scholarly journals Plasmid-Encoded Phthalate Catabolic Pathway in Arthrobacter keyseri 12B

2001 ◽  
Vol 183 (12) ◽  
pp. 3689-3703 ◽  
Richard W. Eaton

ABSTRACT Several 2-substituted benzoates (including 2-trifluoromethyl-, 2-chloro-, 2-bromo-, 2-iodo-, 2-nitro-, 2-methoxy-, and 2-acetyl-benzoates) were converted by phthalate-grown Arthrobacter keyseri (formerlyMicrococcus sp.) 12B to the corresponding 2-substituted 3,4-dihydroxybenzoates (protocatechuates). Because these products lack a carboxyl group at the 2 position, they were not substrates for the next enzyme of the phthalate catabolic pathway, 3,4-dihydroxyphthalate 2-decarboxylase, and accumulated. When these incubations were carried out in iron-containing minimal medium, the products formed colored chelates. This chromogenic response was subsequently used to identify recombinant Escherichia colistrains carrying genes encoding the responsible enzymes, phthalate 3,4-dioxygenase and 3,4-dihydroxy-3,4-dihydrophthalate dehydrogenase, from the 130-kbp plasmid pRE1 of strain 12B. Beginning with the initially cloned 8.14-kbp PstI fragment of pRE824 as a probe to identify recombinant plasmids carrying overlapping fragments, a DNA segment of 33.5 kbp was cloned from pRE1 on several plasmids and mapped using restriction endonucleases. From these plasmids, the sequence of 26,274 contiguous bp was determined. Sequenced DNA included several genetic units: tnpR, pcmoperon, ptr genes, pehA, norA fragment, and pht operon, encoding a transposon resolvase, catabolism of protocatechuate (3,4-dihydroxybenzoate), a putative ATP-binding cassette transporter, a possible phthalate ester hydrolase, a fragment of a norfloxacin resistance-like transporter, and the conversion of phthalate to protocatechuate, respectively. Activities of the eight enzymes involved in the catabolism of phthalate through protocatechuate to pyruvate and oxaloacetate were demonstrated in cells or cell extracts of recombinant E. coli strains.

2009 ◽  
Vol 191 (8) ◽  
pp. 2776-2782 ◽  
Shin Kurihara ◽  
Yuichi Tsuboi ◽  
Shinpei Oda ◽  
Hyeon Guk Kim ◽  
Hidehiko Kumagai ◽  

ABSTRACT The Puu pathway is a putrescine utilization pathway involving gamma-glutamyl intermediates. The genes encoding the enzymes of the Puu pathway form a gene cluster, the puu gene cluster, and puuP is one of the genes in this cluster. In Escherichia coli, three putrescine importers, PotFGHI, PotABCD, and PotE, were discovered in the 1990s and have been studied; however, PuuP had not been discovered previously. This paper shows that PuuP is a novel putrescine importer whose kinetic parameters are equivalent to those of the polyamine importers discovered previously. A puuP + strain absorbed up to 5 mM putrescine from the medium, but a ΔpuuP strain did not. E. coli strain MA261 has been used in previous studies of polyamine transporters, but PuuP had not been identified previously. It was revealed that the puuP gene of MA261 was inactivated by a point mutation. When E. coli was grown on minimal medium supplemented with putrescine as the sole carbon or nitrogen source, only PuuP among the polyamine importers was required. puuP was expressed strongly when putrescine was added to the medium or when the puuR gene, which encodes a putative repressor, was deleted. When E. coli was grown in M9-tryptone medium, PuuP was expressed mainly in the exponential growth phase, and PotFGHI was expressed independently of the growth phase.

2000 ◽  
Vol 182 (8) ◽  
pp. 2350-2353 ◽  
Marc B. Rogers ◽  
Jessica A. Sexton ◽  
G. Joel DeCastro ◽  
Stephen B. Calderwood

ABSTRACT Mutagenesis of Vibrio cholerae with TnphoA, followed by screening for fusions that were activated under low-iron conditions, led to the identification of seven independent fusion strains, each of which was deficient in the ability to utilize ferrichrome as a sole iron source for growth in a plate bioassay and had an insertion in genes encoding products homologous toEscherichia coli FhuA or FhuD. Expression of the gene fusions was independent of IrgB but regulated by Fur. We report here a map of the operon and the predicted amino acid sequence of FhuA, based on the nucleotide sequence. Unlike those of the E. coli fhuoperon, the V. cholerae ferrichrome utilization genes are located adjacent and opposite in orientation to a gene encoding an ATP-binding cassette transporter homolog, but this gene, if disrupted, does not affect the utilization of ferrichrome in vitro.

2012 ◽  
Vol 78 (15) ◽  
pp. 5238-5246 ◽  
Dongfei Han ◽  
Ji-Young Ryu ◽  
Robert A. Kanaly ◽  
Hor-Gil Hur

ABSTRACTA plasmid, pTA163, inEscherichia colicontained an approximately 34-kb gene fragment fromPseudomonas putidaJYR-1 that included the genes responsible for the metabolism oftrans-anethole to protocatechuic acid. Three Tn5-disrupted open reading frame 10 (ORF 10) mutants of plasmid pTA163 lost their abilities to catalyzetrans-anethole. Heterologously expressed ORF 10 (1,047 nucleotides [nt]) under a T7 promoter inE. colicatalyzed oxidative cleavage of a propenyl group oftrans-anethole to an aldehyde group, resulting in the production ofpara-anisaldehyde, and this gene was designatedtao(trans-anetholeoxygenase). The deduced amino acid sequence of TAO had the highest identity (34%) to a hypothetical protein ofAgrobacterium vitisS4 and likely contained a flavin-binding site. Preferred incorporation of an oxygen molecule from water intop-anisaldehyde using18O-labeling experiments indicated stereo preference of TAO for hydrolysis of the epoxide group. Interestingly, unlike the narrow substrate range of isoeugenol monooxygenase fromPseudomonas putidaIE27 andPseudomonas nitroreducensJin1, TAO fromP. putidaJYR-1 catalyzed isoeugenol,O-methyl isoeugenol, and isosafrole, all of which contain the 2-propenyl functional group on the aromatic ring structure. Addition of NAD(P)H to the ultrafiltered cell extracts ofE. coli(pTA163) increased the activity of TAO. Due to the relaxed substrate range of TAO, it may be utilized for the production of various fragrance compounds from plant phenylpropanoids in the future.

2020 ◽  
Vol 295 (46) ◽  
pp. 15454-15463 ◽  
Chelsey R. Fontenot ◽  
Homyra Tasnim ◽  
Kathryn A. Valdes ◽  
Codrina V. Popescu ◽  
Huangen Ding

The ferric uptake regulator (Fur) is a global transcription factor that regulates intracellular iron homeostasis in bacteria. The current hypothesis states that when the intracellular “free” iron concentration is elevated, Fur binds ferrous iron, and the iron-bound Fur represses the genes encoding for iron uptake systems and stimulates the genes encoding for iron storage proteins. However, the “iron-bound” Fur has never been isolated from any bacteria. Here we report that the Escherichia coli Fur has a bright red color when expressed in E. coli mutant cells containing an elevated intracellular free iron content because of deletion of the iron–sulfur cluster assembly proteins IscA and SufA. The acid-labile iron and sulfide content analyses in conjunction with the EPR and Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements and the site-directed mutagenesis studies show that the red Fur protein binds a [2Fe-2S] cluster via conserved cysteine residues. The occupancy of the [2Fe-2S] cluster in Fur protein is ∼31% in the E. coli iscA/sufA mutant cells and is decreased to ∼4% in WT E. coli cells. Depletion of the intracellular free iron content using the membrane-permeable iron chelator 2,2´-dipyridyl effectively removes the [2Fe-2S] cluster from Fur in E. coli cells, suggesting that Fur senses the intracellular free iron content via reversible binding of a [2Fe-2S] cluster. The binding of the [2Fe-2S] cluster in Fur appears to be highly conserved, because the Fur homolog from Hemophilus influenzae expressed in E. coli cells also reversibly binds a [2Fe-2S] cluster to sense intracellular iron homeostasis.

2006 ◽  
Vol 188 (17) ◽  
pp. 6326-6334 ◽  
Sergei Korshunov ◽  
James A. Imlay

ABSTRACT Many gram-negative bacteria harbor a copper/zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) in their periplasms. In pathogenic bacteria, one role of this enzyme may be to protect periplasmic biomolecules from superoxide that is released by host phagocytic cells. However, the enzyme is also present in many nonpathogens and/or free-living bacteria, including Escherichia coli. In this study we were able to detect superoxide being released into the medium from growing cultures of E. coli. Exponential-phase cells do not normally synthesize CuZnSOD, which is specifically induced in stationary phase. However, the engineered expression of CuZnSOD in growing cells eliminated superoxide release, confirming that this superoxide was formed within the periplasm. The rate of periplasmic superoxide production was surprisingly high and approximated the estimated rate of cytoplasmic superoxide formation when both were normalized to the volume of the compartment. The rate increased in proportion to oxygen concentration, suggesting that the superoxide is generated by the adventitious oxidation of an electron carrier. Mutations that eliminated menaquinone synthesis eradicated the superoxide formation, while mutations in genes encoding respiratory complexes affected it only insofar as they are likely to affect the redox state of menaquinone. We infer that the adventitious autoxidation of dihydromenaquinone in the cytoplasmic membrane releases a steady flux of superoxide into the periplasm of E. coli. This endogenous superoxide may create oxidative stress in that compartment and be a primary substrate of CuZnSOD.

1999 ◽  
Vol 181 (13) ◽  
pp. 3981-3993 ◽  
Sylvia A. Denome ◽  
Pamela K. Elf ◽  
Thomas A. Henderson ◽  
David E. Nelson ◽  
Kevin D. Young

ABSTRACT The penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) synthesize and remodel peptidoglycan, the structural component of the bacterial cell wall. Much is known about the biochemistry of these proteins, but little is known about their biological roles. To better understand the contributions these proteins make to the physiology ofEscherichia coli, we constructed 192 mutants from which eight PBP genes were deleted in every possible combination. The genes encoding PBPs 1a, 1b, 4, 5, 6, and 7, AmpC, and AmpH were cloned, and from each gene an internal coding sequence was removed and replaced with a kanamycin resistance cassette flanked by two ressites from plasmid RP4. Deletion of individual genes was accomplished by transferring each interrupted gene onto the chromosome of E. coli via λ phage transduction and selecting for kanamycin-resistant recombinants. Afterwards, the kanamycin resistance cassette was removed from each mutant strain by supplying ParA resolvase in trans, yielding a strain in which a long segment of the original PBP gene was deleted and replaced by an 8-bpres site. These kanamycin-sensitive mutants were used as recipients in further rounds of replacement mutagenesis, resulting in a set of strains lacking from one to seven PBPs. In addition, thedacD gene was deleted from two septuple mutants, creating strains lacking eight genes. The only deletion combinations not produced were those lacking both PBPs 1a and 1b because such a combination is lethal. Surprisingly, all other deletion mutants were viable even though, at the extreme, 8 of the 12 known PBPs had been eliminated. Furthermore, when both PBPs 2 and 3 were inactivated by the β-lactams mecillinam and aztreonam, respectively, several mutants did not lyse but continued to grow as enlarged spheres, so that one mutant synthesized osmotically resistant peptidoglycan when only 2 of 12 PBPs (PBPs 1b and 1c) remained active. These results have important implications for current models of peptidoglycan biosynthesis, for understanding the evolution of the bacterial sacculus, and for interpreting results derived by mutating unknown open reading frames in genome projects. In addition, members of the set of PBP mutants will provide excellent starting points for answering fundamental questions about other aspects of cell wall metabolism.

1968 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-116 ◽  
A. M. Molina ◽  
L. Calegari ◽  
G. Conte

When an R determinant for streptomycin is transferred into a conditionally streptomycin-dependent E. coli B mutant—which requires in minimal medium either histidine or streptomycin—the latter behaves like a histidineless strain. This phenotype modification shows that the repairing action of streptomycin is prevented. The specific requirement of the strain is not now replaced even by streptomycin concentrations up to 10000 µg/ml at which the conditionally streptomycin-dependent mutant could originally grow, and which are well beyond the resistance level characteristic of the R determinant itself. These data seem to suggest that a reduction in permeability of the cell membrane cannot be held responsible for the phenomenon observed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 197 (14) ◽  
pp. 2316-2324 ◽  
Yasushi Daimon ◽  
Shin-ichiro Narita ◽  
Yoshinori Akiyama

ABSTRACTσE, an alternative σ factor that governs a major signaling pathway in envelope stress responses in Gram-negative bacteria, is essential for growth ofEscherichia colinot only under stressful conditions, such as elevated temperature, but also under normal laboratory conditions. A mutational inactivation of thehicBgene has been reported to suppress the lethality caused by the loss of σE.hicBencodes the antitoxin of the HicA-HicB toxin-antitoxin (TA) system; overexpression of the HicA toxin, which exhibits mRNA interferase activity, causes cleavage of mRNAs and an arrest of cell growth, while simultaneous expression of HicB neutralizes the toxic effects of overproduced HicA. To date, however, how the loss of HicB rescues the cell lethality in the absence of σEand, more specifically, whether HicA is involved in this process remain unknown. Here we showed that simultaneous disruption ofhicAabolished suppression of the σEessentiality in the absence ofhicB, while ectopic expression of wild-type HicA, but not that of its mutant forms without mRNA interferase activity, restored the suppression. Furthermore, HicA and two other mRNA interferase toxins, HigB and YafQ, suppressed the σEessentiality even in the presence of chromosomally encoded cognate antitoxins when these toxins were overexpressed individually. Interestingly, when the growth media were supplemented with low levels of antibiotics that are known to activate toxins,E. colicells with no suppressor mutations grew independently of σE. Taken together, our results indicate that the activation of TA system toxins can suppress the σEessentiality and affect the extracytoplasmic stress responses.IMPORTANCEσEis an alternative σ factor involved in extracytoplasmic stress responses. Unlike other alternative σ factors, σEis indispensable for the survival ofE. colieven under unstressed conditions, although the exact reason for its essentiality remains unknown. Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are widely distributed in prokaryotes and are composed of two adjacent genes, encoding a toxin that exerts harmful effects on the toxin-producing bacterium itself and an antitoxin that neutralizes the cognate toxin. Curiously, it is known that inactivation of an antitoxin rescues the σEessentiality, suggesting a connection between TA systems and σEfunction. We demonstrate here that toxin activation is necessary for this rescue and suggest the possible involvement of TA systems in extracytoplasmic stress responses.

mBio ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
Yingbo Shen ◽  
Zuowei Wu ◽  
Yang Wang ◽  
Rong Zhang ◽  
Hong-Wei Zhou ◽  

ABSTRACTThe recent emergence of a transferable colistin resistance mechanism, MCR-1, has gained global attention because of its threat to clinical treatment of infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. However, the possible transmission route ofmcr-1amongEnterobacteriaceaespecies in clinical settings is largely unknown. Here, we present a comprehensive genomic analysis ofEscherichia coliisolates collected in a hospital in Hangzhou, China. We found thatmcr-1-carrying isolates from clinical infections and feces of inpatients and healthy volunteers were genetically diverse and were not closely related phylogenetically, suggesting that clonal expansion is not involved in the spread ofmcr-1. Themcr-1gene was found on either chromosomes or plasmids, but in most of theE. coliisolates,mcr-1was carried on plasmids. The genetic context of the plasmids showed considerable diversity as evidenced by the different functional insertion sequence (IS) elements, toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems, heavy metal resistance determinants, and Rep proteins of broad-host-range plasmids. Additionally, the genomic analysis revealed nosocomial transmission ofmcr-1and the coexistence ofmcr-1with other genes encoding β-lactamases and fluoroquinolone resistance in theE. coliisolates. These findings indicate thatmcr-1is heterogeneously disseminated in both commensal and pathogenic strains ofE. coli, suggest the high flexibility of this gene in its association with diverse genetic backgrounds of the hosts, and provide new insights into the genome epidemiology ofmcr-1among hospital-associatedE. colistrains.IMPORTANCEColistin represents one of the very few available drugs for treating infections caused by extensively multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria. The recently emergentmcr-1colistin resistance gene threatens the clinical utility of colistin and has gained global attention. Howmcr-1spreads in hospital settings remains unknown and was investigated by whole-genome sequencing ofmcr-1-carryingEscherichia coliin this study. The findings revealed extraordinary flexibility ofmcr-1in its spread among genetically diverseE. colihosts and plasmids, nosocomial transmission ofmcr-1-carryingE. coli, and the continuous emergence of novel Inc types of plasmids carryingmcr-1and newmcr-1variants. Additionally,mcr-1was found to be frequently associated with other genes encoding β-lactams and fluoroquinolone resistance. These findings provide important information on the transmission and epidemiology ofmcr-1and are of significant public health importance as the information is expected to facilitate the control of this significant antibiotic resistance threat.

1999 ◽  
Vol 181 (22) ◽  
pp. 7143-7148 ◽  
F. Martinez-Morales ◽  
A. C. Borges ◽  
A. Martinez ◽  
K. T. Shanmugam ◽  
L. O. Ingram

ABSTRACT A set of vectors which facilitates the sequential integration of new functions into the Escherichia coli chromosome by homologous recombination has been developed. These vectors are based on plasmids described by Posfai et al. (J. Bacteriol. 179:4426–4428, 1997) which contain conditional replicons (pSC101 or R6K), a choice of three selectable markers (ampicillin, chloramphenicol, or kanamycin), and a single FRT site. The modified vectors contain twoFRT sites which bracket a modified multiple cloning region for DNA insertion. After integration, a helper plasmid expressing the flippase (FLP) recombinase allows precise in vivo excision of the replicon and the marker used for selection. Sites are also available for temporary insertion of additional functions which can be subsequently deleted with the replicon. Only the DNA inserted into the multiple cloning sites (passenger genes and homologous fragment for targeting) and a single FRT site (68 bp) remain in the chromosome after excision. The utility of these vectors was demonstrated by integrating Zymomonas mobilis genes encoding the ethanol pathway behind the native chromosomaladhE gene in strains of E. coli K-12 andE. coli B. With these vectors, a single antibiotic selection system can be used repeatedly for the successive improvement of E. coli strains with precise deletion of extraneous genes used during construction.

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