Stereoscopic Depth Perception in Simulated Displays: What Helps and What Hurts?

John W. Akers ◽  
Elizabeth T. Davis ◽  
Robert A. King

We tested the effect of direction of retinal disparity and stimulus orientation on stereoscopic depth perception to answer three questions. First, are some directions of disparity more efficient than others in providing stereoscopic depth information? Second, does the orientation of an object affect perceived stereoscopic depth? Third, are there any interactions between these parameters? Subjects were tested using a psychophysical, method of constant stimuli procedure with a modified Wheatstone stereoscopic display. Disparity threshold measurements show a significant effect of direction of retinal disparity. Contrary to expectations however, no significant effect of orientation was found if vertical retinal disparities were excluded from the analyses. Stereoacuity thresholds were measurable with obliquely-oriented stimuli and vertical disparity, however, suggesting that vertical disparities can provide useful information. The implications of these results for the graphics, calibration, and design of stereoscopic displays (e.g., HMDs) are discussed.

Robert Patterson ◽  
Wayne L. Martin

This paper reviews much of the basic literature on stereopsis for the purpose of providing information about the ability of humans to utilize stereoscopic information under operational conditions. This review is organized around five functional topics that may be important for the design of many stereoscopic display systems: geometry of stereoscopic depth perception, visual persistence, perceptual interaction among stereoscopic stimuli, neurophysiology of stereopsis, and theoretical considerations. The paper concludes with the presentation of several basic ideas related to the design of stereoscopic displays.

2014 ◽  
Vol 281 (1776) ◽  
pp. 20132118 ◽  
Arthur J. Lugtigheid ◽  
Laurie M. Wilcox ◽  
Robert S. Allison ◽  
Ian P. Howard

The brain receives disparate retinal input owing to the separation of the eyes, yet we usually perceive a single fused world. This is because of complex interactions between sensory and oculomotor processes that quickly act to reduce excessive retinal disparity. This implies a strong link between depth perception and fusion, but it is well established that stereoscopic depth percepts are also obtained from stimuli that produce double images. Surprisingly, the nature of depth percepts from such diplopic stimuli remains poorly understood. Specifically, despite long-standing debate it is unclear whether depth under diplopia is owing to the retinal disparity (directly), or whether the brain interprets signals from fusional vergence responses to large disparities (indirectly). Here, we addressed this question using stereoscopic afterimages, for which fusional vergence cannot provide retinal feedback about depth. We showed that observers could reliably recover depth sign and magnitude from diplopic afterimages. In addition, measuring vergence responses to large disparity stimuli revealed that that the sign and magnitude of vergence responses are not systematically related to the target disparity, thus ruling out an indirect explanation of our results. Taken together, our research provides the first conclusive evidence that stereopsis is a direct process, even for diplopic targets.

1996 ◽  
Vol 36 (13) ◽  
pp. 1969-1972 ◽  

1988 ◽  
Vol 32 (19) ◽  
pp. 1439-1442 ◽  
James S. Tittle ◽  
Michael W. Rouse ◽  
Myron L. Braunstein

Although most tasks performed by human observers that require accurate stereoscopic depth perception, such as working with tools, operating machinery, and controlling vehicles, involve dynamically changing disparities, classification of observers as having normal or deficient stereoscopic vision is currently based on performance with static stereoscopic displays. The present study compares the performance of subjects classified as deficient in static stereoscopic vision to a control group with normal stereoscopic vision in two experiments-one in which the disparities were constant during motion and one in which the disparities changed continuously. In the first experiment, subjects judged orientation in depth of a dihedral angle, with the apex pointed toward or away from them. The angle translated horizontally, leaving the disparities constant. When disparity and motion parallax were placed in conflict, subjects in the normal group almost always responded in accordance with disparity, whereas subjects in the deficient group responded in accordance with disparity at chance levels. In the second experiment, subjects were asked to judge the direction of rotation of a computer-generated cylinder. When dynamic occlusion and dynamic disparity indicated conflicting directions, performance of subjects in the normal and deficient groups did not differ significantly. When only dynamic disparity information was provided, most subjects classified as stereo deficient were able to judge the direction of rotation accurately. These results indicate that measures of stereoscopic vision that do not include changing disparities may not provide a complete evaluation of the ability of a human observer to perceive depth on the basis of disparity.

2005 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 389-399 ◽  
Marc Pouliot ◽  
Simon Grondin

One of the features of the auditory system is its ability to efficiently process events that occur in rapid succession. The aim of the present study is to propose a new way of investigating sensitivity to auditory tempo changes. More specifically, it proposes to compare the relative sensitivity (bias) to acceleration and deceleration in both musical and monotonal conditions. Bias was measured with (1) a conventional psychophysical method known as the method of constant stimuli (MCS) and (2) a so-called method of dynamic stimuli (MDS). The latter method consists in responding with a finger press as soon as a near-continual tempo change is detected. With the MCS, there was no preference, as estimated by the point of subjective equality, between acceleration and deceleration in the monotonal condition, but there was a preference in the musical condition that indicated more facility for estimating decelerations than accelerations. The results obtained with the MDS are consistent with the MCS results, given that the response time was faster for decelerations than accelerations in the musical condition but not in the monotonal condition. We conclude that the MDS is a sensitive tool for investigating slight tempo variations.

2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 277-281 ◽  
Aki Tsuruhara ◽  
Hirohiko Kaneko ◽  
So Kanazawa ◽  
Yumiko Otsuka ◽  
Nobu Shirai ◽  

Robert Patterson ◽  
Linda Moe ◽  
Tiger Hewitt

This study investigated several factors that affect depth perception in stereoscopic displays: half-image separation magnitude, separation direction (crossed vs. uncrossed), viewing distance, stimulus size, and exposure duration. The depth perceived under various combinations of levels of these factors was compared with depth predicted by the geometry of stereopsis. Perceived depth in the crossed-separation direction was frequently close to predictions, such that increases in separation and viewing distance produced appropriate increases in perceived depth. Depth in the uncrossed direction was frequently less than that predicted, especially for small stimuli presented at a long viewing distance, with a large half-image separation, and/or with a brief duration. Thus depth in both crossed and uncrossed directions equaled predictions only for large stimuli exposed for a long duration.

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