection step yielded mutations in gyrA, gyrB, and marOR. Subsequent selection steps yielded mutations in gyrA, parE, and marOR but not in gyrB, parC, or acrR. Resistance-associated mutations were identified in almost all isolates after selection steps 1 and 2 but in less than 50% of isolates after subsequent selection steps. Selected strains were competed in vitro, in urine, and in a mouse UTI infection model against the starting strain, Nu14. First-step mutations were not associated with significant fitness costs. However, the accumulation of three or more resistance-associated mutations was usually associated with a large reduction in biological fitness, both in vitro and in vivo. Interestingly, in some lineages a partial restoration of fitness was associated with the accumulation of additional mutations in late selection steps. We suggest that the relative biological costs of multiple mutations may influence the evolution of E. coli strains that develop resistance to fluoroquinolones.

Antibiotics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 170 ◽  
Ashok Chockalingam ◽  
Sharron Stewart ◽  
Lin Xu ◽  
Adarsh Gandhi ◽  
Murali K. Matta ◽  

Urinary tract infections (UTI) are common worldwide and are becoming increasingly difficult to treat because of the development of antibiotic resistance. Immunocompetent murine models of human UTI have been used to study pathogenesis and treatment but not for investigating resistance development after treatment with antibiotics. In this study, intravesical inoculation of uropathogenic Escherichia coli CFT073 in immunocompetent Balb/c mice was used as a model of human UTI. The value of the model in investigating antibiotic exposure on in vivo emergence of antibiotic resistance was examined. Experimentally infected mice were treated with 20 or 200 mg/kg ampicillin, 5 or 50 mg/kg ciprofloxacin, or 100 or 1000 mg/kg of fosfomycin. Ampicillin and ciprofloxacin were given twice daily at 8 h intervals, and fosfomycin was given once daily. Antibiotic treatment began 24 h after bacterial inoculation and ended after 72 h following the initial treatment. Although minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) for the experimental strain of E. coli were exceeded at peak concentrations in tissues and consistently in urine, low levels of bacteria persisted in tissues in all experiments. E. coli from bladder tissue, kidney, and urine grew on plates containing 1× MIC of antibiotic, but none grew at 3× MIC. This model is not suitable for studying emergent resistance but might serve to examine bacterial persistence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (1) ◽  
pp. 148-157 ◽  
James Gurney ◽  
Léa Pradier ◽  
Joanne S Griffin ◽  
Claire Gougat-Barbera ◽  
Benjamin K Chan ◽  

Abstract Background and objectives Antimicrobial resistance is a growing global concern and has spurred increasing efforts to find alternative therapeutics. Bacteriophage therapy has seen near constant use in Eastern Europe since its discovery over a century ago. One promising approach is to use phages that not only reduce bacterial pathogen loads but also select for phage resistance mechanisms that trade-off with antibiotic resistance—so called ‘phage steering’. Methodology Recent work has shown that the phage OMKO1 can interact with efflux pumps and in so doing select for both phage resistance and antibiotic sensitivity of the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We tested the robustness of this approach to three different antibiotics in vitro (tetracycline, erythromycin and ciprofloxacin) and one in vivo (erythromycin). Results We show that in vitro OMKO1 can reduce antibiotic resistance of P. aeruginosa (Washington PAO1) even in the presence of antibiotics, an effect still detectable after ca.70 bacterial generations in continuous culture with phage. Our in vivo experiment showed that phage both increased the survival times of wax moth larvae (Galleria mellonella) and increased bacterial sensitivity to erythromycin. This increased antibiotic sensitivity occurred both in lines with and without the antibiotic. Conclusions and implications Our study supports a trade-off between antibiotic resistance and phage sensitivity. This trade-off was maintained over co-evolutionary time scales even under combined phage and antibiotic pressure. Similarly, OMKO1 maintained this trade-off in vivo, again under dual phage/antibiotic pressure. Our findings have implications for the future clinical use of steering in phage therapies. Lay Summary: Given the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection, new approaches to treatment are urgently needed. Bacteriophages (phages) are bacterial viruses. The use of such viruses to treat infections has been in near-continuous use in several countries since the early 1900s. Recent developments have shown that these viruses are not only effective against routine infections but can also target antibiotic resistant bacteria in a novel, unexpected way. Similar to other lytic phages, these so-called ‘steering phages’ kill the majority of bacteria directly. However, steering phages also leave behind bacterial variants that resist the phages, but are now sensitive to antibiotics. Treatment combinations of these phages and antibiotics can now be used to greater effect than either one independently. We evaluated the impact of steering using phage OMKO1 and a panel of three antibiotics on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an important pathogen in hospital settings and in people with cystic fibrosis. Our findings indicate that OMKO1, either alone or in combination with antibiotics, maintains antibiotic sensitivity both in vitro and in vivo, giving hope that phage steering will be an effective treatment option against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

2005 ◽  
Vol 49 (10) ◽  
pp. 4185-4196 ◽  
Yutaka Ueda ◽  
Katsunori Kanazawa ◽  
Ken Eguchi ◽  
Koji Takemoto ◽  
Yoshiro Eriguchi ◽  

ABSTRACT SM-216601 is a novel parenteral 1β-methylcarbapenem. In agar dilution susceptibility testing, the MIC of SM-216601 for 90% of the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains tested (MIC90) was 2 μg/ml, which was comparable to those of vancomycin and linezolid. SM-216601 was also very potent against Enterococcus faecium, including vancomycin-resistant strains (MIC90 = 8 μg/ml). SM-216601 exhibited potent activity against penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae, ampicillin-resistant Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Proteus mirabilis, with MIC90s of less than 0.5 μg/ml, and intermediate activity against Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter cloacae, Serratia marcescens, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The therapeutic efficacy of SM-216601 against experimentally induced infections in mice caused by S. aureus, E. faecium, E. coli, and P. aeruginosa reflected its in vitro activity and plasma level. Thus, SM-216601 is a promising candidate for nosocomial bacterial infections caused by a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including multiresistant pathogens.

1998 ◽  
Vol 66 (7) ◽  
pp. 3059-3065 ◽  
David E. Johnson ◽  
C. Virginia Lockatell ◽  
Robert G. Russell ◽  
J. Richard Hebel ◽  
Michael D. Island ◽  

ABSTRACT Urinary tract infection, most frequently caused byEscherichia coli, is one of the most common bacterial infections in humans. A vast amount of literature regarding the mechanisms through which E. coli induces pyelonephritis has accumulated. Although cystitis accounts for 95% of visits to physicians for symptoms of urinary tract infections, few in vivo studies have investigated possible differences between E. coli recovered from patients with clinical symptoms of cystitis and that from patients with symptoms of pyelonephritis. Epidemiological studies indicate that cystitis-associated strains appear to differ from pyelonephritis-associated strains in elaboration of some putative virulence factors. With transurethrally challenged mice we studied possible differences using three each of the most virulent pyelonephritis and cystitis E. coli strains in our collection. The results indicate that cystitis strains colonize the bladder more rapidly than do pyelonephritis strains, while the rates of kidney colonization are similar. Cystitis strains colonize the bladder in higher numbers, induce more pronounced histologic changes in the bladder, and are more rapidly eliminated from the mouse urinary tract than pyelonephritis strains. These results provide evidence that cystitis strains differ from pyelonephritis strains in this model, that this model is useful for the study of the uropathogenicity of cystitis strains, and that it would be unwise to use pyelonephritis strains to study putative virulence factors important in the development of cystitis.

2018 ◽  
Carolina M. Mizuno ◽  
Tiffany Luong ◽  
Robert Cedarstrom ◽  
Mart Krupovic ◽  
Laurent Debarbieux ◽  

AbstractEnteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is a major etiology for diarrheal diseases among children. Antibiotics, when used appropriately, are effective; however, their overuse and misuse has led to the rise of antibiotic resistance worldwide. Thus, there are renewed efforts into the development of phage therapy. Due to the drawbacks of EPEC in vivo models, a surrogate is the mouse-restricted gut pathgoen Citrobacter rodentium. In this study, two new phages CrRp3 and CrRp10, which infect C. rodentium, were isolated and characterized. CrRp3 was found to be a new species within the genus Vectrevirus and CrRp10 is a new strain within the genus Tequatrovirus. Neither phage carries known genes associated with bacterial virulence, antibiotic resistance, or lysogeny. CrRp3 and CrRp10 appear to have independently evolved from E. coli phages. CrRp3 appears to be the more ‘potent’ being 24x more likely to find a host cell and has a shorter lytic cycle, while CrRp10 at MOI 0.001 was able to maintain bacterial density below the limit of detection after 18 h. We found that hypoxia (5% O2 and 5% CO2) inhibited CrRp3 ability to reverse exponential bacterial growth. It is unclear whether the subtle characteristic differences between CrRp3 and CrRp10 will influence treatment efficacy in future phage therapy in vivo investigations.

2019 ◽  
James Gurney ◽  
Léa Pradier ◽  
Joanne S. Griffin ◽  
Claire Gougat-Barbera ◽  
Benjamin K. Chan ◽  

AbstractAntimicrobial resistance is a growing global concern and has spurred increasing efforts to find alternative therapeutics. Bacteriophage therapy has seen near constant use in eastern Europe since its discovery over a century ago. One promising approach is to use phages that not only reduce bacterial pathogen loads, but also select for phage resistance mechanisms that trade-off with antibiotic resistance – so called ‘phage steering’. Recent work has shown that phage OMKO1 can interact with efflux pumps and in so doing select for both phage resistance and antibiotic sensitivity. We tested the robustness of this approach to three different antibiotics in vitro and one in vivo. We show that in vitro OMKO1 can reduce antibiotic resistance either in the absence or the presence of antibiotics. Our in vivo experiment showed that phage increased the survival times of wax moth larvae and increased bacterial sensitivity to erythromycin, both in the absence and presence of the antibiotic. We discuss the implications of our findings for future research on this promising therapeutic approach using OMKO1.

Marissa Gittrich ◽  
Yunxiao Liu ◽  
Funing Tian ◽  
Audra Crouch ◽  
Ho Bin Jang ◽  

: As antibiotic resistance undermines efforts to treat bacterial infections, phage therapy is being increasingly considered as an alternative in clinical settings and agriculture. However, a major concern in using phages is that pathogens will develop resistance to the phage. Due to the constant evolutionary pressure by phages, bacteria have evolved numerous mechanisms to block infection. If we determine the most common among them, we could use this knowledge to guide phage therapeutics. Here we compile data from 88 peer-reviewed studies where phage resistance was experimentally observed and linked to a bacterial gene, then assessed these data for patterns. In total, 141 host genes were identified to block infection against one or more of 80 phages (representing five families of the Caudovirales) across 16 microbial host genera. These data suggest that bacterial phage resistance is diverse, but even well-studied systems are understudied, and there are gaping holes in our knowledge of phage resistance across lesser-studied regions of microbial and viral sequence space. Fortunately, scalable approaches are newly available that, if broadly adopted, can provide data to power ecosystem-aware models that will guide harvesting natural variation towards designing effective, broadly applicable phage therapy cocktails as an alternative to antibiotics.

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