Major Limb Amputation in Parkes-Weber Syndrome With Refractory Ulceration: A Case Report and Literature Review

Bin He ◽  
Ming-Sheng Sun ◽  
Jing-Wen Liu ◽  
Qiang-Qiang Nie ◽  
Xue-Qiang Fan ◽  

Parkes-Weber syndrome (PWS) is a rare congenital vascular syndrome consisting of capillary, venous, lymphatic, and arteriovenous malformation. There are many complications of PWS, such as ulceration, bleeding, infection, and cardiac failure. Among them, skin ulceration is one of the thorniest problems in PWS, requiring multidisciplinary approaches for the management. In this article, we presented the case of an elderly patient with refractory ulceration who received numerous treatments with no effect and finally underwent a major amputation to improve the quality of life. Moreover, we reviewed 23 previously reported cases to improve our understanding of the management for PWS patients with ulceration.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-141
Melissa Andreia de Moraes Silva ◽  
Camila Bueno da Silva ◽  
Isabella João Milan ◽  
Seleno Glauber de Jesus-Silva ◽  
Rodolfo Souza Cardoso

Introdução: O Linfedema Primário (LP) é caracterizado por disfunção do sistema linfático de etiologia idiopática. Este pode ser dividido em congênito, precoce e tardio, sendo o tipo congênito o mais raro. O diagnóstico desta patologia é predominantemente clínico,  podendo  ser  solicitado  linfocintilografia quando  há  dúvida  diagnóstica. O diagnóstico  precoce  está  diretamente  relacionado  com  o  melhor  prognóstico  do paciente, postergando limitações físicas e psico­sociais. O tratamento do LP é clínico e multiprofissional. Relato do Caso: Relatou­se caso raro de uma paciente de 78 anos de idade, sexo feminino, portadora de Linfedema Primário em membro superior esquerdo desde o nascimento, o qual foi investigado durante a infância, porém com resultados inconclusivos. Conclusão: Embora seja pequena a quantidade de trabalhos sobre o tema, este relato confirma que o diagnóstico precoce é fundamental e que o tratamento igualmente precoce e multiprofissional melhora a qualidade de vida dos pacientes.Palavras­chave:  Linfedema, Sistema Linfático, Extremidade Superior, Idoso, CintilografiaABSTRACTIntroduction: Primary lymphedema (PL) is characterized by dysfunction of the lymphatic system of idiopathic etiology. It can be divided into congenital, early and late,  with  the congenital type being the rarest. The diagnosis of this pathology is predominantly clinical, and a lymphoscintilography may be requested when the diagnostic is uncertain. Early diagnosis is directly related to better patient prognosis, delaying physical and psychosocial limitations. Treatment of PL is clinical and multiprofessional. Case Report: The aim of this paper is to describe a rare case of a 78­ year­old female with primary lymphedema in the left arm since her birth, which was investigated during childhood, but with inconclusive results. Conclusion: Although there is small  amount of work on the topic, this report confirms that early diagnosis is crucial and also that  early and multidisciplinary treatment improves the quality of life of patients.Keywords: Lymphedema, Lymphatic System, Upper Extremity, Elderly, Radionuclide Imaging  

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Stefano Brunelli ◽  
Cinzia Bonanni ◽  
Calogero Foti ◽  
Marco Traballesi

BACKGROUND: Several reviews have been published regarding quality of life (QoL) and Health Status (HS) in persons with lower limb amputation (LLA). However, little has been discussed in the literature with respect to older populations (i.e. age>60 years) with trans-tibial amputation. Furthermore, the perceived satisfaction with prosthesis is another important aspect for consideration in the amputees’ life. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this review was to evaluate the impact of trans-tibial amputation on the QoL, HS and prosthesis satisfaction, in order to determine the appropriate intervention to improve these aspects in older population of trans-tibial amputees (TTA). METHODS: Research articles, published between January 2000 to March 2019, were found using Scopus, PubMed and Google Scholar databases. The methodological quality of the selected articles was assessed using the Critical Review Form-Quantitative Studies checklist. RESULTS: Ten articles that met the inclusion criteria were selected. In these papers, we can summarize that people with trans-tibial amputation have a better QoL compared to those with above knee amputation. Moreover, physical functioning and mobility are the most influencing factors for QoL and HS in older people with lower limb amputation. Finally, the prosthesis weight reduction may improve satisfaction with the prosthetic limb. CONCLUSION: Efforts have to be made in order to improve mobility in older population with transtibial amputation for better QoL and HS. This can be accomplished by means of adequate rehabilitation, pain management and an accurate choice of appropriate prosthetic components. We observed that the quality of evidence in the literature available is inadequate and future research would benefit from more prospective observational cohort studies with appropriate inclusion criteria and larger sample sizes to better understand the QoL and HS in this population. Layman’s Abstract: Few studies have deeply investigated the effect of aging on Quality of Life, perceived Health Status and satisfaction with the prosthesis on older trans-tibial amputees. This review focuses on these aspects, which can guide professionals on how to improve prosthetic and rehabilitative intervention in this particular amputees’ population. The results of this review indicate that the Quality of Life and Health Status seem to be influenced by adequate rehabilitation, pain management and an accurate choice of appropriate prosthetic components. Article PDF Link: How To Cite: Brunelli S., Bonanni C., Foti C., Traballesi M. A literature review of the quality of life, health status and prosthesis satisfaction in older patients with a trans-tibial amputation. Canadian Prosthetics & Orthotics Journal. 2020;Volume3, Issue1, No.3. Corresponding Author: Stefano Brunelli, MDSanta Lucia Foundation, Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Health Care, Rome, Italy.E-Mail: [email protected]:

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
M. Hanif Prasetya 'Adhi ◽  
Yanny Trisyani ◽  
Etika Emaliyawati

Introduction: ESRD adalah diagnosis akhir yang membutuhkan terapi pengganti ginjal seumur hidup seperti hemodialisa, peritoneal dialysis (PD) dan transplantasi ginjal. Populasi di dunia dan prevalensi penyakit ginjal stadium akhir terus meningkat, pasien semakin dihadapkan dengan keputusan untuk memulai terapi pengganti ginjal. Penelitian dan literature review yang menilai dampak perawatan terapi PD pada pasien ESRD masih terbatas. Tujuan dari literature review ini untuk menganalisis terapi CAPD pada pasien ESRD. Pencarian terbatas pada database elektronik seperti Pubmed, Proquest, dan Google Scholar, dengan kata kunci “ESRD”,”CAPD”,“Peritoneal Dialysis”,“Quality of Life” disusun berdasarkan MeSH Database dari NCBI. Methods: Strategi review artikel menggunakan PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses) dan dianalisa menggunakan konten analisis. Studi yang diterbitkan antara tahun 2009-2019, artikel penelitian dengan bahasa inggris, dipertimbangkan sebagai kriteria inklusi dalam tinjauan ini. Results: Didapatkan 25 artikel; 15 kuantitatif, 7 kualitatif, 2 case report dan 1 mixed methods. Discussion: Domain fisik; PD memberikan kelebihan pada peran-fisik, vitalitas, energik, dan bebas nyeri. Domain psikologis; PD menimbulkan depresi dan kecemasan yang lebih rendah daripada HD, bahkan 1 studi menyebutkan HD dapat menyebabkan depresi berat. Hubungan sosial; PD memberikan kemandirian pada gaya hidup, efikasi diri, kebebasan beraktivitas, fleksibilitas, dan mempertahankan kehidupan normal. Hubungan terkait lingkungan; pasien dengan PD lebih mungkin untuk melanjutkan pekerjaan mereka sehingga mereka secara finansial lebih baik dan lebih bebas untuk bepergian daripada HD, penghasilan terus dapat secara signifikan berkontribusi pada kesejahteraan pasien CAPD. Conclusion: PD terbukti memberikan kualitas hidup yang lebih baik. Dengan demikian, penting untuk mengembangkan terapi PD pada pasien ESRD yang membutuhkan dialisis jangka panjang, bahkan seumur hidup.

2004 ◽  
Vol 118 (6) ◽  
pp. 462-464 ◽  
S. Gunasekaran ◽  
J. R. Osborn ◽  
A. Morgan ◽  
M. V. Griffiths

Tracheostomy remains the primary method of treatment of acute airway obstruction due to malignant invasion and compression of the trachea. However, the development of tracheal stents has provided an alternative effective treatment modality. This case report and literature review highlights the benefits of intra-luminal stenting, including resolution of distressing obstructive symptoms, and subsequent improvement in quality of life.

2020 ◽  
Lemuel Pran ◽  
Shanta Baijoo ◽  
Christo Cave ◽  
Hani Slim ◽  
Dave Harnanan ◽  

Abstract PURPOSE:Lower extremity amputations and diabetic foot-related complications in the Caribbean population have been previously reported [1-3]. However, there is a lack of evidence which assesses the Quality of life experienced in such amputees. The aim of this study was to determine the health-related Quality of life (HRQoL) in patients after a major lower limb amputation.METHODS:All major lower limb amputations undertaken at a tertiary care institution in Trinidad and Tobago, between January 2012 to December 2016 were analysed. The quality of life was assessed using the EURO QOL 5D-5L tool. Statistical analysis was performed using t-test, ANOVA across various subgroups and Kaplan-Meier for mortality. RESULTS:A total of 134 individuals were still alive and willing to participate in the study. The average of HRQoL index value for the cohort was (0.598), which was significantly lower compared to the population norm p < .05 [4]. Statistically significant differences were also seen between patients who ambulated with a prosthesis (.759) compared to those who used another device (0.562), p < 0.05 and to patients who did not ambulate. A comparable Quality of life was seen between the level of amputation (transtibial versus transfemoral) and gender (males versus females), p values were .96 and 1.0 respectively. The overall mortality rate was 14% at 30-days and 27% at one year.CONCLUSION:Overall Quality of life after major amputation, as well as independent mobilisation with a prosthesis, continues to be problematic in the Caribbean population. Factors adversely related to Quality of life post major amputation include increasing age, problems related to mobility and non-ambulatory patients.

2001 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-20 ◽  
J. H. B. Geertzen ◽  
J. D. Martina ◽  
H. S. Rietman

Ten years after the ISPO consensus conference on amputation surgery, a search of relevant publications in the Rehabilitation-prosthetics-literature over the years 1990–2000 was performed. The main key-words in this research were: “lower limb, amputation, human and rehabilitation”. One hundred and four (104) articles were assessed by reading and from these the authors selected 24 articles. These articles are summarised, under several subheadings in this review article, focussing especially on quality of life, functional outcome and predictive factors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 685-690
C. S. Vanaja ◽  
Miriam Soni Abigail

Purpose Misophonia is a sound tolerance disorder condition in certain sounds that trigger intense emotional or physiological responses. While some persons may experience misophonia, a few patients suffer from misophonia. However, there is a dearth of literature on audiological assessment and management of persons with misophonia. The purpose of this report is to discuss the assessment of misophonia and highlight the management option that helped a patient with misophonia. Method A case study of a 26-year-old woman with the complaint of decreased tolerance to specific sounds affecting quality of life is reported. Audiological assessment differentiated misophonia from hyperacusis. Management included retraining counseling as well as desensitization and habituation therapy based on the principles described by P. J. Jastreboff and Jastreboff (2014). A misophonia questionnaire was administered at regular intervals to monitor the effectiveness of therapy. Results A detailed case history and audiological evaluations including pure-tone audiogram and Johnson Hyperacusis Index revealed the presence of misophonia. The patient benefitted from intervention, and the scores of the misophonia questionnaire indicated a decrease in the severity of the problem. Conclusions It is important to differentially diagnose misophonia and hyperacusis in persons with sound tolerance disorders. Retraining counseling as well as desensitization and habituation therapy can help patients who suffer from misophonia.

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