scholarly journals Exploring Memory, Heritage, and Tradition through the Museum Exhibition "Ingrians – The Forgotten Finns"

2021 ◽  
Ulla Savolainen ◽  
Nika Potinkara

This article explores notions of memory, heritage, and tradition and their respective domains vis-à-vis a reading of the museum exhibition Ingrians – The Forgotten Finns held at the National Museum of Finland in 2020. Ingrian Finns are a Finnish-speaking historical minority of Russia and the Soviet Union. This article's contributions are threefold. First, it produces new knowledge on contemporary memory culture surrounding Ingrian Finns' history, thus opening perspectives on memory issues relating to minority groups in general. Second, it provides knowledge on contemporary phenomena related to past presencing as both localised and globalized processes. Third, it provides knowledge on the ideologies and epistemologies associated with past presencing, and it promotes a dialog between research fields that center around on concepts of memory, heritage, and tradition.

Leigh Kamolins

CESAA 17TH ANNUAL EUROPE ESSAY COMPETITION 2009 - Postgraduate winner: Leigh Kamolins, Monash UniversityThe influence of multiple totalitarian regimes has resulted in the Latvia of today becoming a multi-ethnic society. The reinstatement of Latvia’s outdated 1922 constitution following independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, failed to deal with the demographic changes that had taken place under Soviet rule. Notably, protections for minority groups were given no constitutional, nor subsequent legislative backing. This was only partially addressed under the EU’s Copenhagen Criteria requirement on minority protections as part of the accession process. As the situation was not fully dealt with during accession, the language rights of minorities of Latvia continue to be impacted on. This article examines paradoxes in EU policy towards minority languages. It is argued that given this historic context, the current system of EU languages is discriminatory and unduly impacts on the linguistic rights of a large proportion of the Latvian and broader EU populace.

1991 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-237 ◽  
Michael McDonald

The central question for this paper is whether communities should have rights. This is a question that I will consider in a certain ideological or normative context, namely, that of liberalism. There are other contexts in which the question could be asked; for in non-liberal ideological settings there have sometimes been clear positive answers to the question of whether minority communities should have rights. Thus, the Ottoman Empire’s millet system provided a system of group rights. Various other autocratic states like Czarist Russia have also provided at least some de facto if not de jure protection for various minority groups. One might even argue that various nineteenth and twentieth century European colonial regimes protected to some extent minority ethnic rights. On paper, Marxist governments in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia have made provision for various sorts of group rights; but as current events attest, neither Moscow nor Belgrade is very comfortable with the vigorous exercise of such rights. Indeed, in both the origins and the consequences of the First and Second World Wars, group rights played an extensive role.

1957 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 287-314
C. A. Mace ◽  
John Eros ◽  
Joseph K. Folsom ◽  
John Barron Mays ◽  
Robert M. Frumkin ◽  

К.А. Зверев

В статье рассматривается развитие русскоязычного школьного образования в независимой Латвии с 1992 по 2020 год, а также процесс реформирования данной системы официальными властями. На момент провозглашения независимости и выхода из состава СССР в Латвии сложилась билингвальная система образования, позволявшая пройти обучение всех уровней (от детского сада до техникума и университета) как на латышском, так и на русском языках. Приход к власти в 1990-е годы националистических кругов и восприятие советского периода как периода «оккупации», сделал невозможным сохранение русскоязычной школы в неизменном виде. Преобразования не заставили себя долго ждать: уже в 1995 году были приняты поправки к закону об основной школе и гимназии, провозглашавшие необходимость введения в школах для национальных меньшинств нескольких предметов с преподаванием на латышском языке. Наиболее крупные реформы были осуществлены в 2004 году, когда старшее звено русскоязычных школ (10–12 классы) было обязано обучаться в пропорции 60/40, то есть не менее 60 % предметов на латышском языке, не более 40 % — на русском. Второй комплекс реформ начал реализовываться в 2017году, когда старшая школа (национальных меньшинств) целиком перешла на латышский язык обучения, а средняя школа лишь частично. Латвийские власти объясняют необходимость данных реформ стремлением повысить уровень знания государственного языка среди национальных меньшинств, в первую очередь русскоязычных. Реформа продолжается и будет завершена лишь в 2021 году. Данное исследование направлено на осмысление реформы русской школы Латвии с учетом последних преобразований. В работе используются статистические данные общественных организаций и Министерства образования Латвии, а также источники на латышском языке. The article treats the development of Russian minority schools in independent Latvia from 1992 to 2020. It also focuses on education reforms promoted by the Latvian government. When Latvia gained independence from the Soviet Union, the country had the system of bilingual education which enabled people to acquire primary, secondary and tertiary education in both the Latvian and Russian languages. When in the 1990s nationalists rose to power and the Soviet occupation was denounced, Russian minority schools underwent some changes. First amendments to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act were introduced in 1995. It was stipulated that Russian minority schools should teach some of the subjects in Latvian. More profound reforms were introduced in 2004. The new law stipulated that in secondary schools a minimum of 60 percent of teaching hours should be in Latvian. 2017 saw another wave of reforms. Senior schoolchildren were expected to get their education in Latvian, while middle-school students were expected to study only some of the subjects in Latvian. The Latvian authorities claim that the reforms, which will be completed in 2021, are expected to motivate ethnic minority groups to learn the state language. The present research is aimed at the examination of the reform of minority education. The article analyzes statistical data provided by public organizations and the Latvian Ministry of Education and some other sources in the Latvian language.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 44-62
Laura Seppälä

Uusisänmaallinen käänne on lähihistorian tutkimuksessa tunnistettu ilmiö, joka viittaa Neuvostoliiton kaatumista seuranneisiin toisen maailmansodan muistokulttuurien muutoksiin Suomessa. Uusisänmaallisissa tulkinnoissa korostuvat näkemykset Suomen erillissodista ja torjuntavoitosta sekä tarinat sankaruudesta, uhrauksesta, kansallisesta solidaarisuudesta ja kunniakkuudesta. Sodan populaarikulttuurisilla esityksillä on nähty olevan keskeinen rooli näiden näkökulmien tuottajina: esimerkiksi 1990-luvun lopun ja 2000-luvun niin kutsuttua ”sotaelokuvabuumia” on tulkittu uusisänmaallisuuden viitekehyksessä. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastelen uusisänmaallisuutta historiantutkimuksen sijasta elokuvatutkimuksen näkökulmasta. Otan tarkastelun kohteeksi vuonna 2011 ensi-iltaan tulleen elokuvan Hiljaisuus, jossa sota koetaan rintaman sijasta kaatuneiden evakuointikeskuksessa. Kysyn, minkälaisia historiallisia representaatioita Hiljaisuudessa tuotetaan? Millä elokuvan keinoilla näitä representaatioita rakennetaan? Keskityn analyysissäni elokuvan henkilöhahmojen rakentumiseen, sillä uusisänmaallisina pidetyt arvot ja ideaalit sankaruudesta, uhrauksesta ja kunniakkuudesta henkilöityvät sotanarratiiveissa sodan kokeviin ihmisiin. Hyödynnän elokuvan lähiluvun työkaluna elokuvatutkija Murray Smithin kehittämää, kognitiivista elokuvatutkimusta edustavaa sympatian struktuurit (structures of sympathy) -analyysimallia, joka koskee elokuvan henkilöhahmojen ja katsojan välistä suhdetta ja tämän suhteen merkitystä katsojan potentiaalisille tunnereaktioille. Analyysini osoittaa, että Hiljaisuus paikoittain haastaa uusisänmaallisia käsityksiä sodasta, mutta myös tuottaa uusisänmaalliseksi tulkittavia representaatioita suomalaisuudesta erityisesti elokuvan päähenkilöiden kautta: elokuva kannustaa katsojaa kokemaan sympatiaa niitä hahmoja kohtaan, joiden toimintaa ja ominaisuuksia määrittävät uusisänmaallisuudelle keskeiset arvot ja toimintamallit, ja sitä vastoin antipatiaa niitä hahmoja kohtaan, jotka eivät tähän uusisänmaalliseen malliin sovi.   “You weren’t even brave enough to fight!”: Neo-patriotic representations of World War II in Silence   The neo-patriotic turn refers to the changes occurring in Finnish memory culture of war after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Neo-patriotic interpretations of World War II construct and uphold notions of separate wars and defense victories as well as place strong emphasis on stories depicting war as a source of heroism, sacrifice, integrity, and national solidarity. Representations of war in fiction and popular culture have been considered to play a central role in producing such stories: the so-called Finnish “war film boom” in the late-1990s and 2000s has been seen as an example of neo-patriotic changes. In this article, I examine neo-patriotic representations in the context of film analysis rather than in the framework of historical research. I analyze the 2011 film Silence, in which war is experienced in an evacuation center for the fallen instead of in the battlefield. I ask, what kind of historical representations are produced in Silence? How are they produced? The analysis focuses on the construction of the main characters in the film, as the values and ideals considered neo-patriotic are embodied by the people experiencing war in fictional narratives. I utilize an analytical model developed by film researcher Murray Smith. Smith’s structures of sympathy is based on cognitive film theory and provides tools for examining the relationship between the characters and the viewer and how this relationship can affect the viewer’s potential emotional responses. While Silence at times challenges neo-patriotic notions of war, my analysis indicates that the film also constructs representations of Finnishness that can be considered neo-patriotic: the film encourages the viewer to feel sympathy towards the characters who embody neo-patriotic ideals and values, and antipathy towards the characters who deviate from these ideals.

Humanities ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 152
Constantin Katsakioris

Scholarship on the impact of Lenin’s thinking and on the Soviet Union’s relationships with Africa has emphasized two dimensions: on the one hand, the ideological imprint on and support provided to nationalist and anti-imperialist movements and, on the other, the emulation of communist techniques of authoritarian rule by many postcolonial governments. This paper highlights the neglected receptions of another major communist idea, namely, the ‘Leninist solution to the national question’, as embodied by the federal political model of the Soviet Union. The paper argues that many actors in different contexts, where the nationalities question had to be tackled with, showed a keen interest in the Leninist solution and in the sui generis federal model of the USSR. These contexts included the post-1945 French Union, as well as postcolonial countries such as Sudan, Nigeria, and Ethiopia. The Leninist alternative to the nation-state and to assimilation assumed a great deal of significance to minority groups. Nevertheless, it was rejected even by Marxist-inspired movements and elites which sought to create a nation-state. The paper uses the approach of cultural transfers to investigate and assess both the appeal and the limits in the reception of the Leninist federalist alternative.

1969 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. 516-516
Morton Deutsch

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