Paleomagnetism of Carboniferous diabase dykes from Gaspé, Quebec

1987 ◽  
Vol 24 (8) ◽  
pp. 1705-1714 ◽  
Maurice K. Seguin

The reported paleomagnetic study was carried out on 53 oriented samples (156 specimens) at 10 sites in the eastern Gaspé Peninsula. All sampled geological units are composed of sub vertical diabase dykes that cut the sedimentary formations of late Early Devonian – early Middle Devonian age. The radiogenic (whole-rock K/Ar) age of these and similar dykes ranges from Late Devonian to early Middle Carboniferous (mean whole rock K/Ar age = 310 Ma). Two components were isolated. The most common component, A (D = 152°, I = +41°), is normal, whereas the second component, B (D = 315°, I = −44°), is reverse. Both components may be considered as a single one; alternatively, component A may be considered slightly older than component B. Unblocking temperatures, median destructive fields, relative frequency of occurrence of the components, and various degrees of alteration are arguments favouring the first or the second situation. The case of a single component is more probable, representing an Early Carboniferous time of acquisition of remanence (thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) probably corresponding to the time of intrusion and resetting of surrounding sedimentary rocks). The corresponding paleopole position in 148°E, 11°N. This pole position is located some 25 °to the southeast of the cluster of Carboniferous poles (mainly Middle to Late Carboniferous) for the North American craton. The significance of this discrepancy is not well understood, but it is worth noting that very recent paleomagnetic results from western Newfoundland and central New Brunswick are located closer to the paleomagnetic results of this study. The age and direction of the dyke system suggest a short period of extension following the compressive pulse of the Acadian orogeny and preceding the Alleghenian orogeny. For these reasons, the dyke system is unrelated to the initial opening of the present Atlantic Ocean.

1993 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 776-786
G. Murthy ◽  
R. Pätzold

The Pridolian Clam Bank Formation around Lourdes Cove on the Port au Port Peninsula, western Newfoundland, underwent deformation during the Acadian orogeny. As a result, some of the beds were overturned, but the stratification planes can be accurately determined everywhere. Paleomagnetic studies of the Clam Bank Formation have yielded three well-defined components of magnetization, all acquired subsequent to the deformation event: component A with D = 337.3°, I = −28.3°, (N = 16 sites, k = 25.3, α95 = 7.5°), with a corresponding paleopole at 23.2°N, 145.0°E (dp, dm = 4.5°, 8.2°); component B with D = 172.9°, I = 5.7° (N = 35 specimens, k = 10.2, α95 = 6.4°), with a corresponding paleopole at 38.2°N, 130.1°E (dp, dm = 3.2°, 6.4°); component C with D = 350.4°, I = 69.8° (N = 33 specimens, k = 8.9, α95 = 8.9°). A pre-Mesozoic origin of the A and B components is indicated by the presence of normal and reversed components in specific sites; by the lack of correspondence between the A and B paleopoles and the Mesozoic and later pole positions from the Appalachians and the North American craton; and by agreement with Paleozoic poles from the region. The A component was probably acquired immediately after deformation during the Acadian orogeny. The B component is probably a chemical remanence that was acquired during Permo-Carboniferous (Kiaman) time. The C component is of recent origin, probably acquired in the present Earth's field. Paleomagnetic data from western Newfoundland are used in a localized setting to construct a paleopole sequence and to estimate paleolatitudes for western Newfoundland during the Paleozoic. Keeping in mind the paucity of data for Siluro-Devonian age from this region, western Newfoundland seems to have been at its southernmost position at the end of the Ordovician and to have occupied equatorial latitudes during the Permo-Carboniferous. The paleolatitude trend suggests that this block, which is part of the North American craton, moved in a southerly direction during the early Paleozoic and in a northerly direction during the middle and late Paleozoic.

V. A. Stepanov ◽  

Information on the geological and isotopic age of the Kubaka gold-silver deposit in the Omolon middle massif in the North-East of Russia is presented. It has been established that the Kubaka deposit geological age lies in between the Late Devonian age of the Kedon series volcanites, containing the gold-silver mineralization, and the Early Carboniferous age of the Korbinsky suite terrigenous rocks, overlapping the volcanites and the mineralization. The post-ore nature of the Omolon complex dykes, which produce no significant impact on the distribution of gold mineralization in ore bodies, is shown. According to isotope dating, the following stages of the Kubaka deposit formation are distinguished: the accumulation of the Kubaka suite tuffs (369 Ma); the introduction of subvolcanic intrusions (344 and 337 Ma); the formation of ore metasomatites (335±5 Ma); the formation of gold-silver mineralization (330 and 334 - 324 Ma); the introduction of post-ore dikes (179±8 - 176±10 Ma).

1989 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 296-304 ◽  
Julie E. Gales ◽  
Ben A. van der Pluijm ◽  
Rob Van der Voo

Paleomagnetic sampling of the Lawrenceton Formation of the Silurian Botwood Group in northeastern Newfoundland was combined with detailed structural mapping of the area in order to determine the deformation history and make adequate structural corrections to the paleomagnetic data.Structural analysis indicates that the Lawrenceton Formation experienced at least two folding events: (i) a regional northeast–southwest-trending, Siluro-Devonian folding episode that produced a well-developed axial-plane cleavage; and (ii) an episode of local north-trending folding. Bedding – regional cleavage relationships indicate that the latter event is older than the regional folding.Thermal demagnetization of the Lawrenceton Formation yielded univectorial southerly and shallow directions (in situ). A fold test on an early mesoscale fold indicates that the magnetization of the Botwood postdates this folding event. However, our results, combined with an earlier paleomagnetic study of nearby Lawrenceton Formation rocks, demonstrate that the magnetization predates the regional folding. Therefore, we conclude that the magnetization occurred subsequent to the local folding but prior to the period of regional folding.While a tectonic origin for local folding cannot be entirely excluded, the subaerial nature of these volcanics, the isolated occurrence of these folds, and the absence of similar north-trending folds in other areas of eastern Notre Dame Bay suggest a syndepositional origin. Consequently, the magnetization may be nearly primary. Our study yields a characteristic direction of D = 175°, I = +43°, with a paleopole (16°N, 131 °E) that plots near the mid-Silurian track of the North American apparent polar wander path. This result is consistent with an early origin for the magnetization and supports the notion that the Central Mobile Belt of Newfoundland was adjacent to the North American craton, in its present-day position, since the Silurian.

1990 ◽  
Vol 127 (5) ◽  
pp. 407-426 ◽  
W. I. Mitchell ◽  
B. Owens

AbstractThe western part of the Fintona Block is divided into four fault-bounded segments that contain red-bed sediments formerly assigned to the Lower Old Red Sandstone.Dating by miospores indicates the presence of deposits of early Devonian age in the Irvinestown Segment, late Viséan–early Silesian age in the Tempo–Lisbellaw Segment, and late Viséan–early Silesian and late Silesian ages in the Milltown Segment. Northward migration of the early Carboniferous marine transgression in the northern part of Ireland coincided with the sequential propagation of back-stepping faults and resulted in the development of diachronous facies belts between late Courceyan and Arundian times. Tectonic uplift, of a possible southwesterly extension of the Tyrone Igneous Complex, gave rise to the deposition of Asbian to Pendleian red-beds to the south of a massif. An interface between these red-beds and contemporaneous marine sediments farther to the south is recognized and dated. A new non-marine basin, containing Brigantian and Pendleian red-beds, also developed to the north of the massif A waterlogged floodplain that developed during Westphalian A times may be coeval with more widespread coal-bearing sequences elsewhere in Ireland. Alluvial fans prograded southwards over this plain during Westphalian B times when faults bordering a northern landmass were reactivated.

1986 ◽  
Vol 23 (12) ◽  
pp. 1880-1890 ◽  
Maurice K. Seguin ◽  
Allen A. Petryk

Eighteen sites (152 samples, 441 specimens) from the Late Ordovician — Early Silurian sequence of Anticosti Island were studied paleomagnetically. Six sites were collected in the Vauréal Formation, seven in the Ellis Bay Formation, three in the Becscie Formation, and one each in the Gun River and Jupiter formations. The lithologies sampled consisted of limestones, sandy limestones, marls, and sandy calcareous shales drawn from a sedimentary platform sequence of predominantly inter-bedded limestones and shales. The specimens were demagnetized in alternating fields (AF) and thermally and were found to be quite stable. Two components of magnetization were isolated. The memory carrier is fine- to medium-grained magnetite; AF and thermal cleanings are about equally efficient. The average directions of residual magnetization are D = 167°, I = 37°, α95 = 18°; D = 315°, I = −24°, α95 = 17 °for components B and C, respectively. The corresponding paleopoles for the B and C components are 129°E, 19°N (dp = 12°, dm = 21°) and 341°E, 16°S (dp = 10°, dm = 18°).Component A is most probably composed of component C and the present Earth's field (PEF); it was chiefly observed in the more altered Vauréal Formation and in the altered top part of the cored samples. The most common component in the Ellis Bay, Becscie, Gun River, and Jupiter formations is component C. Component B is mainly found in the Becscie and Ellis Bay formations. Both components B and C are isolated in the 300–500 °C and 10–40 mT ranges. Component C is either older than component B or synchronous and of reverse polarity to component B. If this last alternative is correct, then the Ordovician and Silurian formations are overprinted by a pre-Kiaman magnetization. The more plausible scenario is the following: component B is secondary, of pre-Middle Carboniferous age, and overprinted on an older secondary magnetization (component C), the acquisition age of which is confined to the Silurian–Carboniferous time interval.

1993 ◽  
Vol 30 (7) ◽  
pp. 1297-1305 ◽  
Alain Vauchez ◽  
Hassan A. Babaie ◽  
Abdolali Babaei

In the internal southern Appalachians, orogen-parallel lineation in flat-lying amphibolite facies mylonites occurs over more than 700 km, from North Carolina to Alabama, along the Inner Piedmont western boundary. In several areas distributed along this zone, evidence of orogen-parallel tangential movement is consistently associated with the lineation, suggesting the amphibolite facies mylonites mark an orogen-scale movement zone, probably a décollement zone that formed in the middle crust.Amphibolite facies mylonites occur in the Clairmont Formation north of Atlanta, Georgia. Abundant mesoscopic and microscopic kinematic indicators together with a dominant southwest-trending lineation on a subhorizontal mylonitic foliation reveal a ductile southwestward movement of the Inner Piedmont on subhorizontal shear planes during the mylonitization. Synkinematic hornblende and biotite crystals extracted from a specimen of amphibolite suggest minimum K–Ar cooling ages of, respectively, 349 and 327 Ma. A minimum age of 350 Ma is thus suggested for the main activity of the western Piedmont décollement zone.Orogen-parallel tangential movement along the western Piedmont décollement zone is coeval with orogen-parallel strike-slip faulting in the high-angle Ocmulgee fault in central Piedmont. These faults shape a shear zone system that probably formed at the boundary of the North American craton, in relation with a transpressional regime of deformation.

1989 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 821-828 ◽  
D. T. A. Symons ◽  
M. R. Wellings

The lower Middle Eocene (49.4 ± 2.4 Ma) Kamloops Group is exposed in the middle of the Quesnellia subterrane of Terrane I. The group consists of the siliciclastic Tranquille Beds and the overlying Dewdrop Flats plateau basalts and andesites. Detailed alternating field (AF) and thermal step demagnetization was carried out on 282 specimens from 26 flow sites and one conglomerate site, and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) tests were performed to examine the remanence carriers. The petrology of the gently dipping flows, the presence of antiparallel normal and reverse remanence, the conglomerate test, and the fold test all indicate that a primary remanence has been isolated. It resides in both magnetite and hematite over a broad range of AF coercivities, blocking temperatures, and domain sizes. Its mean direction of 355.0°, 73.4 °(α95 = 6.9°) gives a pole position of 138.4°W, 81.4°N (dp = 11.0°, dm = 12.3°) that is statistically indistinguishable from the 50 Ma reference pole for the North American craton. This indicates that the cratonization of Terrane I was complete by the Middle Eocene after it had undergone ~1300 km of northward translation and ~45 °of clockwise rotation since the mid-Cretaceous.

Peter R. Dawes ◽  
Bjørn Thomassen ◽  
T.I. Hauge Andersson

NOTE: This article was published in a former series of GEUS Bulletin. Please use the original series name when citing this article, for example: Dawes, P. R., Thomassen, B., & Andersson, T. H. (2000). A new volcanic province: evidence from glacial erratics in western North Greenland. Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin, 186, 35-41. _______________ Mapping and regional geological studies in northern Greenland were carried out during the project Kane Basin 1999 (see Dawes et al. 2000, this volume). During ore geological studies in Washington Land by one of us (B.T.), finds of erratics of banded iron formation (BIF) directed special attention to the till, glaciofluvial and fluvial sediments. This led to the discovery that in certain parts of Daugaard-Jensen Land and Washington Land volcanic rocks form a common component of the surficial deposits, with particularly colourful, red porphyries catching the eye. The presence of BIF is interesting but not altogether unexpected since BIF erratics have been reported from southern Hall Land just to the north-east (Kelly & Bennike 1992) and such rocks crop out in the Precambrian shield of North-West Greenland to the south (Fig. 1; Dawes 1991). On the other hand, the presence of volcanic erratics was unexpected and stimulated the work reported on here.

Alexander J.P. Houben ◽  
Geert-Jan Vis

Abstract Knowledge of the stratigraphic development of pre-Carboniferous strata in the subsurface of the Netherlands is very limited, leaving the lithostratigraphic nomenclature for this time interval informal. In two wells from the southwestern Netherlands, Silurian strata have repeatedly been reported, suggesting that these are the oldest ever recovered in the Netherlands. The hypothesised presence of Silurian-aged strata has not been tested by biostratigraphic analysis. A similar lack of biostratigraphic control applies to the overlying Devonian succession. We present the results of a palynological study of core material from wells KTG-01 and S05-01. Relatively low-diversity and poorly preserved miospore associations were recorded. These, nonetheless, provide new insights into the regional stratigraphic development of the pre-Carboniferous of the SW Netherlands. The lower two cores from well KTG-01 are of a late Silurian (Ludlow–Pridoli Epoch) to earliest Devonian (Lochkovian) age, confirming that these are the oldest sedimentary strata ever recovered in the Netherlands. The results from the upper cored section from the pre-Carboniferous succession in well KTG-01 and the cored sections from the pre-Carboniferous succession in well S05-01 are more ambiguous. This inferred Devonian succession is, in the current informal lithostratigraphy of the Netherlands, assigned to the Banjaard group and its subordinate Bollen Claystone formation, of presumed Frasnian (i.e. early Late Devonian) age. Age-indicative Middle to Late Devonian palynomorphs were, however, not recorded, and the overall character of the poorly preserved palynological associations in wells KTG-01 and S05-01 may also suggest an Early Devonian age. In terms of lithofacies, however, the cores in well S05-01 can be correlated to the upper Frasnian – lower Famennian Falisolle Formation in the Campine Basin in Belgium. Hence, it remains plausible that an unconformity separates Silurian to Lower Devonian strata from Upper Devonian (Frasnian–Famennian) strata in the SW Netherlands. In general, the abundance of miospore associations points to the presence of a vegetated hinterland and a relatively proximal yet relatively deep marine setting during late Silurian and Early Devonian times. This differs markedly from the open marine depositional settings reported from the Brabant Massif area to the south in present-day Belgium, suggesting a sediment source to the north. The episodic presence of reworked (marine) acritarchs of Ordovician age suggests the influx of sedimentary material from uplifted elements on the present-day Brabant Massif to the south, possibly in relation to the activation of a Brabant Arch system.

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