On Teaching Functionality and Functional Modeling in an Engineering Curriculum

Robert L. Nagel ◽  
Matt R. Bohm

This paper reviews functional representation and modeling across multiple domains of engineering as well as function recognition and modeling in the engineering design field. Various modeling techniques are presented along with approaches to model realization published in common engineering design text books. Specifically, within the field of engineering design, seven published approaches for modeling function are presented: 1.) Glass Box Method; 2.) Function Analysis System Technique; 3.) Systematic Processes; 4.) Enumeration; 5.) Zen Approach; 6.) Reverse Engineering; and 7.) Function-Means Trees. Through discussion of the modeling approaches the authors pose questions on how function should be taught in undergraduate engineering curriculum. Finally, the potential benefits of function-based design approaches are reviewed and discussed.

Ralph O. Buchal

Engineering design has received increasing attention in the undergraduate engineering curriculum, and much progress is being made. However, deficiencies are still observed in many skills required to be a successful design engineer, including: design methodology, project management skills, engineering analysis and validation in design, engineering graphics, practical skills, and reflection. Important factors affecting these outcomes include clear understanding of the design process, mentorship and direction from engineering advisors, increased opportunity for practical experience, and clear expectations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-54
Hisyam Hafis Achmad ◽  
Hari Supriyanto

Pada mesin molen cor kapasitas 50 kg, banyak ditemukan beberapa komponen yang mengalami trouble. Perancangan mesin molen diawali dengan tahap informasi dimana pada tahap ini diketahui komponen kritisnya adalah tabung solar, roda pemindah, sirip pengaduk, knalpot, pulley, kerangka bawah. Kemudian masuk kedalam tahap analisa dilakukan secara analisa teknik dengan membuat diagram FAST (Function Analysis System Technique) dan analisa biaya yang dihasilkan bahwa biaya kerugian kerusakan sebesar Rp. 54.700.000. Kemudian pada tahap kreatif dimunculkan berbagai konsep perbaikan untuk tiap komponen yang kritis yang kemudian pada tahap evaluasi dilakukan perhitungan value untuk memilih konsep mana yang terbaik. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah komponen tabung solar diperbaiki dengan diganti dengan bahan plastik, kerangka bawa diberi penguat pada siku-sikunya, sirip pengaduk diberi penguat dengan besi betoneser, knalpot dipendekkan dan dihadapkan kebawah, Pulley dan roda pemindah ditambah masing-masing satu unit. Kemudian hasil Analisa biaya setelah dilakukannya perbaikan adalah sebesar Rp. 3.190.000.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-130
Lobes Herdiman ◽  
Ilham Priadythama ◽  
Susy Susmartini ◽  
Yusuf Priyandari ◽  
I Nyoman Suci Anindya Murdiyantara ◽  

Taylor Spatial Frame (TSF) better known as an external fixation product from several types of fixation devices in the orthopedic field. The Laboratory of Product Planning and Design has manufactured TSF or called OrthoLPPDUNS external fixations. The OrthoLPPDUNS design found that frame instability forming ring-strut angles caused by strut screw rotations was feeling rough due to backlash. The purpose is how to redesign an OrthoLPPDUNS with a Function Analysis System Technique (FAST). FAST method is applied at each stage of starting from the information stage to the interpretation of the results. The OrthoLPPDUNS design with the joint system uses custom components that cause weakness in frame stability. The use of standard components in joint systems can provide solutions to external fixations, although there are still weaknesses in the ring-strut angle. The OrthoLPPDUNS redesign has a better success rate in terms of stability parameters, allowing more precise bone reconstruction.

2015 ◽  
Vol 760 ◽  
pp. 577-582
Sergiu Stroe ◽  
Constantin Onescu ◽  
Cagri Inal

The aim of this paper is to develop a drilling machine for 5 holes simultaneously manufactured for an asymmetric element from automotive industry. The function analysis system technique (FAST) and SADT (Structured Analysis and Design Technique) is used to identify, describe and categorize the drilling machine functions in order to propose technical solution. The paper propose an original solution with flat extruded engine for the closest 2 holes to avoid the usage of multispindle head.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 119
Silvia Uslianti ◽  
Tri Wahyudi ◽  
Ratih Rahmahwati

Pengukuran dimensi tubuh manusia (antropometri) sangat diperlukan untuk perancangan suatu produk, agar manusia dalam melakukan aktivitas selalu merasa nyaman. Untuk pengukuran dimensi tubuh manusia dapat menggunakan kursi antropometri. Permasalahan yang terdapat pada kursi antropometri yang ada saat ini adalah bentuknya yang kurang efektif, menghabiskan space untuk tempat menyimpannya, dan sulit untuk dipindahkan atau dibawa kemana-mana. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut perlu adanya perancangan kursi antropometri yang menerapkan sistem portabel dalam perancangannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang kursi antropometri portabel dengan metode Function Analysis System Technique (FAST). FAST dalam perancangan produk digunakan untuk menentukan inovasi dan material dalam pembuatan kursi antropometri yang bersifat portabel. Sistem portabel di dalam perancangan kursi antropometri ini berfungsi pada cara membawa, mengemas, dan aspek peletakannya. Hasil dari diagram FAST menghasilkan perancangan kursi antropometri yang memiliki keunggulan dimana dapat mengakomodasi atribut kebutuhan dan penguatan respon teknis melalui pendefinisian fungsi primer dan sekunder yang lebih rinci. Terdapat enam bagian utama pada kursi antropometri dari hasil rancang bangun dengan pendekatan diagram FAST.

Janna Hamilton ◽  
Jenna Shultz

With an ever-increasing need to address the future of engineered sustainability in our global communities, a simple, brief, study of sustainability factors in undergraduate engineering curriculum is no longer adequate.  With exponentially rising problems in the global society such as water contamination and shortages, food processing needs, ineffective irrigation practices, technology shortfalls, and underdeveloped sanitation practices, engineering curriculum today must address these international development issues, along with sustainability concepts, using effective, hands-on methods to prepare Canadian graduates for the competitive and challenging workforce they will enter.  In this contribution, the importance of considering international development problems in the engineering design component of undergraduate curriculum is analyzed.  We then go on to discuss the various methods that can be utilized to implement and teach an international development curriculum.   International development engineering curriculum should not only focus on the hands-on design requirements, but should introduce the student to issues such as education, health care, political stability, and economy in the developing world.  Topics such as cultural sensitivity and community integration, which are concerns that must be an integral part of any international development project, should also be incorporated into this curriculum.  Finally, a case study is presented in which a Canadian university has successfully enhanced their first-year engineering design curriculum by integrating international development problems into their syllabus.

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