scholarly journals Brazilian Portuguese version of the CORE-OM: cross-cultural adaptation of an instrument to assess the efficacy and effectiveness of psychotherapy

2015 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 227-231 ◽  
Márcia Rosane Moreira Santana ◽  
Marília Marques da Silva ◽  
Danielle Souza de Moraes ◽  
Cláudia Cristina Fukuda ◽  
Lucia Helena Freitas ◽  

Introduction: The Clinical Outcome in Routine Evaluation - Outcome Measurement (CORE-OM) was developed in the 1990s, with the aim of assessing the efficacy and effectiveness of mental health treatments. Objective: To adapt the CORE-OM for use in the Brazilian population. Method: The instrument was translated and adapted based on the international protocol developed by the CORE System Trust which contains seven steps: translation, semantic equivalence analysis, synthesis of the translated versions, pre-testing in the target population, data analysis and back translation. Results: After semantic analysis, modifications were necessary in seven of the 34 original items. Changes were made to avoid repetition of words and the use of terms difficult to understand. Internal consistency analysis showed evidence of score stability in the CORE-OM adapted to Brazilian Portuguese. Conclusion: The instrument was successfully adapted to Brazilian Portuguese, and its semantic and conceptual properties were equivalent to those of the original instrument.

2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 24622 ◽  
Carolina Soares Brandão ◽  
Dario Cecilio Fernandes ◽  
Carlos Fernandes Collares ◽  
Glória Rosário Fernandes ◽  
Heimar Fátima Marin

Aims: To describe the results of translation and back-translation of the TeamSTEPPS® questionnaire to Brazilian Portuguese. This North American questionnaire has been used globally as an useful tool in simulation environment with evaluation intent, aiming at improving patient safety inside health settings, based on effective communication and teamwork.Methods: The adopted methodology consisted in translation and back-translation, with subsequent semantic analysis by experienced professors in health practice evaluations.Results: The translated tool showed a simple format and easy interpretation and understanding when analyzed by authors, professors and translators, and does not generate any kind of discrepancy in their items. In the subsequent analysis by the professors, it was shown that the items were relevant and clear to the Brazilian reality.Conclusions: All the steps of the translation and back-translation process were carried out successfully, finalizing the TeamSTEPPS® teamwork assessment tool in Brazilian Portuguese. The translation process of any tool is complex, and does not end in the linguistic equivalence. Therefore, a second step of this work will be the application of this scale in simulated scenarios focused in teamwork training, to retrace data on psychometric analyses in the educational context and semantic equivalence analyses.

CoDAS ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 535-539 ◽  
Bruna Rainho Rocha ◽  
Felipe Moreti ◽  
Elisabeth Amin ◽  
Glaucya Madazio ◽  
Mara Behlau

PURPOSE: To present the cross-cultural equivalence of the Brazilian version of the Evaluation of the Ability to Sing Easily (EASE) protocol, through its cultural and linguistic adaptation. METHODS: After the EASE was translated to Brazilian Portuguese, the back-translation into English was done. The items of the translated version were compared with the original instrument and the discrepancies were modified by consensus of a committee composed of five speech language pathologists. The Evaluation of the Ability to Sing Easily for Brazil (EASE-BR) has 22 questions with four alternatives: "no," "mildly," "moderately," and "extremely." The score is obtained by the simple sum of all answers. The three positive items (6, 12, and 21) require reverse score. For cultural equivalence, the EASE-BR was applied with 41 Brazilian singers, with an extra item in the answer key - "not applicable." The aim of this extra key was to identify issues that might not have been understood or were not appropriate for the target population and the Brazilian culture. RESULTS: Of the 32 singers, 5 who were initially evaluated had difficulties to answer 3 of the 22 questions. Therefore, the adaptation of those sentences was necessary. Afterward, the modified EASE-BR was applied to nine singers, and no more cultural and/or conceptual barriers were found. CONCLUSION: Cultural equivalence was observed between EASE and its translated version to the Brazilian Portuguese, the EASE-BR. Validation of the EASE for Brazilian Portuguese is in progress.

2014 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-112 ◽  
Beatriz de Oliveira Meneguelo Lobo ◽  
Alice Einloft Brunnet ◽  
Thiago Loreto Garcia da Silva ◽  
Lafaiete Moreira dos Santos ◽  
Gustavo Gauer ◽  

Introduction: Experiencing a traumatic event is a risk factor for the development of mental illness, especially posttraumatic stress disorder. A child's appraisals of a traumatic event may play a prominent role in the development or maintenance of the disorder. Therefore, subjective responses should be evaluated to understand the impact of a traumatic event on a child's life. This study translated and adapted the Child Posttraumatic Cognitions Inventory (cPTCI) for use in linguistic and cultural contexts in Brazil. Methods: The process included translation, back-translation, language expert evaluation and expert committee's evaluation. Results: Content validity index scores were good for all dimensions after evaluation by two judges and one reformulation. The back-translation of the final version also showed that the cPTCI items in Brazilian Portuguese maintained the same meanings of the original in English. This version was tested in a sample of the target population, and all the items were above the cut-off point (minimum = 3.6; maximum = 4.0). Conclusions: This study was successful in producing a Brazilian version of the cPTCI. Further studies are underway to examine the reliability and the factorial and concurrent validity of cPTCI subscales.

Interação ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 169-180
Any Cleo Souza ◽  
Valeriana de Castro Guimarães ◽  
Denise Sisterolli Diniz ◽  
Thomas H. Bak ◽  
Sharon Abrahams

Abstract: The translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the screening test Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioral ALS Screen (ECAS) for the Portuguese language of Brazil was carried out in this article. The adaptations were developed based on authors' guidelines and specific literature: translation; synthesis; back-translation and cross-cultural adaptation (technical review and semantic equivalence). The tests were adapted with the aid of a pilot group of 46 healthy individuals, mean age 52.6 ± 13.88 years and 13.8 ± 5.10 years of studies, 26 females and 20 males, randomly recruited among the caregivers of the patients of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Federal University of Goiás, Brazil. After translation of all fifteen ECAS subtests, nine were adapted and six not gone through cross-cultural adaptation. In the Language-Naming subtest the fox figure (13.04% of errors) was replaced by the image of the alligator; 5 words (41.66%) of the Language-Spelling subtest were replaced. In the Executive-Alternation subtest, 11-K or 11-L was accepted as a response, provided the subsequent sequence was correct. A Verbal Fluency Index (IFV) table was established, with data from the pilot group, which will be the reference for the Brazilian version. The three subtests for memory evaluation (Immediate Recall, Delayed Recall and Delayed Recognition) are based on a story that has been adapted to Brazilian culture. The protocol has been translated and adapted to Brazilian Portuguese and has undergone processes of content, verbal comprehension and semantic equivalence, being called Edimburgo - Rastreio Cognitivo-Comportamental em ELA (ECAS-BR). It is necessary to continue this study for external validity, equivalence of measurement and reproducibility.

2017 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-49
Ana Letícia Santos Nunes ◽  
Alberto Filgueiras ◽  
Rodrigo Nicolato ◽  
Jussara Mendonça Alvarenga ◽  
Luciana Angélica Silva Silveira ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: This article aims to describe the adaptation and translation process of the Bush-Francis Catatonia Rating Scale (BFCRS) and its reduced version, the Bush-Francis Catatonia Screening Instrument (BFCSI) for Brazilian Portuguese, as well as its validation. Methods: Semantic equivalence processes included four steps: translation, back translation, evaluation of semantic equivalence and a pilot-study. Validation consisted of simultaneous applications of the instrument in Portuguese by two examiners in 30 catatonic and 30 non-catatonic patients. Results: Total scores averaged 20.07 for the complete scale and 7.80 for its reduced version among catatonic patients, compared with 0.47 and 0.20 among non-catatonic patients, respectively. Overall values of inter-rater reliability of the instruments were 0.97 for the BFCSI and 0.96 for the BFCRS. Conclusion: The scale's version in Portuguese proved to be valid and was able to distinguish between catatonic and non-catatonic patients. It was also reliable, with inter-evaluator reliability indexes as high as those of the original instrument.

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 218-226
Maria Clara Pacífico ◽  
Cristiane Silvestre de Paula ◽  
Victor Santos Namur ◽  
Rosane Lowenthal ◽  
Cleonice Alves Bosa ◽  

Abstract Objectives: To translate and back-translate the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) into Brazilian Portuguese, to assess its cross-cultural semantic equivalence, and to verify indicators of quality of the final version by analyzing the inter-rater reliability of the ADOS scores. Methods: This study had three stages: 1) translation and back-translation; 2) semantic equivalence analysis; and 3) pre-test to verify the agreement between mental health specialists and an ADOS senior examiner regarding the scoring procedure. Authorization to translate and carry out the cultural adaptation of the instrument was first obtained from the Western Psychological Services, publishers of the instrument. Results: The main preliminary results pointed to good equivalence between the original English version and the final version and the Brazilian version following the cultural adaptation process. Some semantic differences were found between the original version and the back-translation into English, but they did not interfere with the first translation into Portuguese or into the final version. One of the limitations of the study was the small sample size; for that reason, the inter-rater reliability of the ADOS scores between the specialists and the senior examiner using the kappa coefficient was adequate for 7 out of 10 areas. Conclusions: We conclude that the creation of an official Brazilian version of ADOS will help to strengthen clinical and scientific research into ASD, and deter the use of other unauthorized versions of ADOS in the country.

2012 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 178-185 ◽  
Breno Sanvicente-Vieira ◽  
Elisa Brietzke ◽  
Rodrigo Grassi-Oliveira

BACKGROUND: Theory of mind (ToM) is a field of social cognition that deals with the individual’s cognitive ability to interpret or infer the mental states of others based on previous knowledge. Recently, research has shown that this ability is compromised in patients with some psychopathologies, e.g., schizophrenia and autistic disorder. Investigators have also shown that deficits in ToM have impacts on social functioning and, consequently, on quality of life. Even though ToM studies have recently grown in number, some problems still remain (e.g., the difficulty of standardized tools to assess ToM in different languages). OBJECTIVES: To describe the translation and adaptation into Brazilian Portuguese of two of the most important and widely used ToM tasks, namely, the Theory of Mind Stories and the Hinting Task. METHOD: The process included the following steps: 1) translation; 2) production of a single translated version and review by specialists; 3) back-translation into English; 4) review by an English-speaking specialist; 5) adaptation of marked corrections; and 6) pilot application in a group representative of the target population (people with schizophrenia). RESULTS: A final translated version was obtained for each of the tasks. Both instruments were well understood by participants and can now be used in the Brazilian experimental setting. CONCLUSION: The availability of two major ToM tasks in Brazilian Portuguese facilitates the conduction of research on the topic in Brazil. In the future, this could help design clinical interventions aimed at people with social and cognitive difficulties.

2017 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 202-206
Viviane Vedovato Silva-Rocha ◽  
Flávia de Lima Osório

Abstract Objective To present the process of cross-cultural adaptation of the Sport Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2) for the Brazilian context. Method The following stages were used: translation into Brazilian Portuguese by independent translators, elaboration of a synthesis version, back-translation, evaluation by experts and pretest with target population. Results All the stages of cross-cultural adaptation were completed, and in the majority of items evaluated, good concordance between experts was obtained (≥ 80%). Suggested adjustments were compiled into the consensus version by the two authors, with the resulting material being considered adequate in the pretest (and thus no further changes were needed). Termed as “Escala de Ansiedade Esportiva-2,” the final version was considered by the main author of the original scale as an official version in Brazilian Portuguese. Conclusions In view of the fulfilment of all steps suggested for the cross-cultural adaptation process, the SAS-2 is now available in Brazilian Portuguese to be tested for its psychometric qualities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 79 (5) ◽  
pp. 390-398
Marcia Mitie Nagumo ◽  
Renata Eloah de Lucena Ferretti-Rebustini ◽  
Marcos Alencar Abaide Balbinotti ◽  
Daniele Vieira da Silva ◽  
Cintya Yukie Hayashi ◽  

ABSTRACT Background: After a traumatic brain injury, post-concussion symptoms are commonly reported by patients. Although common, these symptoms are difficult to diagnose and recognize. To date, no instruments evaluating post-concussion symptoms have been culturally translated or adapted to the Brazilian context. Objective: To culturally adapt the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire for use in Brazilian Portuguese. Methods: Cross-cultural adaptation was done in five steps: translation, synthesis of translations, back-translation, evaluation by two expert committees and two pretests among adults in a target population. Results: The semantic, idiomatic, cultural and experimental aspects of the adaptation were considered adequate. The content validity coefficient of the items regarding language clarity, pratical pertinence, relevance and dimensionality were considered adequate for evaluating the desired latent variable. Both pretests demonstrated that the instrument had satisfactory acceptability. Conclusion: The Brazilian version, named Questionário Rivermead de Sintomas pós Concussionais (RPQ-Br), has been adapted, and is ready for use in the Brazilian context.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-52
Gabriel Talask ◽  
Sabrina Bastos de Freitas ◽  
Maria Estela Wildner Rasmussen ◽  
Mônica Santos Silva ◽  
Rafael Thomaz da Costa ◽  

Abstract Introduction Intrusive thoughts may cause a significant level of distress, since some individuals evaluate the content of those thoughts as aversive. Suppression of intrusive thoughts is one of the strategies adopted by these individuals, which increases the level of distress. Suppression of thoughts may be present as one of the factors that maintain different psychological disorders. Objective To describe the translation and adaptation into Brazilian Portuguese of the White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI), which measures thought suppression. Methods Three translations and back-translations were conducted by independent evaluators. Semantic equivalence was assessed and the three versions were evaluated to produce a synthesized version. Comments from participants on the preliminary version of the questionnaire were examined. Results We developed a preliminary Brazilian Portuguese version of the WBSI. It was found that most participants understood the descriptions of cognitions given in the translated questionnaire. Conclusion The use of three different versions of translations and back-translations, discussion of the synthetic version and interaction with the target population have conferred viability to the process of semantic equivalence of the Brazilian Portuguese final version of the WBSI.

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