teaching mathematics
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-155
Nuraina Nuraina ◽  
Muliana Muliana ◽  
Hayatun Nufus ◽  
Syarifah Rita Zahara

This study was conducted to develop students’ worksheet based Missouri Mathematic Project (MMP) in teaching and learning mathematics and physics. These materials were also integrated with students’ local wisdom. To realize the construction, this research used the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Development (ADDIE) as a research model. The students’ worksheet were reviewed and validated by two different experts in the aspects of media and materials used. The results indicated that 92.22% of the media was considered very valid. The materials employed in the worksheet were regarded 89.66 % to be very valid and as much as 91.52% was considered appropriate. Meanwhile, the data from questionnaires showed that the percentage evaluation as much as 77.24 % were taken from mathematics worksheet and 76.95 % was of physics. These results indicated that the students’ worksheets used to teach mathematics and physics can be applied as teaching and learning materials in the area of social arithmetic and in the unit and measurements.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Marina Marchisio ◽  
Sara Remogna ◽  
Fabio Roman ◽  
Matteo Sacchet

The role of mathematics in several scientific disciplines is undisputed; work and everyday life take great advantage of its application. Nevertheless, students often tend to not particularly like it and to consider it of little interest. It is also believed that only people with a certain attitude are capable of mastering the subject. In consideration of this, we aimed to help science students develop mathematical competences by designing a course specifically oriented to applications and problem solving. We administered our course to students attending the first year of a program in biotechnology, asking them to work with technologies instilling curiosity and interest, thus achieving a better proficiency as a consequence. Two questionnaires, along with access and proficiency data, allowed us to collect information about students’ attitudes, beliefs, and activity, which we analyzed by means of descriptive statistics. The promotion of the interaction among learners made them active users of the contents, thus allowing for the adaptation of their learning paths according to their personal necessities, as well as the development of teamwork skills and flexibility. Finally, students recognized the usefulness of the problem-solving approach and the role played by software.

Jurnal Elemen ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Enditiyas Pratiwi ◽  
A.Wilda Indra Nanna ◽  
Dedi Kusnadi ◽  
Irianto Aras ◽  
Dian Kurniati ◽  

The teacher’s attitude towards mathematics teaching is seen as an essential factor in forming students’ attitudes towards mathematics. However, no one has extensively described the reflection of teachers’ self-confidence in teaching mathematics, especially for novice primary teachers. Therefore, the purpose of this study sought to describe a reflection of the self-confidence attitude of novice primary teachers in teaching mathematics. A questionnaire based on novice primary teachers’ teaching experience was administered to a total of 28 novice primary teachers (N = 22 males, N = 6 females) conveniently selected to participate in the study reported in this article. The semi-structured interviews data explored novice primary teachers’ reflections on the given questionnaire scale items. The qualitative data obtained from semi-structured interviews informed the quantitative information extracted from the questionnaires. The results showed that the reflection of the self-confidence attitude of novice primary teachers in low, moderate, and high participants on the scale of confidence in teaching mathematics raises three essential findings, specifically (1) ability on content knowledge, (2) ability to explain, and (3) ability in classroom management. The resulting reflection in low, moderate, and high participants on the scale was an attitude toward success in teaching mathematics, namely, the appraisal of others, and on the scale, the usefulness of mathematics teaching, namely the ability to understand the usefulness of mathematics.

Ruxandra Folostina ◽  
Theodora Michel

Difficulties in learning mathematics are the most “resistant” within the intervention programs for children with autism. However, mathematics cannot be excluded from the curriculum because it forms abilities which would ensure better social adaptation for the child. It is not about academic level of mathematics in this chapter, but a professional and social one. In day-to-day life, the child with autism encounters mathematical situations generated by simple self-serving actions, space orientation in spaces loaded with symbols, etc., which requires intellectual operations of a minimal abstraction degree. Along with the social component which mathematics has, learning it can also be considered therapeutic as it involves a process of mental organizing which children with autism need. The chapter offers a few basic methodological solutions in forming mathematical abilities for children with autism.

2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 02009
Pavel Kiyko ◽  
Natalia Shchukina

The article outlines aspects of the formation of general professional competencies (GPC-1) through the study of mathematical disciplines; reveals the features of the methodology for the application of tasks (tasks of profile content, task case, task-situation), which are the main means of assessing the formation of the corresponding indicators of achievement of competence: ID-1, ID-2, ID-3, etc. The work analyzed educational publications in mathematical disciplines for the presence of tasks for an objective assessment of the level of formation of general professional competence (GPC-1), the problem of developing the content of criteria and assessment tools for formation of general professional competencies. The authors provide examples of tasks in the disciplines of Higher Mathematics and Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, designed to form skills in identifying and defining a problem, choosing research methods, analyzing, interpreting the result and transferring fundamental knowledge into the language of professional activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Waléria de Jesus Barbosa Soares

Apresentamos o professor maranhense João Antonio Coqueiro como um expert no ensino de matemática no final do século XIX e início do século XX, na província/estado do Maranhão. Pautados teoricamente em Hofstteter et al. (2017), Morais (2017) e Valente (2016), buscamos responder ao questionamento: como João Antonio Coqueiro sistematizou saberes matemáticos objetivados na formação de professores de matemática e no ensino de matemática no Maranhão? Constatamos que João Antonio Coqueiro participou, de modo decisivo, da produção de saberes no ensino de matemática e da formação de professores que ensinavam matemática, em vários níveis de ensino no Maranhão, configurando, assim, a sua expertise.João Antonio Coqueiro: his production and teaching expertiseWe present the Maranhão teacher João Antonio Coqueiro as an expert in the teaching of mathematics at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, in the province/state of Maranhão. Theoretically guided by Hofstteter et al. (2017), Morais (2017) and Valente (2016), we sought to answer the question: how did João Antonio Coqueiro systematized mathematical knowledge aimed at training mathematics teachers and teaching mathematics in Maranhão? We found that João Antonio Coqueiro participated, in a decisive way, in the production of knowledge in the teaching of mathematics and in the training of teachers who taught mathematics at various levels of education in Maranhão, thus shaping his expertise.Keywords: Mathematics; Expertise; Maranhão.

S.V. Saryglar ◽  

Statement of the problem. The article deals with the problem of visualization in teaching mathematics using animated drawings. The purpose of the article is to present the analysis of the experimental work on computer animation in the GeoGebra environment as a means of improving mathematical education at school. Research methodology. The methodological foundations of the research include activity-based, informational and visual approaches to teaching mathematics, a synthesis of the author’s work experience in testing computer animation at school. Research results. The results of the experimental work confirmed the expediency of using computer animation in the process of teaching algebra in the 7th grade (educational activity of students increased, as well as interest in research work and quality of mastering mathematical knowledge and skills). Conclusion. The use of computer animation in math lessons at school increases the level of understanding and assimilation of mathematical knowledge by providing clear illustrations of mathematical concepts and statements. The analysis of experimental work using the animation capabilities of computer environments shows an increase in the technological equipment of modern mathematics teachers, which help them achieve higher educational results.

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