scholarly journals Pemodelan dan Implementasi Perangkat Lunak Berbasis Mobile pada Bina Darma TV

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 62
Ahmad Syazili ◽  
Fatoni Fatoni ◽  
Ramadhan Sutejo

Bina Darma University as an educational institution in the city of Palembang. faithfully the activities carried out can be known by the community so that it has a broad impact value. For this reason, the media is one way to do this, because it has a broad reach. One type of effective media that should be used is television. However, the current television media must be accessible and witnessed on various devices in order to achieve the media's goal of disseminating information and ultimately having a wide impact on society. For this reason, in this research modeling and implementation of mobile-based applications is carried out as a step to expand the reach of information dissemination. The types of modeling used is visual modeling with a unified modeling language consisting of structure diagram, behavior diagram, and interaction diagram. The results of the modeling have been implemented in the form of the Bina Darma TV application with two types of users namely the Bina Darma TV as an administrator and the community. The main features of the Bina Darma TV application produced are live streaming, live broadcasting, and video on demand.Universitas Bina Darma sebagai sebuah lembaga pendidikan di Kota Palembang menginginkan apa yang dilakukan dan yang dikerjakan dapat diketahui oleh masyarakat agar memiliki nilai dampak yang luas. Untuk itu media menjadi salah satu cara untuk melakukan hal tersebut, karena memiliki jangkauan yang luas. Salah satu jenis media yang efektif yang patut digunakan yaitu media televisi. Namun media televisi saat ini harus dapat diakses dan disaksikan di berbagai perangkat agar tercapainya tujuan media yaitu penyebaran informasi dan pada akhirnya memiliki dampak yang luas di tengah masyarakat. Untuk itu di dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pemodelan dan implementasi aplikasi berbasis mobile sebagai langkah perluasan jangkauan penyebaran informasi. Dalam melakukan pemodelan digunakan pemodelan visual dengan unified modeling language yang terdiri dari structure diagram, behavior diagram, dan interaction diagram. Hasil pemodelan telah dilakukan implementasi ke dalam bentuk aplikasi Bina Darma TV dengan dua jenis pengguna yaitu pihak Bina Darma TV sebagai administrator dan masyarakat. Fitur utama dari aplikasi Bina Darma TV yang dihasilkan yaitu live streaming, live broadcasting, dan video on demand.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Gusti Ngurah Wira Satryawan ◽  
I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna ◽  
I Made Gede Sunarya

Pupuh is one of the four types of songs that exist in Bali. Pupuh is used to express advices, stories of heroism and feelings that usually shown on dramatari which is developedin Bali such as drama gong, arja and Bondres. This Media Belajar Pupuh Berbasis Android is a learning media pupuh with an Android device. This research aims to design andimplement application design Media Belajar Pupuh Berbasis Android.Development of the Media Belajar Pupuh Berbasis Android is using the software development life cycle SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) with the waterfall model.Features in this application are intended as a learning pupuh for users with an Androiddevice. The features of this application are the theory of pupuh, uger-uger of pupuh, tunings of pupuh, songs of pupuh and recordings of the user.The result of this research is the design and implementation of the Media BelajarPupuh Berbasis Android that has been successfully carried out. The design is done by using a functional model of the UML (Unified Modeling Language). Implemented in Javaprogramming language using the Eclipse editor and ADT (Android Development Tools) plug- ins, and also using AndEngine as additional libraries. The entire functional requirementshave been successfully implemented in accordance with the design.

Gusti Ngurah Wira Satryawan ◽  
I Gede Mahendra Darmawiguna ◽  
I Made Gede Sunarya

Pupuh is one of the four types of songs that exist in Bali. Pupuh is used to express advices, stories of heroism and feelings that usually shown on dramatari which is developedin Bali such as drama gong, arja and Bondres. This Media Belajar Pupuh Berbasis Android is a learning media pupuh with an Android device. This research aims to design andimplement application design Media Belajar Pupuh Berbasis Android.Development of the Media Belajar Pupuh Berbasis Android is using the software development life cycle SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) with the waterfall model.Features in this application are intended as a learning pupuh for users with an Androiddevice. The features of this application are the theory of pupuh, uger-uger of pupuh, tunings of pupuh, songs of pupuh and recordings of the user.The result of this research is the design and implementation of the Media BelajarPupuh Berbasis Android that has been successfully carried out. The design is done by using a functional model of the UML (Unified Modeling Language). Implemented in Javaprogramming language using the Eclipse editor and ADT (Android Development Tools) plug- ins, and also using AndEngine as additional libraries. The entire functional requirementshave been successfully implemented in accordance with the design.

CCIT Journal ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-101
Sri Rahayu ◽  
Tuti Nurhaeni ◽  
Malidah Rohmah

Utilization of a Computerized Information Systems in the universities is very important in this globalization era. With the existence of computerized information systems, processing allcritical data can be arranged neatly so as to facilitate the storage and retrieval of data. Website is one of the media information that is very effective in presenting information, including for the universities. Problems faced by the user on the stationery system at Perguruan Tinggi Raharja is the lack of support system that is able to facilitate the decision to supply stationery. Stationery system is still using semi-computerized system, there are many papers used are inefficient and not optimal in supporting the user to make a decision. This makes the process of data management to be slow, as well as when the supply of information when needed. The methodology used is through a process of interviews and   observations to the user to analyze and implement  the system. The results of the analysis is described by using the modeling language UML (Unified Modeling Language). Implementation of the final result achieved is the establishment ofa Webbased information systems that is connected to the database  server that  facilitates data  management and  generate information as a decision support for the user.

10.28945/2355 ◽  
2001 ◽  
Il-Yeol Song

The UML (Unified Modeling Language) has been widely accepted as a standard language for object-oriented analysis and design. Among the UML diagrams, one of the most difficult and time-consuming diagrams to develop is the object interaction diagram (OID), which is rendered as either a sequence diagram or a collaboration diagram. Our experience shows that developers have significant trouble in understanding and developing OIDs. In this paper, we present an effective heuristic for developing interaction diagrams and illustrate the technique with a case study. We found that students effectively developed OIDs using this heuristic method.

Nana Saharna ◽  
Kasman Rukun

Indah Surya Furniture Shop still uses simple media in carrying out its business activities. Product promotion still uses brochures, banners and radios. While the product ordering process still uses WhatsApp and telephone, and for the sales report it is still made manually so that simply the media used indicates that the sales results have not been optimized. In order to increase sales results the system should be able to promote products easily and can order products quickly. Therefor, a web-based e-commerce system is used to help owners promote and market their products. The presence of an e-commerce system is expected to help owners market their products, and can help consumers buy products according to their needs. The design of the e-commerce system uses UML modeling (Unified Modeling Language) by using object-oriented visualization diagrams. The programming language used is the PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) programming language based on CodeIgniter and Javascript, with MySQL as the Database Management System (DBMS) and Sublime Text 2 as editors. The resulting web-based e-commerce system can market products in a wider area and can provide information about products quickly, and with this e-commerce system consumers will be easier to order products. Keywords: E-commerce system, Web, Codeigniter.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-115
Hutrianto Hutrianto ◽  
Baibul Tujni

Pengembangan sebuah aplikasi merupakan inovasi untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Untuk melakukan pengembangan aplikasi terdapat berbagai teknik pengembangan. pengembangan aplikasi berbasis web dan pengembangan aplikasi berbasis mobile memiliki perlakuan yang berbeda. Namun yang paling penting dari proses pengembangan aplikasi adalah pemodelan informasi aplikasi itu sendiri. karena dengan adanya pemodelan proses pengembangan akan lebih terarah dan sistematis. Pemodelan memiliki kemapuan menggambarkan cetak biru dari aplikasi yang akan dikembangkan. Untuk itu pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan pemodelan aplikasi menggunakan unified modeling language. Pemodelan dilakukan guna mempermudah proses pengembangan dengan kasus aplikasi booking tiket. Penggunaan unified modeling language dalam melakukan pemodelan juga disebabkan notasi unified modeling language memiliki kemampuan dalam menggambarkan berbagai proses dalam sebuah aplikasi yang dikembangkan. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa pemodelan aplikasi dengan unified modeling language yang digambarkan dalam tiga bentuk notasi yaitu structure diagram yang digambarkan dalam bentuk class diagram, communication diagram yang digambarkan dalam bentuk activity diagram dan behavior diagram yang digambarkan dalam bentuk use case diagram. Pemodelan aplikasi juga diimplementasikan dalam bentuk prototype aplikasi dengan fitur pemesanan tiket, proses konfirmasi, jadwal keberangkatan serta pengelolaan data terkait dengan proses pemesanan tiket.   The development of an application is an innovation to solve problems. To develop applications, there are various development techniques. Web-based application development and mobile-based application development have different treatments. However, the most important part of the application development process is modeling the application information itself. because with the modeling the development process will be more directed and systematic. Modeling can describe the blueprint of the application to be developed. For this reason, this research will conduct application modeling using the unified modeling language. Modeling is done in order to simplify the development process with the ticket booking application case. The use of unified modeling language in modeling is also due to the notation that unified modeling language can describe various processes in a developed application. The results of this study are in the form of application modeling with a unified modeling language which is depicted in three notation forms, namely a structure diagram depicted in the form of a class diagram, a communication diagram depicted in the form of an activity diagram and a behavior diagram depicted in the form of a use case diagram. Application modeling is also implemented in the form of application prototypes with ticket booking features, confirmation processes, departure schedules and data management related to the ticket booking process

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-205
Yogi Isro' Mukti

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Kota Pagar Alam is a competency oriented madra-sah that is forward-looking in building nation, one of them is by utilizing information technology. Currently the utilization of information technology continues to be pursued, such as means of dissemination of information. But now the dissemination of information is still limited, because it takes a technology that is able to overcome the problem. One of the global information dissemination technology is website that can be built by using web engineering system and modeling method using UML (Unified Modeling Language) such as use case diagram, class diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram. In addition to preparing the implementation of this Information System, the author uses the PHP programming language and MySQL database.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Ade Sumaedi ◽  
Makhsun Makhsun ◽  
Achmad Hindasyah

PT. Duta Nichirindo Pratama is a company engaged in the field of Autoparts Manufacture. Barcode is the identity of an item / product on the package. Barcode technology has been used as the identity of goods in a production. Barcodes are used to facilitate the identification of goods produced. Paste the barcode on the packaging of packaging results at PT. Duta Nichirindo Pratama is done manually, but there are often errors attached to the barcode on a similar packaging. This research will design and create a system based on Visual Basic.Net and Arduino to select barcode attachment errors that have the potential to be sent to consumers. The system is designed using Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams, database design and interface menu design. The system created will then be tested to detect the black box test. With a computing-based design system that functions to detect barcodes on the packaging automatically, the problem of sticking barcodes on the packaging can be detected.

Sensi Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-72
Ade Setiade ◽  
Luthfia Fauzia ◽  
Iwan Hermawan

PT.Medikon prima laboratories didirikan pada tahun 1980, hingga sekarang. PT.Medikon mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Jenis produk yang dihasilkan mencakup produk farmasi , OT (obat tradisional), suplemen dan kosmetik. PT.Medikon Prima Laboratories telah mengimpor produk ke seluruh wilayah indonesia.Yang beralamat di Jl. Raya Serang No. 23, Bitung Jaya, Cikupa, Kabupaten Tangerang. Untuk memudahkan pengolahan data para pegawai, inputan data Cuti dan Absensi maupun izin sakit dibutuhkan suatu perangkat lunak yang nantinya dapat melakukan pengolahan data ,berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka perlu di lakukan analisis sehinnga nantinya dapat diperoleh hasil dan kebutuhankebutuhan yang diperlukan untuk perangkat /system yang akan di bangun. Analisis dilakukan dengan melakukan cara menganalisis kebutuhan, pengguna dan fasilitas yang diperlukan oleh perangkat lunak yang di bangun benar-benar bermanfaat.berdasarkan hasil analisis permasalahan yang dilakukan sebelumnya, maka dapat rancangan suatu sistem perangkat lunak dengan melakukan analisis data menggunakan beberapa metode antara lain : wawancara dan observasi maupun studi pustaka, dengan menggunakan software UML (Unified Modeling Language).berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut maka penulis melakukan penelitian dan mengambil judul yang berkaitan dengan "Prototype Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Pegawai Di PT.Medikon Prima Laboratories".yang dapat membantu dan memudahkan dalam melakukan pengolahan data pegawai dan dapat menampilkan informasi akurat yang di butuhkan oleh pengguna di PT.Medikon prima laboratories.

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