scholarly journals One of Two Copies of the Gene for the Activatable Shiga Toxin Type 2d in Escherichia coli O91:H21 Strain B2F1 Is Associated with an Inducible Bacteriophage

2002 ◽  
Vol 70 (8) ◽  
pp. 4282-4291 ◽  
Louise D. Teel ◽  
Angela R. Melton-Celsa ◽  
Clare K. Schmitt ◽  
Alison D. O'Brien

ABSTRACT Shiga toxin (Stx) types 1 and 2 are encoded within intact or defective temperate bacteriophages in Stx-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), and expression of these toxins is linked to bacteriophage induction. Among Stx2 variants, only stx 2e from one human STEC isolate has been reported to be carried within a toxin-converting phage. In this study, we examined the O91:H21 STEC isolate B2F1, which carries two functional alleles for the potent activatable Stx2 variant toxin, Stx2d, for the presence of Stx2d-converting bacteriophages. We first constructed mutants of B2F1 that produced one or the other Stx2d toxin and found that the mutant that produced only Stx2d1 made less toxin than the Stx2d2-producing mutant. Consistent with that result, the Stx2d1-producing mutant was attenuated in a streptomycin-treated mouse model of STEC infection. When the mutants were treated with mitomycin C to promote bacteriophage induction, Vero cell cytotoxicity was elevated only in extracts of the Stx2d1-producing mutant. Additionally, when mice were treated with ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic that induces the O157:H7 Stx2-converting phage, the animals were more susceptible to the Stx2d1-producing mutant. Moreover, an stx 2d1-containing lysogen was isolated from plaques on strain DH5α that had been exposed to lysates of the mutant that produced Stx2d1 only, and supernatants from that lysogen transformed with a plasmid encoding RecA were cytotoxic when the lysogen was induced with mitomycin C. Finally, electron-microscopic examination of extracts from the Stx2d1-producing mutant showed hexagonal particles that resemble the prototypic Stx2-converting phage 933W. Together these observations provide strong evidence that expression of Stx2d1 is bacteriophage associated. We conclude that despite the sequence similarity of the stx 2d1- and stx 2d2-flanking regions in B2F1, Stx2d1 expression is repressed within the context of its toxin-converting phage while Stx2d2 expression is independent of phage induction.

2003 ◽  
Vol 71 (3) ◽  
pp. 1352-1360 ◽  
Zeev Altboum ◽  
Myron M. Levine ◽  
James E. Galen ◽  
Eileen M. Barry

ABSTRACT The genes that encode the enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) CS4 fimbriae, csaA, -B, -C, -E, and -D′, were isolated from strain E11881A. The csa operon encodes a 17-kDa major fimbrial subunit (CsaB), a 40-kDa tip-associated protein (CsaE), a 27-kDa chaperone-like protein (CsaA), a 97-kDa usher-like protein (CsaC), and a deleted regulatory protein (CsaD′). The predicted amino acid sequences of the CS4 proteins are highly homologous to structural and assembly proteins of other ETEC fimbriae, including CS1 and CS2, and to CFA/I in particular. The csaA, -B, -C, -E operon was cloned on a stabilized plasmid downstream from an osomotically regulated ompC promoter. pGA2-CS4 directs production of CS4 fimbriae in both E. coli DH5α and Shigella flexneri 2a vaccine strain CVD 1204, as detected by Western blot analysis and bacterial agglutination with anti-CS4 immune sera. Electron-microscopic examination of Shigella expressing CS4 confirmed the presence of fimbriae on the bacterial surface. Guinea pigs immunized with CVD 1204(pGA2-CS4) showed serum and mucosal antibody responses to both the Shigella vector and the ETEC fimbria CS4. Among the seven most prevalent fimbrial antigens of human ETEC, CS4 is the last to be cloned and sequenced. These findings pave the way for CS4 to be included in multivalent ETEC vaccines, including an attenuated Shigella live-vector-based ETEC vaccine.

2021 ◽  
Timothy J. Dallman ◽  
David R. Greig ◽  
Saheer E. Gharbia ◽  
Claire Jenkins

Sequence similarity of pathogen genomes can infer the relatedness between isolates as the fewer genetic differences identified between pairs of isolates, the less time since divergence from a common ancestor. Clustering based on hierarchical single linkage clustering of pairwise SNP distances has been employed to detect and investigate outbreaks. Here, we evaluated the evidence-base for the interpretation of phylogenetic clusters of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O157:H7. Whole genome sequences of 1193 isolates of STEC O157:H7 submitted to Public Health England between July 2015 and December 2016 were mapped to the Sakai reference strain. Hierarchical single linkage clustering was performed on the pairwise SNP difference between all isolates at descending distance thresholds. Cases with known epidemiological links fell within 5-SNP single linkage clusters. Five-SNP single linkage community clusters where an epidemiological link was not identified were more likely to be temporally and/or geographically related than sporadic cases. Ten-SNP single linkage clusters occurred infrequently and were challenging to investigate as cases were few, and temporally and/or geographically dispersed. A single linkage cluster threshold of 5-SNPs has utility for the detection of outbreaks linked to both persistent and point sources. Deeper phylogenetic analysis revealed that the distinction between domestic UK and imported isolates could be inferred at the sub-lineage level. Cases associated with domestically acquired infection that fall within clusters that are predominantly travel associated are likely to be caused by contaminated imported food.

2012 ◽  
Vol 56 (6) ◽  
pp. 3277-3282 ◽  
Martina Bielaszewska ◽  
Evgeny A. Idelevich ◽  
Wenlan Zhang ◽  
Andreas Bauwens ◽  
Frieder Schaumburg ◽  

ABSTRACTThe role of antibiotics in treatment of enterohemorrhagicEscherichia coli(EHEC) infections is controversial because of concerns about triggering hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) by increasing Shiga toxin (Stx) production. During the recent large EHEC O104:H4 outbreak, antibiotic therapy was indicated for some patients. We tested a diverse panel of antibiotics to which the outbreak strain is susceptible to interrogate the effects of subinhibitory antibiotic concentrations on induction ofstx2-harboring bacteriophages,stx2transcription, and Stx2 production in this emerging pathogen. Ciprofloxacin significantly increasedstx2-harboring phage induction and Stx2 production in outbreak isolates (Pvalues of <0.001 to <0.05), while fosfomycin, gentamicin, and kanamycin insignificantly influenced them (P> 0.1) and chloramphenicol, meropenem, azithromycin, rifaximin, and tigecycline significantly decreased them (P≤ 0.05). Ciprofloxacin and chloramphenicol significantly upregulated and downregulatedstx2transcription, respectively (P< 0.01); the other antibiotics had insignificant effects (P> 0.1). Meropenem, azithromycin, and rifaximin, which were used for necessary therapeutic or prophylactic interventions during the EHEC O104:H4 outbreak, as well as tigecycline, neither inducedstx2-harboring phages nor increasedstx2transcription or Stx2 production in the outbreak strain. These antibiotics might represent therapeutic options for patients with EHEC O104:H4 infection if antibiotic treatment is inevitable. We await further analysis of the epidemic to determine if usage of these agents was associated with an altered risk of developing HUS.

2002 ◽  
Vol 184 (13) ◽  
pp. 3640-3648 ◽  
Carol H. Sandt ◽  
James E. Hopper ◽  
Charles W. Hill

ABSTRACT Four distinct Escherichia coli immunoglobulin-binding (eib) genes, each of which encodes a surface-exposed protein that binds immunoglobulins in a nonimmune manner, are carried by separate prophages in E. coli reference (ECOR) strain ECOR-9. Each eib gene was transferred to test E. coli strains, both in the form of multicopy recombinant plasmids and as lysogenized prophage. The derived lysogens express little or no Eib protein, in sharp contrast to the parental lysogen, suggesting that ECOR-9 has an expression-enhancing activity that the derived lysogens lack. Supporting this hypothesis, we cloned from ECOR-9 overlapping genes, ibrA and ibrB (designation is derived from “immunoglobulin-binding regulator”), which together activated eib expression in the derived lysogens. The proteins encoded by ibrA and ibrB are very similar to uncharacterized proteins encoded by genes of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi and E. coli O157:H7 (in a prophage-like element of the Sakai strain and in two O islands of strain EDL933). The genomic segment containing ibrA and ibrB has been designated the IbrAB island. It contains regions of homology to the Shiga toxin-converting prophage, Stx2, as well as genes homologous to phage antirepressor genes. The left boundary between the IbrAB island and the chromosomal framework is located near min 35.8 of the E. coli K-12 genome. Homology to IbrAB was found in certain other ECOR strains, including the other five eib-positive strains and most strains of the phylogenetic group B2. Sequencing of a 1.1-kb portion of ibrAB revealed that the other eib-positive strains diverge by ≤0.1% from ECOR-9, whereas eib-negative ECOR-47 diverges by 16%.

2001 ◽  
Vol 127 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-227 ◽  

An outbreak due to Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O26[ratio ]H11 (STEC) occurred at a nursery in southeastern Japan in 1997. Thirty-two children had watery or bloody diarrhoea but none of them suffered from haemolytic-uremic syndrome. All of the STEC O26 were isolated during the period from 23 July to 22 August from 24 children, 3 nurses, and 2 food samples. These organisms had stx1 and eae genes but none of the other genes for which we tested (stx2, bfp, and EAF plasmid). They also possessed multiple antimicrobial resistances, which were encoded by a transmissible plasmid, and showed mostly identical genomic pulsed-field gel electrophoretic patterns. The results of this investigation suggested that contaminated food was the main contributing factor to this multiple antimicrobial-resistant STEC O26 infection, and person-to-person transmission also contributed to the spread of this outbreak.

1982 ◽  
Vol 60 (10) ◽  
pp. 980-986 ◽  
P. Proulx ◽  
P. Hellion ◽  
J. Mackenzie

The uptake of exogenous lipids by Escherichia coli B was studied under various conditions. Lysophosphoglycerides were absorbed more readily than diacyl analogues when sonicated dispersions of a single lipid were used. When these same lipids were admixed with coliform lipids and dispersed as vesicles, the uptake of lysophosphoglyceride diminished and was approximately equal to that of diacyl analogues. Neutral lipids such as diglyceride, fatty acid, and cholesterol were also absorbed when admixed and dispersed as vesicles with coliform lipids. The uptake of lysophosphoglyceride was stimulated slightly by all divalent cations tested except Mg2+; monovalent cations were ineffective. Uptake was accompanied by conversion of lysophosphoglyceride to diacyl analogues. In the presence of Ca2+, lysophosphatidylethanolamine also formed a more polar lipid product yet unidentified. The uptake of lipid did not cause release of 3H label into the medium from cells that had been grown in [3H]acetate-containing medium. Also, the [3H]phosphoglyceride content of such labelled cells remained constant. Thus the uptake process did not involve exchange of membrane lipid with the medium or an enhanced hydrolysis of endogenous lipids, but it represented a net gain of lipid by the cell. The uptake did not seem to involve a stable adsorption of lipid at the surface of the cell as could be judged from electron microscopic examination of the cells after incubation; the cell surfaces were devoid of adsorbed vesicle or liposomal types of structures and did not display evidence of expansion. [3H]Cholesterol–[32P]phospholipid mixtures were taken up without a change in isotopic ratio. This result together with the other evidence presented indicate a net uptake of exogenous lipid by a process likely involving fusion.

2003 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
pp. 1059-1066 ◽  
Jenny M. Ritchie ◽  
Patrick L. Wagner ◽  
David W. K. Acheson ◽  
Matthew K. Waldor

ABSTRACT There is considerable diversity among Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) bacteria, and only a subset of these organisms are thought to be human pathogens. The characteristics that distinguish STEC bacteria that give rise to human disease are not well understood. Stxs, the principal virulence determinants of STEC, are thought to account for hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS), a severe clinical consequence of STEC infection. Stxs are typically bacteriophage encoded, and their production has been shown to be enhanced by prophage-inducing agents such as mitomycin C in a limited number of clinical STEC isolates. Low iron concentrations also enhance Stx production by some clinical isolates; however, little is known regarding whether and to what extent these stimuli regulate Stx production by STEC associated with cattle, the principal environmental reservoir of STEC. In this study, we investigated whether toxin production differed between HUS- and bovine-associated STEC strains. Basal production of Stx by HUS-associated STEC exceeded that of bovine-associated STEC. In addition, following mitomycin C treatment, Stx2 production by HUS-associated STEC was significantly greater than that by bovine-associated STEC. Unexpectedly, mitomycin C treatment had a minimal effect on Stx1 production by both HUS- and bovine-associated STEC. However, Stx1 production was induced by growth in low-iron medium, and induction was more marked for HUS-associated STEC than for bovine-associated STEC. These observations reveal that disease-associated and bovine-associated STEC bacteria differ in their basal and inducible Stx production characteristics.

2016 ◽  
Vol 54 (12) ◽  
pp. 3056-3063 ◽  
Jeremy T. Boone ◽  
Davina E. Campbell ◽  
Amy S. Dandro ◽  
Li Chen ◽  
Joel F. Herbein

Fecal samples (n= 531) submitted to a regional clinical laboratory during a 6-month period were tested for the presence of Shiga toxin using both a Vero cell cytotoxicity assay and the Shiga Toxin Quik Chek test (STQC), a rapid membrane immunoassay. Testing the samples directly (without culture), 9 positives were identified by the Vero cell assay, all of which were also detected by the STQC. The correlation between the two assays was 100%. Not all of the identified positive samples were detected when fecal broth cultures were tested. By testing broth cultures of characterized isolates representing all described Shiga toxin subtypes, the STQC detected all subtypes. Levels of induction of toxin production by ciprofloxacin differed among the strains tested, with more toxin induction seen in strains harboring Stx2 phages than in those harboring Stx1 phages.

Ynes R. Ortega

Survival and growth of Salmonella and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in kombucha prepared from four brands of commercially available kombucha kits intended for use by home brewers were investigated. Changes in microbiota responsible for fermentation were also determined. An initial population of Salmonella (6.77 log CFU/mL) decreased to below the detection limit (0.30 log CFU/mL) within 10 d in kombucha prepared from two of the four test brands. Populations of 1.85 and 1.20 log CFU/mL were detected in two brands fermented for 14 d. An initial population of STEC (7.02 log CFU/mL) decreased to &lt;0.30 log CFU/mL in two of the four brands within 14 d; 0.20 and 0.87 log CFU/mL were detected in kombucha prepared from the other two brands. Salmonella and STEC increased in populations within 1 d in three brands of base tea used to prepare kombucha, and were stable throughout 14 d of incubation. Both pathogens steadily declined in base tea prepared from one brand of kombucha kit. Inactivation of the pathogens occurred as the pH of kombuchas decreased, but a clear correlation between rates of inactivation and decrease in pH was not evident when comparing kombuchas prepared from the four kits. Growth and peak populations of mesophilic aerobic microorganisms, yeasts, lactic acid bacteria, and acetic acid bacteria varied, depending on the kombucha kit brand. There was not strong evidence to correlate the behavior of Salmonella and STEC with any of these groups of indigenous microbiota. Results of this study show that the ability of Salmonella and STEC to survive in kombucha and base tea used to prepare kombucha is dependent on inherent differences in commercially available kombucha kits intended for use in home settings. Strict application of hygienic practices with the goal of preventing contamination with Salmonella or STEC is essential for reducing the risk of illness associated the consumption of kombucha.

2003 ◽  
Vol 77 (10) ◽  
pp. 5571-5577 ◽  
Alí Alejo ◽  
Germán Andrés ◽  
María L. Salas

ABSTRACT African swine fever virus (ASFV) encodes two polyprotein precursors named pp220 and pp62 that are sequentially processed during viral infection, giving rise to six major structural proteins. These reside at the core shell, a matrix domain located between the endoplasmic reticulum-derived inner envelope and the DNA-containing nucleoid. Proteolytic processing of the polyprotein precursors is catalyzed by the viral proteinase pS273R, a cysteine proteinase that shares sequence similarity with the SUMO1-processing peptidases. We describe here the construction and characterization of an ASFV recombinant, vS273Ri, that inducibly expresses the ASFV proteinase. Using vS273Ri, we show that repression of proteinase expression inhibits polyprotein processing and strongly impairs infective virus production. Electron microscopic examination of vS273Ri-infected cells showed that inhibition of proteolytic processing leads to the assembly of defective icosahedral particles containing a noncentered electron-dense nucleoid surrounded by an abnormal core shell of irregular thickness. The analysis of purified extracellular defective particles revealed that they contain the unprocessed pp220 and pp62 precursors, as well as the major DNA-binding nucleoid proteins p10 and pA104R. Altogether, these results indicate that the proteolytic processing of the polyproteins is not required for their incorporation into the assembling particles nor for the incorporation of the DNA-containing nucleoid. Instead, the ASFV proteinase is involved in a late maturational step that is essential for proper core assembly and infectivity.

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