positive relationships
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2022 ◽  
pp. 93-109
Fabrice Langrognet

2022 ◽  
Minh-Hoang Nguyen

In line with conservation social scientists, I contend that understanding how people adapt and change their attitudes and behaviors towards biodiversity concepts is crucial for tackling biodiversity loss through building an eco-surplus culture in urban areas. My argument can be defended by various studies that have confirmed the positive relationships between interactions with nature and attitudes towards biodiversity and the biophilia hypothesis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 854-878

Abstract Background and aims In recent years, increasing attention has been given to the relationship between compulsive sexual behavior (CSB), religiosity, and spirituality. This review summarizes research examining the relationship CSB has with religiosity and spirituality, clarifying how these constructs inform the assessment and treatment of this syndrome. Methods The present paper reviews research published through August 1, 2021, using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Only studies providing quantitative analyses were included. Results This review identified 46 articles, subsuming 59 studies, analyzing the relationship between CSB and religiosity or spirituality. Most studies used cross-sectional designs with samples primarily composed of heterosexual White men and women. Generally, the studies found small to moderate positive relationships between religiosity and CSB. Studies considering the mediating or moderating role of moral incongruence identified stronger, indirect relationships between religiosity and problematic pornography use (PPU), a manifestation of CSB. Few studies examined the association between spirituality and CSB, but those that did either reported negative relationships between indicators of spiritual well-being and CSB or positive relationships between CSB and aspects of spiritual struggles. Discussion and conclusions Although research examining CSB and religiosity has flourished, such growth is hampered by cross-sectional samples lacking in diversity. Moral incongruence assists in explaining the relationship between religiosity and PPU, but future research should consider other manifestations of CSB beyond PPU. Attention should also be given to examining other religiosity and spirituality constructs and obtaining more diverse samples in research on CSB, religiosity, and spirituality.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Aldona Glińska-Neweś ◽  
Adela Barabasz ◽  
Iwona Escher ◽  
Yusheng Fu

BACKGROUND: Top managers are heavily exposed to strong negative emotions due to the difficult decisive situations that they experience and the persistent pressure of time and uncertainty. At the same time, the relationships they build within TMTs shape their decisions, experiences and reactions at work. The paper refers to defence mechanisms as relatively persistent means of individual response to unwanted emotions and affects. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the paper is to examine the defence mechanisms of TMT members as antecedents of perceived trustworthiness of other team members and positive relationships in the team. METHODS: The empirical study was conducted in a sample of 123 members of top management teams representing furniture industry companies in Poland. RESULTS: The results show that defence mechanisms determine TMT members’ perception of trustworthiness of other team-members and that perceived trustworthiness mediates the relation between the defence mechanisms of TMT members and their evaluation of relationships within a team. CONCLUSIONS: The study explains links between individual characteristics of TMT members and processes within the teams. It contributes to upper echelon theory and literature on trust and positive relationships at work. It also contributes to the line of research introducing unconscious processes and emotions to management studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Yuliana Asmi

Penelitian ingin menganalisa penanaman nilai-nilai yang ada pada ajaran Islam pada kegiatan kepramukaan. Dalam dharma pramuka terdapat nilai-nilai keIslaman terutama pada sembilan poinnya. Penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dalam penelitian ini. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yakni pendekatan sosiologi. Objek penelitian yang menjadi focus dalam penelitian ini, ialah pembina pramuka, pemangku adat dan anggota pramuka Racana Raden Mas Said-Nyi Ageng Serang IAIN Surakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses internalisasi nilai-nilai pendidikan agama Islam pada anggota pramuka Racana Raden Mas Said-Nyi Ageng Serang IAIN Surakarta, melalui tiga fase (fase pengenalan, penerimaan dan fase pengintegrasian). Dari tiap-tiap fase tersebut terdapat sembilan nilai pendidikan agama Islam, yang terdapat dalam dasa dharma pramuka. Kontribusi dari internalisasi nilai tersebut memunculkan values consciousness, well being, agency, Connectedness dan transformation. Dari kelima poin tersebut dideskripsikan tentang proses internalisasi nilai pendidikan agama Islam pada diri anggota. Hasil dari proses internalisasi tersebut menghasilkan perubahan yang cukup signifikan, dalam artian ke arah yang lebih baik (memiliki rasa empati, tanggung jawab, berani mengemukakan pendapat karena setiap anggota memiliki hak untuk menentukan plihan, dapat membangun hubungan yang positif antara satu dengan yang lainnya), sehingga tercipta sebuah kerukunan, serta bertransformasi dari yang semula tidak peduli dengan lingkungan sekitar menjadi lebih peduli dan bersifat humanis terhadap sesama rekan organisasi.[The research wants to analyze the inculcation of values that exist in Islamic teachings in scouting activities. In the dharma of scouting there are Islamic values, especially on the nine points. The author uses qualitative methods in this study. The approach used in this research is a sociological approach. The object of research that is the focus of this research, is the scout coach, traditional stakeholders and members of the Racana Racana Mas Said-Nyi Ageng Serang IAIN Surakarta scouts. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the process of internalizing the values of Islamic religious education in Racana Raden Mas Said-Nyi Ageng Serang scout members at IAIN Surakarta, went through three phases (introduction, acceptance and integration phases). From each of these phases there are nine values of Islamic religious education, which are contained in the Dasa Dharma of Scouts. The contribution of the internalization of these values gives rise to values consciousness, well being, agency, Connectedness and transformation. From the five points, a description of the process of internalizing the value of Islamic religious education is described in members. The results of the internalization process resulted in significant changes, in the sense of a better direction (having a sense of empathy, responsibility, daring to express opinions because each member has the right to make choices, can build positive relationships with one another), so as to create a harmony, and transform from being initially indifferent to the surrounding environment to being more caring and humanist towards fellow organizational partners.]

2021 ◽  
pp. 171-184
Ilana M. Horwitz

This chapter raises critical questions about the seemingly positive relationships between an upbringing of religious restraint and academic success. Despite the legal separation of church and state, teenagers who live their life for God do not shed their religious commitments once they pass through the schoolhouse doors. They believe that God is always with them, and they must always be on their best behavior. But there is a downside. Although abiders’ conscientious and cooperative nature may help them get better grades, this advantage may come at the expense of developing and encouraging critical thinking, creativity, and deeper engagement in the classroom. While abiders may have an academic advantage, it may be a result of an educational system that rewards dispositions for the sake of expediency rather than for the sake of learning. This chapter also raises questions about the upsides and downsides of religious restraint as teens enter adulthood.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026858092110512
Hwajin Shin ◽  
Soohan Kim

Successful career outcomes depend on maintaining positive relationships with and evaluations from supervisors and peers. Recognizing that structure frames behaviors and perceptions, this study explores the impact of organizational structure and practices on the relationships of 598 women in 298 Korean companies using longitudinal data from 2010 to 2016. The results from fixed-effects models show that corporate structure and practices shape female managers’ relationships with supervisors and peers. Gender equality practices improve relationships with both men and women. By contrast, diversity programs have negative effects on female managers’ relationships with female supervisors and peers, and work–life programs show mixed results. However, in firms with female executives and firms that encourage men to use parental leave, diversity programs and work–life practices stimulate positive relationships with both male and female supervisors and peers. This study suggests that organizational contexts, rather than intrinsic gender preferences, shape women’s relationships in the workplace.

Jason Gleditsch ◽  
Jocelyn Behm ◽  
Jacintha Ellers ◽  
Wendy Jesse ◽  
Matthew Helmus

Classic ecological theory must explain effects of humans on biodiversity to be more applicable today. We contemporized island biogeographic theory providing native, introduced, and total species richness relationship expectations with natural and anthropogenic metrics of habitat diversity (geographic and economic area) and isolation from source pools (geographic and economic isolation). We assessed these expectations across Caribbean island herpetofauna clades. As expected by the contemporized theory, natural habitat diversity metrics exhibited positive relationships with native and introduced richness, strengthening positive total richness-area relationships. Geographic isolation exhibited negative relationships with native and positive relationships with introduced richness, weakening total richness-isolation relationships. Economic area and isolation exhibited negative and positive relationships, respectively, with native richness but positive and negative relationships, respectively, with introduced richness. Total richness relationships with economic area and isolation were strongest in clades with many introductions. As more species spread globally, these contemporary expectations will increasingly predict Anthropocene island biogeography.

Chaika G.V.

Objective: to find factors, i.e. personal qualities, supporting the creation of positive relationships with others and helping a person overcome too high, unhealthy sensitivity to others.Methods: indicator “positive relations with others” from the method studying psychological well-being C. Riff and indicator “sensitivity to others” from Autonomy–Connectedness Scale (ACS–30) of Bekker M.H.J., van Assen M.A.L; General Self-Efficacy Scale (Schwarzer, R., & Jerusalem, M.), Ways of Coping Questionnaire (Folkman and Lazarus), WIPPF, the Personality Views Survey III-R (S. Maddi), Self-Attitude Questionnaire (V.V.Stolin, S.R. Pantileev), Bass Orientation Personal Inventory, Zimbardo Time Perspective Syventory, Quality of Personality’s Life (Chykhantsova O.A.), Bradburn Scale of Psychological Well-Being, The Satisfaction with Life Scale (E. Diener et al.).Results: several personal traits were identified that were positively associated with “positive relations with others” and negatively with “sensitivity to others”. These were self-attitude, hardiness, self-efficacy, ability to cope with a new situation, self-understanding, choice of adaptive coping strategies in difficult situations. “Positive relations with others” were positively associated with intrinsic motivation, feelings of happiness, life satisfaction; and “sensitivity to others”, on the contrary, was positively associated with impersonal motivation and the predominance of negative emotions in life. Conclusions: positive relations with others support a person’s psychological well-being, but only if such relations are built on an equal footing. The ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with others is influenced by good self-attitude and hardiness. The development of these personal traits is especially useful if the ability to have positive relations is insufficiently developed. In addition, these personal traits will help to get rid of excessive sensitivity to the will, views, thoughts, beliefs that may be imposed by other people. To achieve positive relations on an equal basis, a person must rely on internal motivation, i.e. their own motivation in their actions, and also choose conditionally adequate coping strategies.Key words: positive relations with others, sensitivity to others, self-attitude, hardiness, coping strategies, psychological well-being, motivation. Мета – віднайти фактори, тобто особистісні якості, які підтримують створення позитивних стосунків з іншими та допомагають людині перебороти занадто високу, нездорову чутливість до інших. Методи: показник «позитивні відносини з іншими» методики вивчення психологічного благопо-луччя К.Ріфф та показник «чутливість до інших» тесту «Автономія-прив’язаність» Bekker M.H.J., van Assen M.A.L; шкала самоефективності Р.Шварцера та М. Єрусалема, копінг-тест Лазаруса і Фол-кмана WIPPF, тест життєстійкості С. Мадді, тест-опитувальник самоставлення особистості В.В. Сто-ліна, С.Р. Пантилєєва, опитувальник для визначення спрямованості особистості, опитувальник часової перспективи Ф. Зімбардо, опитувальние для вивчення якості життя особистості О.А. Чиханцової, опитувальник афективного балансу Н. Бредберна, шкала задоволеності життям E. Diener et al.Результати. Була виявлена низка рис, які позитивно пов’язані із позитивними відносинами з іншимиі негативно пов’язані із чутливістю до інших. Це самоставлення, життєстійкість, самоефективність, здатність впоратися з новою ситуацією, саморозуміння, вибір адаптивних копінг-стратегій у складних ситуаціях. Позитивні відносини з іншими позитивно пов’язані із внутрішньою мотивацією, відчуттям щастя, задоволеності життям, а чутливість до інших, навпаки, позитивно пов’язана із безособовою мотивацією та із переважанням у житті негативних емоцій.Висновки. Позитивні стосунки з іншими підтримують психологічне благополуччя людини, проте, лише за умови, що такі стосунки будуються на рівноправній основі. На здатність встановлювати та підтримувати позитивні стосунки з іншими впливають добре самоставлення і життєстійкість. Розвиток цих особистісних рис особливо корисний, якщо здатність до позитивних стосунків розвинена на недостатньому рівні. Крім того, ці особистісні риси сприятимуть позбавленню від надмірної чутливості до волі, поглядів, думок, переконань, що можуть нав’язуватися іншими людьми. Для досягнення позитивних взаємин на рівноправній основі людина має спиратися на внутрішню, тобто власну мотивацію у свої діях, та також обирати умовно адекватні копінг-стратегії.Ключові слова: позитивні відносини з іншими, чутливість до інших, самоставлення, життєстійкість, копінг стратегії, психологічне благополуччя, мотивація.

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