Handbook of Engineering Hydrology

2014 ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 213
Rezaul Chowdhury

Engineering education must embrace several challenges, such as increased numbers of work-based students, increased demand for online education, mismatches in employability skills and industry requirements, and lack of student engagement. The hydrology course at the University of Southern Queensland attracts more than 100 students every year, where more than 70% of students are off-campus and most of them are work-based. This study explored how an online hydrology course can embrace industry practice and engage students in order to achieve learning outcomes. Industrial careers in hydrology involve extensive use of hydroclimatological data and modeling applications. The course modules, learning objectives and outcomes, and assessment tools have been designed to align with industry practices. Active participation of students was observed in self-assessment quizzes and discussion forums. The course was rated very well in achieving learning outcomes and in overall student satisfaction. Students appreciated the well-structured real-world and professional practice in the course.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Saeid Eslamian ◽  
Saeideh Parvizi

2012 ◽  
Vol 16 (10) ◽  
pp. 3767-3781 ◽  
E. Habib ◽  
Y. Ma ◽  
D. Williams ◽  
H. O. Sharif ◽  
F. Hossain

Abstract. HydroViz is a Web-based, student-centered, educational tool designed to support active learning in the field of Engineering Hydrology. The design of HydroViz is guided by a learning model that is based on learning with data and simulations, using real-world natural hydrologic systems to convey theoretical concepts, and using Web-based technologies for dissemination of the hydrologic education developments. This model, while being used in a hydrologic education context, can be adapted in other engineering educational settings. HydroViz leverages the free Google Earth resources to enable presentation of geospatial data layers and embed them in web pages that have the same look and feel of Google Earth. These design features significantly facilitate the dissemination and adoption of HydroViz by any interested educational institutions regardless of their access to data or computer models. To facilitate classroom usage, HydroViz is populated with a set of course modules that can be used incrementally within different stages of an engineering hydrology curriculum. A pilot evaluation study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the HydroViz tool in delivering its educational content, to examine the buy-in of the program by faculty and students, and to identify specific project components that need to be further pursued and improved. A total of 182 students from seven freshmen and senior-level undergraduate classes in three universities participated in the study. HydroViz was effective in facilitating students' learning and understanding of hydrologic concepts and increasing related skills. Students had positive perceptions of various features of HydroViz and they believe that HydroViz fits well in the curriculum. In general, HydroViz tend to be more effective with students in senior-level classes than students in freshmen classes. Lessons gained from this pilot study provide guidance for future adaptation and expansion studies to scale-up the application and utility of HydroViz and other similar systems into various hydrology and water-resource engineering curriculum settings. The paper presents a set of design principles that contribute to the development of other active hydrology educational systems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 91 ◽  
pp. 07021
Andrey Zuikov ◽  
Tatiana Suehtina

The article relates to the field of hydraulics and engineering hydrology and is devoted to a study of fluid flow in a non-flooded Venturi channel. The purpose of the work is improvement of methods for calculating profiles and hydraulic characteristics of a Venturi flumes used for measurement of water flow rates in open channels and rivers. Research methods are analytical with experimental verification. A functional relationship is obtained between the Froude number in an arbitrary section of the Venturi channel and its width normalized by the width of the critical section. It is established that within a rectilinear gorge portion of a Venturi channel, the flow is unstable, which is related to the proximity of its parameters to the critical ones. The method of optimization of a profile of a Venturi channel with a dividing cross-section in a gorge that does not contain empirical coefficients is considered. It is shown that the proposed method allows determining all main geometric parameters and hydraulic characteristics of the Venturi flume, including its flow rate coefficient, distribution of depths and flow velocities along the length of a flume with a relative error of ±1%.

E. M. Wilson

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Boikanyo Makubate ◽  
Fastel Chipepa ◽  
Broderick Oluyede ◽  
Peter O. Peter

Attempts have been made to define new classes of distributions that provide more flexibility for modeling data that is skewed in nature. In this work, we propose a new family of distributions namely the Marshall-Olkin Half Logistic-G (MO-HL-G) based on the generator pioneered by [Marshall and Olkin , 1997]. This new family of distributions allows for a flexible fit to real data from several fields, such as engineering, hydrology, and survival analysis. The structural properties of these distributions are studied and its model parameters are obtained through the maximum likelihood method. We finally demonstrate the effectiveness of these models via simulation experiments.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 13635-13649 ◽  
V. Kovalenko ◽  
E. Gaidukova ◽  
A. Kachalova

Abstract. In last few years in hydrology an interest to excess factor has appeared as a reaction to unsuccessful attempts to simulate and predict evolving hydrological processes, which attributive property is statistical instability. The article shows, that the latter has a place at strong relative multiplicative noises of probabilistic stochastic model of a river flow formation, phenomenological display of which are "the thick tails" and polymodality, for which the excess factor "answers", by being ignored by a modern hydrology in connection to the large error of its calculation because of insufficient duration of lines of observation over a flow. However, it is found out, that the duration of observation of several decades practically stabilizes variability of the excess factor, the error of which definition appears commensurable with an error of other calculated characteristics used in engineering hydrology.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 1665-1693 ◽  
Murugesu Sivapalan

Abstract. Hydrology has undergone almost transformative changes over the past 50 years. Huge strides have been made in the transition from early empirical approaches to rigorous approaches based on the fluid mechanics of water movement on and below the land surface. However, progress has been hampered by problems posed by the presence of heterogeneity, including subsurface heterogeneity present at all scales. The inability to measure or map the heterogeneity everywhere prevented the development of balance equations and associated closure relations at the scales of interest, and has led to the virtual impasse we are presently in, in terms of development of physically based models needed for hydrologic predictions. An alternative to the mapping of heterogeneity everywhere is a new Earth system science view, which sees the heterogeneity as the end result of co-evolutionary hydrological, geomorphological, ecological, and pedological processes, each operating at a different rate, which help to shape the landscapes that we find in nature, including the heterogeneity that we do not readily see. The expectation is that instead of specifying exact details of the heterogeneity in our models, we can replace it (without loss of information) with the ecosystem function that they perform. Guided by this new Earth system science perspective, development of hydrologic science is now addressing new questions using novel holistic co-evolutionary approaches as opposed to the physical, fluid mechanics based reductionist approaches that we inherited from the recent past. In the emergent Anthropocene, the co-evolutionary view has expanded further to involve interactions and feedbacks with human-social processes as well. In this paper, I present my own perspective of key milestones in the transformation of hydrologic science from engineering hydrology to Earth system science, drawn from the work of several students and colleagues of mine, and discuss their implication for hydrologic observations, theory development, and predictions.

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