scholarly journals Equality before the Law Principle and the Legal Aid for the Poor: An Indonesian Insight

Khoirum Lutfiyah

Legal aid is something that is given by the state to people who are unable to get justice and their basic rights before the law. The state has an obligation to protect every citizen, especially legal protection for the poor or the poor. To ensure this protection, the government forms a law which can help the underprivileged or poor in dealing with the legal problems they experience. With the existence of the Law on Advocacy, the Law on Legal Aid, as well as the existence of this Legal Aid Institute, it is hoped that it will be able to reduce the burden on what people experience before the law, especially related to the costs of legal aid.

Judith Prima Hapsari

One manifestation of justice or equality before the law is the existence of legal assistance for every citizen involved in legal problems, without exception the poor. The legal problems that ensnare many poor people or groups are currently increasing complex. Legal aid is a human right of all people, which is not given by the state and is not a mercy from the state, but is also the responsibility of the state in realizing equality before the law, access to justice, and fair trial. Therefore, the government made and ratified a regulation that regulates legal aid, namely Law Number 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid. This research is intended to analyze the implementation of legal aid for the poor communities in the context of access to justice in Indonesia.

Dani Setiawan

Providing legal assistance to the poor continues by the government to realize legal access and justice for all levels of society. Several regulations regarding legal aid have been issued by the state through the law and implementing regulations, but the fact is that the provision of legal aid is not yet effective. This causes a lack of access to law and justice for the poor. The effectiveness of providing legal aid by the government needs to be assessed to see how effective the legal aid program provided by the government is to realize legal access and justice for the poor. Therefore, criticism and advice should be given to the government in order to optimize legal assistance in order to achieve legal access and justice for all levels of society.

Ari Wibowo ◽  
Michael Hagana Bangun

The provision of legal aid is one way to realize access to law and justice for the poor people provided by the state on the mandate of the constitution. Several regulations regarding legal aid have been issued by the state through the Act and its implementing regulations as well as from the Supreme Court or the Constitutional Court through the Supreme Court Regulations and the Constitutional Court's decisions. Legal aid is the constitutional right of every citizen to guarantee legal protection and guarantee equality before the law stipulated in Law Number 16 of 2011, the State is responsible for recognizing and protecting the human rights of every individual without differing backgrounds so that everyone has the right to be treated equally before the law is contained in Article 28D of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. For the poor who experience legal problems in the form of injustice, they can request legal assistance from legal aid institutions that are regulated in legislation. The purpose of providing legal aid is to guarantee and fulfill the right for Legal Aid Recipients to gain access to justice, to realize the constitutional rights of all citizens in accordance with the principle of equality in law, to ensure the certainty that the implementation of Legal Aid is carried out equally across the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. , and to create an effective, efficient and accountable court.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-235
Hadzil Hadzil ◽  
Mahdi Syahbandir ◽  
Syarifuddin Hasyim

Terdapat cukup banyak masyarakat yang dengan sengaja melakukan kecurangan-kecurangan dan melalaikan kewajibannya dalam melaksanakan pembayaran pajak yang telah ditetapkan sehingga menyebabkan timbulnya tunggakan pajak. Menyikapi hal tersebut, Pemerintah mengesahkan Undang-undang Tax Amnesty Nomor 11 Tahun 2016 Tentang Pengampunan Pajak. Salah satu jenis pengampunan yang ditawarkan adalah memberikan penghapusan tindak pidana bagi Wajib Pajak (WP) yang melanggar undang-undang. Oleh sebab itu, hal ini menjadi menarik untuk diteliti karena dapat dianggap sebagai bentuk pengkhianatan terhadap rakyat miskin atau WP yang taat pajak. Masalah pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah penghapusan sanksi pidana terkait pengampunan pajak (tax amnesty) sudah sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip pemidanaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan penghapusan sanksi pidana telah sesuai atau tidak dengan prinsip-prinsip pemidanaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan tujuan mengkaji asas-asas dan kaidah-kaidah yang terdapat dalam ilmu hukum. Data yang digunakan terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam hal penghapusan sanksi pidana dalam tax amnesty tidaklah sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip penghapusan pidana dalam konsep KUHP, yaitu alasan pembenar dan alasan pemaaf karena apabila harta tersebut berasal dari hasil korupsi, hal tersebut bukanlah merupakan perbuatan yang patut dan benar untuk dimaafkan. Disarankan kebijakan dalam pengampunan pajak (tax amnesty) sebaiknya tidak diberlakukan penghapusan pada unsur tindak pidana, apalagi dalam tindak pidana tersebut terdapat unsur yang merugikan negara.There are enough people who deliberately commit fraud and neglect their obligations in carrying out the payment of taxes that have been set so as to cause the arrears of taxes. In response, the Government passed the Tax Amnesty Act Number 11 Year 2016 About Tax Amnesty. One type of amnesty offered is to provide the abolition of a criminal offense for a Taxpayer (WP) that violates the law. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate because it can be considered as a form of betrayal of the poor or WP who are tax-conscious. The main problem in this research is whether the abolition of criminal sanctions related to tax amnesty is in line with the principles of punishment. This study aims to determine and explain the elimination of criminal sanctions are appropriate or not with the principles of punishment. This study is a normative juridical research with the aim of studying the principles and rules contained in the science of law. The data used consist of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials. The results indicate that of the abolition of criminal sanctions in the tax amnesty is not in accordance with the principles of criminal abolition in the concept of the Criminal Code, namely the justification and reasons for forgiveness because if the property is derived from the corruption, it is not a proper and proper act to be forgiven. It is recommended that the tax amnesty should not be abolished on the element of criminal acts, morever in the criminal act there are elements that harm the state.

Alycia Sandra Dinar Andhini

Legal Aid is organized to help resolve legal issues faced by Legal Aid Recipients. The birth of Law No. 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid provides new hope for the poor to gain access to justice and equality before the law. This writing aims to determine the implementation of the provision of legal aid and the obstacles that influence it in its implementation because sometimes the implementation of Law Number 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid in Indonesian Courts is not optimal. This research focuses on the application of legal aid to the poor, the challenges and problems they face. The method used in this research is empirical research. This study found that in the application of legal aid in several regions in Indonesia, the main problem faced in addition to the lack of availability of accredited legal aid institutions, was also the issue of the budget provided by the state. In addition, in terms of the legal culture of the community, the implementation of legal aid is not optimal due to the understanding of the community not to have anything to do with the law so that many cases that should receive legal assistance cannot be accompanied.  

Anton Aulawi ◽  
Ratu Mimi Darniasih

The purpose of this research was to determine the role of Legal Counselors in the Regional Office of the Banten Ministry of Law and Human Rights in the socialization of free legal aid for the poor. In this research the authors use a methodology with a qualitative approach. In the research to be conducted, researchers will use three data collection techniques, by interview, observation, and documentation. The results of this research are that legal aid regulated by Rule Number 16 of 2011 years concerning Legal Aid, is the state's obligation to provide the rights of every citizen to get legal protection and human rights, especially for the poor. The provision of legal aid as a state obligation to implement the constitutional rights of the poor is to provide funding to legal aid organizations with the State Budget. The state is present to provide legal assistance, one of which is by means of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Banten. The method of socialization about free legal assistance to the poor is done by legal counseling activities with direct and indirect methods; firstly, legal counseling is carried out solely by law enforcement officers from the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Banten. Secondly, legal counseling is carried out by accredited legal aid organizations but with budgets derived from legal aid funds from the state  with the authority of budget users from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 257-275
Farzana AKTER

AbstractThis article examines the government-funded legal aid system of Bangladesh. It indicates that the Bangladeshi legal aid system is lacking in terms of both legal provisions and the actual performance of the Legal Aid Services Act. The inadequacies in the implementation of the Act even raise the concern of whether the government has any intention to use the legal system to improve the condition of the poor or whether it intends to establish a legal aid system that is directed to providing mere lip service to the poor. The Bangladeshi legal aid system is therefore in a paradox; the state has established an institution that exposes its drawbacks and is not able to meet the needs of the beneficiaries. The article finally makes recommendations in order to redress the deficiencies of the system and thus to ensure effective access to justice for those who are in need of the service.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-170
Nirwan Junus ◽  
Karlin Zakaria Mamu ◽  
Mohamad Syahnez W. Aditya Cono

Oil and Gas plays an important role in the fulfillment of fuel needs from both the industrial and transportation sectors. This regulation on Oil and Gas has provided a legal basis in its implementation.  The presence of retail fuel businesses "Pertamini" is causing legal problems, this is because the existence of these businesses do not have a formal business license at all.This paper analyzes the sale of fuel under the brand "Pertamini" which does not have a business license. This research uses normative legal research method with statute approach and conseptual approach.The results showed that, with the increasing number of "Pertamini" fuel traders without a license, it will certainly have implications for the law and uncontrolled management of Oil and Gas. Therefore, the government and related agencies can issue permits to "Pertamini" fuel traders. Because by obtaining a legal business license, in terms of its management can be carried out optimal supervision to prevent the occurrence of fuel misuse. This also includes efforts to provide certainty and legal protection to "Pertamini" Fuel Traders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-99
Fanny Dian Sanjaya

Legal aid in Indonesia, particularly in terms of access to justice, legal aid provided by the state for people is still pivoted on positive law. Laws regulating legal aid in Indonesia remain revolving around the number of cases and budget absorption targets given to legal aid institutions that have been verified and accredited by the state for people/groups in need. Verification and Accreditation from the state with parameters written in the law inhibit those who need legal assistance if they are not categorized as the poor. The requirement of the poor to access legal aid implies that access to legal aid for everyone in conflict is far from justice. Access to legal aid is essential since the purpose of the law is justice. Besides, legal aid aims to provide justice for those who do not have law knowledge, in other words, blind to the law. Justice for all is the vein of legal aid which is inseparable from the right of legal aid for those in need. Legal aid can be administered by social institutions/legal aid agencies which should provide access to those who need legal assistance and those who are in dispute, be it poor or rich so that justice for all can be achieved. This research discusses the transcendental dimension of legal aid. This study used a descriptive research method intending to analyze legal aid from legal aid institutions viewed from the study of legal philosophy and legal aid with transcendental dimensions.

Riyun Khilmawati Maala

Equality before the law should be applied to all citizens impartially. However, there are still discriminatory cases against those who are in lower strata than others. So we need a legal revolution that guarantees the fulfillment of justice which is then used as a source in law enforcement practices, legal protections, and legal services for poor people or groups. In addition to Indonesia, the State of Malaysia is also trying to provide justice for all its citizens by trying to provide legal aid guarantees for its citizens who are experiencing legal problems but are not able to afford it economically. This research is intended to analyze the legal comparison of the implementation of legal aid in the State of Indonesia and the State of Malaysia for the sake of creating justice. The research also aims to find out what obstacles are encountered in the implementation of legal aid in the State of Indonesia and the State of Malaysia for the sake of creating justice.

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