scholarly journals Polskojęzyczne choronimy w „Zebraniu Krolestw, Prowincyi, Miast stołecznych, Rzek y Gor” (1746) Józefa Uszaka Kulikowskiego

2015 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Marcin Jakubczyk

Polish choronymes in Collection of Kingdoms, Provinces, Capitals, Rivers and Mountains by Józef Uszak Kulikowski (1746)This paper presents the alphabetic Latin-Polish-French dictionary of geographical names entitled Zebranie Krolestw, Prowincyi, Miast stołecznych, Rzek y Gor (Collection of Kingdoms, Provinces, Capitals, Rivers and Mountains), written by Józef Uszak Kulikowski (1746). On the one hand, the onomasticon of Kulikowski continues the type of former vocabularies defining proper names in descriptive forms, but on the other hand, in a certain way, it is in line with the latest trends in the 18th century Western lexicography, incorporating to dictionaries additions in the form of collections of geographical names.The analysis of proper names contained in the Collection has been carried out on the sample of 40 Polish choronymes relating to regions of France. It turned out that Kulikowski used many names already existing in Polish (mostly from the 16th and 17th century). In turn, the adaptation of these names which were absent in Polish and which the author of the Collection attempted to integrate into the system of his native language can be considered quite successful. In this context it is worth to mention such choronymes as Bretanija, Gujenija, Niwernija, Perigordyja, Bigor. Polskojęzyczne choronimy w Zebraniu Krolestw, Prowincyi, Miast stołecznych, Rzek y Gor (1746) Józefa Uszaka KulikowskiegoW artykule omówiono alfabetyczny łacińsko-polsko-francuski słownik geograficznych nazw własnych pt. Zebranie Krolestw, Prowincyi, Miast stołecznych, Rzek y Gor Józefa Uszaka Kulikowskiego (1746). Z jednej strony, onomastykon Kulikowskiego kontynuuje typ dawnych słowników określających nazwy własne w formie deskrypcji, ale z drugiej – w pewien sposób wpisuje się w najnowsze tendencje w XVIII-wiecznej zachodniej leksykografii, polegające na dołączaniu do słowników dodatków w postaci zbiorów geograficznych nazw własnych.Analiza zamieszczonych w Zebraniu nazw własnych została przeprowadzona na przykładzie 40 polskojęzycznych choronimów odnoszących się do regionów Francji i wykazała, że Józef Uszak Kulikowski wykorzystał wiele nazw już w polszczyźnie istniejących (głównie od XVI i XVII w.). Adaptację tych nazw, których wówczas w języku polskim jeszcze nie było, a z którymi zetknął się autor Zebrania Krolestw i które spróbował włączyć do systemu rodzimego języka, należy uznać za dość udaną. Warto w tym kontekście wymienić chociażby takie choronimy jak np. Bretanija, Gujenija, Niwernija, Perigordyja, Bigor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 263-294
Andreea Badea

A Good Shepherd and Bureaucrat or: What Makes a Good Bishop? Elite Recruitment as the Purpose of Roman Administrative Reform in the Late 17th Century Religious reforms characterized the Italian episcopacy during the 18th century. This article aims to show that these reforms were not so much driven by ideational issues but were the result of a lasting administrative reform. In 1676, Innocent XI had started a comprehensive process of bureaucratisation in the Roman Curia with the help of his auditor Giovanni Battista de Luca. Within this larger process, the pope appointed de Luca secretary of a new congregation that was supposed to select the most suitable candidates for Italian episcopal sees. Although this congregation was entitled to make decisions only in a few minor cases (since, in most Italian territories, the pope did not choose the new bishops) and although it worked only for about four years, it achieved long-term success. On the one hand, de Luca developed procedures that provided a permanent boost to the bureaucratisation process; on the other hand, he presented this new policy to a broad readership through his books. However, he did not describe his reforms as innovations but as a reconfiguration of the bureaucratic status quo in the Curia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 ◽  
pp. 89-96
Galina V. Talina

On the basis of the 17th century documents the author of the article reveals th concept of “beauty” through the prism of the ideas shaped in Moscow Russia on the whole and in the period of the reign of the first Romanovs, in particular. The concepts of “measure” and “order” characterized the beautiful, on the one hand, and on the other hand, – the necessity to build any action in compliance with the previously formulated sample objectified in the text. The most vivid manifestations of those instructions were the official ceremonies of Moscow royal court, among which especially stood out such ceremonies as coronation, announcement to the subjects of the heir to the throne, cross processions. Special attention in the article is paid to the innovations to the ceremonial sphere, the author shows the continuity in ceremony organization with enough creative freedom for the organizers. Moscow ceremony is shown as the trinity of action, word and symbolism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 181-210
Jörn Steigerwald

From Love Tragedy to the Tragedy of Love: Jean Racine’s Phèdre The article focuses on Jean Racine’s last secular tragedy Phèdre and argues that the drama is based, on the one hand, on the French concept of love tragedy, established in the 1630s and reconfigured in the 1650s as a gallant tragedy. On the other hand, Racine radicalises this dramatic concept and fulfils it by combining different models of this dramatic concept in one tragedy. Instead of a modern gallant love tragedy, like Nicolas Pradon’s Phèdre et Hippolyte, Racine stages a tragedy of love that ends with the decline of two (royal) families, produced by the revenge of the goddess of love, Venus. According to this, Phèdre is not an exemplary tragedy of French classicism but rather a radical endpoint of French tragedy in the 17th century.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 111-126
Romuald Rydz

1 listopada 1790 r. w Londynie został opublikowany jeden z najważniejszych tek­stów osiemnastowiecznej brytyjskiej myśli politycznej. Autorem dzieła znanego pod skróconym ty­tułem jako Rozważania o rewolucji we Francji był Edmund Burke — jeden z najbardziej znanych wigowskich posłów zasiadających w Izbie Gmin. Choć Burke w Rozważaniach występował przede wszystkim jako obrońca brytyjskiego porządku i zwyczaju politycznego, to zarówno w tym dziele, jak i wielu następnych tekstach można zauważyć, że przedmiotem jego troski była także wspólnota europejska. Wydaje się, że autor Rozważań jako je­den z pierwszych przedstawicieli ówczesnego świata polityki dostrzegł w rewolucyjnej gorączce roz­przestrzeniającej się z Paryża groźbę dla całej Europy. Owo niebezpieczeństwo Burke porównywał, z jednej strony, do fali barbarzyństwa, która zalała Rzym i zniszczyła cywilizację antyczną w okresie wędrówki ludów, z drugiej zaś — przypisywał mu cechy rewolucji religijnej, podobnej do tej, któ-ra podzieliła kontynent w XVI i XVII stuleciu. Było to więc w jego opinii podwójne zagrożenie, które mogło zniszczyć zarówno podstawy materialne Europy, jak i jej kościec kulturowy.A counter-revolutionary idea of Europe. Edmund Burke’s reflections on European identityOn 1st November 1790, one of the most important texts of the 18th century British political thought was published in London. The author of the work, known under the shortened title as Reflections on the Revolution in France, was Edmund Burke, one of the best-known Whigs sitting in the House of Commons. Although in Reflections Burke was above all a defender of the British order and political custom, it can be noticed, both in this work and many subsequent texts, that he was also concerned for Euro­pean community. It seems that the author of Reflections was among the first representatives of the world of politics at that time who viewed the revolutionary fever that was spreading from Paris as a threat to the whole Europe. Burke compared this danger, on the one hand, to the Barbarian wave that had flooded Rome and destroyed the antique civilisation in the Migrations Period, while on the other hand he ascribed it characteristics of a religious revolution, similar to the one that divided the continent in the 16th and 17th centuries. Thus, it was, in his opinion, a double threat. It could destroy both the material foundations of Europe and its cultural core.

Dorota Samborska-Kukuć

A manuscript collection, literary Miscellanea, from the 18th century, which is in the possession of the Ossolineum Library, contains works written by Jan Ludwik Plater (ca. 1670–1736), a Livonian voivode. Three poems about little domestic animals, and more specifically – their dying, are worth the attention. The author, who was an educated man, wrote elegies for the death of the ‘turkey court’ favourites, following the model of ancient (Catullus, Ovid) and old‑Polish (Kochanowski, Szymonowic) writers. He wrote light and graceful poems, which contain the features of an elegy but are also decorative in the Rococo style; on the one hand they ‘commemorate’ ephemeral beings, on the other hand they provoke thought on the universality of death. 

Administory ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-60
Margareth Lanzinger

Abstract The points of departure for the contribution are the Catholic Church’s prohibition of consanguineous and affinal marriage and the practice of dispensation with a geographic focus on the Diocese of Brixen, which comprised parts of historical Tyrol and Vorarlberg during the period of study. Granting dispensation was and remained an act of grace, even when government regulations began to interfere in administrative procedures in the late 18th century. The amount of dispensation applications regarding close degrees of consanguinity and affinity significantly increased during this time. Emotions were an integral part of these proceedings. Two central areas of interest are: What were the effects of recording emotions in the dispensation paperwork, and how were the ways that emotions were described in writing expressed in social interactions? The hypothesis of this study is that applicants tried using emotions as instruments for expediting their applications on the one hand, and that lower-level clergy used the practice of recording emotions in order to legitimize supporting dispensation applicants on the other hand.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-83
Anna A. Kosmovskaya

The problems of tax collection by voivodes offices in the 18th century at the heyday of absolute monarchy seem to be little studied at the regional level. The author organizes data on the playing card tax based on the study of income books, extracts, arrears, and other financial documents of the above mentioned period. This article presents a number of previously unknown sources. Based on them, the author concludes that there is a twofold situation: on the one hand, the state introduced prohibitive measures toward playing cards, and on the other hand, it pursued its financial interests and did not remove the records on playing card tax from account books. In the second half of the 17th century the government received income from playing card tax and did not want give up the opportunity to get this money. A complete ban on gambling was issued in 1733, which eventually led to a shortage of card collection. The author analyzes the percentage of the tax on the playing-cards among other incomes of the voivodship office and reveales a bunch of imperfections of the tax legislation and the problems of its use by local authorities. It is notable that the voivodes office did not try to actively recover the playing card tax, realizing the absence of legislative support.

2018 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 465-494
Gisela Schlüter

Summary „A pharmacopoeia for any prescription“ (Paolo Mattia Doria).Machiavelliana after 1700 Recent research has gained many new insights into Machiavelli’s influence on Early Modern European political history. This article focuses on a so far little researched, but decisive stage in the history of Machiavelli’s influence, namely Paolo Mattia Doria’s treatise „La Vita Civile“ (1709/10; further editions in the 18th century), which was written in Naples, a centre of the Early European Enlightenment. In a peculiar mixture of anti-machiavellism that is inspired by Platonic thought and allegiance to Machiavellian ideas, Doria follows the structure and texture of Machiavelli’s „Il Principe“. The political treatise is still coloured by humanist ideas and includes a speculum principis („L’Educazione del Principe“). Despite the similarities, Doria criticizes Machiavelli’s amoral analysis of power politics and postulates, with reference to Machiavelli’s „Discorsi“, an ideal republic or a principality of virtue with a virtuous ruler (principe virtuoso) at the top. In the course of his analysis, Doria re-moralizes Machiavelli’s morally neutral, praxeological concept of virtù. The treatise reflects the fork in the history of Machiavelli’s influence both on a general level and in its details: the ambivalence of „Il Principe“ as political advice for the successful and unscrupulous prince on the one hand but, on the other hand, as an exposure of unscrupulous power politics, written modo obliquo by the passionate Republican whom Rousseau, for example, wanted to see in Machiavelli.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (4) ◽  
pp. 627-652
Natascha Pomino ◽  
Elisabeth Stark

Abstract The liaison consonant [z] in French noun phrases has traditionally been assumed to function as a plural marker. The realization of “plural [z]” in N(oun)-A(djective)-combinations is becoming, however, very rare in naturalistic data – except for contexts which allow a proper-name reading. On the one hand, one might think that we are dealing with a recent phenomenon, the beginning of a potential linguistic change in French in the sense of exaptation, reuse of former morphophonological material such as plural markers to signal proper-namehood in the sense of ‘frozen morphology’. If this turns out correct, we expect the productivity of the new synchronic function to increase: New NA-combinations which function as proper names should be realized systematically with liaison, and proper name-marking via liaison should also become possible with other liaison consonants. On the other hand, we may be dealing with a (completed) diachronic process, in that only those NA-combinations which allowed liaison at the relevant point in time may have a liaison consonant in their univerbalized form. That is, new NA-combinations, even though they are used as proper names, do not display a liaison consonant, because liaison is no longer possible. The purpose of this paper was to investigate, based on empirical studies, whether liaison productively marks NA-combinations which function as proper names and distinguishes them from NA-combinations that count as common nouns, or whether we are dealing with a completed diachronic process. In view of the poor productivity observed, we argue that we are dealing with cases of univerbation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 247-265

Resumo:  Neste texto procuramos indicar como os portadores de uma ideologia religiosa de origem medieval descreveram a embriaguez dos povos indá­genas na Amazônia do século 18. Privilegiamos o exame dos relatos contidos na obra  Tesouro Descoberto no Máximo Rio Amazonas,  do jesuá­ta português João Daniel. Procuramos apontar as contradições e aproximações estabelecidas entre, de um lado, uma colonização fundada na produção e comércio de drogas e na tradição alimentar católica assentada no vinho e no pão, e, de outro, uma ideologia do abuso elaborada para dar conta da tradição indá­gena de ingestão de bebidas e substá¢ncias extraá­das da floresta.Palavras-chave:  Amazônia Colonial. Embriaguez. Drogas. Missionários.IDEOLOGY AND TRADITION OF DRUG USERS IN THE COLONIAL AMAZONIA  Abstract:  In this text, we seek to indicate how the bearers of a religious ideology of medieval origin described the drunkenness of the indigenous peoples in the 18th century Amazon. We privileged the analysis of the accounts of the work ”Tesouro Descoberto no Máximo Rio Amazonas” by the Portuguese Jesuit, João Daniel. Highlighting the contradictions and approximations established between, on the one hand, a colonization based on the production and commerce of drugs and Catholic food tradition based on wine and bread, and on the other hand, an ideology of abuse elaborated to account for the indigenous tradition of drinks ingestion and substances extracted from the forest.Keywords:  Colonial Amazon. Drunkenness. Drugs. Missionaries.IDEOLOGáA Y TRADICIÓN DE LOS USUARIOS EN LA AMAZONIA COLONIAL  Resumen: En este texto buscamos señalar como los portadores de una ideologá­a religiosa de origen medieval describieron la embriaguez de los pueblos indá­genas en la Amazonia del siglo 18. Privilegiamos el examen de los relatos contenidos en la obra  Tesouro Descoberto no Máximo Rio Amazonas,  del jesuita portugués João Daniel. Apuntamos las contradicciones y aproximaciones establecidas entre, de un lado, una colonización fundada en la producción y comercio de drogas y en la tradición alimentar católica basada en el vino y en el pan, y, de otro, una ideologá­a del abuso elaborada para dar cuenta de la tradición indá­gena de ingestión de bebidas y sustancias extraá­das de la floresta.Palabras clave:  Amazonia Colonial. Embriaguez. Drogas. Misioneros.IDÉOLOGIE ET TRADITION DES USAGERS DANS L”™AMAZONIE COLONIALE  Résumé:  Dans ce texte, nous voulons étudier comment les missionnaires européens, porteurs d'une idéologie religieuse d'origine médiévale, ont décrit l'ivresse des peuples de l'Amazonie au XVIIIá¨me  siá¨cle. Nous y analysons en particulier les récits contenus dans l'Å“uvre  Tesouro Descoberto no Máximo Rio Amazonas  du jésuite portugais João Daniel. Nous y mettons en avant les tensions et les relations existant entre, d'une part, une entreprise de colonisation fondée sur la production et le commerce de drogues et sur la tradition alimentaire catholique dont la base était le pain et le vin et d”™autre part, une idéologie de l'abus élaborée pour rendre compte de la tradition indigá¨ne de consommation de boissons et de substances extraites de la forêt.Mots-clés: Amazonie Coloniale. Ivresse. Drogues. Missionnaires.

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