Endwall Contour Optimization of a Turning Mid Turbine Frame Using an Adjoint Method

M. Bugra Akin ◽  
Wolfgang Sanz ◽  
Paul Pieringer

This paper presents the application of a viscous adjoint method in the optimization of the endwall contour of a turning mid turbine frame (TMTF). The adjoint method is a gradient based optimization method that allows for the computation of the complete gradient information by solving the governing flow equations and their corresponding adjoint equations only once per function of interest (objective and constraints), so that the computation time of the optimization is nearly independent of the number of parameters. With the use of a greater number of parameters a more detailed definition of endwall contours is possible, so that an optimum can be approached more precisely. A Navier-Stokes flow solver coupled with Menter’s SST k–ω turbulence model is utilized for the CFD simulations, whereas the adjoint formulation is based on the constant eddy viscosity approximation for turbulence. The total pressure ratio is used as the objective function in the optimization. The effect of contouring on the secondary flows is evaluated and the performance of the axisymmetric TMTF is calculated and compared with the optimized design.

Jiaqi Luo ◽  
Ivan McBean ◽  
Feng Liu

This paper presents the application of a viscous adjoint method in the optimization of a low-aspect-ratio turbine blade through spanwise restaggering and endwall contouring. A generalized wall-function method is implemented in a Navier-Stokes flow solver coupled with Menter’s SST k-ω turbulence model to simulate secondary flow with reduced requirements on grid density. Entropy production through the blade row combined with a flow turning constraint is used as the objective function in the optimization. With the viscous adjoint method, the complete gradient information needed for optimization can be obtained by solving the governing flow equations and their corresponding adjoint equations only once, regardless of the number of design parameters. The endwall profiles are contoured alone in the first design case, while it is combined with spanwise restaggering in the second design case. The results demonstrate that it is feasible to reduce flow loss through the blade redesign while maintaining the same mass-averaged flow turning by using the viscous adjoint optimization method. The performance of the redesigned blade is calculated and compared at off-design conditions.

Benjamin Walther ◽  
Siva Nadarajah

This paper develops the discrete adjoint equations for a turbomachinery RANS solver and proposes a framework for fully-automatic gradient-based constrained aerodynamic shape optimization in a multistage turbomachinery environment. The systematic approach for the development of the discrete adjoint solver is discussed. Special emphasis is put on the development of the turbomachinery specific features of the adjoint solver, i.e. on the derivation of flow-consistent adjoint inlet/outlet boundary conditions and, to allow for a concurrent rotor/stator optimization and stage coupling, on the development of an exact adjoint counterpart to the non-reflective, conservative mixing-plane formulation used in the flow solver. The adjoint solver is validated by comparing its sensitivities with finite difference gradients obtained from the flow solver. A sequential quadratic programming algorithm is utilized to determine an improved blade shape based on the objective function gradient provided by the adjoint solution. The functionality of the proposed optimization method is demonstrated by the redesign of a single-stage transonic compressor. The objective is to maximize the isentropic efficiency while constraining the mass flow rate and the total pressure ratio.

2015 ◽  
Vol 137 (8) ◽  
Benjamin Walther ◽  
Siva Nadarajah

This paper proposes a framework for fully automatic gradient-based constrained aerodynamic shape optimization in a multirow turbomachinery environment. The concept of adjoint-based gradient calculation is discussed and the development of the discrete adjoint equations for a turbomachinery Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) solver, particularly the derivation of flow-consistent adjoint boundary conditions as well as the implementation of a discrete adjoint mixing-plane formulation, are described in detail. A parallelized, automatic grid perturbation scheme utilizing radial basis functions (RBFs), which is accurate and robust as well as able to handle highly resolved complex multiblock turbomachinery grid configurations, is developed and employed to calculate the gradient from the adjoint solution. The adjoint solver is validated by comparing its sensitivities with finite-difference gradients obtained from the flow solver. A sequential quadratic programming (SQP) algorithm is then utilized to determine an improved blade shape based on the gradient information from the objective functional and the constraints. The developed optimization method is used to redesign a single-stage transonic flow compressor in both inviscid and viscous flow. The design objective is to maximize the isentropic efficiency while constraining the mass flow rate and the total pressure ratio.

Lei Chen ◽  
Jiang Chen

The adjoint method eliminates the dependence of the gradient of the objective function with respect to design variables on the flow field making the obtainment of the gradient both accurate and fast. For this reason, the adjoint method has become the focus of attention in recent years. This paper develops a continuous adjoint formulation for through-flow aerodynamic shape design in a multi-stage gas turbine environment based on a S2 surface quasi-3D problem governed by the Euler equations with source terms. Given the general expression of the objective function calculated via a boundary integral, the adjoint equations and their boundary conditions are derived in detail by introducing adjoint variable vectors. As a result, the final expression of the objective function gradient only includes the terms pertinent to those physical shape variations that are calculated by metric variations. The adjoint system is solved numerically by a finite-difference method with explicit Euler time-marching scheme and a Jameson spatial scheme which employs first and third order dissipative flux. Integrating the blade stagger angles and passage perturbation parameterization with the simple steepest decent method, a gradient-based aerodynamic shape design system is constructed. Finally, the application of the adjoint method is validated through a 5-stage turbine blade and passage optimization with an objective function of entropy generation. The result demonstrates that the gradient-based system can be used for turbine aerodynamic design.

Lucheng Ji ◽  
Weiwei Li ◽  
Yong Tian ◽  
Weilin Yi ◽  
Jiang Chen

Traditionally, 3D aerodynamic shape design with the aid of optimization algorithm in an analysis mode has provided a rational and direct search through design space, but it is usually too time-consuming. Further improvement to reduce design cycle is probably a necessary concern in turbomachinery community. Due to less computational cost, adjoint method has received considerable attention in recent years. This paper focuses on continuous adjoint method, and couples with thin shear-layer N-S equations to formulate an efficient sensitivity analysis model for multi-stage turbomachinery blades in the specified objective function. This model includes adjoint equations/boundary conditions, and the sensitivity of objective function to design variable vector. Integrating a 3D blade perturbation parameterization and the simple steepest decent method, a frame of a gradient-based aerodynamic shape design system is constructed. Numerical implementation to solve flow equations and adjoint equations is very similar, and once they are converged respectively, the sensitivity can be calculated by complex method and mesh perturbation efficiently. Thus, a fast Automatic-CFD-Design tool is developed, including three sub-solvers to solve flow equations, adjoint equations and calculate sensitivity respectively. Flow surface design of a 1-1/2 compressor stage in the specified target pressure distribution is used to validate the present approach. Flow field design of NASA transonic compressor stage 35 aiming to increase efficiency and remain mass flow rate and pressure ratio unchanged is taken.

SPE Journal ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 12 (04) ◽  
pp. 475-485 ◽  
Hao Cheng ◽  
Adedayo Stephen Oyerinde ◽  
Akhil Datta-Gupta ◽  
William J. Milliken

Summary Reconciling high-resolution geologic models to field production history is still by far the most time-consuming aspect of the workflow for both geoscientists and engineers. Recently, streamline-based assisted and automatic history-matching techniques have shown great potential in this regard, and several field applications have demonstrated the feasibility of the approach. However, most of these applications have been limited to two-phase water/oil flow under incompressible or slightly compressible conditions. We propose an approach to history matching three-phase flow using a novel compressible streamline formulation and streamline-derived analytic sensitivities. First, we use a generalized streamline model to account for compressible flow by introducing an "effective density" of total fluids along streamlines. This density term rigorously captures changes in fluid volumes with pressure and is easily traced along streamlines. A density-dependent source term in the saturation equation further accounts for the pressure effects during saturation calculations along streamlines. Our approach preserves the 1D nature of the saturation equation and all the associated advantages of the streamline approach with only minor modifications to existing streamline models. Second, we analytically compute parameter sensitivities that define the relationship between the reservoir properties and the production response, viz. water-cut and gas/oil ratio (GOR). These sensitivities are an integral part of history matching, and streamline models permit efficient computation of these sensitivities through a single flow simulation. Finally, for history matching, we use a generalized travel-time inversion that has been shown to be robust because of its quasilinear properties and converges in only a few iterations. The approach is very fast and avoids much of the subjective judgment and time-consuming trial-and-error inherent in manual history matching. We demonstrate the power and utility of our approach using both synthetic and field-scale examples. The synthetic case is used to validate our method. It entails the joint integration of water cut and gas/oil ratios (GORs) from a nine-spot pattern in reconstructing a reference permeability field. The field-scale example is a modified version of the ninth SPE comparative study and consists of 25 producers, 1 injector, and aquifer influx. Starting with a prior geologic model, we integrate water-cut and GOR history by the generalized travel-time inversion. Our approach is very fast and preserves the geologic continuity. Introduction Integration of production data typically requires the minimization of a predefined data misfit and penalty terms to match the observed and calculated production response (Oliver 1994; Vasco et al. 1999; Datta-Gupta et al. 2001; Reis et al. 2000; Landa et al. 1996; Anterion et al. 1989; Wu et al. 1999; Wang and Kovscek 2000; Sahni and Horne 2005). There are several approaches to such minimization, and these can be broadly classified into three categories: gradient-based methods, sensitivity-based methods, and derivative-free methods (Oliver 1994). The derivative-free approaches such as simulated annealing and genetic algorithm require numerous flow simulations and can be computationally prohibitive for field-scale applications with very large numbers of parameters. Gradient-based methods have been widely used for automatic history matching, although the rate of convergence of these methods is typically slower than that of the sensitivity-based methods, such as the Gauss-Newton or the LSQR method (Vega et al. 2004). An integral part of the sensitivity-based methods is the computation of sensitivity coefficients. There are several approaches to calculating sensitivity coefficients, and these generally fall into one of the three following categories: perturbation method, direct method, and adjoint state methods. The perturbation approach is the simplest and requires the fewest changes to an existing code. This approach requires (N+1) forward simulations, where N is the number of parameters. Obviously, this can be computationally prohibitive for reservoir models with many parameters. In the direct, or sensitivity-equation, method, the flow and transport equations are differentiated to obtain expressions for the sensitivity coefficients (Vasco et al. 1999). Because there is one equation for each parameter, this approach can require the same amount of work. A variation of this method, called the gradient simulator method, utilizes the discretized version of the flow equations and takes advantage of the fact that the coefficient matrix remains unchanged for all parameters and needs to be decomposed only once (Anterion et al. 1989). Thus, sensitivity computation for each parameter now requires a matrix-vector multiplication. This method obviously represents a significant improvement, but still can be computationally demanding for large number of parameters. Finally, the adjoint-state method requires derivation and solution of adjoint equations that can be significantly smaller in number compared to the sensitivity equations. The adjoint equations are obtained by minimizing the production data misfit with flow equations as constraint, and the implementation of the method can be quite complex and cumbersome for multiphase flow applications (Wu et al. 1999). Furthermore, the number of adjoint solutions will generally depend on the amount of production data and thus can be restrictive for field-scale applications.

Renjing Gao ◽  
Yi Tang ◽  
Qi Wang ◽  
Shutian Liu

Abstract This paper presents a gradient-based optimization method for interference suppression of linear arrays by controlling the electrical parameters of each array element, including the amplitude-only and phase-only. Gradient-based optimization algorithm (GOA), as an efficient optimization algorithm, is applied to the optimization problem of the anti-interference arrays that is generally solved by the evolutionary algorithms. The goal of this method is to maximize the main beam gain while minimizing the peak sidelobe level (PSLL) together with the null constraint. To control the nulls precisely and synthesize the radiation pattern accurately, the full-wave method of moments is used to consider the mutual coupling among the array elements rigorously. The searching efficiency is improved greatly because the gradient (sensitivity) information is used in the algorithm for solving the optimization problem. The sensitivities of the design objective and the constraint function with respect to the design variables are analytically derived and the optimization problems are solved by using GOA. The results of the GOA can produce the desired null at the specific positions, minimize the PSLL, and greatly shorten the computation time compared with the often-used non-gradient method such as genetic algorithm and cuckoo search algorithm.

1992 ◽  
K. R. Kirtley ◽  
T. A. Beach ◽  
Cass Rogo

A numerical simulation of a transonic mixed flow turbine stage has been carried out using an average passage Navier-Stokes analysis. The mixed flow turbine stage considered here consists of a transonic nozzle vane and a highly loaded rotor. The simulation was run at the design pressure ratio and is assessed by comparing results with those of an established throughflow design system. The three-dimensional aerodynamic loads are studied as well as the development and migration of secondary flows and their contribution to the total pressure loss. The numerical results indicate that strong passage vortices develop in the nozzle vane, mix out quickly, and have little impact on the rotor flow. The rotor is highly loaded near the leading edge. Within the rotor passage, strong spanwise flows and other secondary flows exist along with the tip leakage vortex. The rotor exit loss distribution is similar in character to that found in radial inflow turbines. The secondary flows and non-uniform work extraction also tend to significantly redistribute a non-uniform inlet total temperature profile by the exit of the stage.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. 2346
Tien-Dung Vuong ◽  
Kwang-Yong Kim

A casing treatment using inclined oblique slots (INOS) is proposed to improve the stability of the single-stage transonic axial compressor, NASA Stage 37, during operation. The slots are installed on the casing of the rotor blades. The aerodynamic performance was estimated using three-dimensional steady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes analysis. The results showed that the slots effectively increased the stall margin of the compressor with slight reductions in the pressure ratio and adiabatic efficiency. Three geometric parameters were tested in a parametric study. A single-objective optimization to maximize the stall margin was carried out using a Genetic Algorithm coupled with a surrogate model created by a radial basis neural network. The optimized design increased the stall margin by 37.1% compared to that of the smooth casing with little impacts on the efficiency and pressure ratio.

2019 ◽  
Vol 142 (1) ◽  
A. Duncan Walker ◽  
Ian Mariah ◽  
Dimitra Tsakmakidou ◽  
Hiren Vadhvana ◽  
Chris Hall

Abstract To reduce fuel-burn and emissions, there is a drive toward higher bypass ratio and smaller high-pressure ratio core engines. This makes the design of the ducts connecting compressor spools more challenging as the higher radius change increases aerodynamic loading. This is exacerbated at inlet to the engine core by fan root flow which is characterized by a hub-low-pressure profile and large secondary flow structures. Additionally, shorter, lighter nacelles mean that the intake may not provide a uniform inlet flow when the aircraft is at an angle of attack or subject to cross winds. Such inlet distortion can further degrade the flow entering the engine. A combination of experiments and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been used to examine the effects on the aerodynamics of an engine section splitter (ESS) and transition duct designed to feed the low-pressure spool of a high bypass ratio turbofan. A test facility incorporating a 1½ stage axial compressor was used to compare system performance for a flat rotor exit profile to one with a hub deficient flow. Validated Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) CFD was then used to further investigate the effects of increased inlet boundary layer thickness and bulk swirl distortion at rotor inlet. These changes were seen to have a surprisingly small effect on the flow at the duct exit. However, increased secondary flows were observed which degraded the performance of the ESS and significantly increased loss. Nevertheless, the enhanced mixing delayed separation in the duct suggesting that overall the design was reasonably robust albeit with increased system loss.

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