Access and Equity in a Technological World: An Assessment of National Government Websites

2023 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
James Melitski ◽  
Tony Carrizales
2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Umar Bin Amin

Abstract Government agencies and departments are considered as a collectively owned body and therefore they can be assumed as a reflection of the whole society. But the current research, Muslim Employment in Commonwealth Government Departments and Agencies in the Context of Access and Equity, suggests that migrants face a greater exclusion of Australia from government department in general but Muslim community is bearing the extensive brunt. In this research the exclusion was examined at three different sphere, at national employment level, national government department’s level and managerial levels of government employment. In each sphere it was found that the Muslim community was two times less inclusive thus making it six times excluded from the society overall. After collecting these results and combining them with an academically defined state of inclusion, it yielded new conditions for Harmony as: access and equal opportunities for all Australians while having a sense of being equally valued and have the opportunity of full participation with redistribution of power for the powerless.    Abstrak Instansi pemerintah dan departemen dianggap sebagai badan yang dimiliki secara kolektif dan karena itu mereka dapat diasumsikan sebagai refleksi dari seluruh masyarakat. Tetapi penelitian saat ini, Pekerjaan Muslim di Departemen Pemerintah Persemakmuran dan Instansi dalam Konteks Akses dan Kesetaraan, menunjukkan bahwa migran secara umum menghadapi pengucilan lebih besar dari Australia dari departemen pemerintah di masyarakat tetapi Muslim terpaksa menanggung beban yang luas. Dalam penelitian ini pengucilan diselidiki pada tiga bidang yang berbeda, di tingkat kerja nasional, tingkat departemen pemerintah nasional dan tingkat manajerial kerja pemerintah. Dalam setiap lingkup ditemukan bahwa komunitas Muslim dua kali lebih inklusif sehingga membuatnya enam kali dikucilkan dari masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Setelah mengumpulkan hasil-hasil dan menggabungkannya dengan negara inklusi yang didefinisikan akademis, itu menghasilkan kondisi baru untuk Harmony sebagai: akses dan kesempatan yang sama bagi semua warga Australia sementara memiliki rasa yang sama-sama dihargai dan memiliki kesempatan berpartisipasi penuh dengan redistribusi kekuasaan untuk ketberdayaan. How to Cite : Amin, U. B. (2016). Muslim Employment In Commonwealth Government Departments And Agencies In The Context Of Access And Equity. TARBIYA: Journal Of Education In Muslim Society, 3(1), 1-19. doi:10.15408/tjems.v3i1.3485. Permalink/DOI:  

Molefi Matsieli ◽  
Radhamani Sooriyamoorthy

E-government has been proposed as an ICT strategy and a tool to reinvent government and transform the public sector. However, most of the existing literature on transforming the public sector through ICTs in Lesotho assessed e-government at the national level through the National Government Web Portal. This paper evaluates the current status of the websites of the ministries of the Government of Lesotho concerning their maturity levels to deliver e-government services and allow government-citizens interaction. The evaluation is based on a content analysis of four ministerial websites. The results show that the websites of the ministries of the Government of Lesotho are at the infancy stages of e-government implementation, clearly delaying the realisation of the government objective to transform government and the public sector through the use of innovative technologies. It is recommended that the government addresses both technical and social obstacles impeding web-based e-government implementation.

2000 ◽  
Betty Burcher ◽  
Sherry Barton ◽  
Maria Herrera ◽  
Wendy Kwong ◽  
Maria Lee ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Lincy Joseph ◽  
Mathew George ◽  
Kalpesh K Malaviya ◽  
Kalpesh K Malaviya ◽  
Bincy K Chacko ◽  

This aims to compare the generic drug approval and registration process in the regulatory market of Europe, USA andBrazil. Based on the information collected from various sources such as regulatory sites, Government websites,discussion with regulatory agent, interviewing pharma professionals and literature survey from various journals, aclear picture on the generic drug approval and registration process of each country was drawn. The differentauthorities’ viz. European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA) of Europe, Food Drug Administration (FDA) ofUSA and National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) of Brazil carried out the generic drug approval andregistration process in the respective countries. After analysing the various requirements for the generic drug approvalin the above stated countries, it was concluded that the regulatory guidelines of Europe and Brazil was not welldefined. But FDA gives very much well defined requirements. 

Maaz Sirkhot ◽  
Ekta Sirwani ◽  
Aishwarya Kourani ◽  
Akshit Batheja ◽  
Kajal Jethanand Jewani

In this technological world, smartphones can be considered as one of the most far-reaching inventions. It plays a vital role in connecting people socially. The number of mobile users using an Android based smartphone has increased rapidly since last few years resulting in organizations, cyber cell departments, government authorities feeling the need to monitor the activities on certain targeted devices in order to maintain proper functionality of their respective jobs. Also with the advent of smartphones, Android became one of the most popular and widely used Operating System. Its highlighting features are that it is user friendly, smartly designed, flexible, highly customizable and supports latest technologies like IoT. One of the features that makes it exclusive is that it is based on Linux and is Open Source for all the developers. This is the reason why our project Mackdroid is an Android based application that collects data from the remote device, stores it and displays on a PHP based web page. It is primarily a monitoring service that analyzes the contents and distributes it in various categories like Call Logs, Chats, Key logs, etc. Our project aims at developing an Android application that can be used to track, monitor, store and grab data from the device and store it on a server which can be accessed by the handler of the application.

Simeon J. Yates ◽  
Jordana Blejmar

Two workshops were part of the final steps in the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) commissioned Ways of Being in a Digital Age project that is the basis for this Handbook. The ESRC project team coordinated one with the UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (ESRC-DSTL) Workshop, “The automation of future roles”; and one with the US National Science Foundation (ESRC-NSF) Workshop, “Changing work, changing lives in the new technological world.” Both workshops sought to explore the key future social science research questions arising for ever greater levels of automation, use of artificial intelligence, and the augmentation of human activity. Participants represented a wide range of disciplinary, professional, government, and nonprofit expertise. This chapter summarizes the separate and then integrated results. First, it summarizes the central social and economic context, the method and project context, and some basic definitional issues. It then identifies 11 priority areas needing further research work that emerged from the intense interactions, discussions, debates, clustering analyses, and integration activities during and after the two workshops. Throughout, it summarizes how subcategories of issues within each cluster relate to central issues (e.g., from users to global to methods) and levels of impacts (from wider social to community and organizational to individual experiences and understandings). Subsections briefly describe each of these 11 areas and their cross-cutting issues and levels. Finally, it provides a detailed Appendix of all the areas, subareas, and their specific questions.

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