scholarly journals How are pollination and seed dispersal modes in Cerrado related to stratification? Trends in a cerrado sensu stricto woodland in southeastern Brazil, and a comparison with Neotropical forests

2018 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 434-445 ◽  
Gerhard Gottsberger ◽  
Ilse Silberbauer-Gottsberger
2011 ◽  
Vol 83 (3) ◽  
pp. 1007-1020 ◽  
Maria Gabriela G. Camargo ◽  
Regina M. Souza ◽  
Paula Reys ◽  
Leonor P.C. Morellato

The Brazilian cerrado has undergone an intense process of fragmentation, which leads to an increase in the number of remnants exposed to edge effects and associated changes on environmental conditions that may affect the phenology of plants. This study aimed to verify whether the reproductive phenology of Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart. (Annonaceae) differs under different light conditions in a cerrado sensu stricto (a woody savanna) of southeastern Brazil. We compared the reproductive phenology of X. aromatica trees distributed on east and south cardinal faces of the cerrado during monthly observations, from January 2005 to December 2008. The east face had a higher light incidence, higher temperatures and canopy openness in relation to south face. X. aromatica showed seasonal reproduction at both faces of the cerrado, but the percentage of individuals, the synchrony and duration of phenophases were higher at the east face. The study demonstrated the influence of the environmental conditions associated to the cardinal orientation of the cerrado faces on the phenological pattern of X. aromatica. Similar responses may be observed for other species, ultimately affecting patterns of floral visitation and fruit production, which reinforces the importance of considering the cardinal direction in studies of edge effects and fragmentation.

2004 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-209 ◽  
M. A. Batalha ◽  
F. R. Martins

We used Raunkiaer's system to classify in life-forms the vascular plants present in 12 random 25 m² quadrats of a cerrado site. The study area is covered by cerrado sensu stricto and is located in the Valério fragment, at about 22º13'S and 47º51'W, 760 m above sea level, in the Itirapina Ecological and Experimental Station, São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. The floristic spectrum considers the life-form of each species, while in the frequency spectrum, each species is weighted by its frequency. The vegetation spectrum does not consider the species at all, but only the individuals in each life-form class. In the floristic spectrum, the most represented life-forms were the phanerophytes and the hemicryptophytes, as in other cerrado sites. This spectrum differed significantly from Raunkiaer's normal spectrum, mainly due to under-representation of therophytes and over-representation of phanerophytes. The floristic and frequency spectra were similar, but both differed from the vegetation spectrum. We recommend the floristic spectrum when working at larger scales and a description of the phytoclimate is wanted. The vegetation spectrum is preferable when working at smaller scales and wanting a quantitative description of the physiognomy. The frequency spectrum is not recommended at all.

1997 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 595-616 ◽  
Carlos A. Peres ◽  
Claudia Baider

ABSTRACTSeeds of the Brazilnut tree (Bertholletia excelsa Humb. & Bonpl., Lecythidaceae) sustain one of the most important extractive industries in neotropical forests. Yet little is known about the demography and seed dispersal ecology of Bertholletia, particularly in natural stands which have not been previously harvested. This study presents data on the population density, spatial distribution, and seed dispersal ecology of Brazilnut trees at a pristine stand located within the Kayapó Indian Area of southeastern Amazonia, Pará, Brazil. Brazilnut trees were primarily found within groves (castanhais) of 75 to 149 trees, with a few isolated trees in between. Although the density of trees ≥ 10 cm in diameter at breast height (hereafter, dbh) at two groves was 4.8 to 5.1 trees ha–1, the overall density for the entire study area of c. 950 ha was estimated at 1.3 tree ha–1. Within-grove nearest neighbour distances averaged 21 m and were markedly skewed towards even shorter distances. Seed dispersal experiments using 709 marked seeds indicated that this pattern can be largely explained by the highly restricted seed shadows imparted by the main seed dispersal agents of Bertholletia at this site, the red-rumped agouti (Dasyprocta leporina). Agoutis on average scatterhoard Bertholletia seeds to an average distance of 5 m, and rarely beyond 20 m, from seed stations. We suggest that, once edaphic and climatic conditions are suitable, the highly contagious spatial distribution of Bertholletia trees at the landscape level can be largely accounted for by the quantitatively dominant effect of short-distance dispersal by caviomorph rodents, and rare events of long-distance dispersal provided by other vectors. This mechanism of grove formation need not resort to untested conjectures of human dispersal and intentional planting in prehistoric and historic times as it has often been suggested in the literature.

Oryx ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 571-578 ◽  
Caio Fittipaldi Kenup ◽  
Raíssa Sepulvida ◽  
Catharina Kreischer ◽  
Fernando A. S. Fernandez

AbstractReintroduction of locally extirpated species is an increasingly popular conservation tool. However, few initiatives focus on the restoration of ecological processes. In addition, many reintroductions fail to conduct post-release monitoring, hampering both assessment of their success and implementation of adaptive management actions. In 2009 a reintroduction effort was initiated to re-establish a population of the red-rumped agouti Dasyprocta leporina, a scatter-hoarding rodent known to be an important disperser of large seeds, with the aim of restoring ecological processes at Tijuca National Park, south-east Brazil. To assess whether this reintroduced population established successfully we monitored it using mark–resighting during November 2013–March 2015. Population size and survival were estimated using a robust design Poisson-log normal mixed-effects mark–resight model. By March 2015 the number of wild-born individuals fluctuated around 30 and overall growth of the population was positive. As the reintroduced population is capable of unassisted growth, we conclude that the reintroduction has been successful in the medium term. We recommend the cessation of releases, with efforts redirected to continued monitoring, investigation and management of possible threats to the species’ persistence, and to quantification of the re-establishment of ecological processes. Reintroduction of D. leporina populations can be a cost-effective tool to restore ecological processes, especially seed dispersal, in Neotropical forests.

2006 ◽  
Vol 49 (5) ◽  
pp. 763-774 ◽  
Marcelo Henrique Ongaro Pinheiro ◽  
Reinaldo Monteiro

Based on studies of floristic lists the contribution of forest tree and shrub species in a forested savanna area in the city of Bauru, State of São Paulo, and in 14 different places sheltering cerrado sensu stricto and cerradão in Brazil is defined as the evidence of forest species causing a change of cerrado heterogeneity. The percentages of occurrence of forest species in the locations analyzed varied from zero to 4.5%. The proximity of different forest matrices, the occurrence of fires and the inclusion criteria used were some of the factors that may have influenced such variation.

Hoehnea ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-210 ◽  
Katia Losano Ishara ◽  
Rita de Cassia Sindrônia Maimoni-Rodella

The aims of the present work were to carry out a floristic-structural study of the shrubby-arboreal component of a savanna fragment (cerrado sensu stricto) in São Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil, and to compare with other areas. Twenty one plots of 250 m² each were delimited and plants with stem basal diameter equal or superior to 3 cm were included in the sampling. The recorded individuals corresponded to 3,062 and 58 species belonging to 34 families were registered. Asteraceae had the largest number of species (seven), followed by Fabaceae and Myrtaceae (five each). The most important species were Tibouchina stenocarpa and Anadenanthera falcata. The floristic composition of the study area indicates that it might be considered a transition from cerrado to seasonal semi-deciduous forest. The comparison with other surveys indicates floristic-structural heterogeneity of these cerrado areas and the multivariate analysis showed that areas grouped according to their geographical position and soil type.

1997 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 559-577 ◽  
Marco Aurélio Pizo

ABSTRACTThe seed dispersal system of a neotropical tree,Cabralea canjerana(Meliaceae), was studied in two forested areas in southeastern Brazil. The first study site, Parque Estadual Intervales (PEI), is a 49,000-ha reserve composed mostly of old-growth Atlantic rain forest. The second site, Mata de Santa Genebra (MSG), is a 250-ha fragment of old-secondary semideciduous forest whose present bird fauna differs markedly from the original, in part as a consequence of forest fragmentation. At PEI 35 bird species ate the diaspores ofC. canjerana. Black-tailed tityra (Tityra cayana, Tyrannidae) was the main seed disperser, but several other species were also important seed dispersers. In contrast, at MSGC. canjeranadiaspores were eaten by 14 bird species. At this area, the red-eyed vireo (Vireo olivaceus, Vireonidae) was the most important seed disperser, but it was also a ‘waster’ which dropped seeds beneath parent plants, or carried them to sites unsuitable for germination. At PEI, exposed seeds on the forest floor were heavily preyed upon by rodents and insects. Insects destroyed mainly seeds deposited near to parent plants. Insect predation was less intense at MSG than at PEI. The rodent density at MSG was unusually small, and part of the post-dispersal seed predation may be done by terrestrial birds, such as doves and tinamous, which are especially common at MSG. Some of the differences recorded between the seed dispersal systems ofC. canjeranaat PEI and MSG may have been the result of the fragmentation and isolation of the latter area.

B. F. Lessi ◽  
M. G. Reis ◽  
C. Z. Fieker ◽  
M. M. Dias

Abstract Birds play a key role in ecosystem dynamics, including urban and rural areas, bringing environmental quality improvements and ecological stability. Species contribute directly to natural regeneration of vegetation and succession processes, by offering ecosystem services as seed dispersal, an important role in human-modified areas. We studied the assemblages of fruit-eating birds in riparian environments of Monjolinho basin, central São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil. Birds were recorded in 41 points distributed in riparian ecosystems alongside waterbodies, in landscapes with five types of surrounding matrices: urban, periurban, farmland, and native vegetation. We described how assemblages are structured aiming to evaluate the possible influence of seasonality and landscape type. We recorded 39 bird species that can play a role as seed-dispersers, 32 in wet season and 32 in dry season. There were no significant differences in the diversity and dominance of species between seasons considering the entire area, indicating stability of basic assemblage structure. However, total number of individuals of all species recorded in different landscapes were influenced by seasonality. Also, the composition and abundance of species significantly changed between seasons, leading to a high dissimilarity with almost 50% of the species contributing with almost 90% of the observed variation. A higher taxonomic diversity and distinctness pointed to a wider array of possible seed dispersal services in natural areas, while the lowest values of indexes were found in human-modified areas. The higher number of non-related bird species during dry season contrasted with the higher number of individuals during wet season, indicating that there is more possible ecosystem services offered by frugivorous birds in driest period of the year, while in the rainy period the carrying capacity of the riparian environments was increased.

2016 ◽  
Vol 76 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-92 ◽  
S. Athiê ◽  
M. M. Dias

Abstract We investigated the efficiency of different kinds of perches in attracting seed disperser-birds and increasing the seed rain in a degraded area located in the northeast region of São Paulo State. We installed seed traps under natural perches (NPs, living trees); simple artificial perches (SAPs) of 3m tall and a crossbar; elaborate artificial perches (EAPs) of 7m tall and three crossbars, and in a control area. Results showed the number of bird-dispersed seeds deposited was proportional to the number of structures for perching. The NPs also have provided other resources for birds such as food and shelter. Comparing visitation between artificial perches, there was greater use of EAPs also for having more perching structures and for being taller, providing better airspace visibility for predatory birds and tyrant-flycatchers, important seed dispersers. Thus, natural and artificial perches with similar characteristics to the EAPs are the most recommended as a base or complementary method for the restoration of degraded areas near to propagules source, also contributing to the maintenance of local fauna.

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