scholarly journals A solitary mud-daubing wasp, Brachymenes dyscherus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) fron Brazil with evidence of a life-cyde polyphenism

2015 ◽  
pp. 949-958
Evandro Camillo

Nests ( n=60 ) of a solitary mud-daubing wasp, Brachymenes dyscherus were conected at Fazenda Santa Carlota, Cajuru, Sao Paulo, Brazil ín 1995 and 1996 . The multi-celled mud nests were constructed on the interior walls of abandoned houses in dry and shaded places. Nests were composed of 1 to 4 layers with cens constructed in two paralle! series. The number of cens per nest ranged from 3 to 62. Cells containing prey (larvae of Lepidoptera) numbered fram 4 to 29. B. dyscherus is a uniyoltíne species. Adults emerge from September to December, and nesting talces place at the beginning of the following year; however, the developmental period for some immatures with proloFlged diapause l3.Sted up to 596 days. The total duration of immature stages n nests collected in 1996 was less for males than for females. The sex ratio for the total populatíon was 1 . 5 males: 1 female with males emerging earher than females. A life table was constructed, and details of lhe life cycle of the wasps and parasitoids are presented. The mos! common mOl1ality factors were either endogenous or due 10 Melittobia sp. (Eulophidae) .

Flávia Pereira Conti

O artigo descreve o processo de reavaliação e esmeração de um sistema de produção da microempresa de semijoias Cantrelle Design, com o objetivo de otimizar a estrutura organizacional e de produção por meio do design de sistemas e o slow fashion. O design de sistemas por considerar o produto como um conjunto inteiro, e o slow fashion, porque visa a democratização do processo de criação de peças de forma mais lenta, preocupando-se com o desenvolvimento dos processos. Para alcançar um resultado satisfatório, utilizou-se a metodologia desenvolvida por Ezio Manzini e Carlo Vezzoli, o Life Cycle Design (LCD), procurando reduzir os inputs e outputs o máximo possível, tanto em termos quantitativos quanto qualitativos. Ponderando assim, a nocividade de seus efeitos, por meio da avaliação de todas as fases do produto, que são subdivididas em pré-produção, produção, distribuição, uso e descarte. Por se tratar de semijoias, sendo, então, um bem durável, requere-se poucos recursos durante o uso e manutenção, concentra-se em reduzir o impacto nas fases antecedentes e posteriores ao uso.  Como resultado, obteve-se uma potencialização na gestão da empresa, reduzindo os gastos energéticos e materiais. Atingiu-se tal solução por meio de uma melhor organização de etapas operacionais nas fases antecedentes ao uso do produto, buscando adequar-se ao sistema slow fashion, com a otimização do volume de compras e logística de vendas, reavaliação da embalagem e material aplicados. Percebeu-se que a matéria prima já em uso é a menos impactante para o ambiente por ser de alta durabilidade e passível de reaproveiramnento. Por fim, redesenhou-se a embalagem com tecido reciclado, de uma forma que possa ser reutilizada pelo consumidor final após ser adquirida. Conclui-se que é possível readequar um sistema já em andamento, adaptando-o de forma a reduzir seu impacto na natureza por meio do slow fashion e design de sistemas, valorizando o processo de produção, não só o lucro financeiro que a venda do produto proporciona, além de aperfeiçoar o sistema como uma unidade e repensar o conjunto para valorizar a qualidade e o modo de produção, expondo a possibilidade de renovar o sistema industrial vigente de modo sustentável e consciente, por meio de uma ação local, visando atingir um macrossistema de forma harmônica. Palavras-chave: slow fashion, design de sistemas, semijoias, sustentabilidade, metodologia.ReferênciasBASTAGNINO, Luigi. Design di Sistemi i Sistemi Industriali Aperti: un nuovo approccio al progretto, un nuovo modello di bussiness. Sem ano. 26 slides. Apresentação em Power-point. BUENO, Bárbara. Movimento slow life: desacelerando a vida. 2016. Disponível em <>. Acesso em: 24 de maio de 2017.DELLA MEA, Luciana. A moda em [re]evolução: slow fashion. 2014. Disponível em <>. Acesso em 24 de maio de 2017.DELLA MEA, Luciana. Design de sistemas para a sustentabilidade. 2012. Disponível em <>. Acesso em 24 de maio de 2017. MANZINI, Ezio; VEZZOLI, Carlo. O desenvolvimento de produtos sustentáveis: os requisitos ambientais dos produtos industriais. São Paulo. Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 2002. PAPANEK, Victor. Design do the Real World: human ecology and social change. Londres. Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1985.REVIDE. O conceito de fast fashion. 2010. Disponível em <>. Acesso em 24 de maio de 2017. SARATE, Fernanda. O movimento slow life e a desaceleração da sociedade de consumo contemporânea. 2009. Disponível em <>. Acesso em: 24 de maio de 2017. SILVA, Samantha; BUSARELLO, Raul. Fast fashion e slow fashion: o processo criativo na contemporaneidade. 2016.

2003 ◽  
Vol 37 (6) ◽  
pp. 722-728 ◽  
Valeria Alejandra Labud ◽  
Liliana Graciela Semenas ◽  
Francisca Laos

OBJECTIVE: Odorous compounds produced at the biosolids composting plant in Bariloche (NW Patagonia) attract a variety of insects, mainly belonging to the order Diptera. In order to characterize these flies, collected specimens were taxonomically identified, their community characteristics were described and their sanitary and synanthropic importance and autochthonous or introduced character were determined. METHODS: Sampling was performed from October 1999 until March 2000. Adults were collected using an entomological net, and larvae and puparia were obtained from the composting material and incubated to obtain adults. Richness, abundance and sex ratio were calculated. RESULTS: A total of 9 taxa of Diptera were identified: Sarconesia chlorogaster, Phaenicia sericata, Calliphora vicina, Cochliomya macellaria, Ophyra sp, Muscina stabulans, Musca domestica, Sarcophaga sp and Fannia sp. Specimens of Anthomyiidae, Acaliptratae and one larva of Eristalis tenax were also found. Ophyra sp. was the most abundant taxa. All the captured Diptera belonged to introduced taxa. Most of them are considered to be eusynanthropic and/or hemisynanthropic and have sanitary importance as they may cause myiasis and pseudomyiasis. The high number of females registered and the finding of immature stages indicated that flies can develop their complete life cycle on biosolid composting windrows. CONCLUSIONS: The characterization of flies obtained in this study may be useful for defining locations of urban or semi-urban composting facilities. It also highlights the importance of sanitary precautions at such plants.

Zootaxa ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 2108 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-36 ◽  

Two new genera, Denticulobasis and Tuberculobasis, are described. Denticulobasis contains three species: D. dunklei sp. nov. from Loreto, Peru, and D. garrisoni sp.nov. and D. ariken sp. nov. from Rondônia, Brazil. Tuberculobasis includes 12 spp., all from South America, seven of which are new, viz.: T. arara sp. nov. from Rondônia, Brazil, T. geijskesi sp.nov. from Suriname, T. guarani sp. nov. from São Paulo, Brazil, T. karitiana sp.nov. from Rondônia, Brazil, T. macuxi sp.nov. from Roraima, Brazil, T. tirio sp. nov. from Pará, Brazil, and T. williamsoni sp.nov. from Colombia and Venezuela. Five species are herein transferred from Leptobasis Selys, 1877 to Tuberculobasis: L. cardinalis (Fraser, 1946), L. costalimai Santos, 1957, L. inversa Selys, 1876, L. mammilaris Calvert, 1909, and L. yanomami De Marmels, 1992. The new genera are close to Leptobasis; differences between them are analyzed and their diagnostic characters are described. In addition, diagnostic characters of females of three species of Tuberculobasis, most likely new, are illustrated but they are not named. A key for males and females of Tuberculobasis is provided, and an attempt to understand their life cycle is made.

1953 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 102 ◽  
FJ Gay

An account is given of certain aspects of the biology of Lyctus brunneus (Steph.). Female beetles are able to oviposit within 24 hr. after emerging from infested timber and deposit an average of more than 70 eggs per female over a period of 1-2 weeks. Eggs are deposited at depths of 1.0-6.5 mm. in the wood vessels, preferentially from a transverse surface, but also through radial and tangential faces. The incubation period of the eggs ranges from about 1 week at 26�C, to 3 weeks at 15�C. The egg-adult developmental period ranges from 4 months at 26�C. to 16 months or more at 15�C. Under optimal conditions of temperature, relative humidity (and hence wood moisture content), and nutrition, the life cycle may be as short as 2 months. The sex ratio of L. brunneus is 1 : 1 and the adult beetles live from 2.5 to 7 weeks, depending upon the temperature, females being somewhat longer-lived than males. The larvae of L. brunneus are somewhat more resistant to heat treatment than are the eggs, but one 1/2hr. exposure to 50�C. is completely lethal to both stages.

2003 ◽  
Vol 63 (4) ◽  
pp. 647-653 ◽  
H. N. Oliveira ◽  
J. C. Zanuncio ◽  
D. Pratissoli ◽  
M. C. Picanço

Individuals of two populations of Trichogramma maxacalii (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) were collected from eggs of Euselasia apisaon (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae), a lepidopteran defoliator of Eucalyptus, in plantations in the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, Brazil. This study investigated the sex ratio, number of parasitoids per egg, and longevity of individuals of these two populations of T. maxacalii, when this parasitoid was reared receiving eggs of the factitious host Anagasta kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in different periods after emergence, and with or without honey. Sex ratio of T. maxacalii varied from 0.44 to 0.60, and was affected by the interaction between populations, availability of food (honey), and length of time in which the parasitoid stayed without host eggs after their emergence. The population of T. maxacalii collected in São Paulo produced a larger number of individuals per egg of the host A. kuehniella and lived longer when fed.

10.5597/00225 ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 162-169 ◽  
Larissa R. Oliveira ◽  
Paulo Henrique Ott ◽  
Ignacio B. Moreno ◽  
Maurício Tavares ◽  
Salvatore Siciliano ◽  

The São Pedro and São Paulo Archipelago (SPSPA) (00°56’N, 29°22’W) lies approximately 1010km northeast off the coast of Rio Grande do Norte State in Brazilian waters. Recently, through photo-identification and group size analysis, around 20-30 individual bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, from SPSPA were recognized as a resident, and potentially genetically isolated, population. The effective population size (Ne), not the census number (Nc), as well the sex ratio, are of primary concern from an evolutionary and conservation management perspectives. The estimate of Ne reflects the number of individuals responsible for the maintenance of genetic diversity of a species or population as well its evolutionary potential. For this reason, we present here the first Ne and sex ratio estimates for the bottlenose dolphin population from SPSPA. Sex was molecularly determined for 19 biopsy samples collected from bottlenose dolphins from SPSPA between January and February 2005. The Newas estimated by direct counting of reproductive adults sexed by DNA analysis. The resulting Ne was 12 individuals and the sex ratio was 1.11 male to 1 female, however, it was not significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (χ2 test, α= 0.05; df = 1). The effective population size based on the genetic diversity of 19 sequences of the mtDNA control region resulted in a female effective population size of 223 individuals, and the total long-term effective size of ~470 individuals. We believe that the estimated Ne for the SPSPA population is a critical value, because it is significantly lower than the mean minimum viable population (MVP) suggested for vertebrates (around 5000 breeding age adults). This small Ne is of great concern and should be taken into account in future management plans to ensure the conservation and protection of this small population at SPSPA.

4open ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 11 ◽  
Verónica Andrea González-López ◽  
Rafael Rodrigues de Moraes

In this paper, we combine two statistical tools with the objective of creating models that represent the dependence between (i) the proportion of the black/brown population in relation to the total population of a neighborhood (pct) and (ii) the average age at which people died in the neighborhood (age). We explore the dependence between pct and age in São Paulo city, Brazil, during 2018. The statistical tools are models of copulas and informative and non-informative settings according to the Bayesian perspective. The different scenarios and models allow us to delineate the dependence between pct and age, and, through the Bayesian Information Criterion we can indicate which of these models best represents the data. The approach implemented here allows us to define estimates of variations in life expectancy conditioned by percentage intervals of pct. With them, we can conclude that on average all the scenarios point to a decrease in life expectancy by increasing the proportion of pct. When conditioning the percentages of pct to 4 intervals (0, 0.25], (0.25, 0.5], (0.5, 0.75], (0.75, 1] respectively, we note that the expectation is reduced in average at a constant rate from one interval in comparison with the immediate and next interval from left to right in [0, 1].

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 243-252
K. Prameela ◽  
K. Sabu Thomas

Biology, nesting behaviour, and the factors favouring the high abundance of prominent dung beetle species, Onthophagus cervus (Fabricius, 1798) in an open agricultural field in North Kerala were studied. Short life cycle with high fecundity, low egg mortality, shorter larval duration, shorter developmental period, short generation time, female-biased sex ratio, and longer survivability of females were recorded. Female-biased sex ratio in O. cervus indicates that mating competition takes place between male offsprings and the high cost of producing males led to their reduction. Broad categorization of Onthophagus species is provided based on the comparison of data of brood mass production, fecundity, duration of egg, larval, pupal, adult stages, adult mortality and life span of various Onthophagus species. Higher abundance of O. cervus in the region is attributed to traits that are characterize of r-selection such as high fecundity, small body size, low egg mortality, shorter larval duration, early onset of maturity, and shorter developmental period. Short generation time which enables attaining maturity earlier together with female biased sex ratio, longer duration of females favouring high egg production and shallow tunnels which enable easy and fast tunnelling process and development in thin soil top soil layer are the other factors that contributed to the higher abundance of O. cervus. Present study showed that geographic region wise knowledge on the life history traits of prominent dung beetles are necessary for interpretation of the exact mechanism behind their seasonality and abundance in specific regions and the generated data will be useful for the conservation of species in natural habitats.

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