Trypanosoma spp. (Protozoa: Kinetoplastida) in Hylidae (Anura) from eastern North America, with notes on their distributions and prevalences

1984 ◽  
Vol 62 (5) ◽  
pp. 820-824 ◽  
Patrick T. K. Woo ◽  
Jim P. Bogart

Using the haematocrit centrifuge technique, four species of trypanosomes were detected in the blood of 46 of 275 hylids (Pseudacris triserita, Hyla crucifer, Hyla versicolor, Hyla chrysocelis, and Hyla avivoca) from eastern North America. Morphological identification of three (Trypanosoma andersoni, Trypanosoma grylli, and Trypanosoma pipientis) of the four species was confirmed by inoculations into laboratory-raised frogs. Trypanosoma andersoni and T. grylli were detected in H. versicolor, H. avivoca from Ohio, and H. chrysocelis from South Carolina. The latter two anurans represent new host records and localities for the two trypanosomes. Additional new host locations for T. andersoni and T. grylli in the United States are Michigan, West Virginia, and South Carolina. Trypanosoma pipientis was recorded from P. triserita, H. crucifer, and H. versicolor in Ontario; this extends the host range for the trypanosome from the Ranidae to the Hylidae. Trypanosoma ranarum, a common parasite of Rana spp., was found in H. versicolor from Ontario and Quebec. Since no cross inoculation was conducted, the identification of T. ranarum in the hylid is tentative.

Zootaxa ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 1554 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26 ◽  
J. W. AUSTIN ◽  

The taxonomic status of Reticulitermes Holmgren in North America has been in need of revision for years, but because of morphological ambiguity, traditional morphological identification of Reticulitermes species has always been difficult and unreliable. Analysis of termites, applying non-morphological genetic comparisons of mitochondrial DNA from numerous populations across North America, has implicated new species which are presently under investigation. Applying the 16S rRNA gene with biometric, cuticular hydrocarbons, and ethological data, a cryptic species of Nearctic Reticulitermes has been identified from Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, and South Carolina and determined to constitute a valid species with an apparently Atlantic distribution. Epicuticular hydrocarbon analysis showing the presence of rare triunsaturated alkenes, and a total absence of methyl branched alkanes also support this cryptic group as a distinct species. The name for this species is Reticulitermes malletei, previously described, but not generally accepted by termite experts in the United States. Comparisons from a 403 bp region of the mtDNA 16S rRNA gene was used to discriminate known Reticulitermes species from North America: The eastern subterranean termite R. flavipes (Kollar), dark southern subterranean termite R. virginicus (Banks), light southern subterranean termite R. hageni Banks, arid subterranean termite R. tibialis Banks, and western subterranean termite R. hesperus Banks. When compared to this new species, both maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood support their genetic isolation from sympatric populations of known species and eliminate either exotic Palearctic introductions or western Nearctic involvement.

1984 ◽  
Vol 62 (9) ◽  
pp. 1844-1851 ◽  
S. A. Redhead

Coprinus phaeosporus Karst., Hypholoma subericaceum (Fr.) Kühner, Mycena tubarioides (Maire) Kühner, and Stropharia pseudocyanea (Desm.) comb. nov. are documented from North America for the first time. Agaricus albocyaneus Desm. ex Fr. is shown to be an error for A. pseudocyaneus Desm. Agrocybe paludosa (Lange) Kühner & Romagnesi, Coprinus martinii Favre ex Orton and C. subimpatiens Lange & Smith are reported from Canada. Range extensions or new host records are noted for Coprinus stercoreus Fr., C. urticicola (Berk. & Br.) Buller, Marasmius limosus Quél., Melanotus caricicola (Orton) Guz., Mycena juncicola (Fr.) Gillet, Pholiota graminis (Quél.) Singer, and Resinomycena saccharifera (Berk. & Br.) comb. nov. Resinomycena kalalochensis subsp. saccharifera in Europe and subsp. kalalochensis (Smith) comb. nov. in western North America are vicariant taxa.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Mostafa Ghafouri Moghaddam ◽  
Sloan Tomlinson ◽  
Samuel Jaffe ◽  
Diana Carolina Arias-Penna ◽  
James B. Whitfield ◽  

Abstract Microplitis Foerster is a highly diverse and cosmopolitan genus within Microgastrinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea, Braconidae). Microplitis ceratomiae Riley, a widely distributed North American species, exclusively attacks sphingid caterpillars. In this paper, M. ceratomiae is reported parasitizing a caterpillar of Sphinx poecila Stephens (Sphingidae) which was collected feeding on Spiraea alba Du Roi (Rosaceae), a species of white meadowsweet native to the wet soils of the Allegheny Mountains and other portions of eastern North America. Here, we report and describe this new host-parasitoid-food plant association in southern New Hampshire, and include a distribution map for the species. Biological, ecological and phylogenetic analyses, and an identification key for the nine known species of Microplitis that attack sphingids in the New World are provided.

1993 ◽  
Vol 83 (4) ◽  
pp. 1064-1080 ◽  
G. A. Bollinger ◽  
M. C. Chapman ◽  
M. S. Sibol

Abstract This study investigates the relationship between earthquake magnitude and the size of damage areas in the eastern and western United States. To quantify damage area as a function of moment magnitude (M), 149 MMI VI and VII areas for 109 earthquakes (88 in the western United States, 21 in the eastern United States and Canada) were measured. Regression of isoseismal areas versus M indicated that areas in the East were larger than those in the West, at both intensity levels, by an average 5 × in the M 4.5 to 7.5 range. In terms of radii for circles of equivalent area, these results indicate that damaging ground motion from shocks of the same magnitude extend 2 × the epicentral distance in eastern North America compared to the West. To determine source and site parameters consistent with the above results, response spectral levels for eastern North America were stochastically simulated and compared with response spectral ordinates derived from recorded strong ground motion data in the western United States. Stress-drop values of 200 bars, combined with a surficial 2-km-thick low velocity “sedimentary” layer over rock basement, produced results that are compatible with the intensity observations, i.e., similar response spectral levels in the east at approximately twice their epicentral distance in the western U.S. distance. These results suggest that ground motion modeling in eastern North America may need to incorporate source and site parameters different from those presently in general use. The results are also of importance to eastern U.S. hazard assessments as they require allowance for the larger damage areas in preparedness and mitigation programs.

Zootaxa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4234 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

The Liriomyza (Diptera: Agromyzidae) of Canada and Alaska is revised, with species keyed and illustrated, and new host and geographic records provided. Eighty one species are recognized, including 24 new to science: L. agrios, L. albispina, L. anatolis, L. aphila, L. apilaca, L. aquapolis, L. arenarium, L. atrassimilis, L. bicolumbis, L. charada, L. cracentis, L. elevaster, L. emaciata, L. fumeola, L. gibsoni, L. griffithsi, L. hilairensis, L. limopsis, L. mesocanadensis, L. pilicornis, L. pistilla, L. rigaudensis, L. taraxanox, L. taraxanuda, L. tryssos. Ten species known from the United States are recorded as new to Canada: L. artemisiae Spencer, L. assimilis (Malloch), L. baccharidis Spencer, L. helianthi Spencer, L. merga Lonsdale, L. minor Spencer, L. sabaziae Spencer, L. temperata Spencer, L. violivora (Spencer) and L. virgo (Zetterstedt). Palaearctic species new to North America include L. wachtli Hendel and L. flaveola (Fallén); while the latter species has been recorded in North America before, all previous records represent misidentifications. Hosts are recorded for the first time for L. balcanicoides Sehgal, L. minor Spencer, L. orilliensis Spencer and L. socialis Spencer. Galiomyza Spencer syn. nov. is included as a junior synonym of Liriomyza Mik, resulting in six new combinations. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4479 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

We present rearing records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from five years of collecting throughout the United States. We review host and distribution data, and describe leaf mines, for 93 species, plus 28 others that could not be confidently identified in the absence of male specimens. We report 147 new host species records, including the first rearing records for Agromyza bispinata Spencer, A. diversa Johnson, A. parca Spencer, A. pudica Spencer, A. vockerothi Spencer, Calycomyza michiganensis Steyskal, Ophiomyia congregata (Malloch), and Phytomyza aldrichi Spencer. Phytomyza anemones Hering and (tentatively identified) Cerodontha (Dizygomyza) iraeos (Robineau-Desvoidy) are new to North America; Agromyza albitarsis Meigen, Amauromyza shepherdiae Sehgal, Aulagromyza populicola (Walker), Liriomyza orilliensis Spencer, Phytomyza linnaeae (Griffiths), P. solidaginivora Spencer, and P. solidaginophaga Sehgal are new to the USA. We also present confirmed USA records for Calycomyza menthae Spencer (previous records were based only on leaf mines), Ophiomyia maura (Meigen) (reported from the USA in older literature but deleted from the fauna in the most recent revision (Spencer & Steyskal 1986)), and Phytomyza astotinensis Griffiths and P. thalictrivora Spencer (previously only tentatively recorded from the USA). We provide 111 additional new state records. We describe the following 30 new species: Agromyza fission, A. soka, Melanagromyza palmeri, Ophiomyia euthamiae, O. mimuli, O. parda, Calycomyza artemisivora, C. avira, C. eupatoriphaga, C. vogelmanni, Cerodontha (Dizygomyza) edithae, Cer. (D.) feldmani, Liriomyza ivorcutleri, L. valerianivora, Phytomyza actaeivora, P. aesculi, P. confusa, P. doellingeriae, P. erigeronis, P. hatfieldae, P. hydrophyllivora, P. palmeri, P. palustris, P. sempervirentis, P. tarnwoodensis, P. tigris, P. triangularidis, P. vancouveriella, P. verbenae, and P. ziziae. 

2006 ◽  
Vol 138 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-188 ◽  
Sergei V. Mironov ◽  
Terry D. Galloway

AbstractIn this paper, we review the pteronyssid feather mites of the genera Pteronyssus Robin, Scutulanyssus Mironov, and Stenopteronyssus Faccini and Atyeo found in the course of an investigation into ectoparasites of birds in Canada. Five new species of feather mites are described: Pteronyssus sphyrapicinussp. nov. from the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius (L.); Stenopteronyssus proctoraesp. nov. from the Northern Flicker, Colaptes auratus (L.); Scutulanyssus progneisp. nov. and Scutulanyssus subissp. nov. from the Purple Martin, Progne subis (L.); and Scutulanyssus petrochelidonissp. nov. from the Cliff Swallow, Petrochelidon pyrrhonota (Vieillot). New host records are provided for Pteronyssus picoides Černy and Schumilo from the Downy Woodpecker, Picoides pubescens (L.), and for Scutulanyssus obscurus (Berlese) from the Cliff Swallow; Pteronyssus brevipes Berlese and Scutulanyssus hirundicolus Mironov are formally recorded in North America for the first time; and Pteronyssus centurus McDaniel and Price is reported for the first time in Canada, from Lewis' Woodpecker, Melanerpes lewis (Gray). Scutulanyssus tyrrelli (Canestrini) is reported for the first time in Manitoba from the Tree Swallow, Tachycineta bicolor (Vieillot). Keys are provided for all species of Pteronyssus and Scutulanyssus found in North America.

2020 ◽  
Julien Chartrand ◽  
Francesco Salvatore Rocco Pausata

Abstract. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) affects atmospheric variability from eastern North America to Europe. Although the link between the NAO and winter precipitations in the eastern North America have been the focus of previous work, only few studies have hitherto provided clear physical explanations on these relationships. In this study we revisit and extend the analysis of the effect of the NAO on winter precipitations over a large domain covering southeast Canada and the northeastern United States. Furthermore, here we use the recent ERA5 reanalysis dataset (1979–2018), which currently has the highest available horizontal resolution for a global reanalysis (0.25°), to track extratropical cyclones to delve into the physical processes behind the relationship between NAO and precipitation, snowfall, snowfall-to-precipitation ratio (S/P), and snow cover depth anomalies in the region. In particular, our results show that positive NAO phases are associated with less snowfall over a wide region covering Nova Scotia, New England and the Mid-Atlantic of the United States relative to negative NAO phases. Henceforth, a significant negative correlation is also seen between S/P and the NAO over this region. This is due to a decrease (increase) in cyclogenesis of coastal storms near the United States east coast during positive (negative) NAO phases, as well as a northward (southward) displacement of the mean storm track over North America.

2016 ◽  
Chase Doran Brownstein

The fossil record of dinosaurs from the Early Cretaceous of eastern North America is scant, and only a few sediments to the east of the continent are fossiliferous. Among them is the Arundel Formation of the east coast of the United States, which has produced among the best dinosaur faunas known from the Early Cretaceous of eastern North America. The diverse dinosaur fauna of this formation has been thoroughly discussed previously, but few of the dinosaur species originally described from the Arundel are still regarded as valid genera. Much of the Arundel material is in need of review and redescription. Among the fossils of dinosaurs from this formation are those referred to ornithomimosaurs. Here, I redescribe ornithomimosaur remains from the Arundel Formation which may warrant the naming of a new taxon of dinosaur. These remains provide key information on the theropods of the Early Cretaceous of Eastern North America. The description of the Arundel material herein along with recent discoveries of basal ornithomimosaurs in the past 15 years has allowed for comparisons with the coelurosaur Nedcolbertia justinhofmanni, suggesting the latter animal was a basal ornithomimosaurian dinosaur rather than a “generalized” coelurosaur. Comparisons between the Arundel ornithomimosaur and similar southeast Asian ornithomimosaurian material as well as ornithomimosaur remains from western North America suggest that a lineage of ornithomimosaurs with a metatarsal condition intermediate between that of basal and derived ornithomimosaurs was present through southeast Asia into North America, in turn suggesting that such animals coexisted with genera having a more primitive metatarsal morphology as seen in N. justinhofmanni.

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-10 ◽  
N. K. Osterbauer ◽  
S. Lane ◽  
A. Trippe

These results confirm the pathogenicity of Phytophthora ramorum on eastern teaberry and complete Koch's Postulates for this new host. Eastern teaberry is an understory species native to eastern North America, with its range extending from Alabama and Georgia (United States) in the south to Manitoba and Quebec (Canada) in the north. Infected nursery plants represent a potential pathway for P. ramorum introduction to this region. Accepted for publication 22 November 2013. Published 22 January 2014.

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