Coping Strategies With Minor Stressors in Adolescence: Relationships With Social Support, Self-Efficacy, and Psychological Well-Being

2011 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 559-578 ◽  
Elvira Cicognani
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1422-1439
Maria Luisa Indiana ◽  
Elisabetta Sagone ◽  
Salvatore Luciano Orazio Fichera

The main purpose of this cross-sectional study, carried out with deaf parents and blind parents, is to analyze the association of coping strategies, life satisfaction, well-being, and generalized self-efficacy, compared to a group of parents without a sensory loss. The Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced, Satisfaction with Life, Generalized Self-efficacy, and Psychological Well-Being scales were applied. Results indicate that: (1) deaf parents and blind parents search for social support, use avoidance, and turn to religion more than those without a sensory loss; (2) deaf parents are more satisfied with life than blind parents and those without a sensory loss; (3) deaf parents and blind parents perceive themselves as less efficacious than those without a sensory loss; (4) deaf parents and blind parents report lower psychological well-being (autonomy and personal growth) than those without a sensory loss, except for self-acceptance. Searching for social support and turning to religion are negatively associated with life satisfaction in deaf parents and those without a sensory loss; further, these coping strategies (together with avoidance) affect the psychological well-being of deaf parents and parents without a sensory loss. Future research could investigate deeper into the effects of these dimensions on well-being and the styles of parenting in these families.

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (5) ◽  
pp. 352-360 ◽  
Silvia Bonino ◽  
Federica Graziano ◽  
Martina Borghi ◽  
Davide Marengo ◽  
Giorgia Molinengo ◽  

Abstract. This research developed a new scale to evaluate Self-Efficacy in Multiple Sclerosis (SEMS). The aim of this study was to investigate dimensionality, item functioning, measurement invariance, and concurrent validity of the SEMS scale. Data were collected from 203 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients (mean age, 39.5 years; 66% women; 95% having a relapsing remitting form of MS). Fifteen items of the SEMS scale were submitted to patients along with measures of psychological well-being, sense of coherence, depression, and coping strategies. Data underwent Rasch analysis and correlation analysis. Rasch analysis indicates the SEMS as a multidimensional construct characterized by two correlated dimensions: goal setting and symptom management, with satisfactory reliability coefficients. Overall, the 15 items reported acceptable fit statistics; the scale demonstrated measurement invariance (with respect to gender and disease duration) and good concurrent validity (positive correlations with psychological well-being, sense of coherence, and coping strategies and negative correlations with depression). Preliminary evidence suggests that SEMS is a psychometrically sound measure to evaluate perceived self-efficacy of MS patients with moderate disability, and it would be a valuable instrument for both research and clinical applications.

2020 ◽  
Simon C. Hunter

Conflicting results from published school-based anti-bullying initiatives have prompted psychologists to suggest that advances in tackling bullying will rely upon developing a greater understanding of the psychological processes underpinning bullying behaviour. This thesis aimed to address this issue by attempting to clarify the coping processes engaged in by pupils experiencing peer aggression or bullying. In order to achieve this aim, pupils’ use of coping strategies was examined within a transactional coping framework, where coping was conceptualised as a dynamic interaction between the person and their environment. Participants were 837 pupils (318 P5s, 306 S1s, 213 S2s; 48.4% male) attending mainstream Primary and Secondary schools in Scotland. Pupils completed a range of measures, at five different points in time, over a period of approximately 18 months. Variables measured at more than one data point included victimisation, appraisals (threat, challenge, control), coping strategy use, and psychological well-being (depression, self-esteem). Variables measured once included sociometric status of P5 pupils, self-efficacy of S1 and S2 pupils, bullying behaviour and emotional reaction to peer aggression.Five separate studies are reported, each focusing on a different aspect of the coping process: the stability and persistence of bullying; how pupils cope with different types of bullying; how pupils’ appraisals, emotions and coping strategies are related; the self-efficacy and hostile attribution biases of pupils involved in bully-victim problems; and the efficacy of coping strategies for maintaining psychological well-being and preventing subsequent bullying. Findings support the utility of the transactional coping model for examining coping among bullied pupils, and highlight the need to incorporate appraisals of, and emotional reactions to, bullying when researching coping responses. Furthermore, results indicate that different types of bullying are coped with in different ways, and that a “vicious circle” may operate where by victimisation leads to further victimisation. Such findings are discussed in relation to their potential impact upon future intervention strategies, while suggestions for future research examining pupils’ coping strategies are also considered.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 150-157 ◽  
Jianfei Xie ◽  
Min Liu ◽  
Zhuqing Zhong ◽  
Qiuxiang Zhang ◽  
Jianda Zhou ◽  

Chaika G.V.

Objective: to find factors, i.e. personal qualities, supporting the creation of positive relationships with others and helping a person overcome too high, unhealthy sensitivity to others.Methods: indicator “positive relations with others” from the method studying psychological well-being C. Riff and indicator “sensitivity to others” from Autonomy–Connectedness Scale (ACS–30) of Bekker M.H.J., van Assen M.A.L; General Self-Efficacy Scale (Schwarzer, R., & Jerusalem, M.), Ways of Coping Questionnaire (Folkman and Lazarus), WIPPF, the Personality Views Survey III-R (S. Maddi), Self-Attitude Questionnaire (V.V.Stolin, S.R. Pantileev), Bass Orientation Personal Inventory, Zimbardo Time Perspective Syventory, Quality of Personality’s Life (Chykhantsova O.A.), Bradburn Scale of Psychological Well-Being, The Satisfaction with Life Scale (E. Diener et al.).Results: several personal traits were identified that were positively associated with “positive relations with others” and negatively with “sensitivity to others”. These were self-attitude, hardiness, self-efficacy, ability to cope with a new situation, self-understanding, choice of adaptive coping strategies in difficult situations. “Positive relations with others” were positively associated with intrinsic motivation, feelings of happiness, life satisfaction; and “sensitivity to others”, on the contrary, was positively associated with impersonal motivation and the predominance of negative emotions in life. Conclusions: positive relations with others support a person’s psychological well-being, but only if such relations are built on an equal footing. The ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with others is influenced by good self-attitude and hardiness. The development of these personal traits is especially useful if the ability to have positive relations is insufficiently developed. In addition, these personal traits will help to get rid of excessive sensitivity to the will, views, thoughts, beliefs that may be imposed by other people. To achieve positive relations on an equal basis, a person must rely on internal motivation, i.e. their own motivation in their actions, and also choose conditionally adequate coping strategies.Key words: positive relations with others, sensitivity to others, self-attitude, hardiness, coping strategies, psychological well-being, motivation. Мета – віднайти фактори, тобто особистісні якості, які підтримують створення позитивних стосунків з іншими та допомагають людині перебороти занадто високу, нездорову чутливість до інших. Методи: показник «позитивні відносини з іншими» методики вивчення психологічного благопо-луччя К.Ріфф та показник «чутливість до інших» тесту «Автономія-прив’язаність» Bekker M.H.J., van Assen M.A.L; шкала самоефективності Р.Шварцера та М. Єрусалема, копінг-тест Лазаруса і Фол-кмана WIPPF, тест життєстійкості С. Мадді, тест-опитувальник самоставлення особистості В.В. Сто-ліна, С.Р. Пантилєєва, опитувальник для визначення спрямованості особистості, опитувальник часової перспективи Ф. Зімбардо, опитувальние для вивчення якості життя особистості О.А. Чиханцової, опитувальник афективного балансу Н. Бредберна, шкала задоволеності життям E. Diener et al.Результати. Була виявлена низка рис, які позитивно пов’язані із позитивними відносинами з іншимиі негативно пов’язані із чутливістю до інших. Це самоставлення, життєстійкість, самоефективність, здатність впоратися з новою ситуацією, саморозуміння, вибір адаптивних копінг-стратегій у складних ситуаціях. Позитивні відносини з іншими позитивно пов’язані із внутрішньою мотивацією, відчуттям щастя, задоволеності життям, а чутливість до інших, навпаки, позитивно пов’язана із безособовою мотивацією та із переважанням у житті негативних емоцій.Висновки. Позитивні стосунки з іншими підтримують психологічне благополуччя людини, проте, лише за умови, що такі стосунки будуються на рівноправній основі. На здатність встановлювати та підтримувати позитивні стосунки з іншими впливають добре самоставлення і життєстійкість. Розвиток цих особистісних рис особливо корисний, якщо здатність до позитивних стосунків розвинена на недостатньому рівні. Крім того, ці особистісні риси сприятимуть позбавленню від надмірної чутливості до волі, поглядів, думок, переконань, що можуть нав’язуватися іншими людьми. Для досягнення позитивних взаємин на рівноправній основі людина має спиратися на внутрішню, тобто власну мотивацію у свої діях, та також обирати умовно адекватні копінг-стратегії.Ключові слова: позитивні відносини з іншими, чутливість до інших, самоставлення, життєстійкість, копінг стратегії, психологічне благополуччя, мотивація.

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