scholarly journals Identifying IPv6 network problems in the dual-stack world

Kenjiro Cho ◽  
Matthew Luckie ◽  
Bradley Huffaker
2014 ◽  
Vol 513-517 ◽  
pp. 2232-2235
Gui Xin Zhao

At present, IPv4 addresses are facing depletion and do not meet the requirements of the development of the network.Compared with IPv4 protocol, IPv6 protocol has obvious advantages in technology. The next generation internet research based on IPv6 protocol is a hot research field in campus network, now the IPv4 network is also in urgent need of upgrading to IPv6 network. Introduces the dual stack and tunnel technology to upgrade the campus network, analysis of the present situation of the campus network, and design an upgrading scheme in this paper.

Respati ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Lukman Lukman ◽  
Wahyu Adi Pratomo

INTISARIMengakses internet adalah kegiatan yang tidak lepas dari kebutuhan masyarakat setiap hari pada saat ini. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari banyaknya kegiatan yang menggunakan akses internet sebagai sumber informasi dan sebagai lalu lintas data antara satu perangkat ke perangkat lainnya. Seiring berjalannya waktu semakin banyak perangkat yang membutuhkan akses internet untuk identifikasi dan definisi lokasi. Namun apakah alamat ip yang tersedia pada saat ini dapat mencukupi kebutuhan alamat ip yang semakin lama semakin bertambah akibat banyaknya perangkat yang membutuhkan alamat ip untuk mengakses internet. Jika dilihat di masa yang akan datang IPv4 yang sekarang masih kita gunakan tidak akan mencukupi kebutuhan alamat ip oleh perangkat yang digunakan. Oleh karena itu perpindahan untuk mulai menggunakan IPv6 sangatlah penting karena alamat ip IPv6 yang dihitung hampir tak terbatas dapat mencukupi kebutuhan alamat ip untuk digunakan oleh banyak perangkat. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan transisi dari IPv4 ke IPv6, Hurricane Electric ada dengan keunggulan seperti menyediakan IPv6 untuk pengguna, tanpa dipungut biaya, serta memberikan materi dan konfigurasi yang dapat digunakan oleh pengguna untuk melakukan proses transisi. Dalam proses transisi IPv4 ke IPv6 mekanisme transisi yang digunakan adalah menggunakan Tunneling, yang secara tidak langsung juga menggunakan Dual Stack karena IPv6 akan diterapkan kedalam Jaringan IPv4 yang sudah ada. Mikrotik router digunakan sebagai penghubung antara klien ke Tunnel Server dan pendelegasi IPv6 yang didapatkan dari Tunnel.Dengan pengimplementasian IPv6 ini didapatkan Hurricane Electric akan menyediakan alamat IPv6 yang bisa digunakan oleh pengguna untuk melakukan transisi Tunneling pada infrastruktur Jaringan IPv4 dan menghubungkan ke Jaringan IPv6 di internet, diharapkan banyak orang dan instasi yang akan mengerti dan memahami penggunaan dari IPv6 secara keseluruhan. Selain itu diharapkan penggunaan IPv6 juga semakin meningkat untuk menggantikan IPv4 yang sudah mulai kehabisan alamat ip untuk digunakan.Kata kunci: IPv4, IPv6, Transisi, Tunnel Broker, Hurricane Electric, Mikrotik.  ABSTRACTAccessing the internet is an activity that can not be separated from the needs of the community every day at this time. This can be seen from the many activities that use internet access as a source of information and as data traffic between one device to another. Over time more and more devices need internet access for location identification and definition. But whether the available IP address at this time can meet the need for an IP address that is increasingly growing due to the number of devices that require an IP address to access the internet. When viewed in the future, the IPv4 that we still use today will not meet the needs of the IP address of the device being used. Therefore the move to start using IPv6 is very important because the IPv6 IP address that is counted is almost unlimited can meet the needs of the IP address to be used by many devices.To overcome the problem of the transition from IPv4 to IPv6, Hurricane Electric comes with advantages such as providing IPv6 to users, free of charge, as well as providing material and configuration that can be used by users to make the transition process. In the process of transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6 the transition mechanism used is to use Tunneling, which indirectly also uses Dual Stack because IPv6 will be applied to the existing IPv4 Network. Mikrotik router is used as a liaison between the client to the Tunnel Server and IPv6 delegation obtained from the Tunnel.With the implementation of IPv6, Hurricane Electric will provide an IPv6 address that can be used by users to transition Tunneling on IPv4 Network infrastructure and connect to the IPv6 Network on the internet, it is hoped that many people and institutions will understand and understand the use of IPv6 as a whole. In addition it is expected that the use of IPv6 will also increase to replace IPv4 which has started to run out of ip addresses for use.Keywords: IPv4, IPv6, Transition, Tunnel Broker, Hurricane Electric, Mikrotik.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Andi Kriswantono ◽  
Arief Setyanto ◽  
Suwanto Raharjo

Alamat jaringan yang digunakan saat ini adalah IPv4 (Internet Protocol v4), perkembangan jaringan menuju IoT (Internet of Think) meningkatkan kebutuhan akan alamat IP (Internet Protocol. Solusi terkait masalah IP adalah dengan melakukan migrasi ke alamat IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6).Metode transisi IPv4 ke IPv6 menggunakan Dual Stack merupakan metode yang paling baik dan stabil untuk dapat diimplementasikan. Salah satu pertimbangan dari provider penyedia jasa dan jaringan internet dalam melakukan migrasi ke jaringan IPv6 adalah terkait dengan kinerja BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) yang merupakan routing pondasi terbentuknya internet. Hal ini terkait dengan besarnya rute dengan adanya IPv6 yang nantinya mengakibatkan besarnya konsumsi CPU, memori dan lamanya BGP dalam menerima table routing secara penuh (convergence). Salah satu software routing BGP yang popular dan banyak digunakan di jaringan adalah menggunakan Quagga routing. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Quagga dalam menangani 10 peer BGP IPv4 dan IPv6 menunjukkan hasil yang baik, router membutuhkan waktu 106,6 second atau kurang lebih 1 menit 7 detik dengan konsumsi CPU maksimal 18,54% dan konsumsi memori 16,45% untuk dapat menerima seluruh table routing.Kata Kunci — Ipv6, Dual Stack, Quagga, BGP routing, convergenceThe current network address is IPv4 (Internet Protocol v4), network development towards IoT (Internet of Think) increases the need for IP addresses (Internet Protocol). The solutions of IP problem are to migrate to IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) addresses. IPv4 to IPv6 transition method using Dual Stack is the best and most stable method to implement. One of the considerations of internet service provider in migrating to IPv6 network is related to BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) performance that is the foundation routing internet connection. This is related to the magnitude of the route with the IPv6 which will result in the amount of CPU consumption, memory and the length of BGP in receiving the full table routing (convergence) One of the popular and widely used BGP routing software on the network is using Quagga routing. The results of this study show that using Quagga in handling 10 BGP IPv4 and IPv6 peers shows good results, the router takes 106.6 seconds or approximately 1 minute 7 seconds with a maximum CPU consumption of 18.54% and memory consumption of 16.45% to be able to accept all routing tables.Keywords— Ipv6, Dual Stack, Quagga, BGP routing, convergence

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (01) ◽  
pp. 47-54
Rabbai San Arif ◽  
Yuli Fitrisia ◽  
Agus Urip Ari Wibowo

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a telecommunications technology that is able to pass the communication service in Internet Protocol networks so as to allow communicating between users in an IP network. However VoIP technology still has weakness in the Quality of Service (QoS). VOPI weaknesses is affected by the selection of the physical servers used. In this research, VoIP is configured on Linux operating system with Asterisk as VoIP application server and integrated on a Raspberry Pi by using wired and wireless network as the transmission medium. Because of depletion of IPv4 capacity that can be used on the network, it needs to be applied to VoIP system using the IPv6 network protocol with supports devices. The test results by using a wired transmission medium that has obtained are the average delay is 117.851 ms, jitter is 5.796 ms, packet loss is 0.38%, throughput is 962.861 kbps, 8.33% of CPU usage and 59.33% of memory usage. The analysis shows that the wired transmission media is better than the wireless transmission media and wireless-wired.

2008 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-76
Xin-yu YANG

2010 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-11 ◽  
Ali Tizghadam ◽  
Alberto Leon-Garcia

Networks ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (2) ◽  
pp. 322-340 ◽  
Richard S. Barr ◽  
Fred Glover ◽  
Toby Huskinson ◽  
Gary Kochenberger

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