Improving software API usability through text analysis: A case study

R.B. Watson
Krishna Kumar Mohbey ◽  
Brijesh Bakariya ◽  
Vishakha Kalal

Sentiment analysis is an analytical approach that is used for text analysis. The aim of sentiment analysis is to determine the opinion and subjectivity of any opinion, review, or tweet. The aim of this chapter is to study and compare some of the techniques used to classify opinions using sentiment analysis. In this chapter, different techniques of sentiment analysis have been discussed with the case study of demonetization in India during 2016. Based on the sentiment analysis, people's opinion can be classified on different polarities such as positive, negative, or neutral. These techniques will be classified on different categories based on size of data, document type, and availability. In addition, this chapter also discusses various applications of sentiment analysis techniques in different domains.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-23
Olexii Zhyvora

Abstract The topic of propaganda, which was thought to be a part of the Cold War past, was recently revived by modern and rather successful application in Georgian, Syrian and Ukrainian conflicts. In this regard Korean Peninsula is a perfect example of prolonged use of mutual practice of indoctrination to study its origins. This article discuses the evolution of propaganda use by both Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea (1945-1960) in cultural, economic and political dimensions. Qualitative text analysis and case study in conjunction with theoretical framework of A. E. Cassirer, S. Langer, E. Barneys and W. Lippmann are used to establish techniques used, and to explain its overall success.

Stefan Varga ◽  
Joel Brynielsson ◽  
Andreas Horndahl ◽  
Magnus Rosell

Abstract With the availability of an abundance of data through the Internet, the premises to solve some intelligence analysis tasks have changed for the better. The study presented herein sets out to examine whether and how a data-driven approach can contribute to solve intelligence tasks. During a full day observational study, an ordinary military intelligence unit was divided into two uniform teams. Each team was independently asked to solve the same realistic intelligence analysis task. Both teams were allowed to use their ordinary set of tools, but in addition one team was also given access to a novel text analysis prototype tool specifically designed to support data-driven intelligence analysis of social media data. The results, obtained from the case study with a high ecological validity, suggest that the prototype tool provided valuable insights by bringing forth information from a more diverse set of sources, specifically from private citizens that would not have been easily discovered otherwise. Also, regardless of its objective contribution, the capabilities and the usage of the tool were embraced and subjectively perceived as useful by all involved analysts.

Sudhamshu Dahal ◽  
I. Aram

The recently won People’s Democracy ( Loktantra ) in Nepal has transpired a contested yet ever demanding platform furthering rights and identity movements. The availability of alternative voices through community radios is a space to emancipate the identity movement towards indigenous empowerment and asserting their respectful and equitable entry in to “ New Nepal .” Within the theoretical framework of identity and democracy this research is based on the study of community radios as “ case study organizations .” We have used media ethnography and media text analysis including the observation to both corroborate and contradict with the participants’ understandings and expressions in the research. We find that indigenous communities can reflect their agenda of identity re - establishment towards empowerment through the active participation in the production of media contents. Active participation of indigenous communities in local radio production not only mandates acknowledgement of ethnic identity in the new nation building but also give an opportunity of lesson learning on the potentiality of using community radios as one of the tools for empowerment. In this context, reestablishment of identity through community radio deserves appreciation because it facilitates the creation of discursive space which will ultimately help to establish pluralist democracy by creating different public spheres.

EL LE ◽  
2018 ◽  
Francesco Negro

The purpose of this study is to analyse difficulties and special needs of Language Specific Needs students (BiLS, Bisogni Linguistici Specifici) in the field of comprehension of a narrative text and, specifically, in the study of fiction. This paper summarises the theories on which this study is built and, in a second stage, describes the particular case that brought at the compilation and practice of specific teaching method on the narrative category of the character. Our goal is to verify the efficacy and strength of this teaching method built specifically for BiLS students to facilitates the reading approach of a narrative text book, allowing the student to get closer with reading and consulting a narrative text book. The results of the case study are particularly satisfying, specifically regarding the positive approach of the student with the text analysis and fiction learning.

Panggung ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
Acep Iwan Saidi ◽  
Dyah Gayatri Puspitasari

ABSTRACTThis article contains a study of film adaptation from a literature media (novel) into audio-visual media(film). This research is a case study of Perempuan Berkalung Sorban film by Hanung Bramantyo, whichwas adapted from a novel with the same title that was written by Abidah el-Khalieqy. By combining a textanalysis method from Thomas Leittch, Mathew T. Jones’ film adaptation theory and the result of interviewto confirm the text analysis, this research produced some interesting findings. The research verified thatthe adaptation’s process does not merely focus on technical issue in media adaptation (from novel tofilm), but also focuses on another aspects that will involve the audience i.e. a fact that text and dialoguebecome references that will be appreciated by audience. As a result, there were excessive distortions anddeviations on the text that were created by the film maker caused a bias interpretation. Audiences nolonger interpreted the film as a visual text objectively. Instead, they would think about certain prejudiceagainst the film maker. In film adaptation, certain tendencies of film maker are easy to be predicted byaudience. This fact has caused film adaptation becomes controversial easily.Keywords: Media Adaptation, Transformation, Opposition, ControversyABSTRAKArtikel ini berisi kajian tentang alih media, yakni dari media verbal sastra (novel) kemedia visualfilm. Kajian ini berupa studi kasus terhadap film Perempuan Berkalung Sorban karya HanungBramantyo, yang merupakan adaptasi dari novel dengan judul sama karya Abidah el-Khalieqy.Dengan menggunakan metode gabungan, yakni analisis teks yang berdasar pada teori adaptasifilm dari Thomas Leittch, Mathew T. Jones, dan wawancara tertulis untuk mengkonfirmasianalisis teks tadi, kajian ini menemukan hal menarik, yakni alih media bukan sekedar persoalanteknis pemindahan media, melainkan juga pemindahan yang menimbulkan efek-efek tertentubagi penonton. Apresiasi penonton dilandasi kesadaran bahwa terdapat teks lain yang menjadirujukan film bersangkutan. Akibatnya, distorsi dan deviasi yang terlalu jauh yang dilakukansutradara atas teks sumber berpotensi mengakibatkan bias pemahaman. Penonton tidak lagimemaknai film sebagai teks visual secara objektif, tetapi juga dibarengi praduga-pradugatertentu terhadap sutradara. Pada genre film alih media, tendensi tertentu dari sutradara mudahdibaca penonton. Fakta ini mengakibatkan film sangat rentan menimbulkan kontroversi.Kata Kunci: alih media, transformasi, oposisi, kontroversi

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (15) ◽  
pp. 4056 ◽  
Maria Busse ◽  
Nico Heitepriem ◽  
Rosemarie Siebert

To successfully implement sustainability innovations, it is crucial to gain knowledge about their acceptability by potential users. This paper addresses the acceptability of land pools for the sustainable revalorization of wetland meadows using two case studies in a cultural landscape (CL) in Germany. The aim of this study is to analyse factors that influence the decisions of landowners and farmers towards these land pools. Therefore, we developed a sociologically driven framework of acceptability. We applied structured qualitative text analysis for analysing qualitative interviews. The results show that acceptability differs between the two case study areas and between interviewees. The value-based appreciation of the CL is high, but does not lead “per se” to a positive acceptance of the land pools. Reasons for this are the lack of shared values and the existence of diverging opinions about the objectives of land pools. Additional important factors are previous experiences, level of participation, and trust in actors or institutions. A recommendation is that discussion of values of nature supports the identification of shared values. A clear description of the problem and embedding the concept in a systematic strategy for regional development could enhance acceptability. For the success of similar sustainability innovations, it is essential to design a fair innovation process (transparent communication and active actors’ involvement). A theoretical-conceptual conclusion is that the acceptability framework supports qualitative, in-depth and actor-centred analyses focussing on linkages between values and arguments on different levels. The framework also reveals diverse and previously unknown factors.

2020 ◽  
pp. 0095327X2090684
Zhifan Luo

After decades of military reform, how does the Chinese military justify its persistent role in politics and social life? This mixed-methods study examines the discursive strategies used by military deputies to understand how a semi-professional military speak to its relations to the Party, its own organizational missions and goals, and potential conflicts between them. Computer-assisted text analysis is combined with targeted deep reading to identify and examine latent topics in comments made by military deputies between 2001 and 2017. The findings show that the military deputies simultaneously mobilize a political discourse and a discourse of professionalism. This duality of discourse constitutes a source of legitimacy for the military’s pursuit of corporate interests.

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