scholarly journals Sowing depth of annual ryegrass seed on different substrates as a vigor test

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-204
Roberto Caetano de Oliveira ◽  
Carlos Eduardo da Silva Pedroso ◽  
Vanessa Nogueira Soares ◽  
Lílian Madruga de Tunes ◽  
Géri Eduardo Meneghello ◽  

Abstract: Annual ryegrass seeds having low physiological quality can lead to the formation of pastures with undesirable plant stands for soil cover and forage utilization pastures. Thus, the objective of this study was proposing a vigor test to classify annual ryegrass seeds. For that, different sowing depths (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 cm) over three substrates (sand, coconut fiber, and carbonized rice husk) were tested to differentiate the physiological quality of four seed lots of annual ryegrass cv. BRS Ponteio having similarities in germination and moisture. The seed lots were classified according to vigor through the field seedling emergence (FSE), 1,000-seeds weight, saturated salt accelerated aging, and germination first count. The 2.5 cm of sand sowing depth and 3.0 cm of coconut fiber sowing depth provided separation of seed lots in similar groups of those reported to FSE test through the seedling emergence and speed of seedling emergence tests.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
Carolina Pereira Cardoso ◽  
José Henrique Bizzarri Bazzo ◽  
Jéssica de Lucena Marinho ◽  
Claudemir Zucareli

Abstract: Initial seed vigor and sowing density interact in establishment of plants in the field, and can thus affect expression of the plasticity of the wheat crop and the yield and physiological quality of the seeds produced. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of seed vigor levels in combination with sowing densities on the yield and physiological potential of wheat seeds. The cultivars BRS Gralha-Azul and BRS Sabiá were used in a randomized block experimental design in a 2 × 4 factorial arrangement, with four replications. The treatments consisted of seeds of high and low vigor and four sowing densities (150, 250, 350, and 450 seeds.m-2). The following evaluations were made: seed yield, germination, first germination count, seedling length, seedling dry matter, accelerated aging, emergence speed index, and seedling emergence in sand. An increase in sowing density favors the seed yield of both cultivars; however, it reduces the vigor of the seeds produced by the cultivar BRS Gralha-Azul, especially of the seeds produced by plants originating from high vigor seeds. For the cultivar BRS Sabiá, an increase in sowing density decreases the germination performance of seeds produced by plants originating from low vigor seeds.

2013 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 353-360 ◽  
Jacson Zuchi ◽  
José de Barros França-Neto ◽  
Carlos Sigueyuki Sediyama ◽  
Adílio Flauzino de Lacerda Filho ◽  
Múcio Silva Reis

Storage is an important step in the production of soybean seeds, mainly in tropical regions, where high temperatures can drastically reduce seed quality. The storage at cooler temperatures may be a feasible alternative to preserve seed quality during storage. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of soybean seeds artificially cooled by a dynamic process and stored in an environment, with non controlled temperature and relativity humidity. Two seed lots of cultivars Monsoy 8757, TMG 115 RR and BRS Valiosa RR were used. After processing and during packaging the seeds were cooled to 18 ºC by a dynamic process. Seed samples were collected after 0, 60 and 120 days of storage, using the following parameters germination, accelerated aging, seedling emergence in sand, speed of emergence index, electrical conductivity, tetrazolium and seed health. Although soybean seeds artificially cooled by the dynamic method may have slightly superior performance in maintaining physiological quality during storage in non-refrigerated warehouse, for lots of high physiological quality, these advantages are not observed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
Cleisson Dener da Silva ◽  
Andréia Márcia Santos de Souza David ◽  
Josiane Cantuária Figueiredo ◽  
Jorge Luiz Rodrigues Barbosa ◽  
Rayane Aguiar Alves

ABSTRACT To obtain seeds of high physiological quality, it is of paramount importance to define the ideal harvest moment, which oftentimes corresponds to the period when the physiological maturity is reached. This experiment aimed to study the maturation process and determine the best harvest season of maroon cucumber fruits (Liso Gibão cultivar), in order to reach the maximum physiological seed quality. The flowers were labeled during the anthesis and the fruits harvested at 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49 and 56 days after the anthesis (DAA). The fruits had their visual aspects registered by photography analysis and, later, the seeds were extracted for physical (water and dry matter contents) and physiological (germination, seedling emergence, emergence speed index, accelerated aging and electrical conductivity) analyses. It was observed that the seeds reach the maximum dry mass (8.08 mg seed-1) between 47 and 49 DAA. However, the seed physiological maturity, characterized by a maximum germination (70 %) and vigor, occurs at 56 DDA. The best season to harvest seeds with a higher physiological quality takes place from 49 to 56 DDA, when the fruits present a yellowish color.

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-195 ◽  
André Dantas de Medeiros ◽  
Laércio Junio da Silva ◽  
Nayara Pereira Capobiango ◽  
Camila Andrade Fialho ◽  
Denise Cunha Fernandes dos Santos Dias

Abstract: Automated analysis of seed vigor stands out by allowing greater accuracy, standardization, objectivity, and speed in evaluation of the physiological potential of seed lots. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the Vigor-S® system in assessing the physiological quality of common bean seeds compared to the information provided by the traditional vigor tests recommended for this species. Four genotypes of common bean were used, each one represented by four seed lots. Characterization of the physiological potential of the lots was carried out by the following tests: germination, first count of germination, seedling emergence, accelerated aging, and electrical conductivity. The results of these tests were compared with the data obtained from the image analysis technique, specifically the Vigor-S® system, which was used to evaluate seedling growth at two, three, and four days after the beginning of the germination test. Shoot length, primary root length, and seedling length were measured, as well as the growth index, uniformity index, and vigor index were calculated. Computerized analysis of seedling images using the Vigor-S® software is a reliable alternative for evaluation the physiological potential of bean seeds, and it produces information similar to evaluations traditionally used for that purpose.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-271
José Henrique Bizzarri Bazzo ◽  
Carlos Roberto Riede ◽  
Klever Marcio Antunes Arruda ◽  
André Prechlak Barbosa ◽  
Inês Cristina de Batista Fonseca ◽  

Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of white oat seeds cultivated under different topdressing N levels combined with the plant growth retardant trinexapac-ethyl in two growing environments. The experiments were carried out in Londrina and Mauá da Serra Municipalities (PR, Brazil) with the cultivar ‘IPR Afrodite’. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, in a 4x2 factorial arrangement, with four replications. Treatments consisted of four N levels (0, 30, 60, and 90 kg.ha-1) combined or not with the plant growth retardant. Seed yield, 1000-seed weight, germination, first germination count, seedling length, seedling dry matter, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity, emergence speed index, and seedling emergence in sand were evaluated. Data were submitted to the analysis of variance and then to the F test and regression analysis up to the second degree (p≤0.05). The application of the plant growth retardant and N topdressing led to an increase in seed productivity in Mauá da Serra. N fertilization reduced seed quality, but this effect can be minimized, not observed or overlapped by the positive effect of the plant growth retardant. Such an effect depends on environmental characteristics and it was not observed in Londrina.

2016 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-21 ◽  
Elisa de Melo Castro ◽  
João Almir Oliveira ◽  
Amador Eduardo de Lima ◽  
Heloísa Oliveira dos Santos ◽  
José Igor Lopes Barbosa

Abstract: The objective of this experiment was to evaluate responses of soybean cultivars seeds (with different levels of lignin) considering harvest postponement under the incidence of water and the effect of storage. The experiment was conducted in Iraí de Minas, Brazil using a randomized block design with three replications under a 5 x 3 x 3 factorial arrangement, with five soybean cultivars (NK 7059 RR, SYN 1163 RR, SYN 9070 RR, AS 7307 RR and SYN 1283 RR), three harvesting periods (R8, R8 + one rain simulation in the pre-harvesting period and R8 + two simulations in the pre-harvesting period) under three storage times (0, 90 and 180 days). Seeds were evaluated for their chemical composition (lignin contents), the percentage of moisture damage using the tetrazolium test and physiological quality (germination, accelerated aging, conductivity test, seedling emergence and emergence index). Cultivar AS 7307 RR had the highest lignin content in the integument, the lowest percentage of damage by moisture and the highest physiological quality. Cultivars NK 7059 RR and SYN 1163 RR had the lowest lignin contents in the integument and the highest moisture damage. Electrical conductivity increased after storing all cultivars.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 29-35
Edvan Costa Silva ◽  
Nei Peixoto ◽  
Natália Arruda ◽  
Natália Cássia de Faria Ferreira ◽  
Luís Augusto Batista de Oliveira

Mung beans (Vigna radiata L.) are of Asian origin and have gained national importance with the production of moyashi. The study aimed to evaluate the seed physiological quality of mung beans according to the row spacing and number of plants per meter. The experiment was conducted at Goiás State University, Ipameri Campus. Tests were performed to determine the water content, germination, and vigor to evaluate the physiological quality of the seeds. The experimental design was completely randomized, with the treatments arranged in a 2 x 6 factorial scheme, having as factors the row spacing (25 and 50 cm) and the number of plants per meter (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 plants) with four replications. Based on the results of the analysis of variance, germination, first germination count, and emergence speed index were not influenced by row spacing and number of plants per meter. The shoot length of seedlings was significative affected by row spacing and the number of plants per meter. For root length, seedling dry mass and thousand-seed weight there was significant interaction between the studied factors. There was significant effect of row spacing on accelerated aging and seedling emergence. The mung bean plant density affected seed quality. Seeds produced with a row spacing of 50 cm with 24 plants per meter had the best physiological potential.

2017 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 385-392 ◽  
Fabiano Carlos Ferreira ◽  
Francisco Amaral Villela ◽  
Géri Eduardo Meneghello ◽  
Vanessa Nogueira Soares

Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of soybean seeds submitted or not to dynamic cooling, and kept in cold storage (CS) and non-cold storage (NCS). A soybean seeds lot, variety M7639RR, was divided into two parts, and each one was subdivided into three parts that were subjected to one of these cooling procedure: seeds without cooling (SWC), dynamic cooling at 17 °C (SC17), and dynamic cooling at 13 °C (SC13). Seeds were kept in CS and NCS at 20 °C. Samples were collected at six times (0, 45, 90, 135, 180 and 225 days), and then submitted to germination, tetrazolium, accelerated aging and seedling emergence tests. Dynamic artificial cooling at 13 °C followed by maintenance at 20 °C ensured the preservation of physiological quality of soybean seeds for up to 225 days. The vigor of the soybean seeds subjected to dynamic cooling at 13 °C was better preserved than that of the non-cooled or of the cooled at 17 °C ones and kept in NCS for 225 days. CS at 20 °C contributed to the preservation of the physiological quality of the soybean seeds, regardless of whether or not they were submitted to the dynamic procedure.

2013 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-55 ◽  
Leomara Vieira de França ◽  
Mariana Dierings Croda ◽  
Warley Marcos Nascimento ◽  
Raquel Alves de Freitas

During seed extraction in fleshy fruits, some procedures are necessary to ensure seed quality and minimize deterioration and microorganism activity; also seeds extracted under moist conditions need special care when drying. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of eggplant seeds submitted to different extraction and drying methods. In the first study, whole eggplant fruits were mechanically crushed and then fermented for 0, 24 and 48 hours, with and without applying hydrochloric acid during seed extraction. In the second study, seeds were extracted in a pepper peeler and then immediately washed in water and submitted to the following drying methods: Sun/24 h; Sun/48 h; 32 °C/24 h; 32 °C/48 h; 38 °C/24 h; 38 °C/48 h; Sun/24 h + 32 °C/24 h; Sun/24 h + 38 °C/24 h e 32 °C/24 h + 38 °C/24 h. The treatment efficiency of both experiments was evaluated from the following tests: seed weight, germination, first count, accelerated aging and seedling emergence. The results suggest that fermentation and applying hydrochloric acid to pulp/seed reduce the physiological seed quality. All drying methods reduced the seed moisture content permitting adequate storage and maintenance of seed physiological quality.

2017 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 262-271 ◽  
Rodrigo Roso ◽  
Ubirajara Russi Nunes ◽  
Juçara Terezinha Paranhos ◽  
Caren Alessandra Müller ◽  
Tiéle Stuker Fernandes ◽  

Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate methods of overcoming dormancy, light regimens, temperature and depth of sowing variations in the physiological quality of Echium plantagineum seeds. The diaspores (agglutinated fruits from the seeds) were submitted to treatments using accelerated aging, potassium nitrate and gibberellic acid to overcome dormancy. A 7 x 2 factorial design was used to evaluate the temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 °C) and light regimens (presence or absence of light). A 6 x 2 factorial design was used for sowing depth (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cm) and soil coverage (presence or absence of straw). In all experiments, a completely randomized design with four replicates of 50 diaspores was used. The main evaluations were germination, first germination count, germination speed index and emergence. The seeds showed dormancy, which was overcome by the immersion of the diaspores in potassium nitrate and gibberellic acid. The ideal temperature for germination was 20 °C, showing greater germination in the presence of light, considered as preferentially positively photoblastic. The highest germination percentage occurred when the diaspores were positioned on the soil surface in the presence of straw.

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