Increased fat mass, decreased myofiber size, and a shift to glycolytic muscle metabolism in adolescent male transgenic mice overexpressing IGFBP-2

2010 ◽  
Vol 299 (2) ◽  
pp. E287-E298 ◽  
Charlotte Rehfeldt ◽  
Ulla Renne ◽  
Mandy Sawitzky ◽  
Gerhard Binder ◽  
Andreas Hoeflich

To elucidate the functional role of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-binding protein-2 (IGFBP-2) for in vivo skeletal muscle growth and function, skeletal muscle cellularity and metabolism, expression of signal molecules, and body growth and composition were studied in a transgenic mouse model overexpressing IGFBP-2. Postnatal growth rate of transgenic mice was reduced from day 21 of age by 6–8% compared with nontransgenic controls. At 10 wk of age body lean protein and moisture percentages were lower, whereas fat percentage was higher in IGFBP-2 transgenic mice. Muscle weights were reduced (−13% on day 30 of age, −14% on day 72), which resulted from slower growth of myofibers in size but not from decreases in myofiber number. The reduction in muscle mass was associated with lower total DNA, RNA, and protein contents as well as greater DNA/RNA and protein/RNA ratios. The percentage of proliferating (Ki-67-positive) nuclei within myofibers was reduced (3.4 vs. 5.8%) in 30-day-old transgenic mice. These changes were accompanied by slight reductions in specific p44/42 MAPK activity (−18% on day 72) and, surprisingly, by increased levels of phosphorylated Akt (Ser473) (+25% on day 30, +66% on day 72). The proportion of white glycolytic fibers (55.9 vs. 53.5%) and the activity of lactate dehydrogenase (+8%) were elevated in 72-day-old transgenic mice. Most of the differences observed between transgenic and nontransgenic mice were more pronounced in males. The results suggest that IGFBP-2 significantly inhibits postnatal skeletal myofiber growth by decreasing myogenic proliferation and protein accretion and enhances glycolytic muscle metabolism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (37) ◽  
pp. e2021013118 ◽  
Sebastian Mathes ◽  
Alexandra Fahrner ◽  
Umesh Ghoshdastider ◽  
Hannes A. Rüdiger ◽  
Michael Leunig ◽  

Aged skeletal muscle is markedly affected by fatty muscle infiltration, and strategies to reduce the occurrence of intramuscular adipocytes are urgently needed. Here, we show that fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) not only stimulates muscle growth but also promotes intramuscular adipogenesis. Using multiple screening assays upstream and downstream of microRNA (miR)-29a signaling, we located the secreted protein and adipogenic inhibitor SPARC to an FGF-2 signaling pathway that is conserved between skeletal muscle cells from mice and humans and that is activated in skeletal muscle of aged mice and humans. FGF-2 induces the miR-29a/SPARC axis through transcriptional activation of FRA-1, which binds and activates an evolutionary conserved AP-1 site element proximal in the miR-29a promoter. Genetic deletions in muscle cells and adeno-associated virus–mediated overexpression of FGF-2 or SPARC in mouse skeletal muscle revealed that this axis regulates differentiation of fibro/adipogenic progenitors in vitro and intramuscular adipose tissue (IMAT) formation in vivo. Skeletal muscle from human donors aged >75 y versus <55 y showed activation of FGF-2–dependent signaling and increased IMAT. Thus, our data highlights a disparate role of FGF-2 in adult skeletal muscle and reveals a pathway to combat fat accumulation in aged human skeletal muscle.

1982 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 947-954 ◽  
P. W. Lemon ◽  
F. J. Nagle ◽  
J. P. Mullin ◽  
N. J. Benevenga

After ingestion of a mixed diet containing a tracer dose (10 muCi) of L-[1–14C]leucine (Leu), 32 male Sprague-Dawley rats (70–90 g) remained at rest (R) or completed 1 h exercise at 80 (E80) or 40% VO2max (E40). 14CO2 production was assessed for 6 h (exercise occurred from h 2 to 3). Four rats were killed at 2, 3, 4, and 6 h (R), at 3 and 6 h (E80), and at 6 h (E40). Determinations were 1) tissue specific activity dpm X mumol-1 from a) mixed skeletal muscle (gastrocnemius, soleus, quadriceps, and hamstrings) and b) liver and 2) radioactivity remaining in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Leu oxidized (mumol) was estimated (14 CO2 dpm X tissue sp act dpm-1 X mumol-1) independently from skeletal muscle and liver. Results were 1) 14CO2 production increased in both E80 and E40 compared with R (P less than 0.05), 2) E80 14CO2 increase was greater than E40 (P less than 0.05), 3) GIT absorption was reduced in E80 and E40 compared with R (P less than 0.05), and 4) exercise Leu oxidation (weighted average of tissue estimates) was 26% greater than R (P less than 0.05). The origin and site of the increased Leu oxidation cannot be determined from the present data; however, due to the magnitude of increase in skeletal muscle metabolism relative to other tissues during exercise, it is probable that skeletal muscle plays a significant role.

2020 ◽  
Vol 129 (3) ◽  
pp. 516-521 ◽  
Kevin A. Murach ◽  
John J. McCarthy ◽  
Charlotte A. Peterson ◽  
Cory M. Dungan

The ability to genetically manipulate mice allows for gain- and loss-of-function in vivo, making them an ideal model for elucidating mechanisms of skeletal muscle mass regulation. Combining genetic models with mechanical muscle loading enables identification of specific factors involved in the hypertrophic response as well as the ability to test the requirement of those factors for adaptation, thereby informing performance and therapeutic interventions. Until recently, approaches for inducing mechanically mediated muscle hypertrophy (i.e., resistance-training analogs) have been limited and considered “nontranslatable” to humans. This mini-review outlines recent translational advances in loading-mediated strategies for inducing muscle hypertrophy in mice, and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The skeletal muscle field is poised for new breakthroughs in understanding mechanisms regulating load-induced muscle growth given the numerous murine tools that have very recently been described.

2007 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 244-249 ◽  
Uma Sharma ◽  
Virendra Kumar ◽  
Sanjay Wadhwa ◽  
Naranamangalan R. Jagannathan

2013 ◽  
Vol 305 (5) ◽  
pp. R522-R533 ◽  
Jonathan M. Peterson ◽  
Zhikui Wei ◽  
Marcus M. Seldin ◽  
Mardi S. Byerly ◽  
Susan Aja ◽  

CTRP9 is a secreted multimeric protein of the C1q family and the closest paralog of the insulin-sensitizing adipokine, adiponectin. The metabolic function of this adipose tissue-derived plasma protein remains largely unknown. Here, we show that the circulating levels of CTRP9 are downregulated in diet-induced obese mice and upregulated upon refeeding. Overexpressing CTRP9 resulted in lean mice that dramatically resisted weight gain induced by a high-fat diet, largely through decreased food intake and increased basal metabolism. Enhanced fat oxidation in CTRP9 transgenic mice resulted from increases in skeletal muscle mitochondrial content, expression of enzymes involved in fatty acid oxidation (LCAD and MCAD), and chronic AMPK activation. Hepatic and skeletal muscle triglyceride levels were substantially decreased in transgenic mice. Consequently, CTRP9 transgenic mice had a greatly improved metabolic profile with markedly reduced fasting insulin and glucose levels. The high-fat diet-induced obesity, insulin resistance, and hepatic steatosis observed in wild-type mice were prevented in transgenic mice. Consistent with the in vivo data, recombinant protein significantly enhanced fat oxidation in L6 myotubes via AMPK activation and reduced lipid accumulation in H4IIE hepatocytes. Collectively, these data establish CTRP9 as a novel metabolic regulator and a new component of the metabolic network that links adipose tissue to lipid metabolism in skeletal muscle and liver.

PPAR Research ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Tara M. Henagan ◽  
Laura K. Stewart ◽  
Laura A. Forney ◽  
Lauren M. Sparks ◽  
Neil Johannsen ◽  

PGC1α, a transcriptional coactivator, interacts with PPARs and others to regulate skeletal muscle metabolism.PGC1αundergoes splicing to produce several mRNA variants, with theNTPGC1αvariant having a similar biological function to the full lengthPGC1α(FLPGC1α). CVD is associated with obesity and T2D and a lower percentage of type 1 oxidative fibers and impaired mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle, characteristics determined byPGC1αexpression.PGC1αexpression is epigenetically regulated in skeletal muscle to determine mitochondrial adaptations, and epigenetic modifications may regulate mRNA splicing. We report in this paper that skeletal musclePGC1α  −1 nucleosome (−1N) position is associated with splice variantNTPGC1αbut notFLPGC1αexpression. Division of participants based on the −1N position revealed that those individuals with a −1N phased further upstream from the transcriptional start site (UP) expressed lower levels ofNTPGC1αthan those with the −1N more proximal to TSS (DN). UP showed an increase in body fat percentage and serum total and LDL cholesterol. These findings suggest that the −1N may be a potential epigenetic regulator ofNTPGC1αsplice variant expression, and −1N position andNTPGC1αvariant expression in skeletal muscle are linked to CVD risk. This trial is registered with, identifierNCT00458133.

Endocrinology ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 150 (4) ◽  
pp. 1935-1940 ◽  
Jonathan D. Schertzer ◽  
Costin N. Antonescu ◽  
Philip J. Bilan ◽  
Swati Jain ◽  
Xudong Huang ◽  

Skeletal muscle is the major site for dietary glucose disposal, taking up glucose via glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4). Although subcellular fractionation studies demonstrate that insulin increases GLUT4 density in sarcolemma and transverse tubules, fractionation cannot discern GLUT4 vesicle-membrane association from insertion and exofacial exposure. Clonal muscle cultures expressing exofacially tagged GLUT4 have allowed quantification of GLUT4 exposure at the cell surface, its exocytosis, endocytosis, and partner proteins. We hypothesized that transgenic expression of GLUT4myc in skeletal muscles would provide a useful model to investigate GLUT4 biology in vivo. A homozygous mouse colony was generated expressing GLUT4myc driven by the muscle creatine kinase (MCK) promoter. GLUT4 protein levels were about 3-fold higher in hindlimb muscles of MCK-GLUT4myc transgenic mice compared with littermates (P &lt; 0.05). Insulin (12 nm, 30 min) induced a 2.1-fold increase in surface GLUT4myc detected by immunofluorescence of the exofacial myc epitope in nonpermeabilized muscle fiber bundles (P &lt; 0.05). Glucose uptake and surface GLUT4myc levels were 3.5- and 3-fold higher, respectively, in giant membrane vesicles blebbed from hindlimb muscles of insulin-stimulated transgenic mice compared with unstimulated counterparts (P &lt; 0.05). Muscle contraction also elevated both parameters, an effect partially additive to insulin’s. GLUT4myc immunoprecipitation with anti-myc antibodies avoids interfering with associated intracellular binding proteins. Tether, containing a UBX domain, for GLUT4 coimmunoprecipitated with GLUT4myc and insulin stimulation significantly decreased such association (P &lt; 0.05). MCK-GLUT4myc transgenic mice are thus useful to quantify exofacial GLUT4 exposure at the sarcolemma and GLUT4 binding partners in skeletal muscle, essential elements in the investigation of muscle GLUT4 regulation in physiological and pathological states in vivo.

2006 ◽  
Vol 55 (4) ◽  
pp. 551-557 ◽  
S. Guis ◽  
D. Figarella-branger ◽  
J. P. Mattei ◽  
F. Nicoli ◽  
Y. Le Fur ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Brian Carson ◽  
Robert Davies ◽  
Joseph Bass ◽  
Catherine Norton ◽  
Bijal Patel ◽  

Objective The aim of this research was the development and validation of a translational model for the evaluation of exercise and nutrient stimulated muscle protein synthesis (MPS). To achieve this overall aim, three primary objectives had to be realised: (i) Development of an in vitro skeletal muscle cell bioassay to measure muscle growth and MPS; (ii) Development of an ex vivo model to evaluate the humoral effect on MPS in response to nutrient feeding and exercise; (iii) Use of a stable isotope technique to evaluate MPS in response to nutrient feeding and exercise in vivo. Methods To develop a novel in vitro skeletal muscle cell bioassay to measure muscle growth and MPS, C2C12 myoblasts were proliferated and subsequently differentiated to myotubes over 8 days in DMEM (2% HS). Changes in cell behavior and adhesion properties were monitored by measuring impedance via interdigitated microelectrodes using the xCELLigence system. MPS was measured by puromycin incorporation using the SUnSET technique, intracellular signalling measured by western blot, and myotube thickness by microscopy. To demonstrate the capability to monitor nutrient regulation of muscle growth, media was conditioned with a known potent regulator of MPS (leucine) in a dose response experiment (0.20 - 2.0 mM). To establish the ability of the bioassay to measure the humoral effect of MPS in response to feeding and exercise, media was conditioned by ex vivo human serum from fasted, rested, fed (protein and isonitrogenous non-essential amino acid (NEAA) control)  and post-exercise conditions. To evaluate MPS in response to nutrient feeding and exercise in vivo, acute MPS (5 h) was assessed by measuring stable isotope deuterium oxide (D2O) incorporation into m. vastus lateralis skeletal muscle following consumption of either a Whey Protein (WP) or an isonitrogenous NEAA control combined with resistance exercise in resistance trained males. Results In vitro experiments observed a dose-response effect with a 32 % increase in cell index and a 27 % increase in cell thickness after 2 h in the presence of 2.0 mM leucine when compared with control myotubes. Ex vivo serum following ingestion of NEAA had no effect on protein signalling or MPS whereas WP fed serum significantly increased mTOR, P70S6K and 4E-BP1 phosphorylation (p<0.01, p<0.05) compared to fasted serum. Furthermore, the effect of WP fed serum on protein signalling and MPS was significantly increased (p<0.01, p<0.05) compared to NEAA fed serum.  Ex vivo human serum following resistance exercise was also increased MPS (29 %) and phosphorylation of mTOR (6 %), p70S6K (12 %) and 4EBP1 (7 %), compared with resting serum. These ex vivo/in vitro findings translated to the in vivo model as myofibrillar fractional synthetic rates (myoFSR) (Basal 0.068±0.002%h-1 vs. WP 0.084±0.006 %h-1, p=0.033) and absolute synthetic rates (ASR) (Basal 10.34±1.01 vs. WP 13.18±0.71, p=0.026) were increased from basal levels only when resistance exercise was combined with WP ingestion and not the NEAA control (NEAA MPS 0.072±0.004%h-1, NEAA ASR 10.23±0.80  Thus, ingestion of WP in combination with resistance training augments acute MPS responses in resistance trained young men. Conclusions We have developed a translational model of muscle protein synthetic bioactivity using in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo methodologies. We have shown that we can impact MPS in vitro using ex vivo human serum to condition media, that MPS in vitro is differentially regulated by ex vivo serum containing bioactive WP compared to a non-bioactive NEAA control, and that this tranlates for resistance exercise combined with WP in humans when MyoFSR is measured using stable isotope technology.  These experiments demonstrate that ex vivo/in vitro experiments translate to the in vivo model and these methods can be used to inform both exercise and nutrient human interventions. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 223 (21) ◽  
pp. jeb233668
Damien Roussel ◽  
Marion Le Coadic ◽  
Jean-Louis Rouanet ◽  
Claude Duchamp

ABSTRACTAt fledging, king penguin juveniles undergo a major energetic challenge to overcome the intense and prolonged energy demands for thermoregulation and locomotion imposed by life in cold seas. Among other responses, sea acclimatization triggers fuel selection in skeletal muscle metabolism towards lipid oxidation in vitro, which is reflected by a drastic increase in lipid-induced thermogenesis in vivo. However, the exact nature of skeletal muscle thermogenic mechanisms (shivering and/or non-shivering thermogenesis) remains undefined. The aim of the present study was to determine in vivo whether the capacity for non-shivering thermogenesis was enhanced by sea acclimatization. We measured body temperature, metabolic rate, heart rate and shivering activity in fully immersed king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) exposed to water temperatures ranging from 12 to 29°C. Results from terrestrial pre-fledging juveniles were compared with those from sea-acclimatized immature penguins (hereafter ‘immatures’). The capacity for thermogenesis in water was as effective in juveniles as in immatures, while the capacity for non-shivering thermogenesis was not reinforced by sea acclimatization. This result suggests that king penguins mainly rely on skeletal muscle contraction (shivering or locomotor activity) to maintain endothermy at sea. Sea-acclimatized immature penguins also exhibited higher shivering efficiency and oxygen pulse (amount of oxygen consumed or energy expended per heartbeat) than pre-fledging juvenile birds. Such increase in shivering and cardiovascular efficiency may favor a more efficient activity–thermoregulatory heat substitution providing penguins with the aptitude to survive the tremendous energetic challenge imposed by marine life in cold circumpolar oceans.

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