Ultrastructural features of the haustorial apparatus of the white blister fungus Albugo candida

1975 ◽  
Vol 53 (13) ◽  
pp. 1285-1299 ◽  
Michael D. Coffey

The small spherical haustorium of the white blister fungus is connected to the much larger haustorial mother cell by a slender cylindrical neck. The haustorium contains mitochondria with tubular cristae as well as ribosomes and occasional cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Nuclei and perinuclear dictyosomes are found in the mother cells but are absent from haustoria. No discontinuity is found in the fungal cell wall in the haustorial neck. Immediately adjacent to the fungal wall and extending through the penetration site to a point about midway along the neck is a dark-staining layer continuous with the host cell wall. A collar consisting of fibrillar material, also continuous with the host cell wall, is commonly found around the proximal portion of the neck external to this dark-staining layer. An electron-dense sheath surrounds the thin wall of the haustorial body but is absent from the neck region. A series of tubules is continuous with the invaginated host plasmalemma which surrounds the haustorial body. These tubules contain an electron-dense core similar in appearance to, and continuous with, the sheath matrix. No evidence was obtained for the involvement of host dictyosomes and their secretory vesicles in the formation of the haustorial sheath. A constant feature of the haustorial apparatus is the association of flattened cisternae of host endoplasmic reticulum with the distal portion of the haustorial neck. The significance of this finding is discussed in relation to the endomembrane concept.

1972 ◽  
Vol 50 (8) ◽  
pp. 1701-1703 ◽  
Larry J. Littlefield

An initial step in haustorium formation is the contact of a terminal intercellular mycelial cell with the wall of a host cell. The former differentiates to form a haustorial mother cell having a thickened wall in the region of contact. A penetration peg develops in the thickened region of the cell wall; it elongates, penetrates the host cell wall, and extends into the lumen of the host cell. A dark-staining region, the neck ring, develops in the wall of the penetration peg and persists throughout subsequent stages of development. The distal end of the penetration peg expands to form a somewhat spherical haustorial body. Subsequently, one to several lobes form on, and extend from, the body of the haustorium. The more ephemeral stages of development are the initiation of the spherical haustorial body and the elongation of the penetration peg. The less ephemeral stages are prepenetration and early postpenetration of the host cell wall and the intermediate stages of haustorial expansion.

1988 ◽  
Vol 66 (12) ◽  
pp. 2511-2517 ◽  
A. A. Hopkin ◽  
J. Reid

Compatible interactions between susceptible hypocotyl tissue of Pinus banksiana Lamb, and Endocronartium harknessii (J. P. Moore) Y. Hirat. were studied using light and transmission electron microscopy. Host endoplasmic reticulum was observed to be closely associated with the haustorial body, although staining with silver proteinate failed to show any similarity between the contents of the endoplasmic reticulum and extrahaustorial matrix. The haustorium was also commonly observed to be closely associated with the host nucleus, often indenting the latter, though never in direct contact. Chloroplasts in recently infected cells appeared similar to those in uninfected cells, but in more advanced infections large starch grains were observed in the chloroplasts of the outer cortex; such chloroplasts normally contained little starch. Collars were another common feature of infected cells. Collars were continuous with the host cell wall and reacted to silver proteinate in a similar manner to the cell wall; callose was not evident. Collars were associated with portions of the cell wall that were inwardly displaced by the fungus; however, cytoplasmic vesicles were also observed in association with the collar and possibly contributed to their development.

1973 ◽  
Vol 51 (5) ◽  
pp. 923-931 ◽  
David R. Dobbins ◽  
Job Kuijt

The portion of the Castilleja haustorium within the host, the endophyte, was examined at the light-and electron-microscopic levels. The endophyte consists of a stalk of lipid-containing cells and digitate cells at its tip. Vessels run the length of the endophyte. There is a harmonious meshing between host cortical cells and those of the endophyte flank, suggesting that penetration is accomplished, in part, by cell dissolution. Crushing of cells also occurs during endophyte invasion as host phloem tissues are severely buckled and cell walls are greatly folded. Some features of digitate cells include dense cytoplasm, an abundance of endoplasmic reticulum, lateral walls that are thickened as well as those on the side adjacent to the host, and an ability to conform to the contours of host tissues. Often digitate cells are divided by very thin walls that are hardly visible under the light microscope. It is suggested that the thick cell walls may function as "free space" in the absorption of materials from the host. Within the endophyte, vessels differentiate and may contain either a finely granular, dark-staining material or a more coarsely granular, light-staining material. The particles of the latter have irregular shapes. Although granular materials are thus carried by some vessels, cells resembling the structurally intermediate "phloeotracheids" were not seen. Connections through the cell wall were not observed between parasite and host; however, within the endophyte plasmodesmata were highly branched and often contained median nodules. Transfer-like cells which have irregularly thickened walls occurred in the endophyte. Host tissues next to digitate cells appeared to be in a degraded state. Invaginations of the plasmalemma were common and small flattened vesicles were formed in some host cells from the disrupted tonoplast. In several instances, the cytoplasm had receded from the host cell wall and a "beaded" material was present in both vacuoles and large vesicles. The host cell wall at times had a very loose fibrillar appearance. Some host tracheids were occluded with a dense and dark-staining material. The xylem strands of the parasite are connected to the host xylem either by cell wall dissolution or by actual penetration of a digitate cell into a host xylary cell. The penetrating cell subsequently differentiates into a vessel member. A summary and general discussion are given to relate the two portions of the haustorium, the upper haustorium and the endophyte. The mass of new information gained in this study leads us to encourage the application of plastic embedding and sectioning techniques to further light-microscope studies on haustoria.

1982 ◽  
Vol 60 (12) ◽  
pp. 2914-2922 ◽  
D. J. Gray ◽  
H. V. Amerson ◽  
C. G. Van Dyke

Haustoria formed by the monokaryotic stage of Cronartium quercuum f. sp. fusiforme in Pinus taeda differed from those of the dikaryotic phase in Quercus rubra. Monokaryotic (M) haustorial walls were continuous with the walls of relatively undifferentiated haustorial mother cells. The septate M-haustorial neck and expanded M-haustorial body were separated from the invaginated host plasmalemma by a sheath which was continuous with the host cell wall. Collars encasing sheaths were infrequently observed. Dikaryotic (D) haustoria were morphologically similar to M-haustoria; however, they differed in several respects when examined with TEM. The D-haustorial mother cell wall was thickened at the penetration site but a reduction in the number of wall layers occurred between the thickened portion of the mother cell and the D-haustorium. A darkly staining neckband was present in the wall of the nonseptate D-haustorial neck but was lacking in the M-haustorium. An extensive sheath separated the invaginated host plasmalemma from the D-haustorial wall distally from the neckband. However, the sheath was separated from the D-haustorial wall and from the host cell wall by an invaginated host plasmalemma doubled in the haustorial neck region proximally from the neckband.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 2125-2138 ◽  
Shiwen Qin ◽  
Chunyan Ji ◽  
Yunfeng Li ◽  
Zhenzhong Wang

Abstract The fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense causes Fusarium wilt, one of the most destructive diseases in banana and plantain cultivars. Pathogenic race 1 attacks the “Gros Michel” banana cultivar, and race 4 is pathogenic to the Cavendish banana cultivar and those cultivars that are susceptible to Foc1. To understand the divergence in gene expression modules between the two races during degradation of the host cell wall, we performed RNA sequencing to compare the genome-wide transcriptional profiles of the two races grown in media containing banana cell wall, pectin, or glucose as the sole carbon source. Overall, the gene expression profiles of Foc1 and Foc4 in response to host cell wall or pectin appeared remarkably different. When grown with host cell wall, a much larger number of genes showed altered levels of expression in Foc4 in comparison with Foc1, including genes encoding carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) and other virulence-related genes. Additionally, the levels of gene expression were higher in Foc4 than in Foc1 when grown with host cell wall or pectin. Furthermore, a great majority of genes were differentially expressed in a variety-specific manner when induced by host cell wall or pectin. More specific CAZymes and other pathogenesis-related genes were expressed in Foc4 than in Foc1 when grown with host cell wall. The first transcriptome profiles obtained for Foc during degradation of the host cell wall may provide new insights into the mechanism of banana cell wall polysaccharide decomposition and the genetic basis of Foc host specificity.

1997 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 803-811 ◽  
B. Boher ◽  
M. Nicole ◽  
M. Potin ◽  
J. P. Geiger

The location of lipopolysaccharides produced by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis during pathogenesis on cassava (Manihot esculenta) was determined by fluorescence and electron microscopy immunolabeling with monoclonal antibodies. During the early stages of infection, pathogen lipopolysaccharides were detected on the outer surface of the bacterial envelope and in areas of the plant middle lamellae in the vicinity of the pathogen. Later in the infection process, lipopolysaccharide-specific antibodies bound to areas where the plant cell wall was heavily degraded. Lipopolysaccharides were not detected in the fibrillar matrix filling intercellular spaces of infected cassava leaves. Monoclonal antibodies specific for the exopolysaccharide xanthan side chain labeled the bacteria, the fibrillar matrix, and portions of the host cell wall. The association of Xanthomonas lipopolysaccharides with host cell walls during plant infection is consistent with a role of these bacterial extracellular polysaccharides in the infection process.

1979 ◽  
Vol 57 (4) ◽  
pp. 315-323 ◽  
Glenn Wehtje ◽  
Larry J. Littlefield ◽  
David E. Zimmer

Penetration of sunflower, Heliantluis animus, root epidermal cells by zoospores of Plasmopara halstedii is preceded by formation of a papilla on the inner surface of the host cell wall that invaginates the host plasma membrane. Localized degradation and penetration of the host cell wall by the pathogen follow. The invading fungus forms an allantoid primary infection vesicle in the penetrated epidermal cell. The host plasma membrane invaginates around the infection vesicle but its continuity is difficult to follow. Upon exit from the epidermal cell the fungus may grow intercellularly, producing terminal haustorial branches which extend into adjacent host cells. The fungus may grow through one or two cortical cell is after growing from the epidermal cell before it becomes intercellular. Host plasma membrane is not penetrated by haustoria. Intercellular hyphae grow toward the apex of the plant and ramify the seedling tissue. Resistance in an immune cultivar is hypersensitive and is triggered upon contact of the host cell with the encysting zoospore before the host cell wall is penetrated. Degeneration of zoospore cytoplasm accompanies the hypersensitive reaction of the host. Zoospores were often parasitized by bacteria and did not germinate unless penicillin and streptomycin were added to the inoculum suspension.

2006 ◽  
Vol 87 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-27 ◽  
Guillemond B. Ouellette ◽  
Mohamed Cherif ◽  
Marie Simard

Abstract Various cell reactions occurred in staghorn sumac plants inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. callistephi. Light and transmission electron microscopy observations and results of cytochemical tests showed: 1) increased laticifers and latex production in the phloem; 2) tylosis formation; 3) host cell wall modifications, including appositions or other cell wall thickenings; and 4) unusual cross wall formation in some cells, and cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Tylosis walls labelled for pectin and cellulose and many displayed inner suberin-like layers. These layers were also noted in cells of the medullary sheath and in many cells with dense content and thickened walls in the barrier zones that had formed. These zones also contained fibres with newly-formed gelatinous-like layers. In the vicinity of these cells, host cell walls were frequently altered, associated with opaque matter. Many small particles present in chains also occurred in some of these cells, which contained only remnants of host cytoplasm. Light microscopy observations showed that pronounced tissue proliferation and aberrant cells occurred in the outer xylem in the infected plants. Unusual neoplasmic tissue also formed from cells surrounding the pith and medullary sheath, and it spanned directly across the pre-existing xylem tissue and burst as large mounds on the stems.

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