IPEDS College Opportunities On‐Line (COOL), Electronic Directory of Postsecondary Institutions2004371IPEDS College Opportunities On‐Line (COOL), Electronic Directory of Postsecondary Institutions. Washington, DC: US Department of Education Last visited May 2004. Gratis URL: http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/cool/

2004 ◽  
Vol 18 (7) ◽  
pp. 23-24
Valerie D. Glenn
2000 ◽  
pp. 143-156 ◽  
Caroline Howard ◽  
Richard Discenza

Although distance learning is not a new phenomenon, recently there has been a huge jump in the number of organizations offering on-line instruction. The National Center for Education Statistics released a two-year survey on distance programs for higher education on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education. The survey reported that one-third of U.S. post secondary schools offered distance education in 1995, and an additional 25% planned to offer courses within the next three years.

José Luis García-Hernández ◽  
María Inés Gabari-Gambarte ◽  
Víctor Idoate-García

Abstract:The present study aims to assess the degree of job satisfaction of staff teaching the module training and guidance in the network of vocational training centers Navarra. This precise design and validate a tool to assess psychosocial risk factors in secondary education. The sample consists invited by the total teaching module in this community, the accepting sample is n = 37 subjects ( 49%). Access to schools is provided by the Department of Education, Government of Navarra. The information is through an online questionnaire 30-item Likert scale with response . The results demonstrate the feel satisfaction with what he does and the subject they teach (FOL). Significant elements of dissatisfaction, some in common with the rest of high school teachers , and other specialtythemselves are also apparent.Keywords: job satisfaccion teacher , secondary teacher , psychosocial risk factorsResumen:El presente estudio se propone de valorar el grado de satisfacción laboral del profesorado que imparte el Módulo de Formación y Orientación Laboral en la red de centros de FP navarros. Para ello precisa diseñar y validar una herramienta que evalúe los factores de riesgo psicosocial en educación secundaria. La muestra invitada está formada por el total de profesorado del módulo en esta Comunidad, la muestra aceptante es n=37 sujetos (49%). El acceso a los centros es facilitado por el Departamento de Educación del Gobierno de Navarra. La información se obtiene a través de un cuestionario on-line de 30 ítems con respuesta escala Lickert. Los resultados evidencian el siente satisfacción en relación con lo que hace y con la materia que imparte (FOL). Se manifiestan también elementos de insatisfacción significativos, algunos en común con el resto de profesorado de secundaria, y otros propios de la especialidad.Palabras clave: Satisfacción laboral docente, profesorado de secundaria, actores de riesgo psicosocial

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
Jéssica de Souza Carneiro ◽  
Walter Lima Teixeira Júnior

Neste século, um ecossistema de mídia permeado de polarizações remete a um possível cenário de guerra informacional, em que conceitos de jornalismo, notícia e opinião estão (con)fundidos nas possibilidades da existência on- line, o que é bastante favorável aos animadores do populismo e aos interesses da Big Tech. Nesse contexto, a violência emerge do discurso de líderes como Bolsonaro e Trump, os quais se utilizam das redes sociais, como o Twitter, para difundir opiniões de impacto e amplo alcance. Esta rede, por vez, em muitas situações, se mostra conivente, em alguns casos, e extremamente rígida, em outros. Para demonstrar isso e buscar comprovar nossa hipótese, tomaremos para análise notícias de web mídia, tweets das contas dos presidentes mencionados e as políticas de remoção/censura de conteúdo do Twitter, considerando os cenários Brasil e EUA, relativos, respectivamente, às crises do agravamento da pandemia no país, especificamente no estado do Amazonas; e à ocupação do Capitólio, em Washington DC, ambas ocorridas no início de 2021, para as quais olharemos sob o conceito de media ecology (STRATE et. al., 2019).

Linda W. Cooper

Working adults are becoming an increasingly large percentage of the college population; with their busy schedules, they are insisting on “more flexible and convenient learning options” (NBEA, 2002a). Additionally, greater numbers of students are entering college having already acquired extensive computer and Internet experience. As a result of these changes in college populations, an increasing number of postsecondary institutions are offering online instruction to meet students’ educational needs. In fact, the U.S. Department of Education recently reported that nearly 2.9 million students enrolled in college-level distance education courses in 2000-01, more than double the enrollment of 1997-98 (CNN.com, 2003). As distance learning is gaining acceptance and more students are enrolling in online courses, the need for quality online programs is also increasing.

1993 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Carole B. Lacampagne

This is the first article to appear in a new section in the Arithmetic Teacher called “Promising Research, Programs, and Projects.” This new section will give teachers a view of research, actions, and projects that will affect teaching and learning mathematics at the K–8 levels. Readers of the Arithmetic Teacher are encouraged to submit suggestions or short articles for this section. Of particular interest are projects with developed materials or papers, which the project director will send to readers. (Write to Carole Lacampagne, United States Department of Education, OERI, 555 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20208, for article guidelines.)

1997 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 211-212
Lawrence P. Grayson

Lawrence Grayson is a past president of the American Society for Engineering Education. He has served as editor of the CIEC Proceedings since it began in 1976. He is currently Director, Program Monitoring and Information Technology, US Department of Education, Washington, DC 20202, USA. E-mail: [email protected] .

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