relevant point
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2021 ◽  
Vol 878 (1) ◽  
pp. 012057
S Bahri ◽  
AW Purwantiasning

Abstract This research is a part of multi-year research, which has been started since last year by conducting some studies, either literature or simulation, for photovoltaic technology used in public transportation. In supporting the primary research of the implementation of Transit-Oriented Development’s concept within Kota Tua Jakarta, this research was also delivering the analysis of preferences through the community to designate the appropriate tram shelter within the historical area of Kota Tua Jakarta. By using fuzzy logic, this research has analysed the relevant point of tram shelter within the historical area of Kota Tua Jakarta. It has proposed together with another result of the study to be a good design. Thus, this research has completed some of the Transit-Oriented Development’s basic principles, such as transiting, connecting, and shifting to support the need within the area of Kota Tua Jakarta.

Ambos Kai

This chapter provides first the groundwork of any analysis of ‘defences’, namely the broad or narrow meaning of the concept (substantive vs. procedural defences) and the different types or forms of defences, including their effect and procedural implications (standard and burden of proof). This contributes to a better understanding and proper interpretation that suggest major differentiation criteria with regard to ICL. Then, a detailed analysis of the substantive and procedural defences relevant in ICL is offered. This analysis starts with conceptual explanations (e.g. regarding the relevant point in time) and examines, on the basis of a thorough comparative law research, most important and well known defences like mental disease, intoxication, self-defence, duress and necessity, mistake of fact and law, superior order, immunities, but also looks at less prominent ones such as consent, reprisals or abuse of process.

Cancers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 2793
Rita Terenziani ◽  
Silvia Zoppi ◽  
Claudia Fumarola ◽  
Roberta Alfieri ◽  
Mara Bonelli

Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare and aggressive malignant disease affecting the mesothelium, commonly associated to asbestos exposure. The current therapeutic actions, based on cisplatin/pemetrexed treatment, are limited due to the late stage at which most patients are diagnosed and to the intrinsic chemo-resistance of the tumor. Another relevant point is the absence of approved therapies in the second line setting following progression of MPM after chemotherapy. Considering the poor prognosis of the disease and the fact that the incidence of this tumor is expected to increase in the next decade, novel therapeutic approaches are urgently needed. In the last few years, several studies have investigated the efficacy and safety of immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) in the treatment of unresectable advanced MPM, and a number of trials with immunotherapeutic agents are ongoing in both first line and second line settings. In this review, we describe the most promising emerging immunotherapy treatments for MPM (ICIs, engineered T cells to express chimeric antigen receptors (CARs), dendritic cells (DCs) vaccines), focusing on the biological and immunological features of this tumor as well as on the issues surrounding clinical trial design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-21
Kadek Heni Oktarina Wisudayanti ◽  
Putu Desi Anggerina Hikmaharyanti

This study is focused on the capacities of pragmatics in ESL teaching and limited to three essential discussions; first, the investigation of teaching pragmatics relevancy stated on pragmatics elements, second, the presentation of the effective ways in teaching pragmatics by applying SURE steps (Brock and Nagaska, 2005), and the elaboration of pragmatics effects towards ESL learners. It is necessary to conduct a research of pragmatics capacities in ESL teaching. Due to the problems discussed, the theories suggested in this research include pragmatics definition, pragmatic competence, pragmatic elements and SURE method. Then, the method applied in this research is descriptive qualitative in nature and the data are from the 3rd semester of STKIP Agama Hindu Singaraja students. The data analysis is performed to investigate the relevancy of pragmatics in ESL teaching, the pragmatics teaching methods, and the effect of pragmatics towards ESL learners. This study finds pragmatics is a relevant point to be taught in the language classroom due to language is an arbitrary. Through SURE methods, students are expected to comprehend the language used in contexts. Pragmatics affects the ESL learners to be sensitive about the surroundings, other cultural interactions, also how they must behave towards circumstances as ESL learners.   Abstrak  Penelitian ini difokuskan pada kapasitas pragmatik dalam pengajaran ESL dan dibatasi pada tiga diskusi esensial; pertama, investigasi relevansi pengajaran pragmatik yang tertuang pada unsur-unsur pragmatik, kedua, penyajian cara efektif dalam pembelajaran pragmatik dengan menerapkan metode SURE (Brock dan Nagaska, 2005), dan penjabaran efek pragmatik terhadap peserta didik ESL. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang kapasitas pragmatik dalam pengajaran ESL. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang dibahas, maka teori yang disarankan dalam penelitian ini meliputi pengertian pragmatik, kompetensi pragmatis, unsur pragmatis dan metode SURE. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan data dari mahasiswa-mahasiswa STKIP Agama Hindu Singaraja semester 3. Analisis data dilakukan untuk mengetahui relevansi pragmatik dalam pembelajaran ESL, metode pembelajaran pragmatik, dan pengaruh pragmatik terhadap peserta didik ESL. Studi ini menemukan bahwa pragmatik adalah poin yang relevan untuk diajarkan di kelas bahasa karena bahasa bersifat sewenang-wenang. Melalui metode SURE, mahasiswa diharapkan memahami bahasa yang digunakan dalam konteks. Pragmatik mempengaruhi mahasiswa ESL untuk peka terhadap lingkungan sekitar, interaksi budaya lainnya, juga bagaimana mereka harus berperilaku terhadap keadaan sebagai peserta didik ESL.

Motoi Kato ◽  
Masakazu Kurita ◽  
Daisuke Mito ◽  
Runa Nakamura ◽  
Kexin Li ◽  

Abstract Background Lymphatic venous anastomosis (LVA) is a widely accepted surgical procedure for lymphedema. To obtain the best outcomes, surgeons should be well trained. A recent study introduced an LVA training model using pig trotters for their utility and structural similarity to human tissues. However, details regarding the utilization of anastomosis models, such as feasible points for training based on vessel anatomy, have not been clarified. Therefore, we assessed the anatomical details of lymphatic vessels and veins of trotters to establish a practical training model of LVA. Methods Ten frozen trotters were used. After thawing at room temperature, indocyanine green fluorescent lymphography was used to visualize the lymphatic course. To dissect the lymphatic vessels and veins from the distal to the proximal end, whole skins were detached thoroughly from the plantar side. Data from the lymphatic vessels and veins were collected based on their courses, diameters, and layouts to clarify adjacent points feasible for LVA training. Results Both lymphatic vessels and veins were classified into four major courses: dorsal, medial, lateral, and plantar. The majority were dorsal vessels, both lymphatic vessels and veins. The adjacent points were always found in the distal dorsum center and were especially concentrated between the metacarpophalangeal (MP) joint and central interphalangeal crease, followed by the medial and lateral sides. Conclusion The most relevant point for LVA surgical training in the trotter was the dorsal center distal to the MP joint, where parallel vessels of similar sizes were found in all cases. This practical LVA surgical model would improve surgeon skills in not only anastomosis but also preoperative fluorescent lymphography.

2021 ◽  
Olga Nardini ◽  
Sara Bonati ◽  
Stefano Morelli ◽  
Veronica Pazzi

<p>Very few research studies have been dedicated to understanding the role of social media, diversity and vulnerability during a highly impacting event for a society. Social media are very important nowadays as a way to be in "connection to" and "link between" individuals. Thanks to technological support it is possible to create new virtual and real social relationships and networks and to be always up to date about what happen in the world. The role that virtual space plays "reducing distances", connecting people and places and facilitating the provision of support to people in need, has been receiving increasing interest in disaster studies in last years. In particular, connectivity has assumed an increasing role in relation to the diffusion of means to reach people and places in virtual mode. Furthermore, the use of social media as a means of providing information on disasters and risks could help to reduce exposure in disasters. However, several knowledge gaps are still opened, and in particular which are the potential repercussions of a high connected disaster management process on vulnerability? How can the weight of diversity change into the virtual space? The premise is that not everyone has the same possibility of accessing social media (e.g. to be informed, to know what is happening and to link with rescuers). The difficulty of accessing social media can make people invisible into the disaster management process with the risk that someone could be left behind. Thus, this presentation aims to discuss the challenges that derive from an increasing use of social platform in providing and receiving information during disasters. A second relevant point, that this presentation aims to discuss, is linked to the way citizens perceive communication platforms and how the flow of information significantly impacts on the interpretation and on the management of risk. Conclusions of this work suggest that communication should take into account the risk perception models by the public and therefore the peculiarities of each vulnerable group, to provide "targeted" communications in relation to the cultural context with the aim of reducing vulnerability growing up citizens’ awareness and knowledge. This presentation is the result of the work provided as part of the EU H2020 founded project LINKS (<span> </span></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (7) ◽  
pp. 4141-4150
L. Slocombe ◽  
J. S. Al-Khalili ◽  
M. Sacchi

Proton transfer along the hydrogen bonds of DNA can lead to the creation of short-lived, but biologically relevant point mutations that can further lead to gene mutation and, potentially, cancer.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Boris Kayachev

Columella invites his readers to plant different flowers, including violets—which will be the main focus of the following discussion (10.94–102): uerum ubi iam puro discrimine pectita tellus deposito squalore nitens sua semina poscet,     95 pangite tunc uarios, terrestria sidera, flores: candida leucoia et flauentia lumina caltae, narcissique comas et hiantis saeua leonis ora feri, calathisque uirentia lilia canis, necnon uel niueos uel caeruleos hyacinthos.     100 tum quae pallet humi, quae frondes purpurat auro, ponatur uiola, et nimium rosa plena pudoris. 96 pangite Heinsius: pingite SAR || 99 nitentia Gesner || 101 frondes SA: frondens R | purpurat auro ϛ: purpura tabo SAR: purpura et auro Ursinus: purpurat albo Heinsius This is the text of Rodgers's recent OCT, but with a somewhat modified apparatus criticus. For the purposes of my argument, it will be useful also to quote from the outset a related catalogue of melliferous flowers from another book of Columella's treatise (9.4.4): mille praeterea semina uel crudo caespite uirentia uel subacto sulco flores amicissimos apibus creant, ut sunt in uirgineo solo […] gladiolus narcissi. at in hortensi lira consita nitent candida lilia nec his sordidiora leucoia, tum Punicae rosae luteolaeque et Sarranae uiolae, nec minus caelestis luminis hyacinthus. There are a number of more general similarities, but the relevant point is that the two catalogues list many of the same flowers and describe them in similar ways, which means that one catalogue can serve as an interpretative guide to the other. The first two items in the prose list of garden flowers (nitent candida lilia nec his sordidiora leucoia) correspond to candida leucoia and calathisque uirentia lilia canis, similarly listed in the first half of the verse catalogue; nitent (lilia) can thus support Gesner's emendation nitentia for uirentia (lilia), unduly neglected by recent editors. The metaphoric periphrasis gladiolus narcissi can be compared with narcissique comas. Both texts describe the hyacinth as sky-blue, which seems to be otherwise unparalleled (nec minus caelestis luminis hyacinthus and necnon […] caeruleos hyacinthos: note also that in both cases the reference is introduced by a litotes). Finally, just like the prose list (tum Punicae rosae luteolaeque et Sarranae uiolae), Columella's poem groups roses with two varieties of violet (note also that both passages are introduced with tum): tum quae pallet humi, quae frondes purpurat auro, ponatur uiola, et nimium rosa plena pudoris. The prose version makes it all but certain that the poem should likewise refer to a yellow and a purple varieties of violet. While Columella's verse description of the former variety is fairly unambiguous (if not very informative), that of the latter raises questions.

Stefania Fantinelli

Thanks to the research work of Akram and colleagues on the consequences of an abusive supervision, it is possible to hypothesize a new point of view of the doocing phenomenon. According to the authors, an abusive supervision can cause, through the interaction of some mediators and moderators, counterproductive work behaviors; this comment proposes that these behaviors can be performed also in an online context. As a consequence, a worker could be fired because of something posted on social media (doocing). Another relevant point of view concerns the great responsibility given to supervisors and management with regard to the care of job environment from an emotional point of view.

Buildings ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 177 ◽  
Sergio Ruggieri ◽  
Giuseppina Uva

Pushover analysis is the main methodology adopted in practice-oriented applications for investigating the non-linear response of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings; it is applicable for both new and existing buildings. It is well-known that several limitations characterize this methodology and the scientific literature proposes several non-conventional approaches to provide results comparable to those of the more efficient nonlinear dynamic analysis. In most recent seismic guidelines, some improvements have been introduced, in order to overcome the main drawbacks of conventional pushover methods, in view of practice-oriented applications. In particular, new prescriptions are related to the load profiles and the choice of control nodes, aspects that lead to different results in terms of capacity curves and in the safety assessment. Another relevant point is represented by the spatial combination of effects, which suggests the opportunity of executing simultaneous bi-directional pushover analyses. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of the new trends followed by some guidelines about pushover analysis, such as the recent 2018 release of the Italian Building Code. In particular, after a general test of the new conventional procedure for the case of RC buildings, a set of case studies has been generated, consisting of three-dimensional RC-archetypes specifically designed and investigated in order to cover the more significant scenarios. The results in terms of global and local performances are processed and critically analyzed, with the aim of appraising the main differences between the traditional and new approaches and identifying the effectiveness and of the actual improvements achieved.

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