Revision of Palaearctic Idiotypa (Hymenoptera, Diapriidae, Diapriinae, Spilomicrini)

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4966 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-144

A revision of the Palaearctic species of the genus Idiotypa Förster is provided. The genus Eunuchopria Szabó, 1961 is a junior synonym of Idiotypa Förster, 1856 syn. n. and the new combination Idiotypa nitens (Szabó, 1961) comb. n., is established. Dublicate original spellings I. marii and I. mariae are resolved by first reviser action; I. mariae is now the correct original spelling. Lectotypes are designated for Idiotypa mariae and I. maritima. New synonymy is proposed: I. maritima (Haliday, 1833) = I. rufiventris (Thomson, 1858) syn. n.; = I. nigriceps Kieffer, 1909 syn. n.; = I. nigriceps Kieffer, 1911 syn. n. The three valid species I. mariae Gregor, 1939, I. maritima (Haliday, 1833) and I. nitens (Szabó, 1961) are redescribed, illustrated and keyed. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 2565 (1) ◽  
pp. 55 ◽  

With the purpose of promoting nomenclatural stability, this paper addresses a number of errors, omissions, and controversial conclusions in a recent revision of the green lacewing genus Ceraeochrysa by Freitas et al. (2009). 1. Valid species, new combinations and synonymies: (a) We identified Ceraeochrysa chiricahuae Freitas and Penny (in Freitas et al. 2009), Chrysopa forreri Navás, and Chrysopa intacta Navás as subjective synonyms. Thus, Ceraeochrysa intacta, a species that was previously synonymized under Ceraeochrysa placita (Banks), becomes the valid name of the species [New status, new combination]. Chrysopa forreri is now synonymized under Cer. intacta, not Cer. placita [New synonymy]. And, Cer. chiricahuae becomes a junior synonym of Cer. intacta, not a valid species of Ceraeochrysa [New synonymy]. (b) We enumerate specific internal and external features of the Chrysopa cornuta Navás type that identify it as conspecific with Ceraeochrysa caligata (Banks), not Ceraeochrysa cincta (Schneider) as proposed by Freitas et al. (2009). Thus, Ceraeochrysa cornuta (Navás), which has priority, is reinstated as the valid name [Reinstated status, reinstated combination], and Ceraeochrysa caligata (Banks) is reinstated as a junior subjective synonym of Cer. cornuta, not a valid species [Reinstated synonymy]. (c) We provide documented evidence for reinstating three synonymies that Freitas et al. had reversed [Reinstated synonymies]: (i) Allochrysa parvula Banks is a junior subjective synonym of Ceraeochrysa lineaticornis (Fitch); (ii) Chrysopa columbiana Banks is a junior subjective synonym of Ceraeochrysa lineaticornis (Fitch); (iii) Chrysopa rochina (Navás) is a junior subjective synonym of Ceraeochrysa cincta (Schneider). 2. Generic assignments: (a) Visual evidence is provided for the placement of Ceraeochrysa laufferi (Navás) in Ungla. Therefore, Ungla laufferi (Navás) is reinstated as the valid name [Reinstated combination]. (b) We question Freitas et al.’s rationale for including Cer. placita (Banks) and Cer. intacta (Navás) (as Cer. chiricahuae Freitas and Penny) in the genus Ceraeochrysa; female and larval features of the two species differ markedly from those used to characterize Ceraeochrysa species. As an alternative that recognizes the uncertainty surrounding the generic placement of these species and that avoids additional, unnecessary name changes, we propose including the caveat “genus incertae sedis” with the names, as follows: Ceraeochrysa placita (Banks), genus incertae sedis, and Ceraeochrysa intacta (Navás), genus incertae sedis. 3. Type designations: (a) Errors concerning the Chrysopa furculata Navás type in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (MNHN), are corrected, and doubts raised by Freitas et al. (2009) concerning the identification of this specimen as the holotype are removed. (b) The earlier designation of the Chrysopa rochina (Navás) type in the MNHN as the lectotype (not holotype) is verified.

Zootaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4683 (3) ◽  
pp. 301-335 ◽  

The genus Limonius Eschscholtz, 1829 was last treated as a whole by Candèze (1860). Since then, members have been placed in eight other genera: Cidnopus Thomson, 1859; Gambrinus LeConte, 1853; Elathous Reitter, 1890; Kibunea Kishii, 1966; Limoniscus Reitter, 1905; Nothodes LeConte, 1861; Pheletes Kiesenwetter, 1858; and Solskyana Dolin, 1978. Based on the examination of adult and larval characters, five genera are recognized: Elathous Reitter, 1890; Gambrinus LeConte, 1853; Limonius Eschscholtz, 1829; Pheletes Kiesenwetter, 1858; and Tetralimonius new genus. Limoniscus Reitter, 1905 and Sichuanelater Platia and Gudenzi, 2006 are new synonymies of Gambrinus LeConte, 1853; Micrathous Lane, 1971, Neoathousius Schimmel and Platia, 1991 and Solskyana Dolin, 1978 are all new synonymies of Limonius. A total of 84 new combinations are proposed: Nearctic: Elathous huguenini (Van Dyke, 1932) new combination; Gambrinus angulatus (Motschulsky, 1859) new combination; Gambrinus bicolor (Van Dyke, 1932) new combination; Gambrinus clypeatus (Motschulsky, 1859) new combination; Gambrinus confusus (LeConte, 1853) new combination; Gambrinus cribriceps (Van Dyke, 1943) new combination; Gambrinus crotchii (Horn, 1872) new combination; Gambrinus flavomarginatus (Knull, 1938) new combination; Gambrinus fulvipilis (Candèze, 1860) new combination; Gambrinus griseus (Beauvois, 1805) new combination; Gambrinus humidus (Lane, 1941) new combination; Gambrinus interstitialis (Melsheimer, 1846) new combination; Gambrinus lanchesteri (Lane, 1941) new combination; Gambrinus meridianus (Knull, 1947) new combination; Gambrinus mirus (LeConte, 1853) new combination; Gambrinus norahae (Al Dhafer, 2009) new combination; Gambrinus olentangyi (Knull, 1947) new combination; Gambrinus plebejus (Say, 1825) new combination; Gambrinus propexus (Candèze, 1860) new combination; Gambrinus rudis (Brown, 1933) new combination; Gambrinus rufihumeralis (Lane, 1941) new combination; Gambrinus seminudus (Van Dyke, 1932) new combination; Gambrinus shircki (Lane, 1965) new combination; Gambrinus sinuifrons (Fall, 1907) new combination; Gambrinus snakensis (Lane, 1965) new combination; Gambrinus stigma (Herbst, 1806) new combination; Gambrinus pictus (Van Dyke, 1932) new combination; Gambrinus ulkei (Horn, 1871) new combination; Gambrinus ursinus (Van Dyke, 1932) new combination; Gambrinus venablesi (Wickham, 1913) new combination; Limonius brevis (Van Dyke, 1932) new combination; Limonius sordidus (Van Dyke, 1932) new combination; Pheletes lecontei (Lane, 1971) new combination; Tetralimonius definitus (Ziegler, 1845) new combination; Tetralimonius humeralis (Candèze, 1860) new combination; Tetralimonius maculicollis (Motschulsky, 1860) new combination; Tetralimonius nimbatus (Say, 1825) new combination; Tetralimonius ornatulus (LeConte, 1857) new combination. Palearctic: Gambrinus elegans (Buysson, 1891) new combination; Gambrinus gibbosus (Platia and Gudenzi, 2006) new combination. Gambrinus henanensis (Schimmel, 2006) new combination; Gambrinus hinakurai (Kishii, 1998) new combination; Gambrinus katoi (Kishii, 2002) new combination; Gambrinus kawaharai (Kishii, 2002) new combination; Gambrinus kucerai (Schimmel, 2006) new combination; Gambrinus nanshanensis (Arimoto and Hiramatsu, 2013) new combination; Gambrinus naomii (Kishii, 1997) new combination; Gambrinus shaanxiensis (Schimmel, 2006) new combination; Gambrinus suturalis (Gebler, 1844) new combination; Gambrinus takabai (Kishii, 1997) new combination; Gambrinus violaceus (Müller, 1821) new combination; Gambrinus wittmeri (Chassain, 1998) new combination; Gambrinus yamato (Kishii, 1998) new combination; Gambrinus yujii (Arimoto, 2013) new combination; Gambrinus zhejiangensis (Schimmel, 2015) new combination; Limonius brancuccii (Schimmel and Platia, 1991) new combination; Limonius decorus (Gurjeva, 1975) new combination; Limonius exiguus (Schimmel and Platia, 1991) new combination; Limonius hartmanni (Schimmel, 1998) new combination; Limonius hiermeieri (Schimmel and Platia, 1991) new combination; Limonius hirtus (Dolin, 1978) new combination; Limonius hubeiensis (Kishii and Jiang, 1996) new combination; Limonius kubani (Schimmel, 1996) new combination; Limonius loebli (Schimmel and Platia, 1991) new combination; Limonius longicornis (Schimmel and Platia, 1991) new combination; Limonius macedonicus (Cate and Platia, 1989) new combination; Limonius marginellus brusteli (Leseigneur, 2004) new combination; Limonius manaliensis (Schimmel and Platia, 1991) new combination; Limonius miandamensis (Schimmel and Platia, 1991) new combination; Limonius minusculus (Schimmel and Platia, 1991) new combination; Limonius nigronitidus (Han and Lee, 2012) new combination; Limonius platiai (Mertlik, 1996) new combination; Limonius pseudopilosus (Platia and Gudenzi 1985) new combination; Limonius recticornis (Schimmel and Platia, 1991) new combination; Limonius riesei (Platia, 1988) new combination; Limonius rusticus (Schimmel and Platia, 1991) new combination; Limonius schurmanni (Platia and Gudenzi, 1998) new combination; Limonius sinensis (Schimmel and Platia, 1994) new combination; Limonius singularis (Schimmeland Platia, 1991) new combination; Limonius stapfi (Schimmel, 2007) new combination; Limonius turcicus (Platia, 2004) new combination; Limonius wittmeri (Schimmel and Platia, 1991) new combination; Tetralimonius quercus (Olivier, 1790) new combination; Tetralimonius reitteri (Gurjeva, 1976) new combination. The following 12 North American species are removed from synonymy and recognized as valid species: Gambrinus interstitialis (Melsheimer, 1846) status resurrected; Gambrinus propexus (Candèze, 1860) status resurrected; Gambrinus shircki (Lane, 1965) status resurrected; Gambrinus snakensis (Lane, 1965) status resurrected; Gambrinus ulkei (Horn, 1871) status resurrected; Limonius anceps LeConte, 1853 status resurrected; Limonius dubitans LeConte, 1853 status resurrected; Limonius infuscatus Motschulsky, 1859 status resurrected; Limonius pilosulus Candèze, 1891 status resurrected; Limonis semianeus LeConte, 1853 status resurrected. Tetralimonius humeralis (Candèze, 1860) status resurrected; Tetralimonius maculicollis (Motschulsky, 1860) status resurrected. New replacement names are proposed for three homynyms: Limonius schimmeli Etzler new name for Neoathousius ferrugineus Schimmel and Platia, 1991; Elathous malatyanus Etzler new name for Elathous bicolor Platia, 2010, not Elathous bicolor (LeConte, 1853); and Microdesmes carteri Etzler new name for Limonius angulatus Carter, 1939 (= Microdesmes angulatus). Limonius kondratieffi Al Dhafer, 2009 is a new synonymy of Elathous bicolor (LeConte, 1853). A key to genera, generic descriptions, notes on species, and definitions of important characters are provided. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 2237 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-66 ◽  

The monobasic genus Caenoteleia Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) is considered to be a junior synonym of the widespread and common genus Calliscelio Ashmead, new synonymy. Calliscelio elegans (Perkins) is redescribed, transferred to Calliscelio, new combination, and its geographic distribution documented. Originally described from Hawai‘i, this species is widespread through the tropics. The species likely is distributed by human commerce, possibly in association with cricket pests (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) of sugar cane.

Zootaxa ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 2133 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-63 ◽  

Cryptachaea blattea (Urquhart 1886) new combination, a cosmopolitan species of the spider family Theridiidae, is redescribed, including notes on its distribution and DNA sequences from the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1. Based on morphological evidence and mitochondrial DNA sequences, Cryptachaea acoreensis Berland 1932 is a junior synonym of Cryptachaea blattea.

Zootaxa ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2923 (1) ◽  
pp. 27 ◽  

We examined the genera Tibiodrepanus Krikken, 2009 (four Oriental and one Palaearctic species) and Sulcodrepanus Krikken, 2009 (one Afrotropical species), using type specimens and non-type specimens, in order to assess the systematic consistency of the two taxa. Within this framework, we also considered the genera Afrodrepanus Krikken, 2009 (two species) and Drepanocerus Kirby, 1828 (two species) employing sets of traits from external morphology, the genitalia of both sexes and the epipharynx. The genus Cyptochirus Lesne, 1900 was chosen as an outgroup. A new species—Tibiodrepanus tagliaferrii sp. nov.—was described based on four females from Cameroon and Namibia. The phylogenetic analyses confirmed that the Tibiodrepanus and Sulcodrepanus species were closely related, yet it did not support the hypothesis of a generic or subgeneric separation of the two taxa. Hence, we establish Sulcodrepanus as a junior synonym of Tibiodrepanus, new synonymy. The genus Tibiodrepanus shows a disjunct Afrotropical-Oriental (common to many other Drepanocerina genera) and Southeastern Palaearctic (Hindu Kush, Afghanistan) distribution pattern.

Zootaxa ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3376 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

The Charipinae (Cynipoidea: Figitidae) are a small group of Hymenoptera biologically characterized as being secondary parasitoids of aphids and psyllids (Hemiptera) (Menke & Evenhuis, 1991).  A total of 281 species of Charipinae have been described since the first species was described by Westwood (1833) (including two fossils, one of them recently transferred in a new family, Protimaspidae). An updated world catalogue of the Charipinae is presented here, with 168 valid species: 111 included in Alloxysta Förster, 31 in Phaenoglyphis Förster, 13 in Dilyta Förster, 5 in Apocharips Fergusson, 4 in Thoreauana Girault, and 1 in Dilapothor Paretas-Martínez & Pujade-Villar, Lobopterocharips Paretas-Martínez & Pujade-Villar, Lytoxysta Kieffer and †Protocharips Kovalev. Eight species are considered as nomen nudum: Allotria fusca Dahlbom, 1842; Allotria thoreyi Dahlbom, 1842; Xystus xanthocephala Dahlbom, 1842; Allotria pusillina Giraud, 1877; Charips aphidiinaecida de Santis, 1937; Alloxysta keudelli Hedicke, 1927; Allotria amygdali Buckton, 1879 and  Allotria polita Provancher, 1881. Six as nomen dubium: Allotria (Allotria) recticornis atra Kieffer, 1902; Allotria (Allotria) brevicornis Kieffer, 1902;  Allotria (Allotria) orthocera Kieffer, 1902; Xystus femoralis Hartig, 1841; Charipsella laevigata Brèthes, 1913; Dilyta (Alloxysta) ignorata Kieffer, 1900. Three species are incertae sedis: Charips silvicola Belizin, 1928, Cynips atriceps Buckton, 1879 and Allotria (Allotria) testaceipes Kieffer, 1902. Two species are here synonymized: Alloxysta discreta (Förster, 1869) with A. ramulifera (Thomson, 1862) and A. megaptera (Cameron, 1889) with A. ruficollis (Cameron, 1883). Two species are raised from synonymy and considered here as valid species: Alloxysta cameroni (Cameron, 1883) and A. marshalliana (Kieffer, 1900). New names for species of Alloxysta are presented for homonimies with other Alloxysta species derived from the new combinations: Alloxysta ionescui Pujade-Villar & Ferrer-Suay new name for Alloxysta luteipes (Ionescu, 1969) n. comb., Alloxysta forshagei Pujade-Villar & Ferrer-Suay new name for Alloxysta bicolor (Ionescu, 1959) n. comb., and Alloxysta mattiasi Pujade-Villar & Ferrer-Suay new name for Alloxysta luteipes (Ionescu, 1959) n. comb. Also a new name to Phaenoglyphis is presented for the same reason before mentioned but without new combination: Phaenoglyphis hedickei Pujade-Villar & Ferrer-Suay new name for Phaenoglyphis longicornis Hedicke, 1928 and two new combinations are presented: Alloxysta rufa (Ionescu, 1959) n. comb and Alloxysta consobrina (Zetterstedt, 1838) Forshage n. comb. This catalogue includes: (i) a diagnosis of the subfamily with the most important taxonomic characters for species recognition, and illustrations of these characters; (ii) a key to genera; (iii) a list of all authors describing species of Charipinae; and (iv) a host table. The distribution of the Charipinae includes 106 Palaearctic species, 37 Nearctic, 11 Neotropical, 10 Afrotropical, 7 Oriental and 11 Australian. The species Alloxysta victrix (Westwood, 1833), A. fuscicornis (Hartig, 1841) and Phaenoglyphis villosa (Hartig, 1841) are cosmopolitan.

Zootaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4759 (3) ◽  
pp. 443-445

Maladera Mulsant & Rey, 1871 occurs in the Palaearctic, Oriental and Afrotropical regions and comprises already more than 300 species only in the Palaearctic alone (Ahrens & Bezděk 2016). In the past years the species of eastern West Palaearctic including Iran has been exhaustively explored and many new taxa were added (e.g. Ahrens 2000a,b, 2006; Ahrens et al. 2016; Fabrizi et al. 2018; Keith & Ahrens 2002; Keith 2005, 2010; Sabatinelli 1977; Sehnal 2008; Sehnal & Simandl 2008; Montreuil & Keith 2009; Montreuil 2016). While new collecting activities focused principally on the Iranian fauna (Nikodyìm & Král 1998; Keith & Ahrens 2002; Keith 2005, 2010; Montreuil & Keith 2009; Montreuil 2016), from where practically no records before the 1980s were available, no recent data were published on Maladera species of Europe and Minor Asia since the last taxonomic revision of the West Palaearctic species of the genus (Petrovitz 1969). 

Zootaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4695 (6) ◽  
pp. 593-600

The diagnosis of Ozineus Bates, 1863 is emended and a key is provided for the species of the genus in South America. A new synonymy is proposed for Sternacutus Gilmour, 1961 (junior synonym of Ozineus Bates, 1863), which includes a new combination for Sternacutus zikani (Melzer, 1935). Tropidozineus albidus Monné, 2009 is transferred to Ozineus. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 144 ◽  
Ligia R. Benavides ◽  
Gustavo Hormiga

Mimetidae is one of the three families within Araneoidea whose members do not spin foraging webs, but are unique in displaying a complex prey-capture behaviour known as aggressive mimicry. Mimetids are distributed worldwide and are most diverse in the tropics of Central and South America. Here we provide a comprehensive phylogeny of pirate spiders (Mimetidae) based on analyses that combine morphological and multigene nucleotide sequence data. We scored 147 morphological characters for 55 mimetids and 16 outgroup taxa and combined it in a total-evidence approach with the sequence data of Benavides et al. (2017) which included two nuclear ribosomal genes, 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA, two mitochondrial ribosomal genes, 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA, the nuclear protein-encoding gene histone H3 and the mitochondrial protein-encoding gene cytochromec oxidase subunitI. We analysed the combined dataset using parsimony, maximum-likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. Our results support the monophyly of Mimetidae and of the genera Gelanor, Ero, Anansi and Australomimetus. Mimetidae is sister to Arkyidae + Tetragnathidae. Mimetus as currently circumscribed is not monophyletic under any analytical approach used, although several lineages within the genus are consistently found in our analyses. We describe, illustrate and discuss the morphological synapomorphies that support the main clades of Mimetidae. The following nomenclatural changes are proposed: Ermetus koreanus (Paik, 1967), the sole species of the genus, is transferred to Ero C.L. Koch, 1836 and thus Ermetus Ponomarev, 2008 is a junior synonym of Ero C.L. Koch, 1836 (new synonymy) and Ero koreana Paik, 1967 becomes a revalidated combination. Phobetinus sagittifer Simon, 1895, the type species of the genus, is transferred to Mimetus Hentz, 1832 and thus Phobetinus Simon, 1895 is a junior synonym of Mimetus Hentz, 1832 (new synonymy), which results in two changes: Mimetus sagittifer (Simon, 1895), new combination and Mimetus investus (Simon, 1909), new combination. Reo latro Brignoli, 1979, the type species of the genus, is transferred to Mimetus and thus Reo Brignoli, 1979 is a junior synonym of Mimetus (new synonymy), which results in the following two changes: Mimetus latro Brignoli, 1979, new combination and Mimetus eutypus Chamberlin & Ivie, 1935, revalidated combination. Arochoides integrans Mello-Leitão, 1935 is transferred to Tetragnathidae (new family placement). The type specimen of Arochoides integrans, the only species in this genus, is a subadult male of Azilia (Tetragnathidae), most likely Azilia histrio Simon, 1895. Arochoides is a junior synonym of Azilia (new synonymy).

Zootaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4851 (3) ◽  
pp. 593-600

A new synonymy is proposed for Anisopodesthes Melzer, 1931 (junior synonym of Lathroeus Thomson, 1864), with the consequent new combination for Lathroeus zikani (Melzer, 1931). The following species are transferred from Nealcidion Monné, 1977 to Lathroeus: L. decoratus (Melzer, 1932), comb. nov. (= Alcidion decoratum); L. interrogationis (Bates, 1863), comb. nov. (= Alcidion interrogationis); and L. simillimus (Melzer, 1932), comb. nov. (= Alcidion simillimum). Moreover, a key for the species of Lathroeus is provided and the unknown female of L. zikani is described for the first time. 

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