Elastic scattering from cubic lattice systems with paracrystalline distortion

1987 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 1754-1765 ◽  
Hideki Matsuoka ◽  
Hideaki Tanaka ◽  
Takeji Hashimoto ◽  
Norio Ise
1990 ◽  
Vol 41 (6) ◽  
pp. 3854-3856 ◽  
Hideki Matsuoka ◽  
Hideaki Tanaka ◽  
Norio Iizuka ◽  
Takeji Hashimoto ◽  
Norio Ise

J. Langmore ◽  
M. Isaacson ◽  
J. Wall ◽  
A. V. Crewe

High resolution dark field microscopy is becoming an important tool for the investigation of unstained and specifically stained biological molecules. Of primary consideration to the microscopist is the interpretation of image Intensities and the effects of radiation damage to the specimen. Ignoring inelastic scattering, the image intensity is directly related to the collected elastic scattering cross section, σɳ, which is the product of the total elastic cross section, σ and the eficiency of the microscope system at imaging these electrons, η. The number of potentially bond damaging events resulting from the beam exposure required to reduce the effect of quantum noise in the image to a given level is proportional to 1/η. We wish to compare η in three dark field systems.

D. L. Misell

In the electron microscopy of biological sections the adverse effect of chromatic aberration on image resolution is well known. In this paper calculations are presented for the inelastic and elastic image intensities using a wave-optical formulation. Quantitative estimates of the deterioration in image resolution as a result of chromatic aberration are presented as an alternative to geometric calculations. The predominance of inelastic scattering in the unstained biological and polymeric materials is shown by the inelastic to elastic ratio, I/E, within an objective aperture of 0.005 rad for amorphous carbon of a thickness, t=50nm, typical of biological sections; E=200keV, I/E=16.

Yasushi Kokubo ◽  
Hirotami Koike ◽  
Teruo Someya

One of the advantages of scanning electron microscopy is the capability for processing the image contrast, i.e., the image processing technique. Crewe et al were the first to apply this technique to a field emission scanning microscope and show images of individual atoms. They obtained a contrast which depended exclusively on the atomic numbers of specimen elements (Zcontrast), by displaying the images treated with the intensity ratio of elastically scattered to inelastically scattered electrons. The elastic scattering electrons were extracted by a solid detector and inelastic scattering electrons by an energy analyzer. We noted, however, that there is a possibility of the same contrast being obtained only by using an annular-type solid detector consisting of multiple concentric detector elements.

J. P. Langmore ◽  
N. R. Cozzarelli ◽  
A. V. Crewe

A system has been developed to allow highly specific derivatization of the thymine bases of DNA with mercurial compounds wich should be visible in the high resolution scanning electron microscope. Three problems must be completely solved before this staining system will be useful for base sequencing by electron microscopy: 1) the staining must be shown to be highly specific for one base, 2) the stained DNA must remain intact in a high vacuum on a thin support film suitable for microscopy, 3) the arrangement of heavy atoms on the DNA must be determined by the elastic scattering of electrons in the microscope without loss or large movement of heavy atoms.

Ryuichi Shimizu ◽  
Ze-Jun Ding

Monte Carlo simulation has been becoming most powerful tool to describe the electron scattering in solids, leading to more comprehensive understanding of the complicated mechanism of generation of various types of signals for microbeam analysis.The present paper proposes a practical model for the Monte Carlo simulation of scattering processes of a penetrating electron and the generation of the slow secondaries in solids. The model is based on the combined use of Gryzinski’s inner-shell electron excitation function and the dielectric function for taking into account the valence electron contribution in inelastic scattering processes, while the cross-sections derived by partial wave expansion method are used for describing elastic scattering processes. An improvement of the use of this elastic scattering cross-section can be seen in the success to describe the anisotropy of angular distribution of elastically backscattered electrons from Au in low energy region, shown in Fig.l. Fig.l(a) shows the elastic cross-sections of 600 eV electron for single Au-atom, clearly indicating that the angular distribution is no more smooth as expected from Rutherford scattering formula, but has the socalled lobes appearing at the large scattering angle.

Z. L. Wang ◽  
J. Bentley

The success of obtaining atomic-number-sensitive (Z-contrast) images in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) has shown the feasibility of imaging composition changes at the atomic level. This type of image is formed by collecting the electrons scattered through large angles when a small probe scans across the specimen. The image contrast is determined by two scattering processes. One is the high angle elastic scattering from the nuclear sites,where ϕNe is the electron probe function centered at bp = (Xp, yp) after penetrating through the crystal; F denotes a Fourier transform operation; D is the detection function of the annular-dark-field (ADF) detector in reciprocal space u. The other process is thermal diffuse scattering (TDS), which is more important than the elastic contribution for specimens thicker than about 10 nm, and thus dominates the Z-contrast image. The TDS is an average “elastic” scattering of the electrons from crystal lattices of different thermal vibrational configurations,

Fox T. R. ◽  
R. Levi-Setti

At an earlier meeting [1], we discussed information retrieval in the scanning transmission ion microscope (STIM) compared with the electron microscope at the same energy. We treated elastic scattering contrast, using total elastic cross sections; relative damage was estimated from energy loss data. This treatment is valid for “thin” specimens, where the incident particles suffer only single scattering. Since proton cross sections exceed electron cross sections, a given specimen (e.g., 1 μg/cm2 of carbon at 25 keV) may be thin for electrons but “thick” for protons. Therefore, we now extend our previous analysis to include multiple scattering. Our proton results are based on the calculations of Sigmund and Winterbon [2], for 25 keV protons on carbon, using a Thomas-Fermi screened potential with a screening length of 0.0226 nm. The electron results are from Crewe and Groves [3] at 30 keV.

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