scholarly journals Investigation of supplier/buyer coordination performance in chinese companies

2004 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 289-298 ◽  
Chen Zhixiang

This paper discusses the performance of supplier/buyer coordination in supply chain systems in China based on data from a survey of that country's business sector. The survey indicates that the rapidly expanding economy has raised the awareness of an increasing number of Chinese firms to the importance of cooperating and coordinating with partners in supply chain management. However, although coordinated delivery, quality and responsiveness show an upward trend, such is not the case in information sharing and in cooperative efforts to reduce inventory and costs. Hence, many companies have yet to form close cooperative relationships with partners. This study may be useful for both Chinese and foreign companies, serving to underpin the development of new strategies for operating supply chains in the changing global economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Vivek Roy

PurposeSupply chain traceability and supply chain visibility have become a critical element for the effective management of contemporary complex supply chains. At their core is information sharing, which has been acknowledged as a key prerequisite for logistics and supply chain performance, but whose notional underpinnings have not been delineated fully, leading to interchangeable deployment of these terms. Addressing the shortcoming, this paper aims to establish a contrast between the two notions.Design/methodology/approachDrawing from systematic review protocols, a multi-disciplinary review scope is constructed wherein the synthesis is strategized to primarily channel implications for the scholarship of logistics and supply chain management. The review is aimed at addressing two research objectives: (1) how the notions of traceability and visibility in supply chain management develop contrast in terms of their thematic emphasis and (2) to attain an integrative understanding of the notional convergence and divergence between supply chain traceability and visibility for raising strategic recommendations.FindingsThe review outcomes help contrast both the convergence and the divergence between traceability and visibility in the supply chain environment, and the differentiated but fundamental role that information sharing plays within these notions to outline why they are not interchangeable.Originality/valueThe originality of the findings lies in the conceptual synthesis of the relevant literature from both technological and non-technological perspectives to ultimately draw logistics and supply chain management implications. The review also points out key strategic considerations to demarcate the notional boundaries of traceability and visibility in future research.

2022 ◽  
Iswatul Saldina ◽  
novita anjarsari

Abstrac The accounting system is a tool used to organize or collect, collect, and conduct information regarding all company transactions, where employees, company activities, materials and machines can be integrated in such a way that supervision can be carried out. This study aims to find out how to analyze information systems and internal control of raw material supplies at the Ledokan Coffee shop in Binangun Blitar. The data used are qualitative data in the form of some basic analysis from field interviews. The results showed that the Ledokan Coffee Shop has good supply chain management capabilities as evidenced by the existence of suppliers who have long-term cooperative relationships with them. Keywords: Accounting Information System, Inventory, Internal Contro Abstrak Sistem akuntansi adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengatur atau mengumpulkan, mengumpulkan, dan melakukan informasi mengenai semua transaksi perusahaan, di mana karyawan, kegiatan perusahaan, bahan dan mesin dapat diintegrasikan sedemikian rupa sehingga pengawasan dapat dilakukan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana menganalisis system informasi dan pengendalian internal persedian bahan baku pada kedai Kopi Ledokan di Binangun Blitar. Data yang digunakan adalah data kualitatif berupa beberapa analisis yang mendasar dari wawancara dilapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kedai Kopi Ledokan memiliki kemampuan supply chain management yang baik yang dibuktikan dengan adanya pemasok yang memiliki hubungan kerjasama jangka panjang dengan mereka. Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, Persediaan, Pengendalian Internal

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 292-314 ◽  
Aries Susanty ◽  
Norma Mustiana Sirait ◽  
Arfan Bakhtiar

Purpose The purpose of this study is twofold: to examine the effect of information sharing and contract on increasing the trust level in the relationship between the batik small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and supplier and to examine the trust on performance of a supply chain related to the procurement of raw cotton fabric (mori). Design/methodology/approach This research used primary data collected through interviews and closed questionnaires using a five-point Likert scale. The sample included 65 people, including batik SME-owners in Pekalongan, a Central Java city. This research was conducted using partial least square (PLS) through SmartPLS 3.0 software to analyze the hypothesis. Findings The results of hypothesis testing indicate that trust between owners of SME and their suppliers has a significant positive effect on the performance of supply chain management (SCM). Strong trust between batik SME- owners with their suppliers will be beneficial for both parties. Among other things, trust can reduce unnecessary cost and activity, reduce the waiting time for the arrival of raw material, reduce the number of inventories and increase profit and customer satisfaction. This result has also show that information sharing and informal contract have a significant positive effect on trust between batik SME-owners and their mori suppliers. In this case, information sharing has a higher effect on trust compared to informal contract. Broader information was distributed to the batik SME-owners and their suppliers, resulting in stronger trust between them. Research limitations/implications The limitations of this study include the relatively small sample size and data collection method used to determine the effect of trust, the number of the antecedent variables of trust and the type of scale used to measure the performance of the supply chain. Suggestions for future research may include expanding the scope of the data collection to other regions in Indonesia; adopting a dyadic approach and longitudinal research in providing evidence on the effect of trust as a component of an interactive activity along the supply chain; adding other variables that contribute towards increasing the trust between SMEs and their suppliers (such as commitment); and enhancing the performance measurement of SCM by using a direct measure of financial and non-financial performance instead of recording the perception of the batik SME-owners. Practical implications As the scale of their business increases, it is better if the batik SMEs can enhance information sharing and informal contract with suppliers to promote the development of trust. In this case, to ensure that batik SMEs will have better information sharing from their supplier, it is better if the batik SME-owners using the criteria of supplier willingness to share detailed information when they select the new supplier. Then, to increase the role of contract on trust, it is better if owner of batik SME learn to understand the written contract processes and procedures as their business scale increases. Social implications The research confirms that information sharing, informal contract and trust between batik SMEs and their suppliers can have a positive effect on the performance of the supply chain. It may encourage more SMEs and suppliers in the batik industry to build better information sharing, informal contract and trust as a bottom line for the economic and non-economic growth of their business. Originality/value The conceptual model used in this study is original, built from past research about the relationship between information sharing, informal contract and trust on the performance of the supply chain. Besides, the selection of the sample is also original, which in this case is on the batik SMEs which have informal contracts. This case has still been rarely studied, and the research is therefore highly valuable.

2011 ◽  
Vol 08 (03) ◽  
pp. 455-467 ◽  

Information sharing plays a role of paramount importance in modern supply chain environments. In fact, the elements that compose the chain need to share information about sensitive aspects of their business in order to build more accurate and profitable supply plans. In this paper, we describe how the increasing of information released increases the overall economic results of the whole chain, and how this information can be protected, exploiting secure computation techniques, to reduce the risk of data disclosure and prevent quasi-altruistic or selfish behaviors without interfering with the chain's normal operation, and in particular with the minimization of the cost function.

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