Leveling HEM and aeromagnetic data using differential polynomial fitting

Geophysics ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
pp. L13-L23 ◽  
Majid Beiki ◽  
Mehrdad Bastani ◽  
Laust B. Pedersen

We introduce a new technique to level aerogeophysical data. Our approach is applicable to flight-line data without any need for tie-line measurements. The technique is based on polynomial fitting of data points in 1D and 2D sliding windows. A polynomial is fitted to data points in a 2D circular window that contains at least three flight lines. Then the same procedure is done inside a 1D window placed at the center of the 2D window. The leveling error is the difference between 1D and 2D polynomial fitted data at the center of the windows. To demonstrate the reliability of the method, it was tested on a synthetic aeromagnetic data set contaminated by some linear artifacts. Using the differential polynomial fitting method, we can remove the linear artifacts from the data. The method then was applied to two real airborne data sets collected in Iran. The leveling errors are removed effectively from the aeromagnetic data using the differential polynomial fitting. In the case of helicopter-towed electromagnetic (HEM) data, the polynomial fitting method is used to level the measured real (in-phase) and imaginary (quadrature) components, as well as the calculated apparent resistivity. The HEM data are sensitive to height variations, so we introduce an average-height scaling method to reduce the height effect before leveling in-phase and quadrature components. The method also is effective in recovering some of the attenuated anomalies. After scaling, the differential polynomial fitting method was applied to the data and effectively removed the remaining line-to-line artifacts.

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 187
Marcelo A. Soto ◽  
Alin Jderu ◽  
Dorel Dorobantu ◽  
Marius Enachescu ◽  
Dominik Ziegler

A high-order polynomial fitting method is proposed to accelerate the computation of double-Gaussian fitting in the retrieval of the Brillouin frequency shifts (BFS) in optical fibers showing two local Brillouin peaks. The method is experimentally validated in a distributed Brillouin sensor under different signal-to noise ratios and realistic spectral scenarios. Results verify that a sixth-order polynomial fitting can provide a reliable initial estimation of the dual local BFS values, which can be subsequently used as initial parameters of a nonlinear double-Gaussian fitting. The method demonstrates a 4.9-fold reduction in the number of iterations required by double-Gaussian fitting and a 3.4-fold improvement in processing time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 105 ◽  
pp. 90-98
Xiao Yu Jiang ◽  
Qing Ya Wang ◽  
Mu Qiang Xu ◽  
Jun Hao

An iterative polynomial fitting method is proposed for the estimate of the baseline of the X-ray fluorescence spectrum signal. The new method generates automatic thresholds by comparing the X-ray fluorescence spectrum signal with the calculated signal from polynomial fitting in the iterative processes. The signal peaks are cut out consecutively in the iterative processes so the polynomial fitting will finally give a good estimation of the baseline. Simulated data and real data from the soil analysis spectrum are used to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method.

Radiocarbon ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 347-359 ◽  
Barbara Wohlfarth ◽  
Svante Björck ◽  
Göran Possnert

The Swedish Time Scale (STS) is a ca. 13,300-yr-long varve chronology that has been established for the Swedish east coast from >1000 overlapping clay-varve diagrams. We describe the present state of the STS and illustrate the application of this worldwide unique varve chronology for AMS radiocarbon measurements. The results are compared to other 14C-dated calendar-year chronologies: dendrochronology, laminated lake sediments and U/Th. Our data set agrees with the oldest part of the dendrochronological calibration curve, and with AMS 14C-dated lake lamination data and U/Th on corals down to ca. 12 ka calendar years bp. Further back in time, the AMS-dated part of the STS partly compares well with lake lamination chronologies and shows that the difference between 14C and calendar years decreases rapidly between 12,600 and 12,800 calendar years bp. Such a development seems to contrast with U/Th measurements on corals. We suggest that the cause for the divergence among three supposed calendar-year chronologies lies in the fact that the data points on the marine 14C-U/Th curve are more widely spaced in time than the tightly grouped set of terrestrial AMS 14C dates, and thus are not able to reflect short-term changes in atmospheric 14C. Therefore, we argue that the use of the pre-Holocene part of the calibration program is premature and inadvisable.

Jules S. Jaffe ◽  
Robert M. Glaeser

Although difference Fourier techniques are standard in X-ray crystallography it has only been very recently that electron crystallographers have been able to take advantage of this method. We have combined a high resolution data set for frozen glucose embedded Purple Membrane (PM) with a data set collected from PM prepared in the frozen hydrated state in order to visualize any differences in structure due to the different methods of preparation. The increased contrast between protein-ice versus protein-glucose may prove to be an advantage of the frozen hydrated technique for visualizing those parts of bacteriorhodopsin that are embedded in glucose. In addition, surface groups of the protein may be disordered in glucose and ordered in the frozen state. The sensitivity of the difference Fourier technique to small changes in structure provides an ideal method for testing this hypothesis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 501 (2) ◽  
pp. 1663-1676
R Barnett ◽  
S J Warren ◽  
N J G Cross ◽  
D J Mortlock ◽  
X Fan ◽  

ABSTRACT We present the results of a new, deeper, and complete search for high-redshift 6.5 < z < 9.3 quasars over 977 deg2 of the VISTA Kilo-Degree Infrared Galaxy (VIKING) survey. This exploits a new list-driven data set providing photometry in all bands Z, Y, J, H, Ks, for all sources detected by VIKING in J. We use the Bayesian model comparison (BMC) selection method of Mortlock et al., producing a ranked list of just 21 candidates. The sources ranked 1, 2, 3, and 5 are the four known z > 6.5 quasars in this field. Additional observations of the other 17 candidates, primarily DESI Legacy Survey photometry and ESO FORS2 spectroscopy, confirm that none is a quasar. This is the first complete sample from the VIKING survey, and we provide the computed selection function. We include a detailed comparison of the BMC method against two other selection methods: colour cuts and minimum-χ2 SED fitting. We find that: (i) BMC produces eight times fewer false positives than colour cuts, while also reaching 0.3 mag deeper, (ii) the minimum-χ2 SED-fitting method is extremely efficient but reaches 0.7 mag less deep than the BMC method, and selects only one of the four known quasars. We show that BMC candidates, rejected because their photometric SEDs have high χ2 values, include bright examples of galaxies with very strong [O iii] λλ4959,5007 emission in the Y band, identified in fainter surveys by Matsuoka et al. This is a potential contaminant population in Euclid searches for faint z > 7 quasars, not previously accounted for, and that requires better characterization.

Simona Babiceanu ◽  
Sanhita Lahiri ◽  
Mena Lockwood

This study uses a suite of performance measures that was developed by taking into consideration various aspects of congestion and reliability, to assess impacts of safety projects on congestion. Safety projects are necessary to help move Virginia’s roadways toward safer operation, but can contribute to congestion and unreliability during execution, and can affect operations after execution. However, safety projects are assessed primarily for safety improvements, not for congestion. This study identifies an appropriate suite of measures, and quantifies and compares the congestion and reliability impacts of safety projects on roadways for the periods before, during, and after project execution. The paper presents the performance measures, examines their sensitivity based on operating conditions, defines thresholds for congestion and reliability, and demonstrates the measures using a set of Virginia safety projects. The data set consists of 10 projects totalling 92 mi and more than 1M data points. The study found that, overall, safety projects tended to have a positive impact on congestion and reliability after completion, and the congestion variability measures were sensitive to the threshold of reliability. The study concludes with practical recommendations for primary measures that may be used to measure overall impacts of safety projects: percent vehicle miles traveled (VMT) reliable with a customized threshold for Virginia; percent VMT delayed; and time to travel 10 mi. However, caution should be used when applying the results directly to other situations, because of the limited number of projects used in the study.

Algorithms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 37
Shixun Wang ◽  
Qiang Chen

Boosting of the ensemble learning model has made great progress, but most of the methods are Boosting the single mode. For this reason, based on the simple multiclass enhancement framework that uses local similarity as a weak learner, it is extended to multimodal multiclass enhancement Boosting. First, based on the local similarity as a weak learner, the loss function is used to find the basic loss, and the logarithmic data points are binarized. Then, we find the optimal local similarity and find the corresponding loss. Compared with the basic loss, the smaller one is the best so far. Second, the local similarity of the two points is calculated, and then the loss is calculated by the local similarity of the two points. Finally, the text and image are retrieved from each other, and the correct rate of text and image retrieval is obtained, respectively. The experimental results show that the multimodal multi-class enhancement framework with local similarity as the weak learner is evaluated on the standard data set and compared with other most advanced methods, showing the experience proficiency of this method.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Yanan Huang ◽  
Yuji Miao ◽  
Zhenjing Da

The methods of multi-modal English event detection under a single data source and isomorphic event detection of different English data sources based on transfer learning still need to be improved. In order to improve the efficiency of English and data source time detection, based on the transfer learning algorithm, this paper proposes multi-modal event detection under a single data source and isomorphic event detection based on transfer learning for different data sources. Moreover, by stacking multiple classification models, this paper makes each feature merge with each other, and conducts confrontation training through the difference between the two classifiers to further make the distribution of different source data similar. In addition, in order to verify the algorithm proposed in this paper, a multi-source English event detection data set is collected through a data collection method. Finally, this paper uses the data set to verify the method proposed in this paper and compare it with the current most mainstream transfer learning methods. Through experimental analysis, convergence analysis, visual analysis and parameter evaluation, the effectiveness of the algorithm proposed in this paper is demonstrated.

Geophysics ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. F25-F34 ◽  
Benoit Tournerie ◽  
Michel Chouteau ◽  
Denis Marcotte

We present and test a new method to correct for the static shift affecting magnetotelluric (MT) apparent resistivity sounding curves. We use geostatistical analysis of apparent resistivity and phase data for selected periods. For each period, we first estimate and model the experimental variograms and cross variogram between phase and apparent resistivity. We then use the geostatistical model to estimate, by cokriging, the corrected apparent resistivities using the measured phases and apparent resistivities. The static shift factor is obtained as the difference between the logarithm of the corrected and measured apparent resistivities. We retain as final static shift estimates the ones for the period displaying the best correlation with the estimates at all periods. We present a 3D synthetic case study showing that the static shift is retrieved quite precisely when the static shift factors are uniformly distributed around zero. If the static shift distribution has a nonzero mean, we obtained best results when an apparent resistivity data subset can be identified a priori as unaffected by static shift and cokriging is done using only this subset. The method has been successfully tested on the synthetic COPROD-2S2 2D MT data set and on a 3D-survey data set from Las Cañadas Caldera (Tenerife, Canary Islands) severely affected by static shift.

Alexander Baturo ◽  
Johan A. Elkink

Abstract How can one assess which countries select more experienced leaders for the highest office? There is wide variation in prior career paths of national leaders within, and even more so between, regime types. It is therefore challenging to obtain a truly comparative measure of political experience; empirical studies have to rely on proxies instead. This article proposes PolEx, a measure of political experience that abstracts away from the details of career paths and generalizes based on the duration, quality and breadth of an individual's experience in politics. The analysis draws on a novel data set of around 2,000 leaders from 1950 to 2017 and uses a Bayesian latent variable model to estimate PolEx. The article illustrates how the new measure can be used comparatively to assess whether democracies select more experienced leaders. The authors find that while on average they do, the difference with non-democracies has declined dramatically since the early 2000s. Future research may leverage PolEx to investigate the role of prior political experience in, for example, policy making and crisis management.

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