scholarly journals Asymptomatic giant mediastinal mass: a rare case of thymolipoma

2009 ◽  
Vol 35 (10) ◽  
pp. 1049-1052 ◽  
Omar Moté Abou Mourad ◽  
Filipe Moreira de Andrade ◽  
Pedro Abrahão ◽  
Andréa Monnerat ◽  
Luiz Felippe Judice

Thymolipoma is a very rare benign neoplasm of the thymus. We present the case of a 42-year-old male with a massive mediastinal tumor discovered on a chest X-ray after a motorcycle accident. The patient had no complaints, and his physical examination was unremarkable. Chest CT scans revealed a lipomatous mass containing areas of soft tissue density. The patient was submitted to median sternotomy expanded to left anterolateral thoracotomy, resulting in the complete excision of the tumor. The pathological diagnosis was thymolipoma. Thymolipoma usually attains enormous dimensions by the time of diagnosis, and the occasional symptoms are related to compression of adjacent structures. Surgical resection is the treatment of choice and offers the only possibility of cure. The airway deserves special care during anesthesia induction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (Suppl-4) ◽  
pp. S909-11
Musfirah Siddique ◽  
Wajahat Javed Mirza ◽  
Nasir Khan ◽  
Shahida Majeed ◽  
Imran Khan

Thymic CYSTs of the mediastinum are rare. It has been reported that their incidence is between 1 to 4.8%. They usually present as an asymptomatic mediastinal mass and are mostly found incidentally. This study reports a rare presentation of a mediastinal thymic CYST in a 50-year-old male, whose chronic right sided chest pain prompted him to visit a local hospital where his chest x-ray revealed a large mediastinal mass at the right cardiophrenic angle. His chest CT revealed a large multilocular hypodense cystic lesion that was resected completely by median sternotomy. On Histopathological examination, Hassals corpuscles confirmed the diagnosis of thymic CYST.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. e229205
Filipa de Sousa Costeira ◽  
Filipa Vieira ◽  
Fernanda Marta Gomes ◽  
Carolina Leite

Pneumomediastinum is more frequent in young men and usually presents in association with subcutaneous emphysema. It can occur in case of oesophageal or chest trauma, be iatrogenic or develop spontaneously, in case of emesis, coughing or forceful straining. Use of illicit drugs, such as cocaine, has been associated with multiple respiratory complications, including pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema. The pathogenesis of subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum after cocaine inhalation is not completely known, but it is thought that the physical manoeuvers used to increase its absorption and effect may lead to alveolar rupture, resulting in air escaping into the mediastinum and fascial planes of the neck and chest. Chest X-ray is usually diagnostic, but CT can be used as complementary study, allowing evaluation of adjacent structures. A case of pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema after cocaine inhalation in an otherwise healthy man is presented.

2010 ◽  
Vol 33 (12) ◽  
pp. E86-E86 ◽  
Turgay Celik ◽  
Atila Iyisoy ◽  
Fatih Ors ◽  
Oben Baysan ◽  
Yalcın Gokoglan

2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 256-358
Naffisa Adedin ◽  
Abdullah Shahriar ◽  
Jafreen Sultana ◽  
Nayeema Rahman ◽  
Nusrat Ghafoor

Mediastinal cavernous lymphangioma is a benign rare lesion originating from lymphatic system. It is usually asymptomatic. We have presented a 2 year old male child with fever for seven days. Opacity was found in chest X-ray in the upper part of right hemithorax, merged with the mediastinum.CT scan of chest was performed, which revealed a large, lobulated, smoothly marginated non-enhancing, low density, mediastinal mass, involving right half, extending from root of neck. Finally, pathological examination of the surgical sample indicated ?Cavernous lymphangioma’. DOI: Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science Vol. 11 No. 04 Oct’12  

Arezou Zoroufian ◽  
Mahmoud Shirzad ◽  
Narges Shahbazi ◽  
Mohammad Saheb Jam ◽  
Zahra Rahnamoun ◽  

Nowadays, the early diagnosis of tumoral diseases is more possible and accurate with multiple diagnostic imaging modalities such as chest X-ray, echocardiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging, especially for cardiac tumors which are usually asymptomatic, even in large sizes. In cardiac masses, the patients’ presentations are nonspecific and dependent on the tumor size and site as well as its compressive effect on the adjacent structures. On the other hand, the first and last signs could be sudden cardiac death. However, cardiac masses are either benign or malignant and metastatic in their malignant type, and their definite diagnosis is only possible by surgical tumor resection and tissue biopsy. In this paper, we describe an old patient with severe pericardial effusion and an unusual intrapericardial tumor in transthoracic echocardiography, representing a rare case of a giant ectopic thymoma after surgical resection and pathologic assessment.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-111
Yopie Afriandi Habibie ◽  
Ign Wuryantoro

Abstrak. Trauma tumpul toraks memiliki insiden yang sangat tinggi pada populasi dewasa, 20 – 50 % dari kasus dapat mengakibatkan kematian. Cedera pada struktur pembuluh darah dari bagian dada atas, terutama pembuluh darah arteri subklavia kiri, sangat jarang ditemukan dan biasanya disertai dengan “hematotoraks massif”. Observasi ketat dari tanda- tanda vital dan foto toraks serial sangatlah penting. Kami paparkan sebuah kasus jarang dari seorang pasien yang mengalami cedera traumatik arteri subklavia kiri. Tidak ditemukan gambaran klinis dari hematoma di supra klavikula, pulsasi arteri radialis kiri tidak teraba, dan tidak ditemukan pelebaran dari mediastinum pada foto toraks. Tetapi didapatkan hematotoraks massif kiri. Dilakukan posterolateral torakotomi kiri, dijumpai sumber perdarahan dari bagian apex paru kiri, dicurigai terdapatnya robekan dari pembuluh darah arteri subklavia kiri. Tindakan dilanjutkan dengan insisi median sternotomy yang diperluas ke arah supraklavikula kiri, ditemukan rupture total dari arteri subklavia kiri dengan jarak 1,5 cm proksimal dari arkus aorta. Tindakan repair (perbaikan) arteri secara primer (end to end anastomosis) dilakukan dengan hasil baik. (JKS 2017; 2: 105-114)Kata kunci : Trauma tumpul toraks, hematotoraks massif, cedera arteri subklavia kiriAbstract. Blunt thoracic trauma highest incidence is in adult, 20% to 50 % of the trauma cause death. Injuries to the vascular structures of the thoracic outlet, especially left subclavian artery, are rare and typically accompanied by massive  hemorrhage. Close observation of vital sign and serial chest x-ray are very important. We describe an unusual presentation of a patient who suffered traumatic rupture of left subclavian artery. No clinical presentation of supraclavicular hematoma, unilateral absence of radial artery pulse and mediastinal widening in chest x-ray was found, but there is a massive hemothorax. Left posterolateral thoracotomy was performed, the source of bleeding was found in the apex of the lung, suspected a rupture of the left subclavian artery. The procedure continued with median sternotomy extended to left supraclavicular incision, a rupture was found in the left subclavian artery, 1,5 cm proximal to aortic arch. Primary repair was done with a good result. (JKS 2017; 2: 105-114)Key Words : Blunt thoracic trauma, massive hemothorax, left subclavian artery rupture

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 2722
Maria Fesatidou ◽  
Vasiliki Fesatidou ◽  
Georgios Tsoulfas ◽  
Ioannis T. Fessatidis

Thoracotomy approach is indicated for a complete and safe posterior mediastinal goitre removal. A 68 years old male was hospitalized due to a right mediastinal mass found in a chest X-ray and confirmed by computed tomography. The patient had undergone total cervical thyroidectomy thirty years ago. A computed tomography (CT) guided percutaneous needle biopsy of the mass revealed thyroid tissue. Subsequently, the mass was completely resected through a right posterolateral thoracotomy. The histopathology confirmed a large mediastinal goitre with no signs of malignancy. The patient had an uncomplicated recovery. We present a relatively rare case of a successful resection of a posterior mediastinal goitre, occurring thirty years post-total cervical thyroidectomy. We advocate lateral thoracotomy to achieve a broad operative field and enhance surgical safety.

Antonio Grilo Novais ◽  
Diana Pinho Santos ◽  
Mariana Conceição ◽  
Sara Cunha ◽  
Joana Capelo ◽  

Mediastinal tumours can be incidental findings on chest x-ray or present with systemic symptoms and/or direct effect of the mediastinal mass. We report the case of a woman with symptomatic thymoma B1 and simultaneous thymus tuberculosis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-100
Yopie Afriandi Habibie ◽  
Ign Wuryantoro

Abstract. Blunt thoracic trauma highest incidence is in adult, 20% to 50 % of the trauma cause death. Injuries to the vascular structures of the thoracic outlet, especially left subclavian artery, are rare and typically accompanied by massive  hemorrhage. Close observation of vital sign and serial chest x-ray are very important. We describe an unusual presentation of a patient who suffered traumatic rupture ofleft subclavian artery. No clinical presentation of supraclavicular hematoma, unilateral absence of radial artery pulse and mediastinal widening in chest x-ray was found, but there is a massive hemothorax. Left posterolateral thoracotomy was performed, the source of bleeding was found in the apex of the lung, suspected a rupture of the left subclavian artery. The procedure continued with median sternotomy extended to left supraclavicular incision, a rupture was found in the left subclavian artery, 1,5 cm proximal to aortic arch. Primary repair was done with a good result. Key Words : Blunt thoracic trauma, massive hemothorax, left subclavian artery rupture

2021 ◽  
Vol 162 (38) ◽  
pp. 1541-1547
Noémi Zombori-Tóth ◽  
Katalin Ugocsai ◽  
Árpád Vincze ◽  
József Furák ◽  
László Tiszlavicz ◽  

Összefoglaló. A nekrotizáló sarcoid granulomatosis a granulomatosus pulmonalis angitisek közé tartozó, ritka kórkép. Egyesek a sarcoidosis variánsának, mások primer pulmonalis vasculitisnek tartják. A kórkép klinikai és patológiai jellegzetességeit két eset bemutatásával ismertetjük. A 20 éves nőbeteg sürgősséggel került pulmonológiai osztályra száraz köhögés, jobb oldali, mély belégzéssel összefüggő mellkasi fájdalom és láz miatt, a 63 éves férfi beteget pedig pneumoniát követő kontroll-mellkasröntgenfelvételen látott elváltozás kivizsgálása során észlelték. Az autoimmun panel vizsgálata, a mikrobiológiai tesztek mindkét betegnél negatívnak bizonyultak, a légzésfunkciós vizsgálat és a bronchoszkópos vizsgálat nem talált eltérést. A mellkas-CT-felvételen lágyrész-denzitású nodulusok látszottak egyoldali dominanciával, a folyamatot nem kísérte a hilusi nyirokcsomók szimmetrikus megnagyobbodása. A nodulusok szövettani vizsgálata vált indokolttá, melyet videoasszisztált torakoszkópos tüdőreszekciós mintavétellel biztosítottak. Mikroszkóposan a tüdőparenchymában gócos nekrózisokat, a környezetükben el nem sajtosodó epitheloid sejtes granulomatosus gócokat, az átfutó artériákban pedig granulomatosus arteritist láttak; a klinikai adatok figyelembevételével a tüdő nekrotizáló sarcoid granulomatosisa diagnózisát állították fel. A tüdőbetegség mindkét betegnél egy év alatt spontán regrediált. Az irodalom adatait és az eseteket összegezve, a tüdő nekrotizáló sarcoid granulomatosisában mikrobiológiai vizsgálatokkal nem igazolható tüdőfertőzés, és az immunológiai kivizsgálás sem tár fel szisztémás autoimmun betegséget; a diagnózis a klinikai kép és a képalkotó vizsgálatok alapján indikált szövettani vizsgálattal állítható fel. A betegség szteroidkezelésre jól reagál, de előfordul spontán regresszió is, az utóbbira láttunk példát. Bár az entitás átmenetet képez a nekrotizáló vasculitisek és a sarcoidosis között, egyre több érv szól amellett, hogy a sarcoidosis spektrumába tartozik. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(38): 1541–1547. Summary. Necrotizing sarcoid granulomatosis is a rare entity currently classified as a subtype of granulomatous pulmonary angiitis. It is considered to be either a variant of sarcoidosis or a primary pulmonary angiitis. Two cases are demonstrated to present its clinical and pathological features. A 20-year-old female patient was admitted to the department of pulmonology with dry cough, right-sided chest pain during hyperventilation and fever. A 63-year-old male patient was observed with a right-sided lesion on chest X-ray after pneumonia. In both cases, autoimmune panel examination, microbiology tests, spirometry function test and bronchoscopy were unremarkable. Chest CT scans have revealed nodules with soft-tissue density without bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy. In order to clarify the diagnosis, video-assisted thoracoscopic resection (biopsy) was performed. Microscopically, parenchymal focal necrosis with adjacent to non-caseating granulomas and granulomatous angiitis were detected. In both cases, spontaneous remission occurred within a year. Histological examination – integrated with clinical data and radiological tests’ results – is the gold standard form of evaluation to confirm necrotizing sarcoid granulomatosis; furthermore, exclusion of pneumonia and autoimmune diseases are also required. The disease responds well to corticosteroids; moreover, spontaneous remission is often reported, as it happened in both cases. Necrotizing sarcoid granulomatosis is a transition between necrotizing vasculitides and sarcoidosis; although more and more evidence appears supporting the fact that necrotizing sarcoid granulomatosis may belong to the spectrum of sarcoidosis. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(38): 1541–1547.

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