Activation of G12/13 Pathway Is Essential for the Dense Granule Release in Platelets.

Blood ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 104 (11) ◽  
pp. 1564-1564
Jianguo Jin ◽  
Soochong Kim ◽  
Satya Kunapuli

Abstract Platelet secretion is an important physiological event in hemostasis. A number of agonists such as thrombin and thromboxane A2 induce platelet secretion. ADP does not cause dense granule release in aspirin-treated platelets, although ADP induce platelet shape change, aggregation and alpha granule release through Gq and Gi pathways. The protease activated receptors 1 and 4, and the thromboxane receptor activate the G12/13 pathways in addition to the Gq pathways. We postulated that the platelet dense granule release reaction depends on both Gq and G12/13, and in the absence of signaling through either G protein abolishes secretion. In other words, co-stimulation of Gq and G12/13 pathways is a major requirement for dense granule release in platelets. We rationalize that because U46619 and thrombin can activate both Gq and G12/13, they cause platelet dense granule release, whereas ADP fails to cause platelet secretion from dense granules because it does not activate G12/13. As a first step towards testing this hypothesis, we supplemented ADP signaling in aspirin-treated platelets with selective activation of G12/13 pathways using YFLLRNP, a partial agonist of PAR-1. YFLLRNP selectively active G12/13 signaling pathway without activating Gq or Gi pathways at low concentrations. YFLLRNP (60 μM) or 2MeSADP (100 nM) failed to cause dense granule release. However, addition of YFLLRNP (60 μM) and 2MeSADP (100 nM) together caused dense granule release. We proceeded to confirm these results in Gq null mice by selectively activating phospholipase C (PLC), a downstream signaling molecule from Gq. In aspirin-treated Gαq knockout mouse platelets 80 μM m-3M3FBS, a direct PLC activator, causes calcium mobilization from intracellular stores and platelet shape change, but does not cause dense granule secretion. We have previously shown that Gq/PLC pathways downstream of ADP are not sufficient for aggregation and require concomitant signaling from Gi for platelet aggregation. Thus, lack of aggregation by PLC activation alone in G?q knockout mouse platelets is consistent with our previous observations. In G?q null mouse platelets, m-3M3FBS (80 μM) or AYPGKF (500 μM) alone failed to cause dense granule release. However, addition of m-3M3FBS (80 μM) and AYPGKF (500 μM) together caused dense granule release. In addition, consistent with our previous findings, co-stimulation of G12/13 pathways and Gi (AYPGKF + 2MeSADP) in G?q knockout mouse platelets caused aggregation, but failed to cause dense granule release. We conclude that supplemental signaling from G12/13 is required for Gq-mediated dense granule release and that ADP fails to cause dense granule release because the platelet P2Y receptors, although activate PLC, do not activate G12/13 pathways.

Blood ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 112 (11) ◽  
pp. 5368-5368
Hung Chang ◽  
Ivan B Yanachkov ◽  
Alan D Michelson ◽  
YouFu Li ◽  
Marc R Barnard ◽  

Abstract Introduction: Diadenosine 5′,5‴-P1,P4- tetraphosphate (Ap4A) is stored in platelet dense granules, but its effects on platelet function are not well understood. In the current study, we examined the effects of Ap4A on signaling through the human platelet purinergic receptors P2Y1, P2Y12 and P2X1. Methods: Flow cytometry was used to measure the effects of Ap4A in the presence or absence of ADP on: P2Y12-mediated decrease in intraplatelet phosphorylated vasodilator stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP), P2Y1- mediated increase in platelet cytosolic Ca2+ (measured with FLUO-4), and c) P2X1- mediated intraplatelet entry of extracellular Ca2+ (measured with FLUO-4) (Figure). ADP-stimulated platelet shape change (P2Y1-mediated) and aggregation (P2Y1- and P2Y12-mediated) were measured optically. Results: Ap4A inhibited 3 μM ADP-induced: platelet aggregation (IC50 9.8 ± 2.8 μM, n = 3), P2Y1-mediated shape change, P2Y1-mediated increase in platelet cytosolic Ca2+ (IC50 40.8 ± 12.3 μM, n = 3), and P2Y12-mediated decrease in VASP phosphorylation (IC50 >250 μM, n = 3). In addition to inhibiting these ADP-induced effects on P2Y1 and P2Y12, Ap4A in the absence of added ADP decreased VASP phosphorylation, albeit with significantly reduced potency compared to ADP. This Ap4A-induced reduction of VASP phosphorylation was reversed by addition of AR-C69931, a selective P2Y12 antagonist. Ap4A, therefore, has partial P2Y12 agonist properties. Ap4A also had agonist effects on platelet P2X1 receptors, as evidenced by intraplatelet entry of extracellular Ca2+. All these effects of Ap4A were significant at pathophysiologic concentrations. Ap4A had no agonist effects on platelet P2Y1 receptors. Conclusions: Ap4A, a known constituent of platelet dense granules, is an antagonist of platelet P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptors, where it inhibits the effects of ADP, an agonist of P2X1 receptors, and a partial agonist of P2Y12 receptors (Figure). Figure Figure

2002 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 424-433 ◽  
Satva P. Kunapuli

Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) plays a crucial role in hemostasis and thrombosis by activating platelets. In platelets, the classical P2T receptor is now resolved into three P2 receptor subtypes: the P2Y1, the P2Y12, and the P2X1 receptors. Both pharmacological and molecular biological approaches have confirmed the role of the P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptors in the ADP-induced platelet fibrinogen receptor activation. The P2Y1 and the P2X1 receptors independently contribute to platelet shape change. Whereas the P2Y12 receptor mediates the potentiation of dense granule release reaction, both the P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptors play an important role in the ADP-induced phospholipase A2 activation. The signaling events downstream of these receptors leading to the physiological effects remain elusive, and they are yet to be delineated.

1984 ◽  
Vol 51 (01) ◽  
pp. 119-124 ◽  
M B Zucker ◽  
N C Masiello

SummaryMacIntyre et al. showed that over 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) aggregates blood platelets in the presence of fibrinogen; aggregation is not inhibited by prostaglandin E1. We confirmed their data and found that 70 mM 2-mercaptoethanol was also active. DTT- induced aggregation was not associated with platelet shape change or secretion of dense granule contents, was not inhibited by tetracaine or metabolic inhibitors, was prevented at pH 6.5, and prevented, reversed, or arrested by EDTA, depending on when the EDTA was added. DTT did not cause aggregation of thrombasthenic, EDTA-treated, or cold (0° C) platelets, which also failed to aggregate with ADP. Platelets stimulated with DTT bound 125I-labeled fibrinogen. Thus DTT appears to “expose” the fibrinogen receptors. SDS gel electrophoresis of platelet fractions prepared by use of Triton X-114 showed that aggregating concentrations of DTT reduced proteins of apparent Mr 69,000 and 52,000 (probably platelet albumin) and, to a variable extent, glycoproteins Ib, IIb and III. Exposure of unlabeled or 125I- labeled platelets to ADP had no discernible effect on the electrophoretic patterns.

Blood ◽  
1989 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
pp. 2016-2021 ◽  
RI Parker ◽  
HR Gralnick

Abstract Platelets contain a pool of endogenous platelet-von Willebrand factor (vWF) that becomes expressed on the platelet surface when platelets are stimulated by a variety of agonists. Maximal platelet-vWF expression occurs in concert with platelet alpha-granule secretion. Aspirin (ASA) is known to impair platelet activation and alpha-granule secretion by irreversible inhibition of platelet cyclo-oxygenase. We studied native and ASA-treated platelets for their ability to mobilize and to express platelet-vWF in response to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or thrombin. We found that each agonist was effective in promoting increased platelet- vWF surface expression on native and ASA-treated platelets. ASA-treated platelets responded identically to native platelets to low (0.01 U/mL) and high (1.0 U/mL) concentrations of thrombin, while the ADP-induced increase in ASA-treated platelets was only 50% to 60% of that for control platelets. Measurement of secreted platelet-vWF and beta- thromboglobulin indicated that the increase seen with ADP was largely independent of alpha-granule secretion. Using monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) against the platelet glycoproteins (GP) IIb/IIIa and Ib (MoAbs 10E5 and 6D1, respectively), we demonstrated that the ADP-induced increase in platelet-vWF expression on control platelets primarily involved the binding of secreted platelet-vWF to the platelet GPIIb/IIIa. In contrast, the increase in platelet-vWF that occurred following ADP stimulation of ASA-treated platelets was largely insensitive to GPIIb/IIIa blockade. No effect of GPIb blockade in platelet-vWf expression was noted for either control or ASA-treated platelets. When platelet shape change was prevented by the addition of cytochalasin D, ADP-induced platelet-vWf surface expression on ASA- treated platelets was reduced by more than 80%. Our data indicate that platelets in which the cyclooxygenase pathway is blocked by the action of aspirin can increase surface expression of platelet-vWf as a consequence of platelet shape change. We speculate that this process exposes platelet-vWf bound to GPIIb/IIIa, or possibly GPIb, within the surface connected canalicular system.

1981 ◽  
J D Vickers ◽  
R L Kinlough-Rathbone ◽  
J F Mustard

Since the inositol phospholipids are present in small amounts in platelets and turn over rapidly during platelet shape change, aggregation and release, they are thought to have a functional rather than structural role in platelets. We have previously reported that within 10 sec of stimulation of prelabeled, washed rabbit platelets with ADP, the amount of triphosphatidylinositol (TPI) is significantly reduced while the specific radioactivity of its [32p]phosphate is increased. One explanation of this result is that ADP- stimulation may divert ATP required for phosphorylation of diphosphatidylinositol (DPI) to TPI, leading to a decrease in the amount of TPI. PGE1 (10 μM) causes conversion of ATP to cAMP and induces a transient platelet shape change. The shape change may be due to the reduction in ATP with a concomitant fall in TPI. We have therefore studied whether PGE1-stimulation of washed rabbit platelets prelabeled with [32P] causes a change in TPI. Within 10 sec the amount of TPI in PGE1-treated platelets was reduced from 2.22 nmoles/ 109 platelets to 1.98 nmoles/109 platelets (p<0.05) although neither the [32P] labeling (51.1 × 103 dpm/109 platelets) nor specific radioactivity (24.1 × 103 dpm/nmole) were significantly changed. These results are compatible with the theory that diversion of ATP by PGE1-stimulation of cAMP formation from ATP, may reduce the amount of TPI. A similar effect was observed previously with ADP-stimulation. PGE1 caused no change in the [32p] labeling of phosphatidic acid (PA) (ADP caused a 290% increase) and caused only a small increase in its specific radioactivity (16% compared to 270% with ADP). If the rates of turnover of TPI and PA which are reflected in their specific radioactivities are Ca2+- dependent, Ca2+ sequestration due to increased cAMP levels induced by PGE1 would, after the initial effects, terminate these changes. The results further support the suggestion that reduction in the amount of TPI may be involved in platelet shape change and initiation of aggregation.

1987 ◽  
R Malmgren

We have earlier, with the use of a lumi-aggregometer and sub-aggregating doses of collagen (0.2-0.8 ug/ml PRP), been able to detect the initial, aspirin-insensitive secretion of ATP from the collagen-adherent platelets, and to correlate this secretion to the doses of collagen, and onset and degree of subsequent shape change of non-adherent platelets (Malmgren, Thromb Res 4:445, 1986). The present study shows, that 200 ATU of hirudin,which reduced near-maximal aggregation and ATP-secretion induced by high collagen doses (2.5 ug/ml PRP) from 3.35 ± 0.2 uM to 2.85 ± 0.1 uM, did neither reduce the secreted amount of ATP that were 82.5 ± 15 nM in control samples and 90 ± 27.5 nM in hirudin-treated samples, nor reduce platelet shape change when platelets were challenged with 0.31 ug collagen /ml PRP. (200 ATU hirudin completely abolished an equal degree of platelet shape change induced by 0.01 U thrombin). Assuming that 3 % of the platelets in PRP were actually adhering to the collagen fibrils, the secreted amount corresponds to 14.6 ±0.04 pmoles ATP/106adheringplatelets, amounts which closely represented 100 % of their dense granule content. The finding confirms that hirudin does not inhibit platelet adhesion and also indicates, that thrombin-mediated activation of secretory pathways appears not to be involved during the initial phase of platelet-collagen interactions.Dipyridamole (DPA) and dibutyryl cAMP (DBcAMP) inhibited ATP-secretion and platelet aggregation in a dose-dependent manner at high collagen concentrations, but only DBcAMP caused a dose-dependent reduction of ATP secretion (IC50 =10-4 M) induced by sub-aggregating doses of collagen. DPA was devoid of effect in this respect and thus did not inhibit platelet adhesion.Yohimbine, dihydroergotamine and phentolamine reduced ATP-secretion induced by sub-aggregating collagen doses in the mentioned rank order of potency, and with IC50 values in the micromolar range. Ketanserin, ritanserin and propranolol were devoid of effect. The findings suggest that the initial collagen-plate-let interaction involve alfareceptor-mediated mechanisms that may encompass adhesion, while DBcAMP probably interacts with secretory mechanisms connected to phosphatidylinositol turnover.

Blood ◽  
1982 ◽  
Vol 60 (6) ◽  
pp. 1247-1250
JD Vickers ◽  
RL Kinlough-Rathbone ◽  
JF Mustard

Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) induced aggregation of rabbit platelets, without the release reaction, causes a significant decrease (7%) in the amount of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) at 10 sec and at 60 sec (11%). In platelets prelabeled with 32P-phosphate, this decrease in PIP2 is associated with a decrease in PIP2 radioactivity, which is significant at 50 sec. The decrease in PIP2 is sufficient to mobilize about 0.18 nmole Ca2+/10(9) platelets. In view of the key role played by Ca2+ in ADP-induced platelet shape change and aggregation, this evidence is compatible with the hypothesis that changes in PIP2 can be a source of calcium for cellular responses to agonists.

1987 ◽  
J C Mattson ◽  
D W Estry ◽  
D Peterson ◽  
R LaFevre ◽  
J Chirco

We have previously reported that patients with Glanzmann’s Thrombasthenia (GT) fail to adhere to a carbon-formvar surface and undergo contact-induced shape change in a non-flow system. The ability of ADP to reverse this adhesion defect suggested that it may be secondary to defective dense granule release rather that a direct requirement for GPIIb-IIIa. To further assess the role of GPIIb-IIIa in adhesion, we examined the effect of two mouse monoclonal antibodies to the GPIIb-IIIa complex, AP2 (IgG, kappa) from T. Kunicki, Milwaukee Blood Center and MAb36 (IgM, lambda) from D. Peterson, Rice University. AP2 (1:50 dil) and MAb36 (1:200 dil) both completely abolished aggregation by ADP, collagen and epinephrine and prevented clot retraction. In a transmission EM (TEM) whole mount assay of adhesion and contact-induced shape change, both antibodies inhibited platelet attachment to the substrate and impaired spreading in those few platelets that did attach. This antibody-induced adhesion defect was reversed by the addition of 2×10−6 m ADP just prior to exposure of platelets to the activating surface. In parallel studies, antibody treated platelets demonstrated a dose-related defect in ATP release as measured in a Lumiaggregometer with total absence of release at antibody dilutions that abolished aggregation. Using a colloidal gold-fibrinogen probe, virtual absence of binding of exogenous fibrinogen was demonstrated in antibody treated platelets induced to. spread by ADP stimulation. These studies suggest that while GPIIb-IIIa may play a role in adhesion in non-flow systems, as suggested by the altered adhesion seen in GT platelets, adhesion and adhesion-induced shape change can be supported by ADP stimulation in the absence of fibrinogen binding to GPIIb-IIIa.

2001 ◽  
Vol 85 (02) ◽  
pp. 331-340 ◽  
Markus Bauer ◽  
Petra Maschberger ◽  
Lynn Quek ◽  
Stephen Briddon ◽  
Debabrata Dash ◽  

SummaryPlatelet shape change was found to be associated with an increase in protein tyrosine phosphorylation upon stimulation of thrombin-, ADPand thromboxane A2-G-protein coupled receptors in human platelets and thromboxane A2 receptors in mouse platelets. By using PP1 and PD173956, two structurally unrelated specific inhibitors of Src-family tyrosine kinases, and mouse platelets deficient in the Src-kinase Fyn or Lyn, we show that Src-family kinases cause the increase in protein tyrosine phosphorylation. We further detected that the non-Src tyrosine kinase Syk was activated during shape change in a manner dependent on Src-family kinaseactivation. The pharmacological experiments and the studies on Fyn-, Lyn- and Syk-deficient mouse platelets showed that neither Src-family kinases nor Syk are functionally involved in shape change. Also human platelets deficient of the tyrosine kinase Btk showed a normal shape change. Binding of PAC-1 that recognizes activated integrin αIIb β3 complexes on the platelet surface was enhanced during shape change and blocked by inhibition of Src-kinases. We conclude that the activation of Src-kinases and the subsequent Syk stimulation upon activation of G-protein coupled receptors are not involved in the cytoskeletal changes underlying shape change of human and mouse platelets, but that the stimulation of this evolutionary conserved pathway leads to integrin αIIb β3 exposure during shape change.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (24) ◽  
pp. 3627-3636 ◽  
Christopher M. Williams ◽  
Yong Li ◽  
Edward Brown ◽  
Alastair W. Poole

Abstract Platelet secretion is central to physiological and pathophysiological platelet function. SNAP23 has long been implicated as being a principal SNARE protein regulating platelet granule secretion, although this has not been definitively demonstrated in genetic models. Here, using a platelet-specific conditional SNAP23 knockout mouse, we show that absence of SNAP23 results in complete ablation of dense granule, α granule, and lysosomal secretion. Measured granule cargo content and granule numbers were normal, suggesting SNAP23 regulates fusion of granules with the extracellular membrane, rather than granule loading or formation. A macrothrombocytopenia was also observed, which, combined with ablation of secretion, resulted in a pronounced bleeding defect in a tail bleed assay and almost complete ablation of arterial and venous thrombosis. The macrothrombocytopenia was not due to reduced megakaryopoiesis but instead likely was due to the increased loss of platelets through bleeding, consistent with an increase in platelet total RNA content indicating a greater number of reticulated platelets. The data definitively show SNAP23 to be critical for granule release of any kind from platelets, irrespective of stimulus, and this is the first single gene to be shown to be universally essential for exocytosis in platelets.

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