scholarly journals The project of an ideographic dictionary of the Russian special vocabulary of construction

Nadezhda A. Trofimova ◽  

The project of an ideographic dictionary of the Russian construction vocabulary is presented. The main principles of dictionary compilation, the thematic groups of lexical units, and the dictionary entry are presented. Lexical units previously unrecorded in the terminological dictionaries and the National Corpus of the Russian Language are analyzed.

Tatyana Leontyeva

The article discusses the changes in collocability of the word friend over time. It notes that the works by A.S. Pushkin contain the forms, unexpected for the perception of the native speakers of the modern Russian language: blood friends, direct friend, peaceful friends. The analysis of the specified attributive combinations is carried out applying definitional, contextual, linguocultural analysis methods. The text material from the National Corpus of the Russian language is used. It is proved that the expression "blood friends" could denote "people connected by strong friendship" and "people of the same class". Physical kinship criterion has been proved to serve as a basis for cognitive understanding of spiritual intimacy and social class identification. However, the connection between primary and secondary semantics is not so direct here; it is mediated by the cultural layer – the custom of twinning, a form of artificial relationship noted among many peoples. Most examples of the usage of the phrase "direct friend" mean 'express your opinion to someone honestly, directly'. The expression "peaceful friends" is interpreted as based on a doubling of the meaning 'in a relationship of agreement'. The research results can be used in compiling dictionaries of the Russian language, and also in teaching linguistic disciplines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-221
Leonid Michaylovich Ivshin

The article examines the vocabulary of religious-Christian content in the handwritten Russian-Udmurt dictionaries by the first Udmurt writer and outstanding scientist, educator and missionary, clergyman G. Ye. Vereshchagin. There is no exact information about the time when the manuscripts were written. One of them was presumably created at the end of the 19 - beginning of the 20 centuries, before the adoption of the Russian spelling reform in 1918, since the letter ъ is inconsistently encountered at the very beginning of the dictionary in lexemes ending in a hard consonant. Another manuscript can be dated to the period after the adoption of the Russian spelling reform, when the Cyrillic letters ѣ, ө and ъ were excluded from the Russian alphabet. The author of the manuscripts selected appropriate primordial Udmurt equivalents to words of religious content or used borrowings (mainly from the Russian language), and was guided by the following considerations: 1) he used Udmurt words that arose in the depths of paganism, which by the time the manuscripts were compiled had acquired a completely Christian meaning (Kyldysin tӧre 'Archangel'); 2) adapted concepts that had a slightly different, everyday meaning (viz sonany, gavyldyns, aldans ‘to tempt’); 3) terms without direct correspondences in the Udmurt language are often translated by a combination of words or interpretation (umoytem Inmar vyle veras ‘blasphemer’); 4) borrowed from Russian or other languages (Archirey, Arquerey ‘Bishop’). The study of the lexical and semantic features of written attestations in the context of developing the national corpus of the Udmurt language and filling it with not only absolutely new, but also to some extent forgotten and revisited elements is a very important linguistic activity. The linguistic actualization of religious vocabulary contributes to the recovery of speech assets and registers in a significant number of dictionary nominalizations by designating concepts and phenomena of the spiritual and religious sphere of the Udmurt language.

Natalia V. Kozlovskaya ◽  
Sz. Janurik ◽  

The article analyzes the contents and reflects the growth dynamics of a representative group which comprises compound neologisms with the first component stem II (ИИ) (a Russian abbreviation for “artificial intelligence”). It is the process of language integration that plays a significant role in the formation of compound nouns with the first component stem II: the currently widespread functioning of the above-mentioned pattern as well as of similar patterns results from the impact the analytism makes upon the vocabulary and grammar of the Russian language. The research based on the analysis of the data contained in the Russian National Corpus and the “Integrum” mass media database has proved that the component stem II belongs to the most productive formants in the Russian language of the 2010s. The article displays the main tendencies in the formation of lexical paradigms of the “II-compounds” in the modern Russian language. Of special significance in a quantitative sense is the hypernym-hyponym composition of nouns containing a seme “the ability to perform the functions which have traditionally been considered a human’s prerogative”: II-advokat (artificial intelligence (AI) barrister), II-dermatolog (artificial intelligence dermatologist), II-sekretar’ (artificial intelligence secretary), II-yurist (artificial intelligence lawyer). The article also mentions the process of discourse transition of scientific terms with the first component stem II into the modern newspaper and magazine publicism. On the basis of the expert sampling analysis a conclusion is drawn in the article about the heterogeneity of the formant II and the principles of its lexicographic description are outlined which are going to be represented in the publication of annual neological dictionaries “Lexical innovations in the Russian language” recommenced at the department of Modern Russian Lexicography at the Institute for Linguistic Studies of the RAS.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 92-98
I. I. Krivonosov

The article is devoted to the history of the appearance and functioning of the word supertask (sverhzadacha) in the Russian language. Two lines of the lexeme functioning were distinguished: the first is associated with the etymology of the word, the second – with its use by K. S. Stanislavsky in the terminology system and the further entry of the unit into general use on the basis of determinologization. It is interesting that the second meaning has acquired the most widespread use. Only in the past two decades, the word has begun to lose its connection with the process of artistic creation. The purpose of the study was to briefly review the history of the word: from its first fixation in the Russian language and application by K. S. Stanislavsky (to designate one of the key concepts of Method Acting) up to modern contexts of use. The entry of the lexeme into the language was investigated using structural methods. The methods of contextual and distributive analysis were used to analyse both the contexts in which Stanislavsky used this word and the process of its fixation in the National Corpus of the Russian language. Statistical analysis was used to trace the dynamics of integration of the lexeme into the Russian language and its fixation in various spheres. The methods of component and comparative analysis were used to describe the formation mechanism of the initial term in the historical context. Borrowings of the term supertask (sverhzadacha) were found in other languages, indicating the spread of Stanislavsky’s system. The conclusion is drawn that the word supertask (sverhzadacha) functions in the Russian language mainly as a term from Stanislavsky’s system, gradually becoming determinologized and returning to the meaning conveying the logical sum of its constituent components.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 516-522
E. Grudeva

Article is based on the materials of a comprehensive study of the concepts summer and autumn from the point of view of their perception by representatives of Russian and English linguistic cultures. This paper shows the features of the paradigmatic relations of Russian and English concept summer. The study was built on the identification of synonymous (quasi-synonymous), antonymic, (hypo) hyperonymic, or genus-species relationships, as well as the incompatibility relations of this concept. Study is based on the materials of the explanatory dictionaries and dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms of the Russian and English languages; illustrative material was taken from the National corpus of the Russian language and the British National Corpus. The analysis made it possible to conclude that the paradigmatic explication of the content of the concept summer most clearly actualizes only one of the four previously identified cognitive features of the concept, namely the sign ‘time of year, season’.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 72-84
S. T. Zolyan

The concept “sootechestvenniki” is one of the key tools for self-description of society; it is an instrument for drawing borderlines between “we” and “they”. The article describes the development of the meaning of this word since its coinage. The word appeared in the 18th cen­tury as a merger of the Old Slavic and Old Russian ‘otechestvo’ (fatherland, understood as one’s place of origin) and the French ‘compatriot’. This merger resulted in the formation of two new prototypical meanings: one is civic, collective and elevated, and the other gravitates to ethnicity since it is used to refer to Russians. With the strengthening of state institutions in Russia, the first meaning was bound to dominate and it did at the beginning of the 19th century. However, one should speak not about the synthesis, but rather about the discordance of the two meanings. In the 19th century, another meaning developed in the semantic struc­ture of the word: ethnic Russians living abroad. Gradually, the word acquired new evaluative meanings, while negative connotations still prevailed. The basic oppositions (we — they, here — there, ours — alien) interacted in an ambiguous way, substituting each other. A variety of hy­brid “compatriots” arose: we are there, they are here, etc. The heterogeneity of the seman­tics of the word reflects collisions within society, which faced a tragic internal split in the 20th century.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4 (202)) ◽  
pp. 293-310
Valeria S. Kuchko ◽  

This article studies Russian verbs which name the action of gratuitous material assistance to those in need, i.e. благотворить, благотворительствовать, благодетельствовать, меценатствовать, жертвовать, спонсировать, and their few derivatives. The author focuses on the history of their origin and use in the Russian language, the development of their meanings, semantic features, and functioning in the text. The analysis of these characteristics of the life of the word in the language allows the author to identify and formulate some norms of the use of these verbs in modern charity discourse for those who speak and write about charity. The study is based on historical and modern lexicographic sources, such as explanatory dictionaries of the Old Slavic Language, Old Russian Language, Russian language of different time periods, as well as examples of word usage, retrieved from The National Corpus of the Russian Language. In spite of the fact that the verbs studied realise the predicate of a situation of charity and designate the subject’s action of providing a poor or deprived object with material support, they considerably differ in terms of time of their appearance in the language, periods of usage, and semantic capacity. The analysis demonstrates that there is no verb that could claim the status of a nuclear verbal lexeme of the semantic field of charity: the word with the widest neutral semantics благотворить has almost fallen out of use, the verbs благодетельствовать and меценатствовать have a narrower application, while жертвовать imposes semantic restrictions on the choice of words for the positions of the object and the instrument of charity, and in the case of the verb спонсировать a specific context of “market” charity is important, in which the subject receives a certain benefit from their contribution.

O. Iu. Chuikova ◽  

The paper deals with a number of characteristics of the secondary imperfectivation of po-perfectives in Russian. The study is based on the analysis of the level of imperfectivability of Russian perfective verbs with the prefix po- compared to a number of other prefixed perfective verb groups (e.g. the verbs with such perfectivizing prefixes as na-, za-, etc.) according to the Dictionary of Russian Language, the Russian National Corpus and the Russian-language Internet (Runet). It is shown that the discussed perfective verb group is specific as a whole as well as with respect to its subgroups, i.e., deperfective perfective verbs and morphologically marked Aktionsarten. Po-perfectives demonstrate a low average imperfectivability in comparison to corresponding figures for other prefixed verb groups. For the subgroup of deperfective (formed from perfective stems) verbs the level of imperfectivability is also unusually low. The delimitative Aktionsart shows a higher imperfectivability than other morphologically marked Aktionsarten do. Possible explanations for the peculiarities of imperfectivability of poperfectives rather confirm than contradict the hypothesis about the regularity of the secondary imperfectivation in Russian.

Светлана Витальевна Чайковская

Введение. Проанализирован преобразовательный потенциал вербативных синлексов – устойчивых составных номинативных языковых единиц, функциональных аналогов глаголов. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили вербативные синлексы с разными глагольными компонентами («вести», «делать/сделать», «оказывать/оказать», «совершать/совершить» и др.), а источником данного материала – словарь-справочник В. М. Дерибаса «Устойчивые глагольно-именные словосочетания русского языка» (1979). Преобразовательные возможности вербативных синлексов выявлены и описаны с опорой на тексты разных стилей и жанров XX–XXI вв., размещенные в Национальном корпусе русского языка. Использован описательный метод и метод контекстуального анализа. Результаты и обсуждение. Выявлены и описаны следующие типы преобразований вербативных синлексов: структурные, семантические, синтаксические и словообразовательные. Структурные преобразования включают в себя эллипсис, контаминацию и расширение компонентного состава синлекса. Эллипсис и контаминация – редкие явления, которые используются для создания комического эффекта, передачи иронического отношения к кому-, чему-либо. Расширение компонентного состава – наиболее распространенный тип преобразования вербативных синлексов. Субстантивный компонент синлексов может распространяться прилагательным, существительным в косвенном падеже, целым сочетанием слов, числительным, инфинитивом. В структуре отдельных синлексов должно употребляться наречие или сравнение. Автор дает классификацию прилагательных – распространителей субстантивного компонента вербативных синлексов – с опорой на следующие критерии: 1) обязательность/факультативность; 2) единичность/множественность; 3) общеупотребительность/окказиональность; 4) принадлежность к тематической группе; 5) выполняемая функция (конкретизирующая, экспрессивно-оценочная, трансформационная). Семантическим преобразованием является развитие переносных значений у некоторых синлексов, генетически связанных с профессиональной сферой. К синтаксическим преобразованиям относится инверсия, которая выдвигает на первый план субстантивный компонент синлекса – его смысловой центр. Словообразовательный тип преобразований – это присоединение к существительному в составе синлекса суффикса, делающего все сочетание экспрессивным. Заключение. Будучи изначально нейтральными номинативными единицами, вербативные синлексы в результате разного рода преобразований получают экспрессивно-оценочный потенциал и обретают возможность более точно и детально характеризовать процесс, чем глаголы. Introduction. The article analyzes transformative potential of the verbative synlexes – stable composite units of language, functional analogues of verbs. Material and methods. Material of research is the verbative synlexes with different grammatical components (“vesti”, “delat’/sdelat’”, “okazyvat’/okazat’”, “sovershat’/sovershit’” etc.). The source of this material is the dictionary by V.M. Deribas “Stable verb-and-noun collocations of Russian language” (1979). The author of this article detects and describes transforming potential of the verbative synlexes with the support of the texts of different styles and genres of XX–XXI centuries from Internet resource “National Corpus of the Russian language” ( and uses descriptive method and method of contextual analysis. Results and discussion. The article detects and describes following types of transformations of the verbative synlexes: structural, semantic, syntactical and derivational. Structural transformations include ellipsis, contamination and enlargement of composition of synlex. Ellipsis and contamination are unusual phenomena which create comic effect and show. Enlargement of composition of synlex is the most common type of verbative synlexes’ transformation. There are the following determinative components: adjective, noun in a form of oblique case, combinations of words, numeral, infinitive. It’s necessary to use an adverb or comparison in structure of some synlexes. The author classifies adjectives as structural components of verbative synlexes based on the following criteria: 1) obligatory/optional; 2) unit/multiple; 3) commonly used/occasional; 4) thematic group affiliation; 5) function (concretizing, expressive and estimating, transforming). Semantic transformation is the development of figurative meanings for some synlexes genetically connected with professional sphere. Inversion is a syntactical transformation which brings to the forefront a substantive component of synlex – its notional center. Derivational type of transformation is a connection an expressive suffix to substantive component of synlex which make expressive the whole combination. Conclusion. Being originally neutral units verbative synlexes as a result of different transformations get expressive and estimating potential and characterize a process more accurately and in greater detail than verb.

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