Innovative Approaches in Teaching and Learning: An Introduction to Inquiry-Based Learning for Multidisciplinary Programs

Patrick Blessinger ◽  
John M. Carfora
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 238
Silvia Alcaraz-Dominguez ◽  
Mario Barajas

This paper aims to elicit the different conceptions of Socioscientific Issues (SSI) in formal, non-tertiary STEM lessons. An examination of recent publications in the field of science education was conducted to elicit the most common conceptions of SSI as per the components of STEM lessons, namely: purpose, contents, teaching and learning strategies and assessment. As for purpose, the conceptions elicited have been organized in terms of contributing to citizenship goals, or to scientific competence. As for contents, it was found that SSI are related both to knowledge of science and knowledge about science and linked to skills such as argumentation. In terms of teaching and learning strategies, SSI are mainly associated with Inquiry-Based Learning; and with student engagement techniques such as dilemmas and group discussions. Lastly, performance assessment of student learning processes and results is typical when SSI are conceived as a method of assessment of STEM lessons. This conception sets up strong foundations for the design and evaluation of innovative SSI teaching. It shall also help to open new lines of research establishing connections among applications of SSI in different subjects, cultural contexts and educational systems.

2021 ◽  
Dragana Glogovac ◽  
Marina Milošević ◽  
Bojan Lazić ◽  

Modern primary education, especially mathematics, requires constant innovation of teaching practice in order to modernize, rationalize, and efficiently the teaching process. Teaching mathematics should be experienced as a process that promotes learning with understanding, stimulates motivation, active learning, research, critical thinking, analysis, problem solving, drawing conclusions, exchange of experiences. The tendency to improve the quality of mathematics education has resulted in many studies pointing to the benefits of research-based mathematics (IN) teaching, known as inquiry-based learning (IBL), recognized as an essential way of organizing the teaching process to develop key competencies, abilities and skills in 21st century. Тhe aim of this paper is to see, based on a comprehensive theoretical analysis and the results of previous research. The created model of teaching mathematics based on research represents a useful framework for improving the quality of the process of teaching and learning mathematics, and empowers teachers in its application and affirmation, gaining insight into the way of organizing research learning.

Alexander Mikroyannidis ◽  
Alexandra Okada ◽  
Andre Correa ◽  
Peter Scott

Cloud Learning Environments (CLEs) have recently emerged as a novel approach to learning, putting learners in the spotlight and providing them with the cloud-based tools for building their own learning environments according to their specific learning needs and aspirations. Although CLEs bring significant benefits to educators and learners, there is still little evidence of CLEs being actively and effectively used in the teaching and learning process. This chapter addresses this issue by introducing a European initiative called weSPOT (Working Environment with Social, Personal and Open Technologies for Inquiry-based Learning) for supporting and enhancing inquiry-based learning in STEM education via a cloud-based inquiry toolkit. The chapter presents evidence of using this toolkit within a case study that investigates how a secondary education community of students / co-learners selects information sources on the web and identifies factors associated with the reliability of information sources during their collaborative inquiry (co-inquiry) project in online environments.

Claire Mitchell

As a result of globalization, World Language Education has experienced considerable changes within recent decades. With these changes, there is a need for new approaches to teaching and learning a world language, as there is a growing mismatch between language use in the real world and the approach to teaching a world language in the classroom. This chapter, then, presents a pedagogical model that was implemented in an Introduction to Second Language Acquisition course in order to adequately prepare teacher candidates for their future careers as educators in a globalized society. In particular, the model in this chapter discusses authentic experiences grounded in inquiry-based learning that provide opportunities for teacher candidates to collaboratively research current trends in the field of World Language Education and put them into practice through undergraduate research projects.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Heny Djoehaeni

Abstract. This research is encouraged by environmental issues that occurred recently, so these require a full concern from various fields, including the education field. Environmental education taught from early age will foster young learner's positive attitude towards the environment. Therefore, to deal with these issues, it is required an environmental education learning model that can be used as guidelines by teacher. This research used Contextual-Inquiry Based Learning Model that oriented to child's daily environment. Environmental education should be introduced at an early age, so it is very important to implement Contextual-Inquiry Based Learning Model in kindergarten's Environmental Education. In conducting this research, the planning of Environment Education learning using Contextual-Inquiry Based Learning Modelthe implementation of the Environment Education learning using Contextual-Inquiry Based Learning Model the evaluation of Environment Education using Contextual-Inquiry Based Learning Model The method used is descriptive analytical method. The results in this research revealed that the plan developed by teachers in the implementation of Contextual-Inquiry Based Learning Model in teaching environmental education refers to Regulation of Ministry of  National Education No. 58 of 2009 as well as the local content of environmental education. Implementation of learning was conducted through three main stages, namely the introduction, core and closing. While the assessment was carried out using  techniques and procedures to the characteristics of early childhood and learning needs.Keywords: Contextual-Inquiry Based Learning Model, environmental education, early childhood.Abstrak. Penelitian dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan lingkungan hidup yang terjadi dewasa ini, yang memerlukan perhatian dari berbagai sektor termasuk sektor pendidikan. Pendidikan lingkungan yang ditanamkan sejak usia dini akan menumbuhkan sikap positif anak terhadap lingkungan hidup. Untuk itu diperlukan sebuah model pembelajaran pendidikan lingkungan hidup yang dapat dijadikan pedoman oleh guru. Model yang dikembangkan adalah Model Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) yang berorientasi pada keseharian anak. Mengingat bahwa Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup sejatinya ditanamkan sejak usia dini, maka sangat penting kiranya untuk mengimplementasikan model pembelajaran CTL dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup di Taman Kanak Kanak. Secara lebih khusus  perencanaan pembelajaran Pendidikan lingkungan Hidup dengan menggunakan model  pembelajaran Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) pelaksanaan pembelajaran Pendidikan lingkungan Hidup dengan menggunakan model  pembelajaran Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL)bagaimana penilaian pembelajaran Pendidikan lingkungan Hidup dengan menggunakan model  pembelajaran Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perencanaan yang dikembangkan oleh guru dalam implementasi model pembelajaran CTL dalam pembelajaran pendidikan lingkungan hidup mengacu pada Permendiknas No 58 tahun 2009 serta Kurikulum Muatan Lokal Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup. Pelaksanaan ditempuh melalui tiga tahapan utama yaitu pendahuluan, inti dan penutup. Sementara penilaian dilakukan menggunakan teknik dan prosedur yang relevan dengan karakteristik anak usia dini,  serta kebutuhan pembelajaran. Kata Kunci : pembelajaran Contextual Teaching Learning, pendidikan lingkungan hidup, anak usia dini.

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the Framework-based Teaching (FBT) approach improves the critical thinking skill among accounting students at tertiary education level. This qualitative study is conducted using the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) approach, where reflections from lecturers ‘experience in teaching and learning process are gathered. Data are collected from both accounting lecturers and students who implemented the FBT approach using the inquiry-based learning technique in the financial accounting course. Data are analysed using content analysis. The results from the study indicate that, based on lecturers’ reflection, students are pushed to think in depth in classes using the inquiry based learning of the FBT approach. This is supported by students’ feedback on their own critical thinking ability. Thus, the FBT approach improves the critical thinking skills among accounting students. The implication of this study is the practicability of the FBT approach in teaching financial accounting course at university level in encouraging critical thinking skills.

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