scholarly journals Implosion and Intoxication

2006 ◽  
Vol 23 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 75-91
Geoffrey Winthrop-Young

Focusing on Kittler’s reading of Goethe’s ‘Wanderer’s Nightsong’ and Pink Floyd’s ‘Brain Damage’, the article traces Kittler’s development from discourse analysis to media theory. Where more traditional approaches would stress notions of self-reflexivity (both the poem and the song elaborate on their effects and foreground their own construction), Kittler performs, in his own words, a kind of ‘implosion’: The words of Goethe’s poem collapse back into the discursive order they evoke, and Pink Floyd’s song performs its own technology. But it is precisely this implosion that has an intoxicating effect, which paves the way for a more political, or at least politicized, reading of Kittler’s work that highlights his indebtedness to the cultural transgressions of the 1960s.

Hilary Radner ◽  
Alistair Fox

In this section of the interview, Bellour describes how he began to engage in film analysis in the 1960s, beginning with a sequence from Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds, with the aim of establishing the way it worked as a “text.” He proceeds to describe his personal encounters with major figures like Roland Barthes, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Michel Foucault, and his friendship with Christian Metz, suggesting how his interchanges with them helped to shape his own thinking, and how it diverged from theirs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 341-361
Gonzalo Grau-Pérez ◽  
J. Guillermo Milán

In Uruguay, Lacanian ideas arrived in the 1960s, into a context of Kleinian hegemony. Adopting a discursive approach, this study researched the initial reception of these ideas and its effects on clinical practices. We gathered a corpus of discursive data from clinical cases and theoretical-doctrinal articles (from the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s). In order to examine the effects of Lacanian ideas, we analysed the difference in the way of interpreting the clinical material before and after Lacan's reception. The results of this research illuminate some epistemological problems of psychoanalysis, especially the relationship between theory and clinical practice.

Zuzana Kvetanová

The submitted study addresses the topic of the current state of the opinion journalism and its genres in the Slovak periodical press. The author draws attention to the question of classification of the opinion journalism of a rational and emotional type from the genre categorization point of view and, simultaneously, reflects on its application in the present journalistic practice. This brings a certain rate of confrontation between the defined theoretical premises and their subsequent practical (non-)implementation. The main objective of the study is to clarify the presence of genres of analytical and literary opinion journalism stated by media theory in the environment of the Slovak periodicals. Presentation of the basic terminological axis and the related explication of journalism genres included in the opinion journalism constitute the secondary objectives of the paper. For the purposes of achieving the set objectives, the author uses methods of logical analysis of text in combination with discourse analysis. Similarly, she predicts the evident presence of the phenomenon of hybridization in the Slovak journalistic practice.

Robert Chodat

The 1960s saw the triumph of cognitive science over behaviorism. This chapter examines three literary–philosophical objections to this shift: “West Coast” phenomenology, Richard Powers’s Galatea 2.2, and the writings of Walker Percy, the first of the postwar sages featured in this book. For “West Coast” philosophers, cognitive science ignores the way human action is structured by what we “give a damn” about—a sense of significance that orients our actions. Powers’s novel goes a step further: no more than machines do we know what to give a damn about. Percy’s essays and fiction challenge both these positions, asking us to see analogies between the significance we find in language and the significance we find in living a Christian life. Establishing such an analogy is the goal of Percy’s 1971 Love in the Ruins, which seeks to embody—with only partial success—what terms such as “faith” and “community” might mean.


Abstract Bernard Williams argues that philosophy is in some deep way akin to history. This article is a novel exploration and defense of the Williams thesis (as I call it)—though in a way anathema to Williams himself. The key idea is to apply a central moral from what is sometimes called the analytic philosophy of history of the 1960s to the philosophy of philosophy of today, namely, the separation of explanation and laws. I suggest that an account of causal explanation offered by David Lewis may be modified to bring out the way in which this moral applies to philosophy, and so to defend the Williams thesis. I discuss in detail the consequences of the thesis for the issue of philosophical progress and note also several further implications: for the larger context of contemporary metaphilosophy, for the relation of philosophy to other subjects, and for explaining, or explaining away, the belief that success in philosophy requires a field-specific ability or brilliance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 24-40
Shuv Raj Rana Bhat

Partly drawing on postcolonial rhetorics and partly drawing insights from critical stylistics and critical discourse analysis, this paper basically explores how Antigua-born-American writer Jamaica Kincaid rhetorically constructs Nepal in a disguised form of a travel writer through her travel narrative Among Flowers: A Walk in the Himalaya. Even though Kincaid is best known as an anti-imperialist, the way she longs for the Garden of Eden and represents Nepali landscape, people, and culture posits that her travel to Nepal is threaded with the rhetoric of Othering, metropolitan culture, and imperial politics. In particular, she looks at the travelled places and people with an imperial eye: nomination, surveillance, negation, debasement, and binary rhetoric.

2005 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 65-87
Li Xing

This article proposes a framework for understanding the way the Chinese Revolution emerged, developed and achieved power (1921-49), then further consolidated in the period of socialist 'uninterrupted revolution' (1949-77) and was finally abandoned by the post-Mao regime (1977 to the present). This analysis is based on a perspective of discourse theories framed in historically new forms of political, social and ideological relations. In other words, it attempts to conceptualize the transformation of China and the Chinese Communist Party by analysing the role of ideological discourses (arguments and interpretations) and the cognitive elements (beliefs, goals, desires, expertise, knowledge) as the driving-force behind societal transformations. The discourse theory applied here – logocentrism and econocentrism – also serves both as a political arena of struggle to confer legitimacy on a specific socio-political project and as a distinctive cog ni tive and evaluative framework for understanding societal transformations. The conceptualization of the paper is informed by the work of David Apter and Tony Saich on discourse theory.

Aksara ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 251
David Samuel Latupeirissa ◽  
Zummy Anselmus Dami

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menggali ideologi yang terkandung dalam bahasa politik Soekarno selaku salah satu tokoh pendiri bangsa dan proklamator kemerdekaan NKRI, (2) menggali motivasi yang ada di balik lahirnya ideologi dalam bahasa tersebut, dan (3) melihat perubahan sosial budaya sebagai dampak dari ideologi bahasa politik Soekarno. Untuk mencapai ketiga tujuan penelitian di atas, peneliti menggunakan Teori Analisis Wacana Kritis (AWK) model Fairclough (1989, 1995, 2005, 2006) sebagai teori utama, dan teori Ideologi sebagai teori pendukung. Metode yang diterapkan dalam pengumpulan data adalah metode dokumentasi, sedangkan metode yang diterapkan dalam analisis data adalah metode deskripstif kualitatif yang diterapkan berdasarkan tiga level analisis AWK Fairclough. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ideologi yang terkandung dalam bahasa Soekarno adalah ideologi ‘persatuan dan kesatuan sebagai hal yang penting’, ideologi ‘revolusi adalah bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari jiwa bangsa Indonesia’, dan ideologi ‘imperialisme sebagai musuh utama bangsa Indonesia’. Ideologi tersebut perlu dihidupi sebagai salah satu strategi demi menjaga ketahanan, keamanan, dan perdamaian Indonesia. Selanjutnya, ideologi tersebut dilatari oleh keadaan bangsa yang plural dan kesadaran bahwa sifat statis adalah penghalang kemajuan bangsa. Kandungan ideologi dimaksud membawa perubahan dalam cara berkomunikasi dan cara hidup bangsa Indonesia.Kata kunci: ideologi, bahasa politik, analisis wacana kritis AbstractThe current study aims at: (1) to explore the ideology conceived in Soekarno’s political language as one of the nation founding fathers and the proclaimer of Indonesia independence, (2) to explore the motivations behind the birth of ideology in the language, and (3) to see the socio-cultural changes as the result of Soekarno’s political ideology. To achieve the research objectives, researcher used Critical Discourse Analysis Theory (CDA) of Fairclough (1989, 1995, 2005, 2006) as the main theory, and the theory of Ideology as a supporting theory. The method applied in data collection was documentation method, while the method applied in data analysis was descriptive qualitative method that applied based on three analysis levels of Fairclough CDA theory. The results show that the ideology contained in Soekarno’s political language is the ideology of ‘unity as an important thing’, the ideology of ‘revolution as an integral part of the Indonesian nation soul’, and the ideology of ‘imperialism as the main enemy of the Indonesia’. The ideology needs to be lived for the sake of Indonesia’s endurance, security and peace. Furthermore, the ideology is based on a plural nation state and the realization that static nature is a barrier to the progress of a nation. The ideology contents have brought changes in the way of communication and the way of Indonesian nation life.Keywords: ideology, political language, critical discourse analysis

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
Francisco Martínez-Gómez ◽  
Gabriel Torres-González ◽  
Gilberto Aboites Manrique

Resumen:A partir del análisis del discurso y tomando como estudio de caso el tema de la propiedad intelectual de las variedades vegetales, así como el control y acceso al germoplasma agrícola, se muestra la manera en que, en las negociaciones internacionales, los actores sociales participantes van modificando sus interpretaciones y reestructurando los contenidos y significados del discurso. El documento muestra de qué forma la presencia de representantes de las empresas trasnacionales han logrado tener una mayor eficacia en la imposición de sus intereses, en menoscabo de los intereses de los estados nacionales, particularmente de los países del sur.Palabras clave : negociaciones internacionales; globalización; agricultura; germoplasma; propiedad intelectual; AGAC; OMC; TRIPS. Abstract:Beginning with the discourse analysis and considering as a case study the subject of the intellectual property of the plant varieties and the control and access to the agricultural germoplasm, it is shown how, in international negotiations, the participating social actors modify their interpretations and restructure the contents and meanings of the discourse. This document shows particularly the way the representatives of the transnational companies have managed to impose their interests,to the detriment of the national states' interests, especially the southern countries.Key words: international negotiations in agriculture; globalization; agriculture; germplasm; intellectual property; GATT; OMC; TRIPS. 

Ronald J. Gilson

In the 1960s and 1970s, corporate law and finance scholars gave up on their traditional approaches. Corporate law had become “towering skyscrapers of rusted girders, internally welded together and containing nothing but wind.” In finance, the theory of the firm was recognized as an “empty box.” This essay tracks how corporate law was reborn as corporate governance through three examples of how we have usefully complicated the inquiry into corporate behavior. Part I frames the first complication, defining governance broadly as the company’s operating system, a braided framework of legal and non-legal elements. Part II adds a second complication by making the inquiry dynamic: corporate governance as a path dependent process that co-evolves with the elements of the broader capitalist regime. Part III considers unsuccessful efforts to simplify rather than complicate corporate governance analysis through static single factor models: stakeholder, team production, director primacy, and shareholder primacy. Part IV concludes by highlighting the tradeoff between a governance system’s capacity to adapt to change and its ability to support long-term investment.

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