scholarly journals Management of poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) stand height using growth regulators

2017 ◽  
Vol 53 (No. 1) ◽  
pp. 55-60
Spitzer Tomáš ◽  
Bílovský Jan

The possibility of reduce the length of poppy plants and their risk of lodging by applying selected plant growth regulators and effects on the plant and yield were studied in field experiments during 2010–2012. Statistically significant reduction was achieved only with ethephon (576 g a.i./ha) in all experimental years. In 2010 reduction for metconazole (60 g a.i./ha) was recorded. In 2012, ethephon at rates of 576 and 288 g a.i./ha prevented significantly poppy lodging. The 576 g a.i./ha rate was phytotoxic and decreased yield. The commonly used 576 g a.i./ha rate diminished heights by 16–20 cm in all experimental years and significantly reduced lodging in 2012, but decreased yields in two of the 3 years.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 1847
Kristina Vlahoviček-Kahlina ◽  
Slaven Jurić ◽  
Marijan Marijan ◽  
Botagoz Mutaliyeva ◽  
Svetlana V. Khalus ◽  

Novel plant growth regulators (PGRs) based on the derivatives of dehydroamino acids 2,3-dehydroaspartic acid dimethyl ester (PGR1), Z-isomer of the potassium salt of 2-amino-3-methoxycarbonylacrylic acid (PGR2) and 1-methyl-3-methylamino-maleimide (PGR3) have been synthesized and their growth-regulating properties investigated. Laboratory testing revealed their plant growth-regulating activity. PGR1 showing the most stimulating activity on all laboratory tested cultures were used in field experiments. Results showed that PGR1 is a highly effective environmentally friendly plant growth regulator with effects on different crops. Biopolymeric microcapsule formulations (chitosan/alginate microcapsule loaded with PGR) suitable for application in agriculture were prepared and characterized. Physicochemical properties and release profiles of PGRs from microcapsule formulations depend on the molecular interactions between microcapsule constituents including mainly electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonds. The differences in the microcapsule formulations structure did not affect the mechanism of PGRs release which was identified as diffusion through microcapsules. The obtained results opened a perspective for the future use of microcapsule formulations as new promising agroformulations with a sustained and target release for plant growth regulation.

L.M. Puzik ◽  
L.O. Haiova ◽  
N.O. Didukh ◽  
O.V. Hudym

The article presents the results of the research conducted during the 2015– 2017 years. On the experimental field of the Department of Horticulture and Storage of V.V. Dokuchaev KNAU was determined the influence of the plant growth regulators on the formation of a marketable yield and the content of some components of the cauliflower hybrids chemical composition. The early ripening hybrids of cauliflower Livingstone F1 and Kul F1 were studied. The Humisol-super, Vympel, and Megafol were taken for the study. The experience was a two-factor: factor A was the features of the hybrid, factor B was drug treatment. The repetition was four-fold. Field experiments were carried out according to generally accepted methods. The cauliflowers` soil preparation and the plant care were carried out according to the generally accepted recommendations. Treatment with growth regulators was carried out by spraying plants during the growing season according to the manufacturers' recommendations. The first spraying was carried out after planting seedlings in the open ground; the subsequent spraying had been carried every 14 days. An option without treatment was taken as a control. As a result of the studies, it was found that treatment of cauliflower plants with growth regulators during the growing season significantly affects the yield of hybrids. Over the years of research, the highest yield of the Livingston F1 hybrid was obtained with the Megafol treatment, – 12,9 t/ha (+1,6 t/ha to control). The highest yield of the Kul F1 hybrid was 13,4 t/ha (+1,0 t/ha to control) during Humisol-super treatment. It has been proved that the usage of the growth regulators influenced the physical indicators of the commercial yield of hybrids. During the 2015–2017 years, the average weight of cauliflower heads increased by 2,1–11,8 % compared to the control, depending on the treatment. The Megafol had a greater effect on the hybrids. Plants` treatment with growth regulators increased the average volume of the hybrid head by 1,3–11,3 % compared to the control. In terms of influence on this indicator, Megafol and Humisol-super were the best drugs. It has been established that plant growth regulators affect the components of the cauliflowers' heads' chemical composition. The Vympel and Megafol increased the dry matter content in the Kul F1 hybrid by 1,0 and 1,4 %, respectively, compared with the control. The treatment of plants with the Humisol-super increased the ascorbic acid content in the heads of the Livingston F1 hybrid by 4,3 % compared to the control. It is recommended to apply the treatment of plants during the growing season with Humisol-super (1,5l/ha) and Megafol (2,3 l/ha) every 14 days to increase the yield and improve the physical parameters of cauliflower heads. Key words: cauliflower, hybrids, plant growth regulators, crop yields, physical yield indicators, chemical components.

S. Sajjan Ashok ◽  
Pramoda . ◽  
T.A. Malabasari ◽  
T.R. Shashidhar

Field experiments were conducted in the Department of Seed Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka during 2016-17. The field experiment consisted of 18 treatment combinations involving two seasons viz., kharif 2016 and rabi 2016-17 and plant growth regulators viz., G1: Control, G2 : GA3 @ 50 ppm, G3 : NAA @ 40 ppm, G4 : Cycocel @ 100 ppm, G5 : Mepiquat chloride @ 50 ppm, G6 : Nitrobenzene @ 200 ppm, G7: TIBA @ 50 ppm, G8 : Brassinosteroids @ 200 ppm, G9 : GA3 @ 5 ppm + IAA @ 5 ppm and experiment was laid out in Factorial RBD with three replications. The more number of pods per plant (117.19), number of seeds per pod (4.25), dry pod yield per plant (118.53 g), dry pod yield per plot (2.07 kg), seed yield per plant (114.48 g), pod length (5.66 cm), seed yield per plot (2.32 kg), seed yield per hectare (1,281 kg) was recorded in rabi season than kharif. Among the plant growth regulators more number of pods per plant (120.44), number of seeds per pod (4.44), dry pod yield per plant (120.17 g), dry pod yield per plot (2.21 kg), seed yield per plant (117.60 g), seed yield per plot (2.55 kg), seed yield per hectare (1,360 kg) and pod length (6.04 cm) was recorded in NAA @ 40 ppm, followed by nitrobenzene @ 200 ppm, (119.78, 4.35, 119.54, 2.11, 116.76, 2.42, 1,299 kg and 5.93 cm, respectively). The interaction effect was found to be non-significant for majority of the characters studied. However, foliar spray of NAA @ 40 ppm during rabi season recorded higher crop growth, seed yield and quality parameters as compared to control.

2020 ◽  
Kristina Vlahoviček-Kahlina ◽  
Slaven Jurić ◽  
Marijan Marijan ◽  
Botagoz Mutaliyeva ◽  
Svetlana Khalus ◽  

Abstract Novel plant growth regulators (PGRs) based on the derivatives of dehydroamino acids (2,3-dehydroaspartic acid dimethyl ester, Z-isomer of the potassium salt of 2-amino-3-methoxycarbonylacrylic acid and 1-methyl-3-methylamino-maleimide) have been synthesized and their growth-regulating properties investigated. Laboratory testing and field experiments revealed new compounds are highly effective environmentally friendly plant growth regulators with effects on different crops. Biopolymeric microcapsule formulations (chitosan/alginate microcapsule loaded with PGR) suitable for application in agriculture were prepared and characterized. Physicochemical properties and release profiles of PGRs from microcapsule formulations depend on the molecular interactions between microcapsule constituents including mainly electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonds. The differences in the microcapsule formulations structure did not affect the mechanism of PGRs release which was identified as diffusion through microcapsules. The obtained results opened a perspective for the future use of microcapsule formulations as new promising agroformulations with a sustained and target release for plant growth regulation.

2019 ◽  
pp. 312-316
Elena Ghinda

В статье приведены результаты полевых опытов по изучению применения регуляторов роста растений гиббереллин (100 мг/л), мицефит (10 и 100 мг/л), циркон (0,2; 0,4 и 0,6 мл/л), эпин-экстра (0,05; 0,1 и 0,2 мл/л) и их смесей с целью улучшения морфологических показателей, таких как длина и ширина грозди, количество ягод в грозди и семян в одной ягоде, длина и ширина крупной и горошащейся ягоды винограда сортов столового направления Восторг и Талисман в условиях Приднестровского региона. Установлена зависимость эффективности применения регуляторов роста от срока обработки растений винограда в период вегетации. Результаты исследований показывают, что в условиях Приднестровского региона у изучаемых сортов винограда столового направления Восторг и Талисман при применении регуляторов роста гиббереллин, мицефит, циркон, эпин-экстра и их смесей в испытуемых концентрациях наблюдается изменение количества ягод в грозди и семян в одной ягоде. Также отмечены достоверные изменения морфометрических показателей грозди, крупных и горошащихся ягод.The article presents the results of field experiments with the aim to investigate the use of plant growth regulators gibberellin (100 mg/l), mycephitis (10 and 100 mg/l), zircon (0.2; 0.4 and 0.6 ml/l), epin-extra (0.05; 0.1 and 0.2 ml/l) and their mixtures for improvement of morphological parameters such as length and width of the bunch, the number of berries in the bunch and the number of seeds in one berry as well as length and width of large and shot (‘chicken’) berries in table grape varieties ‘Vostorg’ and ‘Talisman’ in the Transdniestria region. The effectiveness of the use of growth regulators was established depending on the period of treatment of grape plants during the growing season. The research results show that, under the conditions of the Transdniestria region, the ‘Vostorg’ and ‘Talisman’ varieties undergo changes in the number of berries in the bunch and in the number of seeds in one berry following application of growth regulators gibberellin, mycephitis, zircon, epin-extra at the study concentrations and in mixtures. Significant changes in morphometric parameters of the bunch as well as of large and ‘chicken’ berries were also noted.

HortScience ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 651-653 ◽  
Mélanie Leclerc ◽  
Claude D. Caldwell ◽  
Rajasekaran R. Lada ◽  
Jeffrey Norrie

Field experiments were conducted in 2002 and 2003 to evaluate the effects of selected plant growth regulators on propagule production in Hemerocallis `Happy Returns' and Hosta `Gold Standard'. Benzyladenine (BA), chlormequat chloride (Cycocel), ethephon (Ethrel), prohexadione calcium (Apogee), and an experimental preparation of commercial seaweed extract (Acadian Seaplants Limited Liquid Seaweed Concentrate) amended with BA and IBA were tested at two times of application and three rates of application. Results with Hemerocallis showed that the application of the seaweed/PGR mixture at 3000 mg·L–1, Cycocel at 3000 mg·L–1 or BA at 2500 mg·L–1 applied at flowering, increased the number of plants producing two divisions compared to control plants. In Hosta, no increase in divisions under any treatments was observed.

2007 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 74-85
N.O. Leonova ◽  
L.V. Titova ◽  
E.V. Tantsyurenko ◽  
A.F. Antipchuk ◽  
G.O. Iutinskaya

The іnoculation and plant growth regulators have been studied for their effect on the symbiotic nitrogen fixation and productivity of soybean in the field experiments. It was shown that nitraginisation with the high efficient strain B. japonicum 71т (UCМ В-6035) promotes active rhizobium-soybean nodulation system, and crude protein yield increasing as the result of the symbiosis efficiency. The combined use of Nitragin and plant growth regulators requires attention to both cultivar peculiarities of macrosymbionts and specific action of these preparations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 99 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-198
S.M. Strydhorst ◽  
R.C. Yang ◽  
K.S. Gill ◽  
R. Bowness

Field pea (Pisum sativum) is an important economic and rotational crop in Alberta, Canada; however, standability problems are a major barrier to increasing seeded area in highly productive growing environments. Field experiments were conducted from 2015 to 2017 at three sites in the central and Peace regions of Alberta to determine if (i) pea standability and production can be improved using inter-row seeding into untilled standing wheat stubble; (ii) pea standability and production can be improved using chlormequat chloride (CCC), trinexapac-ethyl (TXP), or ethephon (ETH) plant growth regulators (PGRs); and (iii) PGR responses are cultivar-specific. Depending on the site–year, there were 16–17 inter-row seeding, PGR, and cultivar treatment combinations arranged in a randomized complete block design. Relative to the no-stubble control, inter-row seeding into 20- or 30-cm-tall, untilled wheat stubble significantly improved standability between 6% and 23% under conditions when lodging occurred. It also reduced days to maturity and increased 1000-seed weight, but had no effect on yield. Individual PGR treatments (CCC, TXP, and ETH) generally had small and inconsistent impacts on agronomic traits, yield, and seed quality. In dry conditions, PGRs reduced yield. CDC Meadow was slightly more responsive to PGR treatments than AAC Lacombe, indicating responses may be cultivar-specific. Because of the small and inconsistent responses, PGRs have little value as an agronomic tool in field pea. Alternatively, inter-row seeding into standing wheat stubble is a low-cost, easy to implement practice for improving field pea standability.

2018 ◽  
Vol 64 (No. 7) ◽  
pp. 324-329 ◽  
Spitzer Tomáš ◽  
Bílovský Jan ◽  
Kazda Jan

Influence of plant growth regulators chlormequat chloride, chlormequat chloride + ethephon, ethephon, and mepiquat chloride + prohexadione-Ca + pyraclostrobin + ammonium sulphate (BAS67800F + BAS00800D) on decreasing sunflower height was evaluated. It was determined that sunflower height can be reduced by as much as 30 cm. In the case of BAS67800F + ammonium sulphate, there was a slight difference between application at BBCH 31–33 and BBCH 50–51, whereas for ethephon better application time was at BBCH 50–51. For chlormequat chloride, application at BBCH 31–33 was better, but height reduction did not endure until harvest. Flower head diameter shortly before harvest was not affected at any tested regulator. Flowering was delayed primarily at applications at BBCH 50–51.  

1999 ◽  
Vol 132 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-199 ◽  
M. H. LEITCH ◽  

The response of linseed to treatment with two plant growth regulators (PGRs), chlormequat and ethephon, applied at a range of growth stages (corresponding to average mainstem lengths of 10, 23, 46, 55 and 64 cm) and in various combinations (single and repeated applications of chlormequat and ethephon, either alone or mixed) was studied in field experiments over two seasons in 1992 and 1993 at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. Reduction in mainstem length was dependent upon the type of PGR and the timing of its application. Chlormequat alone was consistently more effective than ethephon alone, while a mixture of the two at half rates was similar to chlormequat alone. The largest reductions in mainstem length (16·6% with chlormequat and 6·1% with ethephon, averaged over the two years) were achieved when the PGRs were applied when mainstems averaged 22–23 cm in length. Response to PGRs became progressively smaller with later applications. However, the reduction in mainstem length, when expressed as a percentage of that part of the stem yet to extend (i.e. final untreated stem length−stem length at the time of PGR application), was shown to be remarkably consistent across all (apart from the first) timings of application, with average values of 28·4 and 7·4% for chlormequat and ethephon respectively.Application of both PGRs increased tillering and increased significantly the number of stems per unit area at maturity. This response occurred irrespective of timing of application and was greater following treatment with ethephon than with chlormequat. In the first year, the effects of PGRs on dry matter production and seed yield were small and not statistically significant. In the second year, significant reductions in seed yield were associated with those PGR treatments which promoted tillering most, i.e. early application of ethephon. Smaller yields were the result of fewer capsules per plant. Furthermore, a significant correlation between mainstem length and the number of seeds per capsule indicated a reduction of 0·78 seeds per capsule for every 10 cm reduction in stem length. While total oil content of seed remained unaffected by PGR applications, treatments which included chlormequat at an early growth stage (either alone or in combination with ethephon) altered the relative proportions of fatty acids, reducing the content of linolenic acid while increasing that of oleic acid.

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