Constructive Distributed Work: An Integrated Approach to Sustainable Collaboration and Research for Distributed Teams

2021 ◽  
pp. 105065192110214
Michelle McMullin ◽  
Bradley Dilger

Academic work increasingly involves creating digital tools with interdisciplinary teams distributed across institutions and roles. The negative impacts of distributed work are described at length in technical communication scholarship, but such impacts have not yet been realized in collaborative practices. By integrating attention to their core ethical principles, best practices, and work patterns, the authors are developing an ethical, sustainable approach to team building that they call constructive distributed work. This article describes their integrated approach, documents the best practices that guide their research team, and models the three-dimensional thinking that helps them develop sustainable digital tools and ensure the consistent professional development of all team members.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 571-571
Debra Parker Oliver

Abstract While it is recognized that caregiver engagement can improve processes and outcomes of care in gerontology, there are barriers to caregiver centered communication, including limited resources for health systems to devote services specifically to families, geographic distance and lack of time. Digital tools such as social media platforms and video-conferencing introduce opportunities for remote and often asynchronous communication. In this presentation, we discuss findings from two randomized clinical trials that explored digital tools to empower family caregivers. In the first we examined ways to use video-conferencing to enable family caregivers to become virtual team members during hospice interdisciplinary teams, and in the second trial we examine the use of secret Facebook groups to meet informational and emotional needs of family caregivers during episodes of care that are often linked to increased social isolation and loneliness. We discuss challenges and opportunities in designing digital tools to facilitate caregiver engagement and empowerment.

Kaitlyn L. Hale-Lopez ◽  
Abigail R. Wooldridge ◽  
Molly H. Goldstein

Effective teams are essential to meet the complex and dynamic requirements during pandemic response. This case study analyses the work system of mobileSHIELD, a distributed team developing a diagnostic test in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We conducted interviews with 18 team members to understand how work system design influences the use of technology to support distributed teams. We identified six work system barriers and facilitators. The barriers related to rapidly adopting new technologies and not utilizing features of technologies that support relationships. The facilitators were related to the use of technology to support informal communication, synchronous and asynchronous communication, and mobile technology to improve productivity and collaboration. Our findings indicate technology that is mobile, cloud based, simple and user-friendly can support distributed teams, in particular by improving asynchronous communication. Future research will holistically explore implications for work system design to support interdisciplinary teams responding to societal crises.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 119
V. Reilly Henson ◽  
Kelly M. Cobourn ◽  
Kathleen C. Weathers ◽  
Cayelan C. Carey ◽  
Kaitlin J. Farrell ◽  

Interdisciplinary team science is essential to address complex socio-environmental questions, but it also presents unique challenges. The scientific literature identifies best practices for high-level processes in team science, e.g., leadership and team building, but provides less guidance about practical, day-to-day strategies to support teamwork, e.g., translating jargon across disciplines, sharing and transforming data, and coordinating diverse and geographically distributed researchers. This article offers a case study of an interdisciplinary socio-environmental research project to derive insight to support team science implementation. We evaluate the project’s inner workings using a framework derived from the growing body of literature for team science best practices, and derive insights into how best to apply team science principles to interdisciplinary research. We find that two of the most useful areas for proactive planning and coordinated leadership are data management and co-authorship. By providing guidance for project implementation focused on these areas, we contribute a pragmatic, detail-oriented perspective on team science in an effort to support similar projects.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Pekka Alahuhta ◽  
Emma Nordbäck ◽  
Anu Sivunen ◽  
Teemu Surakka

This article addresses the potential of virtual worlds as a platform for creative team collaboration. The proliferation of geographically distributed teams, striving towards innovative results, calls for ICT that support team creativity. Three-dimensional virtual worlds represent such an emergent and rapidly developing collaboration tool. A systematic literature review was conducted to reveal the affordances of virtual worlds contributing towards team creativity.The results of the literature review reveal eight proposed affordances relevant for virtual worlds to foster team level creativity. Avatars (1) allow the team members to express themselves and their insights and point out information to others. Changing the users’ frame of reference (2) embraces the virtual world’s potential as a context for creative action. Perceived feeling of co-presence (3) within the team members, and user’s own experience of immersion (4), contributes towards engaging creative team collaboration. Multimodality (5) and rich visual information (6) facilitate communication between team members. Finally, virtual worlds allow teams to modify the collaboration environment to simulate a new kind of reality (7), and offer a selection of supporting tools (8) that can be utilized in the creative collaboration.Departures for further research efforts and insights for practitioners engaged in virtual world collaboration are presented.

Benjamin Shao ◽  
Robert D. St. Louis

Many companies are forming data analytics teams to put data to work. To enhance procurement practices, chief procurement officers (CPOs) must work effectively with data analytics teams, from hiring and training to managing and utilizing team members. This chapter presents the findings of a study on how CPOs use data analytics teams to support the procurement process. Surveys and interviews indicate companies are exhibiting different levels of maturity in using data analytics, but both the goal of CPOs (i.e., improving performance to support the business strategy) and the way to interact with data analytics teams for achieving that goal are common across companies. However, as data become more reliably available and technologies become more intelligently embedded, the best practices of organizing and managing data analytics teams for procurement will need to be constantly updated.

Omega ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-78 ◽  
Yan Xu ◽  
Chung-Hsing Yeh

2012 ◽  
Vol 21 (03) ◽  
pp. 199-220

We present the digital whiteboard system Tele-Board, which automatically captures all interactions made on the all-digital whiteboard and thus offers possibilities for a fast interpretation of usage characteristics. Analyzing team work at whiteboards is a time-consuming and error-prone process if manual interpretation techniques are applied. In a case study, we demonstrate how to conduct and analyze whiteboard experiments with the help of our system. The study investigates the role of video compared to an audio-only connection for distributed work settings. With the simplified analysis of communication data, we can prove that the video teams were more active than the audio teams and the distribution of whiteboard interaction between team members was more balanced. This way, an automatic analysis can not only support manual observations and codings, but also give insights that cannot be achieved with other systems. Beyond the overall view on one sessions focusing on key figures, it is also possible to find out more about the internal structure of a session.

Deborah Brennan ◽  
Lori Wendt

The shared governance structure is a nursing practice model which is a hallmark of engaging the front line team into the role of leading practice excellence. The main principles of shared governance include ownership, accountability, empowerment, team building, leadership, innovation, autonomy, and practice equity. Combining these key shared governance principles with formal models can drive sustainable action planning for improvement. This article offers an exemplar describing how we improved shared governance in a community hospital setting. After evaluating findings from a gap analysis, we incorporated guiding frameworks such as the A3 action planning process; the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle; and Lean methodologies to increase nursing engagement in the shared governance process. Clinical nurses and interdisciplinary teams developed action plans for quality and patient satisfaction improvements. We describe specific improvements to our process, offer examples of our improved outcomes, and discuss essential shared governance factors that were critical to our successes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-65

It is the position of American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) that all inpatient interdisciplinary teams include a diabetes educator to lead or support improvement efforts that affect patients hospitalized with diabetes or hyperglycemia. This not only encompasses patient and family education but education of interdisciplinary team members and achievement of diabetes-related organizational quality metrics and performance outcomes.

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1269
María J. Andrade ◽  
João Pedro Costa ◽  
Eduardo Jiménez-Morales

In recent years, cruise tourism has increased the negative effects caused by touristification in many European port cities. Despite this, these cities are in a great competition to be a destination, a tourist-port. Cruise tourism has come to stay, and a steady growth can be expected in a post-COVID-19 scenario, but at what cost? The tourist-port demands highly effective planning answers occurring simultaneously, and the global pandemic crisis provides a buffer of time to seek best practices, combining the expected economical (re)development with social, environmental, and cultural sustainability. This paper proposes five different strategies that contribute to finding a sustainable coexistence between tourist ports and their cities. To this end, trans-scalar strategies developed in previous research from different disciplines have been studied and categorized in a port-city context, in order to provide a holistic viewpoint on the measures carried out to maximize the benefits and limit the negative impacts of cruise tourism on cities.

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