Reliability and Validity of Scores on a Measure of Stigma of Loneliness

2022 ◽  
pp. 001100002110480
Stacy Y. Ko ◽  
Meifen Wei ◽  
Julio Rivas ◽  
Jeritt R. Tucker

The purpose of this study was to validate the use and interpretation of scores derived from the Stigma of Loneliness Scale (SLS) with a sample of college students from a large, Midwestern university. A two-factor oblique solution with 10 items was selected through exploratory factor analysis and cross-validated through confirmatory factor analysis. Correlational evidence was demonstrated through positive correlations with loneliness and shame scores, and a negative correlation with social connectedness scores. Construct evidence was demonstrated through positive correlations with self-concealment and depression scores, and a negative association with distress disclosure scores. For incremental validity, items on the SLS accounted for additional variance in predicting contingent self-worth based on approval from others, shame, self-esteem, and social self-efficacy above and beyond scores on a measure of loneliness. The internal structure of the SLS was invariant across gender groups and across Time 1 and Time 2 assessments.

2020 ◽  
pp. 073428292097772
Wenlong Mu ◽  
Zheng Chen ◽  
Wenjie Duan

The Academic Encouragement Scale (AES) evaluates academic encouragement received from someone whom the student respects. This study reported the psychometric properties of the AES among 1602 Chinese adolescents. The results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) supported a two-factor structure of the AES (i.e., challenge-focused encouragement (CFE) and potential-focused encouragement). Multigroup CFA indicated that the AES showed measurement and structural invariance across gender groups. Each factor of the AES showed adequate internal consistency reliability ( α > .84) and test–retest stability ( r > .75). Correlation analyses demonstrated that the AES subscales were significantly related to academic self-efficacy, hope, and social connectedness in the expected directions, which yielded evidence for the concurrent validity of the AES. Results indicated that the CFE factor significantly predicted academic achievement, but the potential-focused encouragement factor did not significantly predict academic achievement. Overall, the findings support the use of the AES among adolescents.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 13 ◽  
Sofía Buelga ◽  
Belén Martínez-Ferrer ◽  
María-Jesús Cava ◽  
Jessica Ortega-Barón

The main goal of the present study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the revised version of the Adolescent Cyber-Victimization Scale (CYBVICS). This scale is composed of 18 items that assess direct and indirect cyber-victimization. Two subsamples participated in the present study. Sample 1 included 1318 adolescents (47.4% boys) from 12 to 16 years old (M = 13.89, SD = 1.32). Sample 2 was composed of 1188 adolescents (51.5% girls) from 12 to 16 years old (M = 14.19, SD = 1.80). First, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted on sample 1. Results yielded a bifactor structure: direct cyber-victimization and indirect cyber-victimization. To confirm the structure of the CYBVICS, we selected sample 2 to perform confirmatory factor analysis and test its convergent validity with theoretically related measures. The results supported the reliability and validity of the two-factor model. In addition, measurement invariance was established. Related to convergent validity, positive correlations between cyber-victimization and peer victimization, depressive symptoms, and offensive communication with the mother and the father were found. Moreover, negative correlations were found between cyber-victimization and open communication with the mother and the father and family self-esteem.

2009 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 239-243
Roberto Nuevo ◽  
Andrés Losada ◽  
María Márquez-González ◽  
Cecilia Peñacoba

The Worry Domains Questionnaire was proposed as a measure of both pathological and nonpathological worry, and assesses the frequency of worrying about five different domains: relationships, lack of confidence, aimless future, work, and financial. The present study analyzed the factor structure of the long and short forms of the WDQ (WDQ and WDQ-SF, respectively) through confirmatory factor analysis in a sample of 262 students (M age = 21.8; SD = 2.6; 86.3% females). While the goodness-of-fit indices did not provide support for the WDQ, good fit indices were found for the WDQ-SF. Furthermore, no source of misspecification was identified, thus, supporting the factorial validity of the WDQ-SF scale. Significant positive correlations between the WDQ-SF and its subscales with worry (PSWQ), anxiety (STAI-T), and depression (BDI) were found. The internal consistency was good for the total scale and for the subscales. This work provides support for the use of the WDQ-SF, and potential uses for research and clinical purposes are discussed.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 51-67 ◽  
Subin Sudhir ◽  
Anandakuttan B. Unnithan

Rumors are often shared in the marketplace about products, services, brands or organizations; both in the online as well as in the offline scenarios. These rumors get communicated from consumer to consumer in the form of Word of Mouth (WOM). An exhaustive review of literature identified four motivations for consumers to share rumors in the marketplace; which included anxiety management motivation, information sharing motivation, relationship management motivation and self enhancement motivation. The review was not conclusive in identifying any scales for the measurement of these motivations. The article develops a scale for measuring these four motivations. Structured interviews were initially conducted to identify 33 items that motivate a consumer to share rumors. Based on an exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis four factors were identified and the final scale retained 21 items. The scale displayed good scores of reliability and validity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 001100002110463
Annabelle L. Atkin ◽  
N. Keita Christophe ◽  
Hyung Chol Yoo ◽  
Abigail K. Gabriel ◽  
Christine S. Wu ◽  

The purpose of this study was to develop a measure of familial support of Multiracial individuals’ unique racial experiences to advance the field’s understanding of how familial processes influence Multiracial development. A sample of 422 Multiracial college students (77.7% female, Mage = 20.05) from three different regions of the United States completed the survey. Exploratory factor analysis results suggested a two-factor measure. Multiracial Conscious Support, a 15-item subscale, represented support strategies unique to Multiracial individuals’ experiences of discrimination and identity exploration. The second 7-item subscale, Multiple Heritage Validation, represented validation of membership in multiple racial groups. The factor structure was supported by confirmatory factor analysis findings with a separate sample. Support was found for the reliability and validity of each subscale. This study provides evidence validating the first measure of familial support of Multiracial experiences, highlighting two themes of support addressing unique experiences of being Multiracial, and validating multiple racial group memberships.

2014 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-157
Pau García-Grau ◽  
Daniel Ayora Pérez ◽  
Ferran Calabuig Moreno ◽  
Vicente Javier Prado-Gascó

The purpose of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of a brief version of the AF5 questionnaire (García & Musitu, 2001) using exploratory and confirmatory techniques on a preadolescent population in the Valencian community (Spain). The sample was made up of 541 participants between 10 and 12 years old, 55.1% (298) boys and 44.9% (243) girls. After observing the results of different reliability and validity analyses (exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)), it was found that the reduced scale consisting of 20 items showed a similar reliability and validity to the original scale. The factorial structure also fits that of the original model established a priori. According to the results of the study, the use of this diagnostic tool with Spanish children seems justified.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-135
Patrícia M. Pascoal ◽  
Maria-João Alvarez ◽  
Magda Sofia Roberto

Abstract Objective To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Beliefs About Appearance Scale (BAAS) in terms of its factorial structure and invariance, reliability, and validity when applied to adults from the community. Methods Participants consisted of 810 heterosexual Portuguese individuals in a committed relationship. As a confirmatory factor analysis did not support the original structure of the BAAS, an exploratory factor analysis was performed. Results A 12-item version was extracted comprising two dimensions: one personal and the other social. The factorial model depicting this bidimensional structure revealed an adequate fit following confirmatory factor analysis. Multigroup confirmatory factor analyses indicated invariance across gender. Concurrent and discriminant validities and internal consistency were estimated and observed to be adequate. Conclusions This shorter measure of the BAAS can accurately assess body appearance beliefs and may be used in different research settings and contexts.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (11) ◽  
pp. e0242374
Long Sun ◽  
Yueying Pan ◽  
Ye Tian

The present study aimed to adapt the Attitudes Toward Accompanied Driving Scale (ATADS) to a Chinese drivers sample and to examine its reliability and validity. Five hundred and seventy-two drivers aged 18 to 25 years old were asked to complete the ATADS and a validated Chinese version of the Multidimensional Driving Style Inventory. The factorial structure of the ATADS was examined using exploratory factor analysis (N = 259) and confirmatory factor analysis (N = 313). The validity of the scale was evaluated by examining the associations between the ATADS factors, demographic variables and driving styles. The results showed that both the findings of the EFA and CFA showed a five-factor structure of the ATADS, including tension, relatedness, avoidance, disapproval and anxiety. Second, significant gender differences were found in tension, relatedness, avoidance and anxiety. Third, tension, avoidance, disapproval and anxiety were moderately or weakly correlated with risky, anxious, angry and careful driving styles. Moreover, the number of traffic accidents after the accompanying phase was positively correlated with disapproval and avoidance. The findings supported the psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the ATADS and highlighted the adverse effects of young drivers’ negative attitudes toward accompanied driving on their driving styles.

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 405 ◽  
Octavio Alvarez ◽  
Ines Tomas ◽  
Isaac Estevan ◽  
Javier Molina-García ◽  
Ana Queralt ◽  

<p>Drawing from the transformational leadership theory, this study aims to translate and analyse the psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the Transformational Teaching Questionnaire (TTQ).</p><p>A cohort sample of 2107 adolescents (997 males and 1110 females) from 82 secondary schools voluntarily participated in the research.</p><p>In Study 1 ((<em>n</em> = 1066), the exploratory factor analysis informed a one-factor solution. In Study 2  (<em>n</em> = 1041), the confirmatory factor analysis showed the single-factor and the four-factor models showed satisfactory and adequate goodness of fit indices, respectively. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the four-factor structure of transformational teaching with a high second-order factor, previously found in Canadian adolescents, was replicated in this study. Internal consistency was high in all subscales and in the total scale. The expected pattern of significant relationships with other variables was supported, and evidence of measurement invariance across gender groups was obtained.</p><p>This study provides evidence for the cross-cultural validation of the TTQ, a questionnaire designed to assess students’ perceptions of their teachers’ behaviours from the perspective of transformational leadership theory. These findings suggested that the Spanish version of TTQ would be useful for assessing transformational teaching in Spanish adolescents in physical education classes.</p>

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